(cassera ? cassera pas ?)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 7 additions and 299 deletions
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
* class_rssfeed.php uses:
* RSSFeed: This class has methods for making a RSS 2.0 feed.
* RSSMerger: This class has the ability to merge different RSS feeds and sort them after the date the feed items were posted.
* @author David Laurell <david.laurell@gmail.com>
* + 03/2013
* Few changes, AutoblogRSS and FileRSSFeed
* @author Arthur Hoaro <http://hoa.ro>
class RSSFeed {
protected $xml;
* Construct a RSS feed
public function __construct() {
$template = <<<END
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
$this->xml = new SimpleXMLElement($template);
* Set RSS Feed headers
* @param $title the title of the feed
* @param $link link to the website where you can find the RSS feed
* @param $description a description of the RSS feed
* @param $rsslink the link to this RSS feed
public function setHeaders($title, $link, $description, $rsslink) {
$atomlink = $this->xml->channel->addChild("atom:link","","http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
$this->xml->channel->title = $title;
$this->xml->channel->link = $link;
$this->xml->channel->description = $description;
* Set the language of the RSS feed
* @param $lang the language of the RSS feed
public function setLanguage($lang) {
* Adds a picture to the RSS feed
* @param $url URL to the image
* @param $title The image title. Usually same as the RSS feed's title
* @param $link Where the image should link to. Usually same as the RSS feed's link
public function setImage($url, $title, $link) {
$image = $this->xml->channel->addChild("image");
$image->url = $url;
$image->title = $title;
$image->link = $link;
* Add a item to the RSS feed
* @param $title The title of the RSS feed
* @param $link Link to the item's url
* @param $description The description of the item
* @param $author The author who wrote this item
* @param $guid Unique ID for this post
* @param $timestamp Unix timestamp for making a date
public function addItem($title, $link, $description, $author, $guid, $timestamp) {
$item = $this->xml->channel->addChild("item");
$item->title = $title;
$item->description = $description;
$item->link = $link;
$item->guid = $guid;
if( isset($guid['isPermaLink']))
$item->guid['isPermaLink'] = $guid['isPermaLink'];
if( !empty( $author) )
$item->author = $author;
$item->pubDate = date(DATE_RSS,intval($timestamp));
* Displays the RSS feed
public function displayXML() {
header('Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8');
echo $this->xml->asXML();
public function getXML() {
return $this->xml;
class RSSMerger {
private $feeds = array();
* Constructs a RSSmerger object
function __construct() {
* Populates the feeds array from the given url which is a rss feed
* @param $url
function add($xml) {
foreach($xml->channel->item as $item) {
$item->sitetitle = $xml->channel->title;
$item->sitelink = $xml->channel->link;
preg_match("/^[A-Za-z]{3}, ([0-9]{2}) ([A-Za-z]{3}) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) ([\+|\-]?[0-9]{4})$/", $item->pubDate, $match);
$item->time = time($match[4]+($match[6]/100),$match[5],$match[6],date("m",strtotime($match[2])),$match[1],$match[3]);
$this->feeds[] = $item;
* Comparing function for sorting the feeds
* @param $value1
* @param $value2
function feeds_cmp($value1,$value2) {
if(intval($value1->time) == intval($value2->time))
return 0;
return (intval($value1->time) < intval($value2->time)) ? +1 : -1;
* Sorts the feeds array using the Compare function feeds_cmp
function sort() {
* This function return the feed items.
* @param $limit how many feed items that should be returned
* @return the feeds array
function getFeeds($limit) {
return array_slice($this->feeds,0,$limit);
class FileRSSFeed extends RSSFeed {
protected $filename;
public function __construct($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;
public function load() {
if ( file_exists( $this->filename )) {
$this->xml = simplexml_load_file($this->filename);
public function create($title, $link, $description, $rsslink) {
parent::setHeaders($title, $link, $description, $rsslink);
public function addItem($title, $link, $description, $author, $guid, $timestamp) {
parent::addItem($title, $link, $description, $author, $guid, $timestamp);
private function write() {
if ( file_exists( $this->filename )) {
$outputXML = new RSSFeed();
foreach($this->xml->channel->item as $f) {
$item = $outputXML->addItem($f->title,$f->link,$f->description,$f->author,$f->guid, strtotime($f->pubDate));
$merger = new RssMerger();
foreach($merger->getFeeds(20) as $f) {
file_put_contents( $this->filename, $this->xml->asXML(), LOCK_EX );
class AutoblogRSS extends FileRSSFeed {
public function __construct($filename) {
public function addUnavailable($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl) {
$path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
$autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'.
$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].':'.$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder;
parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" est indisponible', $autobHref,
'Autoblog: <a href="'. $autobHref .'">'.$title.'</a><br>
Site: <a href="'. $siteurl .'">'. $siteurl .'</a><br>
RSS: <a href="'.$rssurl.'">'.$rssurl.'</a><br>
Folder: '. $folder ,
public function addAvailable($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl) {
$path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
$autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'.
$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].':'.$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder;
parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" est de nouveau disponible', $autobHref,
'Autoblog : <a href="'. $autobHref .'">'.$title.'</a><br>
Site: <a href="'. $siteurl .'">'. $siteurl .'</a><br>
RSS: <a href="'.$rssurl.'">'.$rssurl.'</a><br>
Folder: '. $folder ,
public function addCodeChanged($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl, $code) {
$path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
$autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'.
$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].':'.$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder;
parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" a renvoyé un code imprévu', $autobHref,
'Code: '. $code .'<br>
Autoblog : <a href="'. $autobHref .'">'.$title.'</a><br>
Site: <a href="'. $siteurl .'">'. $siteurl .'</a><br>
RSS: <a href="'.$rssurl.'">'.$rssurl.'</a><br>
Folder: '. $folder ,
public function addNewAutoblog($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl) {
$path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
$autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'.
$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].':'.$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder;
parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" a été ajouté à la ferme', $autobHref,
'Autoblog : <a href="'. $autobHref .'">'.$title.'</a><br>
Site: <a href="'. $siteurl .'">'. $siteurl .'</a><br>
RSS: <a href="'.$rssurl.'">'.$rssurl.'</a><br>
Folder: '. $folder ,
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ define('LOCAL_URI', '');
if (!defined('AUTOBLOGS_FOLDER')) define('AUTOBLOGS_FOLDER', './autoblogs/');
if (!defined('DOC_FOLDER')) define('DOC_FOLDER', './docs/');
if (!defined('RESOURCES_FOLDER')) define('RESOURCES_FOLDER', './resources/');
if (!defined('RSS_FILE')) define('RSS_FILE', RESOURCES_FOLDER.'rss.xml');
if (!defined('FOLDER_MAX_LENGTH')) define('FOLDER_MAX_LENGTH', 80);
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr_FR.UTF-8', 'fr_FR', 'fr');
@ -133,11 +132,6 @@ UPDATE_TIMEOUT="'. getTimeout( $type ) .'"') )
throw new Exception('Impossible de créer le répertoire.');
/* @Mitsu: Il faudrait remonter les erreurs d'I/O */
/* Comme ça ? :) */
/* Arthur 29/04/13 : En fait c'était une mauvaise idée : on rend de nouveau bloquant l'écrire du flux RSS, qui est une feature mineure */
// if(updateXML('new_autoblog_added', 'new', $foldername, $sitename, $siteurl, $rssurl) === FALSE)
// { throw new Exception('Impossible d\'écrire le fichier rss.json'); }
updateXML('new_autoblog_added', 'new', $foldername, $sitename, $siteurl, $rssurl);
@ -252,7 +246,7 @@ if(file_put_contents(RESOURCES_FOLDER.'rss.json', json_encode($json), LOCK_EX) =
else { return TRUE; }
function displayXMLstatus_tmp($status, $response_code, $autoblog_url, $autoblog_title, $autoblog_sourceurl, $autoblog_sourcefeed) {
function displayXMLstatus($status, $response_code, $autoblog_url, $autoblog_title, $autoblog_sourceurl, $autoblog_sourcefeed) {
switch ($status)
case 'unavailable':
@ -270,17 +264,17 @@ function displayXMLstatus_tmp($status, $response_code, $autoblog_url, $autoblog_
function displayXML_tmp() {
function displayXML() {
header('Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><channel><link>'.serverUrl(true).'</link>';
echo '<atom:link href="'.serverUrl(false) . '/?rss_tmp" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/><title>Projet Autoblog'. ((strlen(HEAD_TITLE)>0) ? ' | '. HEAD_TITLE : '').'</title><description>'.serverUrl(true),"Projet Autoblog - RSS : Ajouts et changements de disponibilité.".'</description>';
echo '<atom:link href="'.serverUrl(false) . '/?rss" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/><title>Projet Autoblog'. ((strlen(HEAD_TITLE)>0) ? ' | '. HEAD_TITLE : '').'</title><description>'.serverUrl(true),"Projet Autoblog - RSS : Ajouts et changements de disponibilité.".'</description>';
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents(RESOURCES_FOLDER.'rss.json'), true);
foreach ($json as $item)
$description = displayXMLstatus_tmp($item['status'],$item['response_code'],$item['autoblog_url'],$item['autoblog_title'],$item['autoblog_sourceurl'],$item['autoblog_sourcefeed']);
$description = displayXMLstatus($item['status'],$item['response_code'],$item['autoblog_url'],$item['autoblog_title'],$item['autoblog_sourceurl'],$item['autoblog_sourcefeed']);
$link = serverUrl(true).AUTOBLOGS_FOLDER.$item['autoblog_url'];
$date = date("r", $item['timestamp']);
print <<<EOT
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ if( !file_exists(RESOURCES_FOLDER.'rss.json')) {
if (isset($_GET['rss'])) {
@ -223,9 +223,6 @@ if (isset($_GET['check']))
/* le flux est indisponible (typiquement: erreur DNS ou possible censure) - à vérifier */
if(empty($headers) || $headers === FALSE ) {
if( $oldvalue !== null && $oldvalue != '..' ) {
$rss = new AutoblogRSS(RSS_FILE);
$rss->addUnavailable($ini['SITE_TITLE'], escape($_GET['check']), $ini['SITE_URL'], $ini['FEED_URL']);
updateXML('unavailable', 'nxdomain', escape($_GET['check']), $ini['SITE_TITLE'], $ini['SITE_URL'], $ini['FEED_URL']);
file_put_contents($errorlog, '..');
@ -235,9 +232,6 @@ if (isset($_GET['check']))
/* code retour 200: flux disponible */
if($code[1] == "200") {
if( $oldvalue !== null && $oldvalue != '' ) {
$rss = new AutoblogRSS(RSS_FILE);
$rss->addAvailable($ini['SITE_TITLE'], escape($_GET['check']), $ini['SITE_URL'], $ini['FEED_URL']);
updateXML('available', '200', escape($_GET['check']), $ini['SITE_TITLE'], $ini['SITE_URL'], $ini['FEED_URL']);
file_put_contents($errorlog, '');
@ -246,9 +240,6 @@ if (isset($_GET['check']))
/* autre code retour: un truc a changé (redirection, changement de CMS, .. bref vvb.ini doit être corrigé) */
else {
if( $oldvalue !== null && $oldvalue != '.' ) {
$rss = new AutoblogRSS(RSS_FILE);
$rss->addCodeChanged($ini['SITE_TITLE'], escape($_GET['check']), $ini['SITE_URL'], $ini['FEED_URL'], $code[1]);
updateXML('moved', '3xx', escape($_GET['check']), $ini['SITE_TITLE'], $ini['SITE_URL'], $ini['FEED_URL']);
file_put_contents($errorlog, '.');
@ -355,7 +346,6 @@ if (isset($_GET['exportopml'])) // OPML
* Site map
if (isset($_GET['sitemap']))
@ -541,6 +531,7 @@ if(!empty($_POST['socialaccount']) && !empty($_POST['socialinstance']) && ALLOW_
try {
// TwitterBridge user will be allowed after Autoblog creation
// TODO: Twitter user does not exist ?
// TODO: get remote like http://wwz.suumitsu.eu/twitter/whitelist.json, decode, check if is in array, return error or continue
if($sitetype != 'twitter') {
$headers = get_headers($rssurl, 1);
if (strpos($headers[0], '200') === FALSE)
@ -669,7 +660,7 @@ if( !empty($_POST['opml_file']) && ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS && ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS_BY
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Projet Autoblog<?php if(strlen(HEAD_TITLE)>0) echo " | " . HEAD_TITLE; ?></title>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="<?php echo serverUrl(true) . '?rss_tmp';?>" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="<?php echo serverUrl(false) . '/?rss';?>" />
<link href="<?php echo RESOURCES_FOLDER; ?>autoblog.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
if(file_exists(RESOURCES_FOLDER .'user.css')){
Reference in a new issue