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1005 lines
42 KiB
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/* (webpage retriever by Timo Van Neerden; December 2012)
* last updated : December, 10th, 2012
* This piece of software is under the WTF Public Licence.
* Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
* copies of this program, under the following terms of the WFTPL :
/* all the enhancements (logo, css, session lock, bookmarklet, tags, rss feed, api) are from Bronco (
* and are based on the same licence ;)
* thanks a lot to Timo for his great job on this app ;) */
// PHP 5.1.2 minimum required
// liste des parametres GET autorisés pour l'accès public
if (isset($_GET['public'])
else{$publicarg='';$bodyclass='';$GLOBAL['public']=false;include 'auto_restrict.php';}
if (isset($_GET['tag'])){$search_tags=strip_tags($_GET['tag']);}else{$search_tags='';}
// adapter la configuration dans le fichier config.php
$bookmarklet='<a title="Drag this link to your shortcut bar" href=\'javascript:javascript:(function(){var url = location.href;"http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?q="+ encodeURIComponent(url),"_blank","menubar=yes,height=600,width=1000,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");})();\' >Bookmarklet</a>';
if ($GLOBAL['public']){$bookmarklet='';$column_width='width:97%';}
if (!creer_dossier($GLOBAL['data_folder'], TRUE)) { die('Cant create '.$GLOBAL['data_folder'].' folder.'); }
if (!creer_dossier($GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/zipversions', TRUE)) { die('Cant create '.$GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/zipversions'.' folder.'); }
if (!creer_dossier($GLOBAL['private_data_folder'], TRUE)) { die('Cant create '.$GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].' folder.'); }
if (!creer_dossier($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'], TRUE)) { die('Cant create '.$GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].' folder.'); }
if (is_file($GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/tags.txt')){$GLOBAL['tag_array']=unstore($GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/tags.txt');}else{$GLOBAL['tag_array']=array('public'=>array(),'private'=>array());store($GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/tags.txt',$GLOBAL['tag_array']);}
if (!isset($GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'])){$GLOBAL['tag_array']['public']=array();};
if (!isset($GLOBAL['tag_array']['private'])){$GLOBAL['tag_array']['private']=array();};
// Fonctions
function aff($a,$stop=true){echo 'Arret a la ligne '.__LINE__.' du fichier '.__FILE__.'<pre>';var_dump($a);echo '</pre>';if ($stop){exit();}}
function BodyClasses($add=''){$regex='#(msie)[/ ]([0-9])+|(firefox)/([0-9])+|(chrome)/([0-9])+|(opera)/([0-9]+)|(safari)/([0-9]+)|(android)|(iphone)|(ipad)|(blackberry)|(Windows Phone)|(symbian)|(mobile)|(bada])#i';@preg_match($regex,$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$resultat);return ' class="'.$add.' '.@preg_replace('#([a-zA-Z ]+)[ /]([0-9]+)#','$1 $1$2',$resultat[0]).' '.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'.php').'" ';}
function title2filename($chaine){$a=array(' ',':','|','#','/','\\','$','*','?','&','<','>');return substr(stripAccents(str_replace($a,'_',$chaine)),0,30);}
function stripAccents($string){ $a=explode(' ','à á â ã ä ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ü ý ÿ À Á Â Ã Ä Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ù Ú Û Ü Ý');$b=explode(' ','a a a a a c e e e e i i i i n o o o o o u u u u y y A A A A A C E E E E I I I I N O O O O O U U U U Y');return str_replace($a,$b,$string);}
function returncurrenturl(){$domaine=dirname($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ;$domaine=explode('?',$domaine);return $domaine[0];}
function store($file,$datas){file_put_contents($file,serialize($datas));}
function unstore($file){ return unserialize(file_get_contents($file));}
function getinfos($path=''){if (!is_file($path.'/index.ini')){return false;} return parse_ini_file($path.'/index.ini');}
function setinfos($path='',$infos=array()){ if (!is_dir($path.'/index.ini')){return false;}$ini='';foreach($infos as $key=>$val){$ini.=$key.'="'.str_replace('"','\"',$val).'"'."\n";}store($path.'/index.ini',$ini);}
function statuspath($path){global $GLOBAL;if (strpos($path,$GLOBAL['public_data_folder'])!==false){return 'public';}else{return 'private';}}
function idfrompath($path){$id=explode('/',$path);$id=$id[count($id)-1];return $id;}
function deltags($tags,$path,$id=false,$status=false){
/* delete the tags of the page's path*/
global $GLOBAL;
if (is_string($tags)){$tags=explode(' ',$tags);}
if (!$status){$status=statuspath($path);}
if (!$id){$id=idfrompath($path);}
foreach($tags as $tag){
if (isset($GLOBAL['tag_array'][$status][$id])){
$GLOBAL['tag_array'][$status][$id]=trim(str_replace(' '.$tag.' ','',' '.$GLOBAL['tag_array'][$status][$id].' '));
function settags($tags,$path,$id=false,$status=false){
/* set tags to the page's path*/
global $GLOBAL;
if (!$status){$status=statuspath($path);}
if (!$id){$id=idfrompath($path);}
function link2favicon($dir){
global $GLOBAL;
if (!is_dir($dir)){echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="/image/png" href="'.$GLOBAL['css_folder'].'/favicon2.png">';}
if (count($favs)>0){$fav=basename($favs[0]);
echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="/image/'.$extension.'" href="'.$dir.'/'.$fav.'">';
echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="/image/png" href="'.$GLOBAL['css_folder'].'/favicon2.png">';;
function search($public='public',$tag=false){
global $GLOBAL;
if (!$tag){return scandir($GLOBAL[$public.'_data_folder'] );}
foreach ($GLOBAL['tag_array'][$public] as $key=>$val){
if (stripos($val,$tag)!==false){$result[]=$key;}
if (!empty($result)){return $result;}else{return array();}
function array2feed($array=null){
// more infos on this function at
if (!$array){return false;}
if (empty($array['infos']['type'])){$array['infos']['type']='rss';}else{$array['infos']['type']=strtolower($array['infos']['type']);}
if (empty($array['infos']['description'])){$array['infos']['description']='';}
$tpl['rss']['header']='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'.$r.'<rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="">'.$r.$t.'<channel>'.$r;
$tpl['atom']['header']='<feed xmlns="">'.$r;
$tpl['rss']['content-type']='Content-Type: application/rss+xml';
$tpl['atom']['content-type']='Content-Type: application/atom+xml;charset=utf-8';
//create the feed's info content
foreach($array['infos'] as $key=>$value){
if ($array['infos']['type']=='atom'){ // ATOM
if ($key=='link'){$feed.=$t.$t.'<link href="'.$value.'" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>'.$r;}
elseif ($key=='author'){$feed.=$t.$t.'<author><name>'.$value.'</name></author>'.$r;}
elseif ($key=='licence'){$feed.=$t.$t.'<'.$key.' href="'.$value.'" rel="license"/>'.$r;} // in atom feed, licence is the link to the licence type
elseif ($key!='version'&&$key!='type'){$feed.=$t.$t.'<'.$key.'>'.$value.'</'.$key.'>'.$r;}
}else{ // RSS
if ($key!='version'&&$key!='type'){$feed.=$t.$t.'<'.$key.'>'.$value.'</'.$key.'>'.$r;}
//then the items content
foreach ($array['items'] as $item){
if ($array['infos']['type']=='atom'){ $feed.=$t.$t.$t.'<entry>'.$r;}else{$feed.=$t.$t.$t.'<item>'.$r;}
foreach($item as $key=>$value){
if ($array['infos']['type']=='atom'){ // ATOM
if ($key=='link'){$feed.=$t.$t.$t.$t.'<link href="'.$value.'" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>'.$r;}
elseif ($key=='content'){$feed.=$t.$t.$t.$t.'<content type="text">'.htmlspecialchars($value).'</content>'.$r;}
}else{ // RSS
if ($key=='date'||$key=='pubDate'||$key=='title'||$key=='link'){$feed.=$t.$t.$t.$t.'<'.$key.'>'.htmlspecialchars($value).'</'.$key.'>'.$r;}
elseif($key=='guid'){ $feed.=$t.$t.$t.$t.'<guid isPermaLink="false">'.$value.'</guid>'.$r;}
if ($array['infos']['type']=='atom'){ $feed.=$t.$t.$t.'</entry>'.$r;}else{$feed.=$t.$t.$t.'</item>'.$r;}
return $feed;
function tagcloud(){
global $GLOBAL; $array=array('public'=>array(),'private'=>array());
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){
foreach ($GLOBAL['tag_array']['private'] as $key=>$tag){
$tags=explode(' ',trim($tag));
foreach ($tags as $t){
if (!isset($array['private'][$t]['nb'])){$array['private'][$t]['nb']=1;}else{$array['private'][$t]['nb']++;}
foreach ($GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'] as $key=>$tag){
$tags=explode(' ',trim($tag));
foreach ($tags as $t){
if (!isset($array['public'][$t]['nb'])){$array['public'][$t]['nb']=1;}else{$array['public'][$t]['nb']++;}
//if (!isset($array[$t]['status'])){$array[$t]['status']='public';}
foreach ($array['public'] as $tag=>$val){if (trim($tag)!=''){echo '<a class="tag_public" href="'.$GLOBAL['respawn_url'].'?public&tag='.$tag.'">'.$tag.' <em>'.$val['nb'].'</em></a>';}}
if (isset($array['private'])){foreach ($array['private'] as $tag=>$val){if (trim($tag)!=''){echo '<a class="tag_private" href="'.$GLOBAL['respawn_url'].'?tag='.$tag.'">'.$tag.' <em>'.$val['nb'].'</em></a>';}}}
function tag2links($tagstring){
global $GLOBAL;
$array=explode(' ',$tagstring);$links='';$public='';
if ($GLOBAL['public']){$public='&public';}
foreach ($array as $tag){
$links.='<a href="'.$GLOBAL['respawn_url'].'?tag='.$tag.$public.'" class="tag">'.$tag.'</a>';
return $links;
if(isset($_GET['publicget'])||isset($_GET['privateget'])){$bodyclass.=' iframe';}
// init
// url not yet retrieved
$GLOBAL['done']['d'] = FALSE;
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){ // private
// Get URL to save.
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
$url = htmlspecialchars($_GET['q']);
if (strpos($url, '://') === false) {
$url = 'http://'.$url;
$GLOBAL['url'] = $url;
$url_p = url_parts();
// retrieve the file main HTML file
$GLOBAL['main_page_data'] = get_external_file($GLOBAL['url'], 6);
if ($GLOBAL['main_page_data'] === FALSE) {
die('error retrieving external main page');
else {
// crée le nouveau dossier basé sur le TS.
$new_folder = date('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
if (!creer_dossier($GLOBAL['default_data_folder'].'/'.$new_folder) === TRUE ) {
die('error creating data folder');
else {
$GLOBAL['target_folder'] = $GLOBAL['default_data_folder'].'/'.$new_folder;
if (strtolower(substr($_GET['q'],-4))=='.pdf'){
file_put_contents($GLOBAL['target_folder'].'/index.php','<?php header("location: '.$title.'");?>');
$liste_css = array();
// parse le fichier principal à la recherche de données à télécharger
$files = list_retrievable_data($GLOBAL['url'], $GLOBAL['main_page_data']);
// les récupère et les enregistre.
//echo '<pre>';print_r($files);die();
foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
if ($data = get_external_file($file['url_fichier'], 3) and ($data !== FALSE) ) {
// CSS files need to be parsed aswell
if ($file['type'] == 'css') {
$liste_css[] = $file;
else {
file_put_contents($GLOBAL['target_folder'].'/'.$file['nom_destination'], $data);
// remplace juste les liens <a href=""> relatifs vers des liens absolus
// enregistre le fichier HTML principal
file_put_contents($GLOBAL['target_folder'].'/'.'index.html', $GLOBAL['main_page_data']);
// récupère le titre de la page
// cherche le charset spécifié dans le code HTML.
// récupère la balise méta tout entière, dans $meta
preg_match('#<meta .*charset=.*>#Usi', $GLOBAL['main_page_data'], $meta);
// si la balise a été trouvée, on tente disoler lencodage.
if (!empty($meta[0])) {
// récupère juste lencodage utilisé, dans $enc
preg_match('#charset="?(.*)"#si', $meta[0], $enc);
// regarde si le charset a été trouvé, sinon le fixe à UTF-8
$html_charset = (!empty($enc[1])) ? strtolower($enc[1]) : 'utf-8';
} else { $html_charset = 'utf-8'; }
// récupère le titre, dans le tableau $titles, rempli par preg_match()
preg_match('#<title>(.*)</title>#Usi', $GLOBAL['main_page_data'], $titles);
if (!empty($titles[1])) {
$html_title = trim($titles[1]);
// ré-encode le titre en UTF-8 en fonction de son encodage.
$title = ($html_charset == 'iso-8859-1') ? utf8_encode($html_title) : $html_title;
// si pas de titre : on utilise lURL.
} else {
$title = $url;
// récupère, parse, modifie & enregistre les fichier CSS (et les fichiés liés)
$n = 0;
$count = count($liste_css);
while ( $n < $count and $n <300) { // no more than 300 ext files.
$i = $n;
$file = $liste_css[$i];
if ($data = get_external_file($file['url_fichier'], 3) and ($data !== FALSE) ) {
if (preg_match('#(css|php|txt|html|xml|js)#', $file['url_fichier']) ) {
$matches_url = array();
preg_match_all('#url\s{0,}\(("|\')?([^\'")]{1,})(\'|")?\)#i', $data, $matches_url, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$matches_url2 = array();
preg_match_all("#@import\s*(?:\"([^\">]*)\"?|'([^'>]*)'?)([^;]*)(;|$)#i", $data, $matches_url2, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$matches_url = array_merge($matches_url2, $matches_url);
// pour chaque URL/URI
foreach ($matches_url as $j => $valuej) {
if (preg_match('#^data:#', $matches_url[$j][2])) break; // if BASE64 data, dont download.
// get the filenam (basename)
$nom_fichier = (preg_match('#^(ht|f)tps?://#', $matches_url[$j][2])) ? pathinfo(parse_url($matches_url[$j][2], PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME) : pathinfo($matches_url[$j][2], PATHINFO_BASENAME);
// get the URL. For URIs, uses the GLOBALS[url] tu make the URL
// the files in CSS are relative to the CSS !
if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $matches_url[$j][2])) {
$url_fichier = $matches_url[$j][2];
// abs url w/o protocole
elseif (preg_match('#^//#', $matches_url[$j][2])) {
$url_fichier = $url_p['s'].':'.$matches_url[$j][2];
// rel url
elseif (preg_match('#^/#', $matches_url[$j][2])) {
$url_fichier = $url_p['s'].'://'.$url_p['h'].$matches_url[$j][2];
else {
$endstr = ($w = strpos($file['url_fichier'], '?')) ? $w : strlen($file['url_fichier']);
$url_fichier = substr(substr($file['url_fichier'], 0, $endstr), 0, -strlen($file['nom_fich_origine'])).$matches_url[$j][2];
// new rand name, for local storage.
$nouveau_nom = rand_new_name($nom_fichier);
//echo '<pre>'.$nouveau_nom."\n";
$add = TRUE;
// avoids downloading the same file twice. (yes, we re-use the same $retrievable ($files), why not ?)
foreach ($files as $key => $item) {
if ($item['url_fichier'] == $url_fichier) {
$nouveau_nom = $item['nom_destination'];
$add = FALSE;
// if we do download, add it to the array.
if ($add === TRUE) {
$files_n = array(
'url_origine' => $matches_url[$j][2],
'url_fichier' => $url_fichier,
'nom_fich_origine' => $nom_fichier,
'nom_destination' => $nouveau_nom
$files[] = $files_n;
$liste_css[] = $files_n;
// replace url in CSS $data
$data = str_replace($matches_url[$j][2], $nouveau_nom, $data);
// echo $nouveau_nom."<br>\n";
if (!preg_match('#(css|php|txt|html)#', $file['url_fichier']) ) {
if (FALSE !== ($f = get_external_file($url_fichier, 3)) ) {
file_put_contents($GLOBAL['target_folder'].'/'.$nouveau_nom, $f);
// don't forget to save data
file_put_contents($GLOBAL['target_folder'].'/'.$file['nom_destination'], $data);
$count = count($liste_css);
// enregistre un fichier dinformations concernant la page (date, url, titre)
$info = '';
$info .= 'URL="'.$GLOBAL['url'].'"'."\n";
$info .= 'TITLE="'.$title.'"'."\n";
$info .= 'DATE="'.time().'"'."\n";
file_put_contents($GLOBAL['target_folder'].'/'.'index.ini', $info);
/*$GLOBAL['done']['d'] = 'ajout';
$GLOBAL['done']['lien'] = $GLOBAL['target_folder'].'/'; */
// in case of delete an entry
if (isset($_GET['suppr']) and $torem = $_GET['suppr'] and $torem != '') {
$torem = htmlspecialchars($_GET['suppr']);
if (is_dir($_GET['suppr'])){
// suppr tags
if (isset($GLOBAL['tag_array'][$status][$id])){deltags($GLOBAL['tag_array'][$status][$id],$_GET['suppr'],$id,$status);}
// suppr page
$sousliste = scandir($_GET['suppr']); // listage des dossiers de data.
$nb_sousfichier = count($sousliste);
for ($j = 0 ; $j < $nb_sousfichier ; $j++) {
if (!($sousliste[$j] == '..' or $sousliste[$j] == '.')) {
// then the folder itself.
if (TRUE === rmdir($_GET['suppr'])) {
$GLOBAL['done']['d'] = 'remove';
header("location: index.php");
// to private
if (isset($_GET['toprivate']) and $torem = $_GET['toprivate'] and $torem != '') {
$torem = htmlspecialchars($_GET['toprivate']);
if (is_dir($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['toprivate'])){
rename ($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['toprivate'],$GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['toprivate']);
if (isset($GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'][$_GET['toprivate']])){
header("location: index.php");
// to public
if (isset($_GET['topublic']) and $torem = $_GET['topublic'] and $torem != '') {
$torem = htmlspecialchars($_GET['topublic']);
if (is_dir($GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['topublic'])){
rename ($GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['topublic'],$GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['topublic']);
if (isset($GLOBAL['tag_array']['private'][$_GET['topublic']])){
header("location: index.php");
// disconnect
if (isset($_GET['discotime'])){log_user('disco','');}
if (isset($_GET['privateget'])&&is_dir($GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['privateget'])){$target=$GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['privateget'];}
if (isset($_GET['zipprivate'])) {
$ini_file = $GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['zipprivate'].'/index.ini';
if (is_file($zip_completepath)){header("location: $zip_completepath");exit();}// il existe déjà, on envoie
if (is_dir($origin_folder_path)){// sinon on crée le zip si le dossier existe
include 'zip.php';
rename ($origin_folder_path,$zip_foldername); // on le déplace pour éviter de voir la structure de dossiers apparaître dans le zip
rename ($zip_foldername,$origin_folder_path); // on le remet à sa place
header('location: '.$GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/zipversions/'.$zip_filename);
if (isset($_GET['rename'])&&isset($_GET['to'])&&isset($_GET['file'])) {
if (is_file($_GET['file'].'/index.ini')){
if (isset($_GET['settag'])&&isset($_GET['file'])) {
if (is_file($GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/tags.txt')){$GLOBAL['tag_array']=unstore($GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/tags.txt');}else{$GLOBAL['tag_array']=array();}
if (isset($_GET['ispublic'])){$type='public';}else{$type='private';}
}else{ // public get
//download public zip version
if (isset($_GET['zippublic'])) {
$ini_file = $GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['zippublic'].'/index.ini';
if (is_file($zip_completepath)){header("location: $zip_completepath");exit();}// il existe déjà, on envoie
if (is_dir($origin_folder_path)){// sinon on crée le zip si le dossier existe
include 'zip.php';
rename ($origin_folder_path,$zip_foldername); // on le déplace pour éviter de voir la structure de dossiers apparaître dans le zip
rename ($zip_foldername,$origin_folder_path); // on le remet à sa place
header('location: '.$GLOBAL['data_folder'].'/zipversions/'.$zip_filename);
if (isset($_GET['publicget'])&&is_dir($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['publicget'])){$target=$GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$_GET['publicget'];}
if (isset($_GET['rss'])){
foreach ($items as $key=>$item){
if ($item!='index.html'){
if (is_dir($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$item)){
if (is_file($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$item.'/index.ini')){
$infos['DATE']= date("r", $infos['DATE']);
if ($infos['TITLE']==''){$infos['TITLE']='Version Respawn de '.$infos['URL'];}
'description'=>'Version Respawn de '.$infos['URL'],
if (isset($_GET['api'])){
foreach ($items as $key=>$item){
if ($item!='index.html'){
if (is_dir($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$item)){
if (is_file($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$item.'/index.ini')){
$infos['DATE']= date('d/m/Y', $infos['DATE']);
if ($infos['TITLE']==''){$infos['TITLE']='Respawn de '.$infos['URL'];}
if (isset($GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'][$item])){$t=$GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'][$item];}
'description'=>'Version Respawn de '.$infos['URL'],
function url_parts() {
global $GLOBAL;
$url_p['s'] = parse_url($GLOBAL['url'], PHP_URL_SCHEME); $url_p['s'] = (is_null($url_p['s'])) ? '' : $url_p['s'];
$url_p['h'] = parse_url($GLOBAL['url'], PHP_URL_HOST); $url_p['h'] = (is_null($url_p['h'])) ? '' : $url_p['h'];
$url_p['p'] = parse_url($GLOBAL['url'], PHP_URL_PORT); $url_p['p'] = (is_null($url_p['p'])) ? '' : ':'.$url_p['p'];
$url_p['pat'] = parse_url($GLOBAL['url'], PHP_URL_PATH); $url_p['pat'] = (is_null($url_p['pat'])) ? '' : $url_p['pat'];
$url_p['file'] = pathinfo($url_p['pat'], PATHINFO_BASENAME);
return $url_p;
// Gets external file by URL.
// Make a stream context (better).
function get_external_file($url, $timeout) {
$context = stream_context_create(array('http'=>array('timeout' => $timeout))); // Timeout : time until we stop waiting for the response.
$data = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context, -1, 4000000); // We download at most 4 Mb from source.
if (isset($data) and isset($http_response_header) and isset($http_response_header[0]) and (strpos($http_response_header[0], '200 OK') !== FALSE) ) {
return $data;
else {
return FALSE;
function creer_dossier($dossier, $indexfile = FALSE) {
if ( !is_dir($dossier) ) {
if (mkdir($dossier, 0777, TRUE) === TRUE) {
chmod($dossier, 0777);
if ($indexfile == TRUE) touch($dossier.'/index.html'); // make a index.html file : avoid the possibility of listing folder's content
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
return TRUE; // if folder already exists
// Also modify html source code to replace absolutes URLs with local URIs.
function list_retrievable_data($url, &$data) {
$url_p = url_parts();
$retrievable = array();
// cherche les balises 'link' qui contiennent un rel="(icon|favicon|stylesheet)" et un href=""
// (on ne cherche pas uniquement le "href" sinon on se retrouve avec les flux RSS aussi)
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('#<\s*link[^>]+rel=["\'][^"\']*(icon|favicon|stylesheet)[^"\']*["\'][^>]*>#Si', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// dans les link avec une icone, stylesheet, etc récupère lurl.
foreach($matches as $i => $key) {
$type = (strpos($key[1], 'stylesheet') !== FALSE) ? 'css' : 'other';
if ( (preg_match_all('#(href|src)=["\']([^"\']*)["\']#i', $matches[$i][0], $matches_attr, PREG_SET_ORDER) === 1) ) {
$retrievable = add_table_and_replace($data, $retrievable, $matches[$i][0], $matches_attr[0][2], $url_p, $type);
// recherche les images, scripts, audio & videos HTML5.
// dans les balises, récupère lurl/uri contenue dans les src="".
// le fichier sera téléchargé.
// Le nom du fichier sera modifié pour être unique, et sera aussi modifié dans le code source.
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('#<\s*(source|audio|img|script|video)[^>]+src="([^"]*)"[^>]*>#Si', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($matches as $i => $key) {
if (preg_match('#^data:#', $matches[$i][2])) break;
$retrievable = add_table_and_replace($data, $retrievable, $matches[$i][0], $matches[$i][2], $url_p, 'other');
// Dans les balises <style>, remplace les url() et src()
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('#<\s*style[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*style[^>]*>#is', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// pour chaque élement <style>
foreach($matches as $i => $value) {
$matches_url = array();
preg_match_all('#url\s*\(("|\')?([^\'")]*)(\'|")?\)#i', $matches[$i][1], $matches_url, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$matches_url2 = array();
preg_match_all("#@import\s*(\"([^\">]*)\"?|'([^'>]*)'?)([^;]*)(;|$)#i", $matches[$i][1], $matches_url2, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$matches_url = array_merge($matches_url2, $matches_url);
//echo '<pre>';print_r($matches_url);die;
// pour chaque URL/URI
foreach ($matches_url as $j => $valuej) {
if (preg_match('#^data:#', $matches_url[$j][2])) break;
$retrievable = add_table_and_replace($data, $retrievable, $matches[$i][1], $matches_url[$j][2], $url_p, 'other');
// recherche les url dans les CSS inlines.
$matches = array();
// pour chaque élement contenant un style=""
preg_match_all('#<\s*[^>]+style="([^"]*url\s*\(([^)]*)\)[^"]*)"[^>]*>+#is', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($matches as $i => $value) {
$matches_url = array();
// pour chaque URL/URI trouvé
preg_match_all('#url\s*\(("|\')?([^\'")]*)(\'|")?\)#i', $matches[$i][1], $matches_url, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches_url as $j => $valuej) {
if (preg_match('#^data:#', $matches_url[$j][2])) break; // if BASE64 data, dont download.
$retrievable = add_table_and_replace($data, $retrievable, $matches[$i][1], $matches_url[$j][2], $url_p, 'other');
return $retrievable;
function absolutes_links(&$data) {
$url_p = url_parts();
// cherche les balises 'a' qui contiennent un href
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('#<\s*a[^>]+href=["\'](([^"\']*))["\'][^>]*>#Si', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// ne conserve que les liens ne commençant pas par un protocole « protocole:// » ni par une ancre « # »
foreach($matches as $i => $link) {
$link[1] = trim($link[1]);
if (!preg_match('#^(([a-z]+://)|(\#))#', $link[1]) ) {
$matches[$i][1] = complete_url($link[1]);
$new_match = str_replace($matches[$i][2], $matches[$i][1], $matches[$i][0]);
$data = str_replace($matches[$i][0], $new_match, $data);
function complete_url($url) {
$home_p = url_parts();
$url = trim($url);
if ($url === '') {
return '';
// echo $url."\n\n\n";
$hash_pos = strrpos($url, '#');
$fragment = $hash_pos !== false ? '#' . substr($url, $hash_pos) : '';
$sep_pos = strpos($url, '://');
if ($sep_pos === false || $sep_pos > 5) {
switch ($url{0}) {
// absolute path w/o HTTP and relatives paths
case '/':
$url = substr($url, 0, 2) === '//' ? $home_p['s'] . ':' . $url : $home_p['s'] . '://' . $home_p['h'] . $url;
// php query string
case '?':
$url = $home_p['h'] . '/' . $home_p['file'] . $url;
// html # particule
case '#':
// magnet & mailto
case 'm':
// javascript
case 'j':
$url = $home_p['h'] . '/' . $url;
// echo $url."\n\n\n";
return $url;
function add_table_and_replace(&$data, $retrievable, &$match1, $match, $url_p, $type) {
// get the filenam (basename)
global $GLOBAL;
$nom_fichier = (preg_match('#^https?://#', $match)) ? pathinfo(parse_url($match, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME) : pathinfo($match, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
// get the URL. For relatives URL, uses the GLOBALS[url] tu make the complete URL
// the files in CSS are relative to the CSS !
if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $match)) { // url
$url_fichier = $match;
elseif (preg_match('#^//#', $match)) { // absolute path w/o HTTP
$url_fichier = $url_p['s'].':'.$match;
elseif (preg_match('#^/#', $match)) { // absolute local path
$url_fichier = $url_p['s'].'://'.$url_p['h'].$match;
else { // relative local path
$uuu = (strlen($url_p['file']) == 0 or preg_match('#/$#', $url_p['pat'])) ? $GLOBAL['url'] : substr($GLOBAL['url'], 0, -strlen($url_p['file'])) ;
$url_fichier = $uuu . substr($match, 0, -strlen($nom_fichier)).$nom_fichier;
$url_fichier = html_entity_decode(urldecode($url_fichier));
// new rand name, for local storage.
$nouveau_nom = rand_new_name($nom_fichier);
if ($type == 'css') {
$nouveau_nom = $nouveau_nom.'.css';
$add = TRUE;
// avoids downloading the same file twice.
foreach ($retrievable as $key => $item) {
if ($item['url_fichier'] == $url_fichier) {
$nouveau_nom = $item['nom_destination'];
$add = FALSE;
// if we do want to download it, we add to the array.
if ($add === TRUE) {
$retrievable[] = array(
'url_origine' => $match,
'url_fichier' => $url_fichier,
'nom_fich_origine' => $nom_fichier,
'nom_destination' => $nouveau_nom,
'type' => $type
// replace the URL with the new filename in the &data.
$new_match = str_replace($match, $nouveau_nom, $match1);
$data = str_replace($match1, $new_match, $data);
$match1 = $new_match;
return $retrievable;
function rand_new_name($name) {
$name = substr($name, 0, (($w = strpos($name, '?')) ? $w : strlen($name)));
return 'f_'.str_shuffle('abcd').mt_rand(100, 999).'--'.preg_replace('#[^\w.]#', '_', substr($name, 15)).'.'.pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($GLOBAL['done']['d'] !== FALSE) {
switch($GLOBAL['done']['d']) {
case 'ajout' :
header('Location: index.php?done='.$GLOBAL['done']['d'].'&lien='.urlencode($GLOBAL['url']).'&loclink='.urlencode($GLOBAL['done']['lien']));
case 'remove' :
header('Location: index.php?done='.$GLOBAL['done']['d']);
echo '</div>'."\n";
* Displays main form (page to retrieve)
<!DOCTYPE html>
if (!empty($_GET['publicget'])){
}else if (!empty($search_tags)){
$page_title='Tag: '.$search_tags;
else if ($GLOBAL['public']){$page_title=$GLOBAL['public_title']; }
<meta charset="utf-8" /></head>
<title><?php echo $page_title; ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $GLOBAL['css_folder']; ?>/style.css"/>
<?php link2favicon($target);?>
<!--[if IE]><script> document.createElement("article");document.createElement("aside");document.createElement("section");document.createElement("footer");</script> <![endif]-->
<body <?php echo $bodyclass;?>>
<header><a href="<?php echo $GLOBAL['respawn_url'].$publicarg; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $GLOBAL['css_folder']; ?>/logo2.png"/></a>
<nav id="orpx_nav-bar">
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){
echo "\t".'<form method="get" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" >'."\n";
echo "\t\t".'<input id="____q" type="text" size="70" name="q" value="" placeholder="URL from the page to download" />'."\n";
echo "\t\t".'<input type="submit" value="Retrieve"/>'."\n";
echo "\t".'</form>'."\n";
} else{
echo '<p>';
if (!empty($target)){echo $page_title.' <a class="zip" href="?zippublic='.strip_tags($_GET['publicget']).'" title="Get ZIP version"></a>';}else{echo $GLOBAL['message'];}
echo '</p>';
echo '<div class="tag_cloud">';
echo '</div>';
if (!empty($target)){
echo '<iframe name="embed" style="min-height: 800px;" src="'.$target.'" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" ></iframe>';
if (!empty($search_tags)){echo '<h2> Tag : <em>'.$search_tags.'</em> - <a href="'.$GLOBAL['respawn_url'].'">No tag</a></h2><hr/>';}
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){
if (isset($_GET['done']) and $_GET['done'] !== FALSE) {
echo '<div id="new-link">'."\n";
switch($_GET['done']) {
case 'ajout' :
echo "\t".'<a target="_blank" href="'.urldecode($_GET['loclink']).'">Retrieved page</a> - (<a href="'.htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_GET['lien'])).'">orig. page</a>)' ."\n";
case 'remove' :
echo "\t".'Page removed'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
// public pages
echo '<div class="public" style="'.$column_width.'">'."\n";
$liste_pages = search('public',$search_tags);
if ( ($nb = count($liste_pages)) != 0 ) {
echo '<ul id="liste-pages-sauvees">'."\n";
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $nb ; $i++) {
// dont list '.' and '..' folders.
if (is_dir($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i]) and ($liste_pages[$i] != '.') and ($liste_pages[$i] != '..')) {
// each folder should contain such a file "index.ini".
$ini_file = $GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i].'/index.ini';
$favicon = glob($GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i].'/*favicon.*');
$favicon = (isset($favicon[0])) ? $favicon[0] : '';
if ( is_file($ini_file) and is_readable($ini_file) ) {
$infos = parse_ini_file($ini_file);
} else {
$infos = FALSE;
if (FALSE !== $infos) {
$titre = $infos['TITLE']; $url = $infos['URL']; $date = @date('d/m/Y, H:i:s', $infos['DATE']);
} else {
$titre = 'titre'; $url = '#'; $date = 'date inconnue';
if (isset($GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'][$liste_pages[$i]])){$tags=$GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'][$liste_pages[$i]];$taglinks=tag2links($GLOBAL['tag_array']['public'][$liste_pages[$i]]);}
echo "\t".'<li>';
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){echo '<a class="icon suppr" onclick="return window.confirm(\'Sure to remove?\')" href="?suppr='.$GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i].'" title="suppr">X</a>';}
echo '<a class="title" href="?public&publicget='.$liste_pages[$i].'" title="'.$titre.'('.$date.')"><img src="'.$favicon.'"/>'.$titre.'</a>';
echo '<p class="infos">';
echo $taglinks;
echo '</p>';
echo '<p class="tools">';
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){echo '<a class="icon rename" onclick="rename(\''.$GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i].'\',\''.$titre.'\',this)" href="" title="rename">R</a>';}
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){echo '<a class="icon tagme" onclick="tag(\'&ispublic\',\''.$liste_pages[$i].'\',\''.$tags.'\',this)" href="#" title="edit tags">T</a>';}
echo '<a class="icon zip" href="?zippublic='.$liste_pages[$i].'" title="Download zip version">Z</a><a class="icon origine" href="'.$url.'" title="origin">&#10150;</a> ';
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){echo '<a href="?toprivate='.$liste_pages[$i].'" class="toprivate" title="Change to private">&#9654;</a>'."\n";}else{echo "\n";}
echo '</p>
echo '</ul>'."\n";
}else{echo 'Nothing found...';}
echo '</div>'."\n";
// PRIVATE PAGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!$GLOBAL['public']){
echo '<div class="private" style="'.$column_width.'">'."\n";
$liste_pages = search('private',$search_tags);
if ( ($nb = count($liste_pages)) != 0 ) {
echo '<ul id="liste-pages-sauvees">'."\n";
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $nb ; $i++) {
// dont list '.' and '..' folders.
if (is_dir($GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i]) and ($liste_pages[$i] != '.') and ($liste_pages[$i] != '..')) {
// each folder should contain such a file "index.ini".
$ini_file = $GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i].'/index.ini';
$favicon = (isset($favicon[0])) ? $favicon[0] : '';
if ( is_file($ini_file) and is_readable($ini_file) ) {
$infos = parse_ini_file($ini_file);
} else {
$infos = FALSE;
if (FALSE !== $infos) {
$titre = $infos['TITLE']; $url = $infos['URL']; $date = date('d/m/Y, H:i:s', $infos['DATE']);
} else {
$titre = 'titre'; $url = '#'; $date = 'date inconnue';
if (isset($GLOBAL['tag_array']['private'][$liste_pages[$i]])){$tags=$GLOBAL['tag_array']['private'][$liste_pages[$i]];$taglinks=tag2links($GLOBAL['tag_array']['private'][$liste_pages[$i]]);}
echo "\t".'
<a class="icon suppr" onclick="return window.confirm(\'Sure to remove?\')" href="?suppr='.$GLOBAL['private_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i].'" title="suppr">X</a>
<a class="title" href="?privateget='.$liste_pages[$i].'" title="'.$titre.'('.$date.')"><img src="'.$favicon.'"/>'.$titre.'</a>
<p class="infos">'.$taglinks.'</p>
<p class="tools">
<a class="icon rename" onclick="rename(\''.$GLOBAL['public_data_folder'].'/'.$liste_pages[$i].'\',\''.$titre.'\',this)" href="#" title="rename">R</a>
<a class="icon tagme" onclick="tag(\'\',\''.$liste_pages[$i].'\',\''.$tags.'\',this)" href="#" title="edit tags">T</a>
<a class="icon zip" href="?zipprivate='.$liste_pages[$i].'" title="Download zip version">Z</a>
<a class="icon origine" href="'.$url.'" title="origin">&#10150;</a>
<a href="?topublic='.$liste_pages[$i].'" class="topublic" title="Change to public">&#9664;</a>
echo '</ul>'."\n";
}else{echo 'Nothing found...';}
echo '</div>'."\n";
<a title='from TiMo' href=''>Respawn</a> (bronco edition v<?php echo $GLOBAL['version'];?>) - <a href='?public'>Public page link</a> -
<a href="?rss<?php if ($search_tags!='') {echo '&tag='.$search_tags; }?>"> RSS </a> -
<?php if (!$GLOBAL['public']){echo $bookmarklet;} ?> -
<?php if (!$GLOBAL['public']){echo '<a href="config_page.php">Config</a>';} ?> -
<?php if (!$GLOBAL['public']){echo '<a href="?discotime">Disconnect</a>';}else{echo '<a href="login_form.php">Admin</a>';}?>
function rename(file,oldname,obj){
newname= prompt('Rename this page:',oldname);
if (newname && newname!=oldname){
obj.setAttribute('href',"<?php echo $GLOBAL['respawn_url']; ?>?rename="+encodeURIComponent(oldname)+"&to="+encodeURIComponent(newname)+"&file="+file);
function tag(ispublic,file,oldtags,obj){
newtags= prompt('Tags for this page:',oldtags);
if (newtags && newtags!=oldtags){
obj.setAttribute('href',"<?php echo $GLOBAL['respawn_url']; ?>?settag="+encodeURIComponent(newtags)+"&file="+file+ispublic);