configration = $configration; } public function getSvgFilePath($template_name) { return __DIR__ . "/../templates/$template_name.svg"; } public function getSvgTemplate($template_name) { return file_get_contents($this->getSvgFilePath($template_name)); } public function render($svg) { // Get and count available characters $chars = $this->configration->getPatternCharacters(); $char_count = count($chars); // set seed $seed = $this->configration->seed; mt_srand($seed); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->configration->keys); $i++) { $prefix = '$' . ($i+1); $equivalent = $chars[mt_rand(0, $char_count-1)]; $equivalent = $this->escape($equivalent); // Replace the equivalent on the "keyboard" $svg = str_replace('$' . ($i+1) . '$', $equivalent, $svg); $svg = str_replace('$k' . ($i+1) . '$', $this->configration->keys[$i], $svg); } $space_lenght = $this->configration->spaceBarSize; $space = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $space_lenght; $i++) { $space .= $this->escape($chars[mt_rand(0, $char_count-1)]); } $svg = str_replace('$SPACE$', $space, $svg); $svg = str_replace('$SEED$', $seed, $svg); $svg = str_replace('$PRIMARY$', $this->configration->primaryColor, $svg); $svg = str_replace('$SECONDARY$', $this->configration->secondaryColor, $svg); $svg = str_replace('$TEXT$', $this->escape($this->configration->text), $svg); $svg = str_replace('$PATTERN$', $this->escape($this->configration->pattern), $svg); return $svg; } private function escape($str) { return htmlentities(utf8_encode($str), ENT_XML1); } public function renderIntoTempfile($svg) { $uri = tempnam("/tmp", "php"); file_put_contents($uri, $this->render($svg)); return $uri; } }