'board', // Template filename (must be placed in 'public/templates' folder) 'title' => 'NanoGal', // Text to be displayed in browser titlebar 'description' => 'My gallery', // Use in meta tag "description" 'author' => 'NanoGal', // Your name 'skipObjects' => ['comment.html', '.gitkeep', 'aFolder', 'aFile.ext'], //Those files and folders will not be displayed (affects the page and the RSS feed) 'imageCaptionPosition' => 'right', // Position of caption in lightbox 'sortBy' => 'name', // Sort by name or date 'orderBy' => 'desc', // Order by asc or desc 'thumbSize' => 250, // Thumbnail height/width (square thumbs) 'displayExifInfo' => false, // Display Exif info in caption 'disableCache' => false, // Enable or disable cache 'showShareLink' => false, // Show link for thumb, full, markdown link (thumb + link to full) 'nbItemsAtom' => 25 // Number of item in atom feed ]; if (file_exists('../datas/config.php')) { include '../datas/config.php'; $config = array_merge($config, $userConfig); } header('Content-Type: text/xml'); if ($config['disableCache'] === false) { $cachedFeed = Cache::getAtomFeed(); if ($cachedFeed) { echo $cachedFeed; exit(); } } else { Cache::clearAtomFeed(); } $gallery_link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $fileList = new FileAndDir('', '/', $config); $filterList = $fileList->makeMoreRecentFile(); $date = date_create(); $updated = $date->format(DateTimeInterface::ATOM); $atom = ' ' . $config['title'] . ' ' . $gallery_link . ' assets/favicons/favicon-96x96.png assets/favicons/favicon-310x310.png NanoGal ' . $config['author'] . ' ' . $updated . ''; foreach ($filterList as $value) { $atom .= ' ' . basename($value['url']) . ' ' . $value['url'] . ' ' . date(DATE_ATOM, $value['tdate']) . ' ' . date(DATE_ATOM, $value['tdate']) . ' ]]> '; } $atom .= ""; if ($config['disableCache'] === false) { Cache::setAtomFeed($atom); } echo $atom;