It contains mostly read only information about the current Shaarli instance, PHP version, extensions, file and folder permissions, etc. Also action buttons to clear the cache or sync thumbnails. Part of the content of this page is also displayed on the install page, to check server requirement before installing Shaarli config file. Fixes #40 Fixes #185
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namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Admin;
use Shaarli\ApplicationUtils;
use Shaarli\FileUtils;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
* Slim controller used to handle Server administration page, and actions.
class ServerController extends ShaarliAdminController
/** @var string Cache type - main - by default pagecache/ and tmp/ */
protected const CACHE_MAIN = 'main';
/** @var string Cache type - thumbnails - by default cache/ */
protected const CACHE_THUMB = 'thumbnails';
* GET /admin/server - Display page Server administration
public function index(Request $request, Response $response): Response
$latestVersion = 'v' . ApplicationUtils::getVersion(
ApplicationUtils::$GIT_RAW_URL . '/latest/' . ApplicationUtils::$VERSION_FILE
$currentVersion = ApplicationUtils::getVersion('./shaarli_version.php');
$currentVersion = $currentVersion === 'dev' ? $currentVersion : 'v' . $currentVersion;
$phpEol = new \DateTimeImmutable(ApplicationUtils::getPhpEol(PHP_VERSION));
$this->assignView('php_version', PHP_VERSION);
$this->assignView('php_eol', format_date($phpEol, false));
$this->assignView('php_has_reached_eol', $phpEol < new \DateTimeImmutable());
$this->assignView('php_extensions', ApplicationUtils::getPhpExtensionsRequirement());
$this->assignView('permissions', ApplicationUtils::checkResourcePermissions($this->container->conf));
$this->assignView('release_url', ApplicationUtils::$GITHUB_URL . '/releases/tag/' . $latestVersion);
$this->assignView('latest_version', $latestVersion);
$this->assignView('current_version', $currentVersion);
$this->assignView('thumbnails_mode', $this->container->conf->get('thumbnails.mode'));
$this->assignView('index_url', index_url($this->container->environment));
$this->assignView('client_ip', client_ip_id($this->container->environment));
$this->assignView('trusted_proxies', $this->container->conf->get('security.trusted_proxies', []));
t('Server administration') . ' - ' . $this->container->conf->get('general.title', 'Shaarli')
return $response->write($this->render('server'));
* GET /admin/clear-cache?type={$type} - Action to trigger cache folder clearing (either main or thumbnails).
public function clearCache(Request $request, Response $response): Response
$exclude = ['.htaccess'];
if ($request->getQueryParam('type') === static::CACHE_THUMB) {
$folders = [$this->container->conf->get('resource.thumbnails_cache')];
t('Thumbnails cache has been cleared.') . ' ' .
'<a href="'. $this->container->basePath .'/admin/thumbnails">' . t('Please synchronize them.') .'</a>'
} else {
$folders = [
$this->saveSuccessMessage(t('Shaarli\'s cache folder has been cleared!'));
// Make sure that we don't delete root cache folder
$folders = array_map('realpath', array_values(array_filter(array_map('trim', $folders))));
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
FileUtils::clearFolder($folder, false, $exclude);
return $this->redirect($response, '/admin/server');