SebSauvage et Bohwaz.'); // define( 'ALLOW_FULL_UPDATE', TRUE ); // define( 'ALLOW_CHECK_UPDATE', TRUE ); /** * If you set ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS to FALSE, the following options do not matter. **/ // define( 'ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS', TRUE ); // define( 'ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS_BY_LINKS', TRUE ); // define( 'ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS_BY_SOCIAL', TRUE ); // define( 'ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS_BY_BUTTON', TRUE ); // define( 'ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS_BY_OPML_FILE', TRUE ); // define( 'ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS_BY_OPML_LINK', TRUE ); // define( 'ALLOW_NEW_AUTOBLOGS_BY_XSAF', TRUE ); /** * More about TwitterBridge : * replace FALSE with the twitterbridge request URL (example: '' ) **/ // define( 'API_TWITTER', FALSE ); /** * Import autoblogs from friend's autoblog farm - Add a link to the JSON export **/ $friends_autoblog_farm = array( '', // '', // '', // '', ); ?>