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<h2 class="window-title">Firefox Social API</h2>
<p>{'You need to browse your Shaarli over <strong>HTTPS</strong> to use this functionality.'|t}</p>
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<h2 class="window-title">{'3rd party'|t}</h2>
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<span class="pure-button pure-u-lg-2-3 pure-u-3-4">Firefox {'plugin'|t}</span>
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title="Chrome {'Plugin'|t}">
<span class="pure-button pure-u-lg-2-3 pure-u-3-4">Chrome {'plugin'|t}</span>
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<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dimtion.shaarlier&hl=fr"
<span class="pure-button pure-u-lg-2-3 pure-u-3-4">Android</span>
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<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/app/ShaarliOS/id1027441388?mt=8"
<span class="pure-button pure-u-lg-2-3 pure-u-3-4">iOS</span>
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