currentDir = $dir; if (!is_dir('../cache/html')) { mkdir('../cache/html', 0700); } if ($config['disableCache'] && file_exists($this->fileName)) { unlink($this->fileName); } if (file_exists($this->fileName)) { $cacheFile = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->fileName), true); } else { $cacheFile = []; } $this->currentConfig = md5(json_encode($config)); if (isset($cacheFile['config'])) { $this->saveConfig = $cacheFile['config']; } $this->fileCache = $cacheFile; } /** * Counts the number of files and directories in the current directory. * * This method iterates over the contents of the current directory, counting * both files and subdirectories (excluding `.` and `..`). The total count is * stored in an internal array indexed by the directory path and is also returned. * If the directory cannot be opened, an exception is thrown. * * @return array An associative array where the key is the directory path and the value is the count of files and directories. * * @throws \Exception If the directory cannot be opened for reading. */ public function countDirsAndFiles(): array { $counter = 0; if (is_dir($this->currentDir) && $handle = opendir($this->currentDir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file === "." || $file === "..") { continue; } if (is_file($this->currentDir . '/' . $file) || is_dir($this->currentDir . '/' . $file)) { $counter++; } } closedir($handle); $this->counter[$this->currentDir] = $counter; return $this->counter; } else { throw new \Exception("ERROR: Could not open directory for reading: " . $this->currentDir); } } /** * Checks if the number of files and directories in the current directory has changed. * * This method compares the current count of files and directories with a cached count. * If the counts differ, it updates the cache with the new count and returns `true`, * indicating that a change has occurred. Otherwise, it returns `false`. * * @return bool `true` if the count of files and directories has changed and the cache is updated; `false` otherwise. */ public function changeFile(): bool { if (isset($this->fileCache[$this->currentDir])) { if ($this->counter[$this->currentDir] !== $this->fileCache[$this->currentDir]) { $this->fileCache = array_merge($this->fileCache, $this->counter); return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if the current configuration has changed compared to the saved configuration. * * This method compares the current configuration with a previously saved configuration. * If they differ, it updates the cache with the current configuration and returns `true`, * indicating that a change has occurred. Otherwise, it returns `false`. * * @return bool `true` if the configuration has changed and the cache is updated; `false` otherwise. */ public function changeConf(): bool { if ($this->currentConfig !== $this->saveConfig) { $this->fileCache['config'] = $this->currentConfig; return true; } return false; } /** * Saves the current file cache to a file in JSON format. * * This method serializes the file cache to a JSON string with pretty printing, unescaped slashes, * and unescaped Unicode characters. It then writes this JSON data to the specified file. * If the JSON encoding fails or if the file write operation fails, an exception is thrown. * * @throws \Exception If JSON encoding fails or if writing to the file fails. * * @return void */ public function save(): void { $jsonData = json_encode($this->fileCache, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if ($jsonData === false) { throw new \Exception("Failed to encode data to JSON: " . json_last_error_msg()); } if (file_put_contents($this->fileName, $jsonData) === false) { throw new \Exception("Failed to write data to file: " . $this->fileName); } } /** * Clears the HTML cache by deleting all cached files. * * This method retrieves all `.html` files in the cache directory and deletes them. * If the cache directory cannot be read or if any file deletion fails, an exception is thrown. * * @throws \Exception If the cache directory cannot be read or if a file cannot be deleted. * * @return void */ public function clearCache(): void { $files = glob("../cache/html/*.html"); if ($files === false) { throw new \Exception("Failed to read cache directory."); } foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { if (!unlink($file)) { throw new \Exception("Failed to delete file: " . $file); } } } } }