Simon DELAGE 1e30b8bfc0 Fixed a bug in folder creation(s)
Bug prevented plugin to create required base folders for templates,
users' namespaces or public pages (was tested at early dev stage but
forgot te test it again later)
2015-02-11 12:55:04 +01:00

299 lines
18 KiB

* Userhomepage plugin main file
* Previous authors: James GuanFeng Lin, Mikhail I. Izmestev, Daniel Stonier
* @author: Simon Delage <>
* @license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported <>
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
if (!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/');
require_once (DOKU_PLUGIN . 'action.php');
require_once (DOKU_PLUGIN . '/acl/admin.php');
class action_plugin_userhomepage extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin{
function register(&$controller) {
$controller->register_hook('DOKUWIKI_STARTED', 'AFTER', $this, 'init',array());
$controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this, 'redirect',array());
$controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'AFTER', $this, 'acl',array());
function init(&$event, $param) {
global $conf;
if (($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) && (!is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt')) && ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] != null)) {
// If old template exists, use it as source to create userhomepage_private.txt in templates_path
if ((is_file(DOKU_INC.$this->getConf('templatepath'))) && ($this->getConf('templatepath') != null)) {
$source = $this->getConf('templatepath');
} else {
$source = 'lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/userhomepage_private.default';
$this->copyFile($source, $this->getConf('templates_path'), 'userhomepage_private.txt');
if (($this->getConf('create_public_page')) && (!is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt')) && ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] != null)) {
$source = 'lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/userhomepage_public.default';
$this->copyFile($source, $this->getConf('templates_path'), 'userhomepage_public.txt');
if ($this->getConf('group_by_name')) {
// private:s:simon or private:s:simon_delage
$this->private_ns = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace').':'.substr($this->privateNamespace(), 0, 1).':'. $this->privateNamespace());
} else {
// private:simon or private:simon_delage
$this->private_ns = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace').':'. $this->privateNamespace());
// ...:start.txt or ...:simon_delage.txt
$this->private_page = $this->private_ns . ':' . $this->privateStart();
// user:simon.txt
$this->public_page = cleanID($this->getConf('public_pages_ns').':'. $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
// If a user is logged in, store timestamp (if it wasn't stored yet)
if (($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']!=null) && (!isset($_SESSION['uhptimestamp']))) {
$_SESSION['uhptimestamp'] = time();
// If no user is logged in and a timestamp exists, set timestamp to null (ensures that redirection will work if user just logged out and comes back before closing browser)
} elseif (($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']==null) && (isset($_SESSION['uhptimestamp']))) {
$_SESSION['uhptimestamp'] = null;
function redirect(&$event, $param) {
global $conf;
global $lang;
$created = array();
// If a user is logged in and not allready requesting his private namespace start page
if (($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']!=null)&&($_REQUEST['id']!=$this->private_page)) {
// if private page doesn't exists, create it (from template)
if ($this->getConf('create_private_ns') && is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt') && !page_exists($this->private_page) && !checklock($this->private_page) && !checkwordblock()) {
// Target private start page template
$this->private_page_template = DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt';
// Create private page
saveWikiText($this->private_page,$this->applyTemplate('private'),'Automatically created');
// Announce private namespace was created
msg($this->getLang('createdprivatens').' ('.$this->private_page.')', 0);
// Note that we created private page
$created['private'] = page_exists($this->private_page);
// Public page?
// If public page doesn't exists, create it (from template)
if ($this->getConf('create_public_page') && is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt') && !page_exists($this->public_page) && !checklock($this->public_page) && !checkwordblock()) {
// Target public page template
$this->public_page_template = DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt';
// Create public page
saveWikiText($this->public_page,$this->applyTemplate('public'),'Automatically created');
// Announce plubic page was created
msg($this->getLang('createdpublicpage').' ('.$this->public_page.')', 0);
// Note that we created public page
$created['public'] = page_exists($this->public_page);
// List IDs that can match wiki start
$wikistart = array($conf['start'], ':'.$conf['start']);
// If Translation plugin is active, wiki start page can also be '??:start'
if (!plugin_isdisabled('translation')) {
// For each language in Translation settings
foreach (explode(' ',$conf['plugin']['translation']['translations']) as $language){
array_push($wikistart, $language.':'.$conf['start'], ':'.$language.':'.$conf['start']);
// If Public page was just created, redirect to it and edit
if ($created['public']) {
send_redirect(wl($this->public_page, 'do=edit', false, '&'));
// Else if private start page was just created and edit option is set, redirect to it and edit
} elseif (($created['private']) && ($this->getConf('edit_before_create'))) {
send_redirect(wl($this->private_page, 'do=edit', false, '&'));
// Else if user's private page exists AND [(user isn't requesting a specific page OR he's requesting wiki start page) AND logged in 2sec ago max]
} elseif ((page_exists($this->private_page)) && (((!isset($_GET['id'])) or (in_array($_GET['id'], $wikistart))) && (time()-$_SESSION["uhptimestamp"] <= 2))) {
function acl(&$event, $param) {
global $conf;
if ((!$this->getConf('no_acl')) && ($conf['useacl'])) {
$existingLines = file(DOKU_CONF.'acl.auth.php');
$newLines = array();
// ACL
$acl = new admin_plugin_acl();
// On private namespace
if ($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) {
// For known users
// If use_name_string or group_by_name is enabled, we can't use ACL wildcards so let's create ACL for current user on his private ns
if (($this->getConf('use_name_string')) or ($this->getConf('group_by_name'))) {
$where = $this->private_ns.':*';
$who = strtolower($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
// Otherwise we can set ACL for all known users at once
} else {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace')).':%USER%:*';
$who = '%USER%';
$perm = AUTH_DELETE;
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For @ALL
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_private') != 'noacl') {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace')).':*';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_all_private');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For @user
if (($this->getConf('acl_user_private') != 'noacl') && ($this->getConf('acl_user_private') !== $this->getConf('acl_all_private'))) {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace')).':*';
$who = '@user';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_user_private');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
} // end of private namespaces acl
// On public user pages
if ($this->getConf('create_public_page')) {
// For known users
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('public_pages_ns')).':%USER%';
$who = '%USER%';
$perm = AUTH_EDIT;
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For others
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_public') != 'noacl') {
// If both private and public namespaces are identical, we need to force rights for @ALL and/or @user on each public page
if ($this->getConf('users_namespace') == $this->getConf('public_pages_ns')) {
$files = scandir(DOKU_CONF.'../data/pages/'.$this->getConf('public_pages_ns'));
foreach($files as $file) {
if (is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../data/pages/'.$this->getConf('public_pages_ns').'/'.$file)) {
// ACL on templates will be managed another way
if (strpos($file, 'userhomepage_p') !== 0) {
// @ALL
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = $this->getConf('public_pages_ns').':'.substr($file, 0, -4);
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_all_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// @user
if ($this->getConf('acl_user_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = $this->getConf('public_pages_ns').':'.substr($file, 0, -4);
$who = '@user';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_user_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// Otherwise we just need to give the right permission to each group on public pages namespace
} else {
// @ALL
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('public_pages_ns')).':*';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_all_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// @user
if ($this->getConf('acl_user_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('public_pages_ns')).':*';
$who = '@user';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_user_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
} // end for public pages acl
// On templates if they're in data/pages
if (strpos($this->getConf('templates_path'),'data/pages') !== false) {
// For @ALL
if (($this->getConf('acl_all_templates') != 'noacl') && (($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) or ($this->getConf('create_public_page')))) {
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_private';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_all_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_public';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_all_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For @user
if (($this->getConf('acl_user_templates') != 'noacl') && ($this->getConf('acl_user_templates') !== $this->getConf('acl_all_templates')) && (($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) or ($this->getConf('create_public_page')))) {
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_private';
$who = '@user';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_user_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_public';
$who = '@user';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_user_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
} // end of templates acl
$i = count($newLines);
if ($i > 0) {
msg("Userhomepage: adding or updating ".$i." ACL rules.",1);
foreach($newLines as $line) {
if (($line['where'] != null) && ($line['who'] != null)) {
// delete potential ACL rule with same scope (aka 'where') and same user (aka 'who')
$acl->_acl_del($line['where'], $line['who']);
$acl->_acl_add($line['where'], $line['who'], $line['perm']);
// } else {
// msg("Userhomepage has no ACL rules to update or add.",0);
function copyFile($source = null, $target_dir = null, $target_file = null) {
io_mkdir_p(DOKU_CONF."../".$target_dir) || msg("Creating directory $target_dir failed",-1);
copy(DOKU_INC.$source, DOKU_CONF.'../'.$target_dir.'/'.$target_file);
if (is_file(DOKU_INC.$source, DOKU_CONF.'../'.$target_dir.'/'.$target_file)) {
msg($this->getLang('copysuccess').' ('.$source.' > '.$target_dir.'/'.$target_file.')', 1);
} else {
msg($this->getLang('copyerror').' ('.$source.' > '.$target_dir.'/'.$target_file.')', -1);
function privateNamespace() {
if ( $this->getConf('use_name_string')) {
global $INFO;
$raw_string = cleanID($INFO['userinfo']['name']);
// simon_delage
return $raw_string;
} else {
// simon
return strtolower($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
function privateStart() {
if ($this->getConf('use_start_page')) {
global $conf;
return cleanID($conf['start']);
} else {
return $this->privateNamespace();
function applyTemplate($type) {
if ($type == 'private') {
$content = io_readFile($this->private_page_template, false);
} elseif ($type == 'public') {
$content = io_readFile($this->public_page_template, false);
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPRIVATEPAGE@', $this->private_page, $content);
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPRIVATENS@', $this->private_ns, $content);
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPUBLICPAGE@', $this->public_page, $content);
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPUBLICNS@', cleanID($this->getConf('public_pages_ns')), $content);
// Improved template process to use standard replacement patterns from based on code proposed by Christian Nancy
// Build a fake data structure for the parser
$data = array('tpl' => $content, 'id' => $this->private_page);
// Use the built-in parser
$content = parsePageTemplate($data);
return $content;