ArthurHoaro a39acb2518 Fix an issue with private tags and fix nomarkdown tag
The new bookmark service wasn't handling private tags properly.

nomarkdown tag is now shown only for logged in user in bookmarks, and hidden for everyone in tag clouds/lists.

2020-01-18 11:39:26 +01:00

1083 lines
35 KiB

* Link datastore tests
namespace Shaarli\Bookmark;
use DateTime;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use ReferenceLinkDB;
use ReflectionClass;
use Shaarli;
use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException;
use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
use Shaarli\Formatter\BookmarkMarkdownFormatter;
use Shaarli\History;
* Unitary tests for LegacyLinkDBTest
class BookmarkFileServiceTest extends TestCase
// datastore to test write operations
protected static $testDatastore = 'sandbox/datastore.php';
protected static $testConf = 'sandbox/config';
protected static $testUpdates = 'sandbox/updates.txt';
* @var ConfigManager instance.
protected $conf;
* @var History instance.
protected $history;
* @var ReferenceLinkDB instance.
protected $refDB = null;
* @var BookmarkFileService public LinkDB instance.
protected $publicLinkDB = null;
* @var BookmarkFileService private LinkDB instance.
protected $privateLinkDB = null;
* Instantiates public and private LinkDBs with test data
* The reference datastore contains public and private bookmarks that
* will be used to test LinkDB's methods:
* - access filtering (public/private),
* - link searches:
* - by day,
* - by tag,
* - by text,
* - etc.
* Resets test data for each test
protected function setUp()
if (file_exists(self::$testDatastore)) {
if (file_exists(self::$testConf .'.json.php')) {
unlink(self::$testConf .'.json.php');
if (file_exists(self::$testUpdates)) {
copy('tests/utils/config/configJson.json.php', self::$testConf .'.json.php');
$this->conf = new ConfigManager(self::$testConf);
$this->conf->set('resource.datastore', self::$testDatastore);
$this->conf->set('resource.updates', self::$testUpdates);
$this->refDB = new \ReferenceLinkDB();
$this->history = new History('sandbox/history.php');
$this->publicLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, false);
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
* Test migrate() method with a legacy datastore.
public function testDatabaseMigration()
if (!defined('SHAARLI_VERSION')) {
define('SHAARLI_VERSION', 'dev');
$this->refDB = new \ReferenceLinkDB(true);
$db = self::getMethod('migrate');
$db->invokeArgs($this->privateLinkDB, []);
$db = new \FakeBookmarkService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$this->assertInstanceOf(BookmarkArray::class, $db->getBookmarks());
$this->assertEquals($this->refDB->countLinks(), $db->count());
* Test get() method for a defined and saved bookmark
public function testGetDefinedSaved()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals('Note: I have a big ID but an old date', $bookmark->getTitle());
* Test get() method for a defined and not saved bookmark
public function testGetDefinedNotSaved()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$createdBookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $createdBookmark->getId());
* Test get() method for an undefined bookmark
* @expectedException Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testGetUndefined()
* Test add() method for a bookmark fully built
public function testAddFull()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$bookmark->setUrl($url = 'https://domain.tld/index.php');
$bookmark->setTitle($title = 'This a brand new bookmark');
$bookmark->setDescription($desc = 'It should be created and written');
$bookmark->setTags($tags = ['tag1', 'tagssss']);
$bookmark->setThumbnail($thumb = 'http://thumb.tld/dle.png');
$bookmark->setCreated($created = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190518_140354'));
$bookmark->setUpdated($updated = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190518_150354'));
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertEquals('abc', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertEquals($desc, $bookmark->getDescription());
$this->assertEquals($tags, $bookmark->getTags());
$this->assertEquals($thumb, $bookmark->getThumbnail());
$this->assertEquals($created, $bookmark->getCreated());
$this->assertEquals($updated, $bookmark->getUpdated());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertEquals('abc', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertEquals($desc, $bookmark->getDescription());
$this->assertEquals($tags, $bookmark->getTags());
$this->assertEquals($thumb, $bookmark->getThumbnail());
$this->assertEquals($created, $bookmark->getCreated());
$this->assertEquals($updated, $bookmark->getUpdated());
* Test add() method for a bookmark without any field set
public function testAddMinimal()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertRegExp('/\?[\w\-]{6}/', $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertRegExp('/[\w\-]{6}/', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals($bookmark->getUrl(), $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $bookmark->getCreated());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertRegExp('/\?[\w\-]{6}/', $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertRegExp('/[\w\-]{6}/', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals($bookmark->getUrl(), $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $bookmark->getCreated());
* Test add() method for a bookmark without any field set and without writing the data store
* @expectedExceptionMessage Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testAddMinimalNoWrite()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $bookmark->getId());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
* Test add() method while logged out
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage You're not authorized to alter the datastore
public function testAddLoggedOut()
$this->publicLinkDB->add(new Bookmark());
* Test add() method with an entry which is not a bookmark instance
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage Provided data is invalid
public function testAddNotABookmark()
$this->privateLinkDB->add(['title' => 'hi!']);
* Test add() method with a Bookmark already containing an ID
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage This bookmarks already exists
public function testAddWithId()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
* Test set() method for a bookmark fully built
public function testSetFull()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$bookmark->setUrl($url = 'https://domain.tld/index.php');
$bookmark->setTitle($title = 'This a brand new bookmark');
$bookmark->setDescription($desc = 'It should be created and written');
$bookmark->setTags($tags = ['tag1', 'tagssss']);
$bookmark->setThumbnail($thumb = 'http://thumb.tld/dle.png');
$bookmark->setCreated($created = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190518_140354'));
$bookmark->setUpdated($updated = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190518_150354'));
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertEquals('abc', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertEquals($desc, $bookmark->getDescription());
$this->assertEquals($tags, $bookmark->getTags());
$this->assertEquals($thumb, $bookmark->getThumbnail());
$this->assertEquals($created, $bookmark->getCreated());
$this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $bookmark->getUpdated());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertEquals('abc', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertEquals($desc, $bookmark->getDescription());
$this->assertEquals($tags, $bookmark->getTags());
$this->assertEquals($thumb, $bookmark->getThumbnail());
$this->assertEquals($created, $bookmark->getCreated());
$this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $bookmark->getUpdated());
* Test set() method for a bookmark without any field set
public function testSetMinimal()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals('?WDWyig', $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertEquals('1eYJ1Q', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals('Note: I have a big ID but an old date', $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertEquals('Used to test bookmarks reordering.', $bookmark->getDescription());
$this->assertEquals(['ut'], $bookmark->getTags());
DateTime::createFromFormat(Bookmark::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, '20100310_101010'),
$this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $bookmark->getUpdated());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals('?WDWyig', $bookmark->getUrl());
$this->assertEquals('1eYJ1Q', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
$this->assertEquals('Note: I have a big ID but an old date', $bookmark->getTitle());
$this->assertEquals('Used to test bookmarks reordering.', $bookmark->getDescription());
$this->assertEquals(['ut'], $bookmark->getTags());
DateTime::createFromFormat(Bookmark::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, '20100310_101010'),
$this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $bookmark->getUpdated());
* Test set() method for a bookmark without any field set and without writing the data store
public function testSetMinimalNoWrite()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$bookmark->setTitle($title = 'hi!');
$this->privateLinkDB->set($bookmark, false);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals('Note: I have a big ID but an old date', $bookmark->getTitle());
* Test set() method while logged out
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage You're not authorized to alter the datastore
public function testSetLoggedOut()
$this->publicLinkDB->set(new Bookmark());
* Test set() method with an entry which is not a bookmark instance
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage Provided data is invalid
public function testSetNotABookmark()
$this->privateLinkDB->set(['title' => 'hi!']);
* Test set() method with a Bookmark without an ID defined.
* @expectedException Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testSetWithoutId()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
* Test set() method with a Bookmark with an unknow ID
* @expectedException Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testSetWithUnknownId()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
* Test addOrSet() method with a new ID
public function testAddOrSetNew()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $bookmark->getId());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(43);
$this->assertEquals(43, $bookmark->getId());
* Test addOrSet() method with an existing ID
public function testAddOrSetExisting()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$bookmark->setTitle($title = 'hi!');
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
* Test addOrSet() method while logged out
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage You're not authorized to alter the datastore
public function testAddOrSetLoggedOut()
$this->publicLinkDB->addOrSet(new Bookmark());
* Test addOrSet() method with an entry which is not a bookmark instance
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage Provided data is invalid
public function testAddOrSetNotABookmark()
$this->privateLinkDB->addOrSet(['title' => 'hi!']);
* Test addOrSet() method for a bookmark without any field set and without writing the data store
public function testAddOrSetMinimalNoWrite()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$bookmark->setTitle($title = 'hi!');
$this->privateLinkDB->addOrSet($bookmark, false);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$this->assertEquals(42, $bookmark->getId());
$this->assertEquals('Note: I have a big ID but an old date', $bookmark->getTitle());
* Test remove() method with an existing Bookmark
* @expectedException Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testRemoveExisting()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
$exception = null;
try {
} catch (BookmarkNotFoundException $e) {
$exception = $e;
$this->assertInstanceOf(BookmarkNotFoundException::class, $exception);
// reload from file
$this->privateLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
* Test remove() method while logged out
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage You're not authorized to alter the datastore
public function testRemoveLoggedOut()
$bookmark = $this->privateLinkDB->get(42);
* Test remove() method with an entry which is not a bookmark instance
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage Provided data is invalid
public function testRemoveNotABookmark()
$this->privateLinkDB->remove(['title' => 'hi!']);
* Test remove() method with a Bookmark with an unknown ID
* @expectedException Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testRemoveWithUnknownId()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
* Test exists() method
public function testExists()
$this->assertTrue($this->privateLinkDB->exists(42)); // public
$this->assertTrue($this->privateLinkDB->exists(6)); // private
$this->assertTrue($this->privateLinkDB->exists(42, BookmarkFilter::$ALL));
$this->assertTrue($this->privateLinkDB->exists(6, BookmarkFilter::$ALL));
$this->assertTrue($this->privateLinkDB->exists(42, BookmarkFilter::$PUBLIC));
$this->assertFalse($this->privateLinkDB->exists(6, BookmarkFilter::$PUBLIC));
$this->assertFalse($this->privateLinkDB->exists(42, BookmarkFilter::$PRIVATE));
$this->assertTrue($this->privateLinkDB->exists(6, BookmarkFilter::$PRIVATE));
$this->assertTrue($this->publicLinkDB->exists(42, BookmarkFilter::$PUBLIC));
$this->assertFalse($this->publicLinkDB->exists(6, BookmarkFilter::$PUBLIC));
$this->assertFalse($this->publicLinkDB->exists(42, BookmarkFilter::$PRIVATE));
$this->assertTrue($this->publicLinkDB->exists(6, BookmarkFilter::$PRIVATE));
* Test initialize() method
public function testInitialize()
$dbSize = $this->privateLinkDB->count();
$this->assertEquals($dbSize + 2, $this->privateLinkDB->count());
'My secret stuff... -',
'The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service',
* The following tests have been taken from the legacy LinkDB test and adapted
* to make sure that nothing have been broken in the migration process.
* They mostly cover search/filters. Some of them might be redundant with the previous ones.
* Attempt to instantiate a LinkDB whereas the datastore is not writable
* @expectedException Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\NotWritableDataStoreException
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #Couldn't load data from the data store file "null".*#
public function testConstructDatastoreNotWriteable()
$conf = new ConfigManager('tests/utils/config/configJson');
$conf->set('resource.datastore', 'null/store.db');
new BookmarkFileService($conf, $this->history, true);
* The DB doesn't exist, ensure it is created with an empty datastore
public function testCheckDBNewLoggedIn()
new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
// ensure the correct data has been written
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, filesize(self::$testDatastore));
* The DB doesn't exist, but not logged in, ensure it initialized, but the file is not written
public function testCheckDBNewLoggedOut()
$db = new \FakeBookmarkService($this->conf, $this->history, false);
$this->assertInstanceOf(BookmarkArray::class, $db->getBookmarks());
$this->assertCount(0, $db->getBookmarks());
* Load public bookmarks from the DB
public function testReadPublicDB()
* Load public and private bookmarks from the DB
public function testReadPrivateDB()
* Save the bookmarks to the DB
public function testSave()
$testDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$dbSize = $testDB->count();
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$testDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, true);
$this->assertEquals($dbSize + 1, $testDB->count());
* Count existing bookmarks - public bookmarks hidden
public function testCountHiddenPublic()
$this->conf->set('privacy.hide_public_links', true);
$linkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, false);
$this->assertEquals(0, $linkDB->count());
* List the days for which bookmarks have been posted
public function testDays()
['20100309', '20100310', '20121206', '20121207', '20130614', '20150310'],
['20100309', '20100310', '20121206', '20121207', '20130614', '20141125', '20150310'],
* The URL corresponds to an existing entry in the DB
public function testGetKnownLinkFromURL()
$link = $this->publicLinkDB->findByUrl('');
$this->assertNotEquals(false, $link);
'A free software media publishing platform',
* The URL is not in the DB
public function testGetUnknownLinkFromURL()
* Lists all tags
public function testAllTags()
'web' => 3,
'cartoon' => 2,
'gnu' => 2,
'dev' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'-exclude' => 1,
'hashtag' => 2,
// The DB contains a link with `sTuff` and another one with `stuff` tag.
// They need to be grouped with the first case found - order by date DESC: `sTuff`.
'sTuff' => 2,
'ut' => 1,
'web' => 4,
'cartoon' => 3,
'gnu' => 2,
'dev' => 2,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
'sTuff' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'hashtag' => 2,
'tag1' => 1,
'tag2' => 1,
'tag3' => 1,
'tag4' => 1,
'ut' => 1,
'web' => 4,
'cartoon' => 2,
'gnu' => 1,
'dev' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'hashtag' => 1,
'web' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
$this->privateLinkDB->bookmarksCountPerTag(['web'], 'private')
* Test filter with string.
public function testFilterString()
$tags = 'dev cartoon';
$request = ['searchtags' => $tags];
count($this->privateLinkDB->search($request, null, true))
* Test filter with array.
public function testFilterArray()
$tags = ['dev', 'cartoon'];
$request = ['searchtags' => $tags];
count($this->privateLinkDB->search($request, null, true))
* Test hidden tags feature:
* tags starting with a dot '.' are only visible when logged in.
public function testHiddenTags()
$tags = '.hidden';
$request = ['searchtags' => $tags];
count($this->privateLinkDB->search($request, 'all', true))
count($this->publicLinkDB->search($request, 'public', true))
* Test filterHash() with a valid smallhash.
public function testFilterHashValid()
$request = smallHash('20150310_114651');
$request = smallHash('20150310_114633' . 8);
* Test filterHash() with an invalid smallhash.
* @expectedException \Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testFilterHashInValid1()
$request = 'blabla';
* Test filterHash() with an empty smallhash.
* @expectedException \Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException
public function testFilterHashInValid()
* Test linksCountPerTag all tags without filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagAllNoFilter()
$expected = [
'web' => 4,
'cartoon' => 3,
'dev' => 2,
'gnu' => 2,
'hashtag' => 2,
'sTuff' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'tag1' => 1,
'tag2' => 1,
'tag3' => 1,
'tag4' => 1,
'ut' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
$tags = $this->privateLinkDB->bookmarksCountPerTag();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Test linksCountPerTag all tags with filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagAllWithFilter()
$expected = [
'gnu' => 2,
'hashtag' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'stuff' => 1,
'web' => 1,
$tags = $this->privateLinkDB->bookmarksCountPerTag(['gnu']);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Test linksCountPerTag public tags with filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagPublicWithFilter()
$expected = [
'gnu' => 2,
'hashtag' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'stuff' => 1,
'web' => 1,
$tags = $this->privateLinkDB->bookmarksCountPerTag(['gnu'], 'public');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Test linksCountPerTag public tags with filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagPrivateWithFilter()
$expected = [
'cartoon' => 1,
'dev' => 1,
'tag1' => 1,
'tag2' => 1,
'tag3' => 1,
'tag4' => 1,
$tags = $this->privateLinkDB->bookmarksCountPerTag(['dev'], 'private');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Test linksCountPerTag public tags with filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountTagsNoMarkdown()
$expected = [
'cartoon' => 3,
'dev' => 2,
'tag1' => 1,
'tag2' => 1,
'tag3' => 1,
'tag4' => 1,
'web' => 4,
'gnu' => 2,
'hashtag' => 2,
'sTuff' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'newTagToCount' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'ut' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$bookmark->setTags(['newTagToCount', BookmarkMarkdownFormatter::NO_MD_TAG]);
$tags = $this->privateLinkDB->bookmarksCountPerTag();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Allows to test LinkDB's private methods
* @see
protected static function getMethod($name)
$class = new ReflectionClass('Shaarli\Bookmark\BookmarkFileService');
$method = $class->getMethod($name);
return $method;