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Knah Tsaeb 8b39a207db Ajout de la possibilité de sauver des fichiers seul.
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2014-08-29 16:56:52 +02:00

190 lines
7 KiB

* @author
* @copyright open source and free to adapt (keep me aware !)
* @version 0.1
* auto_form.php is a little script to auto create a form and
* its content only with an array.
* It can create text inputs radiobuttons, select lists, passwords inputs.
* All the generated form's elements can be reached by classes
* and ids with css or jquery.
* It's possible to configure auto_form to add some features
* like placeholders, labels etc.
/* this is an example array
'use_a_choice'=>'choice one',// current value: other values are defined below
'use_a_radiobutton_choice'=>'choice one',// current value: other values are defined below
//then render_form($config);
/* #####################################################################
# auto_form config #
// here are the basic parameters
'submit_button_label'=>'Save changes',
foreach (glob('design/*') as $skin){
$skin=basename($skin);if ($skin!='index.html'){$skins[]=$skin;}
/* #####################################################################
# the render function #
You can call it from anywhere in the page and render more than one form
just call render_form($data_array)to create a brand new form with differents
names, classes, ids etc.
function render_form($var){
global $autoform_config;$all_keys='';
if ($autoform_config['form_id']){$id=' id="'.$autoform_config['form_id'].'" ';}
if ($autoform_config['form_class']){$class=' class="'.$autoform_config['form_class'].'" ';}
if ($autoform_config['enctype']){$enctype=' enctype="'.$autoform_config['enctype'].'" ';}
if (isset($autoform_config['reset_button_label'])){$reset="<input type='reset' value='".$autoform_config['reset_button_label'].'"/>';}
echo '<form name="'.$autoform_config['form_name']."\" $id $class $enctype method=\"".$autoform_config['method']."\" action=\"".$autoform_config['action']."\">\n ";
foreach($var as $key=>$value){
$all_keys.=$key.' | ';
$txt=str_replace('_',' ',$key);
$label="<label class='$key' for='$key'>$txt</label>";
$idclasname="name='$key' id='$key' class='$key'";
echo '<li>';
if (is_bool($value)){
// oh, a checkbox !
if ($value==true){$checked=' checked ';}else{$checked='';}
echo $label;
echo "<input $idclasname type='checkbox' $checked value=true />";
if (!$autoform_config['use_labels']){$label='';}
if (isset($autoform_config[$key])&&is_array($autoform_config[$key])){
// lists of choices
if (isset($autoform_config[$key]['type'])&&$autoform_config[$key]['type']=='radio'){
// oh, a radiobutton list !
echo $txt.'<br/>';
echo "<ul>\n";
foreach ($autoform_config[$key] as $chkey=>$choice){
if ($choice==$value){$checked='checked';}else{$checked='';}
echo "<li><label for='$choice$key'> $choice </label><input name='$key' type='radio' value='$choice' $checked id='$choice$key'/></li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
// oh, a select input !
echo $label;
echo "<select $idclasname text='$value'>\n";
foreach ($autoform_config[$key] as $choice){
if ($choice==$value){$checked='selected';}else{$checked='';}
echo "<option $checked value='$choice'>$choice</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
}else if (isset($autoform_config[$key]) && $autoform_config[$key]=='pass'){
//oh, a password input !
echo $label;
echo "<input type='password' $idclasname value='$value' />\n";
// ok, so that's a text input...
echo $label;
if ($autoform_config['use_placeholder']){$placeholder=" placeholder='$txt'";}else{$placeholder='';}
echo "<input type='text' $idclasname value='$value' $placeholder/>\n";
echo "</li>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='all_keys' value='$all_keys'/>\n";// this line to prevent unchecked boxes to desapear.
echo '<input type="submit" value="'.$autoform_config['submit_button_label']."\"/> $reset \n </form>";
if ($_POST){
$auto_form['filecontent']="<?php \n /* The configuration generated with auto_form*/\n\n";
$all_keys=explode(' | ',$_POST['all_keys']);
foreach ($all_keys as $key){
if (!isset($postdata[$key])){$postdata[$key]=false;} // avoid unchecked boxes to desapear from config file
if ($postdata[$key]===true){$postdata[$key]='true';} else
if ($postdata[$key]===false){$postdata[$key]='false';}
if ($postdata[$key]=='true'||$postdata[$key]=='false'){ //bool
}else{// not bool
if ($postdata['data_folder']!=$GLOBAL['data_folder']){ rename ($GLOBAL['data_folder'],$postdata['data_folder']);}
$message=' saved.';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" /></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design/<?php echo $GLOBAL['skin']; ?>/style.css"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="/image/png" href="design/<?php echo $GLOBAL['skin']; ?>/favicon2.png">
<!--[if IE]><script> document.createElement("article");document.createElement("aside");document.createElement("section");document.createElement("footer");</script> <![endif]-->
<body class="config">
<header><a href="index.php"><img src="design/<?php echo $GLOBAL['skin']; ?>/logo2.png"/></a>
<h1>Configuration <?php echo $message;?></h1>