ArthurHoaro c6a4c2882d Proper error if the conf file is invalid instead of fatal error

An error occurred while parsing configuration JSON file (data/config.json.php): error code #4
➜ Syntax error
Please check your JSON syntax (without PHP comment tags) using a JSON lint tool such as
2017-03-12 16:09:34 +01:00

132 lines
3.6 KiB

namespace Shaarli\Config;
* Class ConfigJsonTest
class ConfigJsonTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var ConfigJson
protected $configIO;
public function setUp()
$this->configIO = new ConfigJson();
* Read a simple existing config file.
public function testRead()
$conf = $this->configIO->read('tests/utils/config/configJson.json.php');
$this->assertEquals('root', $conf['credentials']['login']);
$this->assertEquals('lala', $conf['redirector']['url']);
$this->assertEquals('tests/utils/config/datastore.php', $conf['resource']['datastore']);
$this->assertEquals('1', $conf['plugins']['WALLABAG_VERSION']);
* Read a non existent config file -> empty array.
public function testReadNonExistent()
$this->assertEquals(array(), $this->configIO->read('nope'));
* Read a non existent config file -> empty array.
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /An error occurred while parsing JSON configuration file \([\w\/\.]+\): error code #4/
public function testReadInvalidJson()
* Write a new config file.
public function testWriteNew()
$dataFile = 'tests/utils/config/configWrite.json.php';
$data = array(
'credentials' => array(
'login' => 'root',
'resource' => array(
'datastore' => 'data/datastore.php',
'redirector' => array(
'url' => 'lala',
'plugins' => array(
$this->configIO->write($dataFile, $data);
// PHP 5.3 doesn't support json pretty print.
if (defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) {
$expected = '{
"credentials": {
"login": "root"
"resource": {
"datastore": "data\/datastore.php"
"redirector": {
"url": "lala"
"plugins": {
} else {
$expected = '{"credentials":{"login":"root"},"resource":{"datastore":"data\/datastore.php"},"redirector":{"url":"lala"},"plugins":{"WALLABAG_VERSION":"1"}}';
$expected = ConfigJson::getPhpHeaders() . $expected . ConfigJson::getPhpSuffix();
$this->assertEquals($expected, file_get_contents($dataFile));
* Overwrite an existing setting.
public function testOverwrite()
$source = 'tests/utils/config/configJson.json.php';
$dest = 'tests/utils/config/configOverwrite.json.php';
copy($source, $dest);
$conf = $this->configIO->read($dest);
$conf['redirector']['url'] = 'blabla';
$this->configIO->write($dest, $conf);
$conf = $this->configIO->read($dest);
$this->assertEquals('blabla', $conf['redirector']['url']);
* Write to invalid path.
* @expectedException \IOException
public function testWriteInvalidArray()
$conf = array('conf' => 'value');
@$this->configIO->write(array(), $conf);
* Write to invalid path.
* @expectedException \IOException
public function testWriteInvalidBlank()
$conf = array('conf' => 'value');
@$this->configIO->write('', $conf);