VirtualTam c133612f32 CSS: remove hardcoded style from templates

Style elements refactored as follows:
- use existing ids and classes if possible,
- else, define new ones and stick with the existing naming convention,
- remove hardcoded style attributes from RainTPL templates.

In tpl/tagcloud.html, the display size of each tag is computed at page

Signed-off-by: VirtualTam <>
2014-12-03 19:28:43 +01:00

28 lines
1.2 KiB

<div id="logo" title="Share your links !" onclick="document.location='?';"></div>
<div id="linkcount" class="nomobile">Shaare your links...<br>
{if="!empty($linkcount)"}{$linkcount} links{/if}</div>
<span id="shaarli_title"><a href="{$titleLink}">{$shaarlititle|htmlspecialchars}</a></span>
{if="!empty($_GET['source']) && $_GET['source']=='bookmarklet'"}
{ignore} When called as a popup from bookmarklet, do not display menu. {/ignore}
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