
44 lines
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2020-01-06 14:14:28 +01:00
layout: default
permalink: templates/nesting/
title: Nesting
Including another template into the current template is done using the `insert()` function:
~~~ php
<?php $this->insert('partials/header') ?>
<p>Your content.</p>
<?php $this->insert('partials/footer') ?>
The `insert()` function also works with [folders](/engine/folders/):
~~~ php
<?php $this->insert('partials::header') ?>
## Alternative syntax
The `insert()` function automatically outputs the rendered template. If you prefer to manually output the response, use the `fetch()` function instead:
~~~ php
## Assign data
To assign data (variables) to a nested template, pass them as an array to the `insert()` or `fetch()` functions. This data will then be available as locally scoped variables within the nested template.
~~~ php
<?php $this->insert('partials/header', ['name' => 'Jonathan']) ?>
<p>Your content.</p>
<?php $this->insert('partials/footer') ?>