'120x90', 'm' => '200x160', 'l' => '300x240', 'xl' => '400x320', 'xxl' => '500x400' ); // Remove image older than 12 hours $GLOBALS['config']['expireCache'] = 12; if (!file_exists('cache/config/genConf.php')) { install(); } require 'cache/config/genConf.php'; $ui = ''; if (($GLOBALS['config']['onlyLocalServer'] === true && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== '') || checkIfBan() === true) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo "

404 Not Found

"; echo "The page that you have requested could not be found."; exit(); } if ($GLOBALS['config']['NoWebPage'] === true && empty($_GET)) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo "

404 Not Found

"; echo "The page that you have requested could not be found."; exit(); } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function stripslashes_deep($value) { $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value); return $value; } $_POST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST); $_GET = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_GET); $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE); } function testExistImg($file) { if ($GLOBALS['config']['onlyThumb'] === true) { if (file_exists($file.'_thumb.png')) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (file_exists($file.'_thumb.png') && file_exists($file.'.png')) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * Run the bash script for generate thumbnail * * @author Knah Tsaeb * @date 2013-02-12 * @param $url (string) url for thumbshot * @param $hashUrl (md5) md5($url) * @param $width (string) size of thumbnail 190x90 * @param $onlyThumb (bool) * @param $waiForResult (bool) * @return */ function launchScript($url, $hashUrl, $width, $size, $onlyThumb, $waitForResult = false) { $hashUrl = escapeshellarg($hashUrl); $url = escapeshellarg($url); $width = escapeshellarg($width); if ($GLOBALS['config']['onlyThumb'] === true) { $onlyThumb = 1; } else { $onlyThumb = 0; } if ($waitForResult === false) { exec('bin/thumb_server.sh '.$url.' '.$hashUrl.' '.$width.' '.$size.' '.$onlyThumb.' > /dev/null &', $result); } else { exec('bin/thumb_server.sh '.$url.' '.$hashUrl.' '.$width.' '.$size.' '.$onlyThumb.' 1', $result); } return $result; } function testValidUrl($url) { $url = trim($url); if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED | FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED)) { $url = parse_url($url); if (!in_array($url['scheme'], array( 'http', 'https' ))) { return array('msg' => 'Url must be start by http or https.'); } return true; } else { return array('msg' => 'Url are not valid.'); } } function genToken() { $token = sha1(uniqid(rand(), true).'_'.mt_rand()); $_SESSION['token'] = $token; return $token; } function verifToken($token) { if ($token !== $_SESSION['token']) { ban(); die('So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.'); } } function checkIfBan() { require 'cache/logs/banUser.php'; $userIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (isset($banList[$userIp]) && $banList[$userIp]['nbBan'] >= $GLOBALS['config']['maxErrorBeforeBan'] && $banList[$userIp]['lastBan'] + $GLOBALS['config']['banTime'] > time()) { return true; } elseif (isset($banList[$userIp]) && $banList[$userIp]['lastBan'] + $GLOBALS['config']['banTime'] < time()) { unban(); return false; } else { return false; } } function ban() { require 'cache/logs/banUser.php'; $userIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (isset($banList[$userIp])) { $banList[$userIp]['lastBan'] = time(); $banList[$userIp]['nbBan']++; } else { $banList[$userIp]['lastBan'] = time(); $banList[$userIp]['nbBan'] = 1; } file_put_contents('cache/logs/banUser.php', ""); } function unBan() { require 'cache/logs/banUser.php'; $userIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; unset($banList[$userIp]); file_put_contents('cache/logs/banUser.php', ""); } function install() { if (!is_writable('cache')) { die('Make dir "cache" writable'); } if (!mkdir('cache/config', 0705)) { die('Error on create dir "cache/config".'); } if (!mkdir('cache/img', 0705)) { die('Error on create dir "cache/img".'); } if (!mkdir('cache/logs', 0705)) { die('Error on create dir "cache/logs".'); } if (!mkdir('cache/tmp', 0705)) { die('Error on create dir "cache/tmp".'); } $salt = sha1(uniqid(rand(), true).'_'.mt_rand()); $serverKey = substr(sha1(uniqid(rand(), true).'_'.mt_rand().$salt), 0, 12); $encryptServerKey = sha1($serverKey.$salt); if (!is_file('cache/config/genConf.php')) { file_put_contents('cache/config/genConf.php', ""); } if (!is_file('cache/config/serverOptions.php')) { touch('cache/config/serverOptions.php'); } if (!is_file('cache/config/options.php')) { file_put_contents('cache/config/options.php', ""); } if (!is_file('cache/logs/banUser.php')) { file_put_contents('cache/logs/banUser.php', ""); } if (!is_file('cache/logs/log.txt')) { touch('cache/logs/log.txt'); } echo '
This is the key for generate thumbnail whith GET method. Save it, this key is secret, don\'t share it.

', $serverKey, '

'; checkInstall(); } function checkInstall() { if (!is_file('.htaccess')) { file_put_contents('.htaccess', "AddDefaultCharset UTF-8\nOptions -Indexes\nDirectoryIndex index.php index.html\nFileETag none\nSetOutputFilter DEFLATE\n"); } if (!is_file('cache/logs/.htaccess')) { file_put_contents('cache/logs/.htaccess', "Allow from none\nDeny from all\n"); } if (!is_file('cache/config/.htaccess')) { file_put_contents('cache/config/.htaccess', "Allow from none\nDeny from all\n"); } if (!is_file('bin/.htaccess')) { file_put_contents('bin/.htaccess', "Allow from none\nDeny from all\n"); } } function removeOlderThan($dir = 'cache/img/shortLived') { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object !== '.' && $object !== '..' && $object) { if (filetype($dir.'/'.$object) === 'dir') { removeOlderThan($dir.'/'.$object); } else { if(fileatime($dir.'/'.$object) < time() - 3600*$GLOBALS['config']['expireCache']){ unlink($dir.'/'.$object); } } } } reset($objects); } } checkInstall(); removeOlderThan(); if ($_GET) { $ui = $_GET; unset($_GET); if (empty($ui['key']) || empty($ui['url'])) { die('Are you Ken ?'); } if (sha1($ui['key'].$GLOBALS['config']['salt']) !== $GLOBALS['config']['serverKey']) { ban(); die('I take a chips and give it to Godzilla. I print a shoes and .............. KAMOULOX ! Well done Jean Pierre.'); } if (!array_key_exists($ui['s'], $GLOBALS['config']['thumbSize'])) { die('Die another day !'); } $ui['url'] = rawurldecode($ui['url']); $testUrl = testValidUrl($ui['url']); if ($testUrl !== true) { header("Content-type: image/png"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); echo file_get_contents('bin/error.png'); exit(); } $defUrl = $ui['url']; if (isset($ui['s']) && array_key_exists($ui['s'], $GLOBALS['config']['thumbSize'])) { $width = $GLOBALS['config']['thumbSize'][$ui['s']]; } else { $width = $GLOBALS['config']['defaultThumbSize']; } $hashUrl = sha1($GLOBALS['config']['serverKey'].$defUrl); $startPath = substr($hashUrl, 0, 2).'/'.substr($hashUrl, 2, 2).'/'; $file = 'cache/img/'.$ui['s'].'/'.$startPath.$hashUrl; if (testExistImg($file) !== true || isset($ui['fr']) && (int)$ui['fr'] === 1) { if (isset($ui['iw']) && (int)$ui['iw'] === 1) { launchScript($defUrl, $hashUrl, $width, $ui['s'], $GLOBALS['config']['onlyThumb'], true); } else { $res = launchScript($defUrl, $hashUrl, $width, $ui['s'], $GLOBALS['config']['onlyThumb'], false); header("Content-type: image/png"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); echo file_get_contents('bin/loadingGen.png'); exit(); } } header("Content-type: image/png"); header('Expires: ', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()).' GMT'); if (!empty($ui['t']) && $ui['t'] === 'full') { echo file_get_contents($file.'.png'); } else { echo file_get_contents($file.'_thumb.png'); } exit(); } if ($_POST) { $ui = $_POST; unset($_POST); if (empty($ui['url'])) { die('No url, no thumb'); } verifToken($ui['token']); $ui['url'] = rawurldecode($ui['url']); $testUrl = testValidUrl($ui['url']); if ($testUrl !== true) { echo $testUrl['msg']; exit(); } if (!array_key_exists($ui['s'], $GLOBALS['config']['thumbSize'])) { die('Die another day !'); } $defUrl = $ui['url']; if (isset($ui['s']) && array_key_exists($ui['s'], $GLOBALS['config']['thumbSize'])) { $width = $GLOBALS['config']['thumbSize'][$ui['s']]; } else { $width = $GLOBALS['config']['defaultThumbSize']; } $hashUrl = sha1($GLOBALS['config']['serverKey'].$defUrl); $startPath = substr($hashUrl, 0, 2).'/'.substr($hashUrl, 2, 2).'/'; $file = 'cache/img/shortLived/'.$startPath.$hashUrl; if (testExistImg($file) !== true || isset($ui['fr']) && (int)$ui['fr'] === 1) { launchScript($defUrl, $hashUrl, $width, 'shortLived', $GLOBALS['config']['onlyThumb'], true); } $success = array( 'normal' => $file.'.png', 'thumb' => $file.'_thumb.png' ); } if (empty($defUrl)) { $defUrl = $GLOBALS['config']['defaultUrl']; } if (empty($width)) { $width = $GLOBALS['config']['defaultThumbSize']; } ?> KT WebThumb


'; echo '

This image will removed in 24h

'; echo ''; echo '

'; if ($GLOBALS['config']['onlyThumb'] === false) { echo '

'; } } echo ''; ?>