2023-06-21 11:42:36 +02:00
# !!!! Be careful !!!!
## Use at your own risk
Soshot make webshot of internet page with headless machine.
## Ideas
- If webshot exist in desired size, serve them, if not, verif if complete exist, if exist, crop and resize, save and serve
- If webshot not exist get information of page and add in the queue
- Cron job take a webshot of complete page and save them (1920 x complete lenth)
- Crop image and resize desired format (1920x1080, 1280x720, 160x90 ...), save and serve
SoShot always make complete webshot (1920x page lenght) + first demande size.
Size use 16/9 ratio :
- fav = define by config (default 48px)
- og = define by the website himself (no resize or crop)
- thumb = 160x90
- hd = 1280x720
- full = 1920x1080
- complete = 1920xpage height
## Requirements
- PHP 8.*
- Sqlite3
- Composer
- Imagick
- Chrome / Chromium
## Installation
Make directory on your web server and go in
mkdir /var/www/soshot & & cd /var/www/soshot
Clone git repo
git clone https://forge.leslibres.org/Knah-Tsaeb/Soshot.git .
Install dependencies
composer install --no-dev
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Add cron task
sudo crontab -u www-data -e
php /var/www/soshot/bin/thumbShoter.php
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Configure your web server to serve in "public" directory
Go to web page
## Configuration
You can use a web interface (if option "use web gui" is set to true), https://shoshot.your-domain.tld/backend?page=settings
Or you can modify config file /datas/config.json.
#### Accept only request from
Default : true
ShoShot only work for local machine, return 404 if use with remote machine.
#### Use web gui
Default : false
Soshot only work with endpoint /api. Return 404 if endpoint is not /api
#### Use log
Default : true
Not implemented yet.
#### Always make PDF
Default : false
If true, SoShot make a complete webshot and PDF of page.
#### Favicon size
Default : 48
Define size of favicon.
#### Permit type of webshot
Default : none
Select authorized size or type of webshot.
#### Cache expiration (for web GUI) in hour
Default : 12
Not implemented yet.
#### Maximum work per batch
Default : 5
Foreach cron task as launch, SoShot make 5 webshot.
#### Api key
Default : random string, lenght 12
!!! DANGER !!!
If you change key, all previous generation will be invalid. Soshot re make all previous generation.
#### Password
Default : null
Password for admin interface. No min or max character.
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#### Chrome path
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Default : empty
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If path of Chrome/Chromium is not in PATH, you can define here.
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## Usage
For generating webshot the entry point is https://shoshot.your-domain.tld/api?
You need to define 3 parameters :
- type (fav, og, pdf, thumb, hd, full, complete)
- hmac (hash_hmac('sha1', url of page, your Api key);)
- url (url of page encode with url_encode)
Example : https://shoshot.your-domain.tld/api?type=fav& hmac=44a2b3f1bc43895c23779f4e71558e9976a4daf2& url=https%3A%2F%2Ffr.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FLogiciel_libre
## License
GNU General Public License v3.0
See LICENSE file for more detail.
- [W3c ](https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/ ) for w3.css
- [Fork Awesome ](https://forkaweso.me/Fork-Awesome/ ) for icon
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- [Iconify.design ](https://icon-sets.iconify.design/iconamoon/star-off/ ) for default favicon
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- [embed/embed ](https://github.com/oscarotero/Embed ) for embed (fav and og)
- [hassankhan/config ](https://github.com/hassankhan/config ) for config (config mananger)
- [chrome-php/chrome ](https://github.com/chrome-php/chrome ) for chrome-php (wrapper for chrome dev-tool)
- [stefangabos/zebra_image ](https://github.com/stefangabos/Zebra_Image ) for zebra-image (resize and manipulate image)
- [guzzlehttp/psr7 ](https://github.com/guzzle/psr7 ) for psr7 (PSR7 implement)