They're now transformed to markdown syntax links before processing them through Parsedown. Fixes #1210
360 lines
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360 lines
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* Plugin Markdown.
* Shaare's descriptions are parsed with Markdown.
use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
* If this tag is used on a shaare, the description won't be processed by Parsedown.
define('NO_MD_TAG', 'nomarkdown');
* Parse linklist descriptions.
* @param array $data linklist data.
* @param ConfigManager $conf instance.
* @return mixed linklist data parsed in markdown (and converted to HTML).
function hook_markdown_render_linklist($data, $conf)
foreach ($data['links'] as &$value) {
if (!empty($value['tags']) && noMarkdownTag($value['tags'])) {
$value = stripNoMarkdownTag($value);
$value['description'] = process_markdown(
$conf->get('security.markdown_escape', true),
return $data;
* Parse feed linklist descriptions.
* @param array $data linklist data.
* @param ConfigManager $conf instance.
* @return mixed linklist data parsed in markdown (and converted to HTML).
function hook_markdown_render_feed($data, $conf)
foreach ($data['links'] as &$value) {
if (!empty($value['tags']) && noMarkdownTag($value['tags'])) {
$value = stripNoMarkdownTag($value);
$value['description'] = reverse_feed_permalink($value['description']);
$value['description'] = process_markdown(
$conf->get('security.markdown_escape', true),
return $data;
* Parse daily descriptions.
* @param array $data daily data.
* @param ConfigManager $conf instance.
* @return mixed daily data parsed in markdown (and converted to HTML).
function hook_markdown_render_daily($data, $conf)
// Manipulate columns data
foreach ($data['linksToDisplay'] as &$value) {
if (!empty($value['tags']) && noMarkdownTag($value['tags'])) {
$value = stripNoMarkdownTag($value);
$value['formatedDescription'] = process_markdown(
$conf->get('security.markdown_escape', true),
return $data;
* Check if noMarkdown is set in tags.
* @param string $tags tag list
* @return bool true if markdown should be disabled on this link.
function noMarkdownTag($tags)
return preg_match('/(^|\s)'. NO_MD_TAG .'(\s|$)/', $tags);
* Remove the no-markdown meta tag so it won't be displayed.
* @param array $link Link data.
* @return array Updated link without no markdown tag.
function stripNoMarkdownTag($link)
if (! empty($link['taglist'])) {
$offset = array_search(NO_MD_TAG, $link['taglist']);
if ($offset !== false) {
if (!empty($link['tags'])) {
str_replace(NO_MD_TAG, '', $link['tags']);
return $link;
* When link list is displayed, include markdown CSS.
* @param array $data includes data.
* @return mixed - includes data with markdown CSS file added.
function hook_markdown_render_includes($data)
if ($data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_LINKLIST
|| $data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_DAILY
|| $data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_EDITLINK
) {
$data['css_files'][] = PluginManager::$PLUGINS_PATH . '/markdown/markdown.css';
return $data;
* Hook render_editlink.
* Adds an help link to markdown syntax.
* @param array $data data passed to plugin
* @return array altered $data.
function hook_markdown_render_editlink($data)
// Load help HTML into a string
$txt = file_get_contents(PluginManager::$PLUGINS_PATH .'/markdown/help.html');
$translations = [
t('Description will be rendered with'),
t('Markdown syntax documentation'),
t('Markdown syntax'),
$data['edit_link_plugin'][] = vsprintf($txt, $translations);
// Add no markdown 'meta-tag' in tag list if it was never used, for autocompletion.
if (! in_array(NO_MD_TAG, $data['tags'])) {
$data['tags'][NO_MD_TAG] = 0;
return $data;
* Remove HTML links auto generated by Shaarli core system.
* Keeps HREF attributes.
* @param string $description input description text.
* @return string $description without HTML links.
function reverse_text2clickable($description)
$descriptionLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $description);
$descriptionOut = '';
$codeBlockOn = false;
$lineCount = 0;
foreach ($descriptionLines as $descriptionLine) {
// Detect line of code: starting with 4 spaces,
// except lists which can start with +/*/- or `2.` after spaces.
$codeLineOn = preg_match('/^ +(?=[^\+\*\-])(?=(?!\d\.).)/', $descriptionLine) > 0;
// Detect and toggle block of code
if (!$codeBlockOn) {
$codeBlockOn = preg_match('/^```/', $descriptionLine) > 0;
elseif (preg_match('/^```/', $descriptionLine) > 0) {
$codeBlockOn = false;
$hashtagTitle = ' title="Hashtag [^"]+"';
// Reverse `inline code` hashtags.
$descriptionLine = preg_replace(
'!(`[^`\n]*)<a href="[^ ]*"'. $hashtagTitle .'>([^<]+)</a>([^`\n]*`)!m',
// Reverse all links in code blocks, only non hashtag elsewhere.
$hashtagFilter = (!$codeBlockOn && !$codeLineOn) ? '(?!'. $hashtagTitle .')': '(?:'. $hashtagTitle .')?';
$descriptionLine = preg_replace(
'#<a href="[^ ]*"'. $hashtagFilter .'>([^<]+)</a>#m',
// Make hashtag links markdown ready, otherwise the links will be ignored with escape set to true
if (!$codeBlockOn && !$codeLineOn) {
$descriptionLine = preg_replace(
'#<a href="([^ ]*)"'. $hashtagTitle .'>([^<]+)</a>#m',
$descriptionOut .= $descriptionLine;
if ($lineCount++ < count($descriptionLines) - 1) {
$descriptionOut .= PHP_EOL;
return $descriptionOut;
* Remove <br> tag to let markdown handle it.
* @param string $description input description text.
* @return string $description without <br> tags.
function reverse_nl2br($description)
return preg_replace('!<br */?>!im', '', $description);
* Remove HTML spaces ' ' auto generated by Shaarli core system.
* @param string $description input description text.
* @return string $description without HTML links.
function reverse_space2nbsp($description)
return preg_replace('/(^| ) /m', '$1 ', $description);
function reverse_feed_permalink($description)
return preg_replace('@— <a href="([^"]+)" title="[^"]+">(\w+)</a>$@im', '— [$2]($1)', $description);
* Replace not whitelisted protocols with http:// in given description.
* @param string $description input description text.
* @param array $allowedProtocols list of allowed protocols.
* @return string $description without malicious link.
function filter_protocols($description, $allowedProtocols)
return preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use ($allowedProtocols) {
return ']('. whitelist_protocols($match[1], $allowedProtocols) .')';
* Remove dangerous HTML tags (tags, iframe, etc.).
* Doesn't affect <code> content (already escaped by Parsedown).
* @param string $description input description text.
* @return string given string escaped.
function sanitize_html($description)
$escapeTags = array(
foreach ($escapeTags as $tag) {
$description = preg_replace_callback(
'#<\s*'. $tag .'[^>]*>(.*</\s*'. $tag .'[^>]*>)?#is',
function ($match) { return escape($match[0]); },
$description = preg_replace(
'#(<[^>]+\s)on[a-z]*="?[^ "]*"?#is',
return $description;
* Render shaare contents through Markdown parser.
* 1. Remove HTML generated by Shaarli core.
* 2. Reverse the escape function.
* 3. Generate markdown descriptions.
* 4. Sanitize sensible HTML tags for security.
* 5. Wrap description in 'markdown' CSS class.
* @param string $description input description text.
* @param bool $escape escape HTML entities
* @return string HTML processed $description.
function process_markdown($description, $escape = true, $allowedProtocols = [])
$parsedown = new Parsedown();
$processedDescription = $description;
$processedDescription = reverse_nl2br($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = reverse_space2nbsp($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = reverse_text2clickable($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = filter_protocols($processedDescription, $allowedProtocols);
$processedDescription = unescape($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = $parsedown
$processedDescription = sanitize_html($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = '<div class="markdown">'. $processedDescription . '</div>';
return $processedDescription;
* This function is never called, but contains translation calls for GNU gettext extraction.
function markdown_dummy_translation()
// meta
t('Render shaare description with Markdown syntax.<br><strong>Warning</strong>:
If your shaared descriptions contained HTML tags before enabling the markdown plugin,
enabling it might break your page.
See the <a href="">README</a>.');