loginPassword)) { if (!Login::login($params->loginPassword, $conf->password)) { $content = $this->showLogin(); return $content; } } if (!Login::isLogin()) { $content = $this->showLogin(); return $content; } if (!empty($params->page)) { $this->page = $params->page; } if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../cache/tmp/chrome-php-socket')) { $this->runningJob = true; } if (!empty($params->showImg)) { $img = new ShowImg($params->type, $params->showImg, $conf->fileFormat); exit(); } $this->conf = $conf; $this->params = $params; if ($this->page === 'settings') { if (isset($_SESSION['firstRun']) && $_SESSION['firstRun'] === 1) { $conf->webPage = false; $this->title = 'Install'; $this->conf->key = bin2hex(random_bytes(12)); $this->passwordRequired = "required"; } if (isset($this->params->token) && Page::verifToken($this->params->token)) { $this->conf = $this->setOption($params); } } ob_start(); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../tpl/nav.php'; if ($this->page === 'infos') { $this->showInfos(); } else { $this->showSettings(); } require_once __DIR__ . '/../../tpl/footer.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; } /** * Displays information about the generated data. * * This method sets the start and end index for the data to display based on the * provided parameters. It retrieves the data list, total count, error count, and * queue count from the `DataBase` class. It calculates the start, maximum, next, * and previous index values for pagination. It then requires the 'infos.php' * template to display the information. * * @return void */ private function showInfos() { if (!empty($this->params->search)) { $search = htmlspecialchars(trim($this->params->search)); if (!empty($search)) { $this->search = $search; } else { $this->search = null; } } if (!empty($this->params->start)) { $this->start = $this->params->start; } if (!empty($this->params->end)) { $this->end = $this->max + $this->start; } $conx = new DataBase(); $genList = $conx->getList($this->start, $this->end, $this->search); $total = $conx->getTotal(); $inError = $conx->getInError(); $inQueue = $this->getInQueue(); $start = $this->start; $max = $this->max; $next = $start + $max; $previous = $start - ($max); $search = $this->search; if (count($genList) < $this->max) { $next = $start; } if ($previous < 0) { $previous = null; } require __DIR__ . '/../../tpl/infos.php'; } /** * Displays the settings page. * * This method sets the start and end index for the data to display based on the * provided parameters. It retrieves the data list and total count from the * `DataBase` class. It calculates the start and maximum index values for * pagination. It generates a CSRF token using the `Page::genToken` method. It * then requires the 'settings.php' template to display the settings page. * * @return void */ private function showSettings() { if (!empty($this->params->start)) { $this->start = $this->params->start; } if (!empty($this->params->end)) { $this->end = $this->max + $this->start; } if ($this->start < 0) { $this->start = 0; } $conx = new DataBase(); $genList = $conx->getList($this->start, $this->end); $total = $conx->getTotal(); $start = $this->start; $max = $this->max; $token = Page::genToken(); require __DIR__ . '/../../tpl/settings.php'; } /** * Sets and saves user configuration options. * * This method checks if the configuration file exists and creates an empty one if * it doesn't. It then loads the user configuration from the file using the `Config` * class. It sets various configuration options based on the provided `$post` * parameter, such as server settings, logging, PDF generation, icon size, cache * expiration, maximum generations per batch, permit types, file format, password, * key, and Chrome path. It saves the updated configuration to the file using the * `Config` class. Finally, it loads the updated configuration from the file and * returns it as an object. * * @param object $post The POST data containing the configuration options. * * @return object The updated configuration object. */ private function setOption(object $post): object { if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../datas/config.json')) { file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../datas/config.json', json_encode([])); unset($_SESSION['login']); unset($_SESSION['firstRun']); } $userConfig = __DIR__ . '/../../datas/config.json'; $uConfig = new Config($userConfig); if (empty($post->onlyLocalServer)) { $uConfig['onlyLocalServer'] = false; } else { $uConfig['onlyLocalServer'] = true; } if (empty($post->webPage)) { $uConfig['webPage'] = false; } else { $uConfig['webPage'] = true; } if (empty($post->log)) { $uConfig['log'] = false; } else { $uConfig['log'] = true; } if (empty($post->alwaysMakePdf)) { $uConfig['alwaysMakePdf'] = false; } else { $uConfig['alwaysMakePdf'] = true; } if (!empty($post->icoSize)) { $uConfig['icoSize'] = (int)$post->icoSize; } if (!empty($post->expireCache)) { $uConfig['expireCache'] = (int)$post->expireCache; } if (!empty($post->maxGenPerBatch)) { $uConfig['maxGenPerBatch'] = (int)$post->maxGenPerBatch; } if (!empty($post->permitType)) { $uConfig['permitType'] = $post->permitType; } else { $uConfig['permitType'] = []; } if (!empty($post->fileFormat)) { $uConfig['fileFormat'] = $post->fileFormat; } if (!empty($post->password)) { $uConfig['password'] = password_hash($post->password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); } if (!empty($post->key)) { $uConfig['key'] = $post->key; } if (!empty($post->chromePath)) { $uConfig['chromePath'] = $post->chromePath; } else { $uConfig['chromePath'] = ''; } $uConfig->toFile($userConfig); $newConfig = new Config($userConfig); return (object)$newConfig->all(); } /** * Gets the number of files in the queue directory. * * This method uses the `glob` function to search for JSON files in the queue * directory. If any files are found, it returns the count of files. Otherwise, * it returns 0. * * @return int The number of files in the queue directory. */ private function getInQueue(): int { if (glob(__DIR__ . '/../../cache/queue/*.json') != false) { $fileCount = count(glob(__DIR__ . '/../../cache/queue/*.json')); } else { $fileCount = 0; } return $fileCount; } /** * Displays the login page. * * This method generates a CSRF token using the `Page::genToken` method. It then * requires the 'login.php' template to display the login page. Finally, it returns * the generated HTML content as a string. * * @return string The generated HTML content for the login page. */ private function showLogin(): string { ob_start(); $token = Page::genToken(); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../tpl/login.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; } }