* * + 03/2013 * Few changes, AutoblogRSS and FileRSSFeed * @author Arthur Hoaro */ class RSSFeed { protected $xml; /** * Construct a RSS feed */ public function __construct() { $template = << END; $this->xml = new SimpleXMLElement($template); } /** * Set RSS Feed headers * @param $title the title of the feed * @param $link link to the website where you can find the RSS feed * @param $description a description of the RSS feed * @param $rsslink the link to this RSS feed */ public function setHeaders($title, $link, $description, $rsslink) { $atomlink = $this->xml->channel->addChild("atom:link","","http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"); $atomlink->addAttribute("href",$rsslink); $atomlink->addAttribute("rel","self"); $atomlink->addAttribute("type","application/rss+xml"); $this->xml->channel->addChild("title",$title); $this->xml->channel->addChild("link",$link); $this->xml->channel->addChild("description",$description); } /** * Set the language of the RSS feed * @param $lang the language of the RSS feed */ public function setLanguage($lang) { $this->xml->channel->addChild("language",$lang); } /** * Adds a picture to the RSS feed * @param $url URL to the image * @param $title The image title. Usually same as the RSS feed's title * @param $link Where the image should link to. Usually same as the RSS feed's link */ public function setImage($url, $title, $link) { $image = $this->xml->channel->addChild("image"); $image->addChild("url",$url); $image->addChild("title",$title); $image->addChild("link",$link); } /** * Add a item to the RSS feed * @param $title The title of the RSS feed * @param $link Link to the item's url * @param $description The description of the item * @param $author The author who wrote this item * @param $guid Unique ID for this post * @param $timestamp Unix timestamp for making a date */ public function addItem($title, $link, $description, $author, $guid, $timestamp) { $item = $this->xml->channel->addChild("item"); $item->addChild("title",$title); $item->addChild("description",$description); $item->addChild("link",$link); $item->addChild("guid",$guid); $item->addChild("author",$author); $item->addChild("pubDate",date(DATE_RSS,intval($timestamp))); } /** * Displays the RSS feed */ public function displayXML() { header('Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8'); echo $this->xml->asXML(); exit; } public function getXML() { return $this->xml; } } class RSSMerger { private $feeds = array(); /** * Constructs a RSSmerger object */ function __construct() { } /** * Populates the feeds array from the given url which is a rss feed * @param $url */ function add($xml) { foreach($xml->channel->item as $item) { $item->sitetitle = $xml->channel->title; $item->sitelink = $xml->channel->link; preg_match("/^[A-Za-z]{3}, ([0-9]{2}) ([A-Za-z]{3}) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) ([\+|\-]?[0-9]{4})$/", $item->pubDate, $match); $item->time = time($match[4]+($match[6]/100),$match[5],$match[6],date("m",strtotime($match[2])),$match[1],$match[3]); $this->feeds[] = $item; } } /** * Comparing function for sorting the feeds * @param $value1 * @param $value2 */ function feeds_cmp($value1,$value2) { if(intval($value1->time) == intval($value2->time)) return 0; return (intval($value1->time) < intval($value2->time)) ? +1 : -1; } /** * Sorts the feeds array using the Compare function feeds_cmp */ function sort() { usort($this->feeds,Array("RssMerger","feeds_cmp")); } /** * This function return the feed items. * @param $limit how many feed items that should be returned * @return the feeds array */ function getFeeds($limit) { return array_slice($this->feeds,0,$limit); } } class FileRSSFeed extends RSSFeed { protected $filename; public function __construct($filename) { parent::__construct(); $this->filename = $filename; $this->load(); } public function load() { if ( file_exists( $this->filename )) { $this->xml = simplexml_load_file($this->filename); } } public function create($title, $link, $description, $rsslink) { parent::setHeaders($title, $link, $description, $rsslink); $this->write(); } public function addItem($title, $link, $description, $author, $guid, $timestamp) { parent::addItem($title, $link, $description, $author, $guid, $timestamp); $this->write(); } private function write() { if ( file_exists( $this->filename )) { unlink($this->filename); } $outputXML = new RSSFeed(); foreach($this->xml->channel->item as $f) { $item = $outputXML->addItem($f->title,$f->link,$f->description,$f->author,$f->guid, strtotime($f->pubDate)); } $merger = new RssMerger(); $merger->add($outputXML->getXML()); $merger->sort(); unset($this->xml->channel->item); foreach($merger->getFeeds(20) as $f) { parent::addItem($f->title,$f->link,$f->description,$f->author,$f->guid,$f->time); } file_put_contents( $this->filename, $this->xml->asXML() ); } } class AutoblogRSS extends FileRSSFeed { public function __construct($filename) { parent::__construct($filename); } public function addUnavailable($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl) { $path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); $autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'. $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder; parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" est indisponible', $autobHref, 'Autoblog: '.$title.'
Site: '. $siteurl .'
RSS: '.$rssurl.'
Folder: '. $folder , 'admin', $autobHref, time() ); } public function addAvailable($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl) { $path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); $autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'. $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder; parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" est de nouveau disponible', $autobHref, 'Autoblog : '.$title.'
Site: '. $siteurl .'
RSS: '.$rssurl.'
Folder: '. $folder , 'admin', $autobHref, time() ); } public function addCodeChanged($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl, $code) { $path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); $autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'. $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder; parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" a renvoyé un code imprévu', $autobHref, 'Code: '. $code .'
Autoblog : '.$title.'
Site: '. $siteurl .'
RSS: '.$rssurl.'
Folder: '. $folder , 'admin', $autobHref, time() ); } public function addNewAutoblog($title, $folder, $siteurl, $rssurl) { $path = pathinfo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); $autobHref = 'http'.(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'s':'').'://'. $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]. $path['dirname'].'/'.$folder; parent::addItem( 'L\'autoblog "'. $title.'" a été ajouté à la ferme', $autobHref, 'Autoblog : '.$title.'
Site: '. $siteurl .'
RSS: '.$rssurl.'
Folder: '. $folder , 'admin', $autobHref, time() ); } } ?>