Garreau Alexandre 845b8b4cfb Sémantisation d’autoblog.php
Sensiblement les même type de changement que le pull 41 (sauf que là le CSS est changé aussi du même coup), que je résumerais avec presque le même résumé :

Alors j’ai fait énoooooormément de modifications… La principale est : un code source (HTML5) beau et sémantique. C’est à dire que j’utilise les balises sémantique HTML5, que le code est plus simple, qu’il est correctement indenté (2 espaces à chaque fois, c’est ce que je trouve de plus beau) et valide. Ça m’a pris une nuit et un aprèm’ (la nuit pour index.php, l’aprèm’ pour autoblog.php) de nettoyer ça, assez simple et très satisfaisant :).

Bon après j’ai fait plusieurs autres modifications de genre divers aussi : j’ai supprimé des balises inutiles, des traits d’union par des tirets, fusion des lignes séparées par des
(horrible) en un paragraphe (bien plus joli, organisé, sémantique, etc.), et d’autres choses encore.

Par conséquent j’imagine que peut-être qu’il sera nécessaire de regarder la diff des changements. Mais pour voir le résultat final il y a mon instance : <>.

Dans ce deuxième pull request quasiment identique au premier, les deux espaces insécables qui rendait le code inopérant ont été retirés.
2013-10-14 01:01:44 +02:00

993 lines
32 KiB

VroumVroumBlog 0.3.0
This blog automatically publishes articles from an external RSS 2.0 or ATOM feed.
Requirement for the source RSS feed:
- Source feed MUST be a valid RSS 2.0, RDF 1.0 or ATOM 1.0 feed.
- Source feed MUST be valid UTF-8
- Source feed MUST contain article body
This program is public domain. COPY COPY COPY!
$vvbversion = '0.3.0';
if (!version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>='))
die("This software requires PHP version 5.3.0 at least, yours is ".phpversion());
if (!class_exists('SQLite3'))
die("This software requires the SQLite3 PHP extension, and it can't be found on this system!");
// Config and data file locations
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../config.php')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../config.php';
//else die("Configuration file not found.");
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../functions.php')){
require_once __DIR__ . '/../functions.php';
else die("Functions file not found.");
if (!defined('ROOT_DIR'))
define('ROOT_DIR', __DIR__);
if (!defined('CONFIG_FILE')) define('CONFIG_FILE', ROOT_DIR . '/vvb.ini');
if (!defined('ARTICLES_DB_FILE')) define('ARTICLES_DB_FILE', ROOT_DIR . '/articles.db');
if (!defined('MEDIA_DIR')) define('MEDIA_DIR', ROOT_DIR . '/media');
if (!defined('LOCAL_URL'))
// Automagic URL discover
define('LOCAL_URL', 'http' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 's' : '')."://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
if (!defined('LOCAL_URI'))
// filename
define('LOCAL_URI', (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == 'index.php' ? '' : basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) . '?');
if (!function_exists('__'))
// Translation?
function __($str)
if ($str == '_date_format')
return '%A %e %B %Y at %H:%M';
return $str;
class VroumVroum_User_Exception extends Exception {}
class VroumVroum_Feed_Exception extends Exception
static public function getXMLErrorsAsString($errors)
$out = array();
foreach ($errors as $error)
$return = $xml[$error->line - 1] . "\n";
$return .= str_repeat('-', $error->column) . "^\n";
switch ($error->level) {
$return .= "Warning ".$error->code.": ";
$return .= "Error ".$error->code.": ";
$return .= "Fatal Error ".$error->code.": ";
$return .= trim($error->message) .
"\n Line: ".$error->line .
"\n Column: ".$error->column;
if ($error->file) {
$return .= "\n File: ".$error->file;
$out[] = $return;
return $out;
function exception_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline )
// For @ ignored errors
if (error_reporting() === 0) return;
throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);
function exception_handler($e)
if ($e instanceOf VroumVroum_User_Exception)
echo '<h3>'.$e->getMessage().'</h3>';
$error = "Error happened!\n\n".
$e->getCode()." - ".$e->getMessage()."\n\nIn: ".
$e->getFile() . ":" . $e->getLine()."\n\n";
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))
$error .= 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\n";
$error .= $e->getTraceAsString();
//$error .= print_r($_SERVER, true);
echo $error;
class VroumVroum_Config
public $site_type = '';
public $site_title = '';
public $site_description = '';
public $site_url = '';
public $feed_url = '';
public $articles_per_page = 10;
public $update_interval = 3600;
public $update_timeout = 10;
public function __construct()
if (!file_exists(CONFIG_FILE))
throw new VroumVroum_User_Exception("Missing configuration file '".basename(CONFIG_FILE)."'.");
$ini = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_FILE);
foreach ($ini as $key=>$value)
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!property_exists($this, $key))
continue; // Unknown config
if (is_string($this->$key) || is_null($this->$key))
$this->$key = trim((string) $value);
elseif (is_int($this->$key))
$this->$key = (int) $value;
elseif (is_bool($this->$key))
$this->$key = (bool) $value;
// Check that all required values are filled
$check = array('site_type', 'site_title', 'site_url', 'feed_url', 'update_timeout', 'update_interval', 'articles_per_page');
foreach ($check as $c)
if (!trim($this->$c))
throw new VroumVroum_User_Exception("Missing or empty configuration value '".$c."' which is required!");
public function __set($key, $value)
class VroumVroum_Blog
protected $articles = null;
protected $local = null;
public $config = null;
static public function removeHTML($str)
$str = strip_tags($str);
$str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return $str;
static public function toURI($str)
$uri = self::removeHTML(trim($str));
$uri = substr($uri, 0, 70);
$uri = preg_replace('/[^\w\d()\p{L}]+/u', '-', $uri);
$uri = preg_replace('/-{2,}/', '-', $uri);
$uri = preg_replace('/^-|-$/', '', $uri);
return $uri;
public function __construct()
$this->config = new VroumVroum_Config;
$create_articles_db = file_exists(ARTICLES_DB_FILE) ? false : true;
$this->articles = new SQLite3(ARTICLES_DB_FILE);
if ($create_articles_db)
CREATE TABLE articles (
feed_id TEXT,
title TEXT,
uri TEXT,
url TEXT,
date INT,
content TEXT
CREATE TABLE update_log (
success INT,
log TEXT
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX feed_id ON articles (feed_id);
CREATE INDEX date ON articles (date);
$this->articles->createFunction('countintegers', array($this, 'sql_countintegers'));
public function getLocalURL($in)
return "./?".(is_array($in) ? $in['uri'] : $in);
protected function log_update($success, $log = '')
$this->articles->exec('INSERT INTO update_log (date, success, log) VALUES (\''.time().'\', \''.(int)(bool)$success.'\',
// Delete old log
$this->articles->exec('DELETE FROM update_log WHERE date > (SELECT date FROM update_log ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100,1);');
return true;
public function insertOrUpdateArticle($feed_id, $title, $url, $date, $content)
$exists = $this->articles->querySingle('SELECT date, id, title, content FROM articles WHERE feed_id = \''.$this->articles->escapeString($feed_id).'\';', true);
if (empty($exists))
$uri = self::toURI($title);
if ($this->articles->querySingle('SELECT 1 FROM articles WHERE uri = \''.$this->articles->escapeString($uri).'\';'))
$uri = date('Y-m-d-') . $uri;
$content = $this->mirrorMediasForArticle($content, $url);
$this->articles->exec('INSERT INTO articles (id, feed_id, title, uri, url, date, content) VALUES (NULL,
\''.$this->articles->escapeString($feed_id).'\', \''.$this->articles->escapeString($title).'\',
\''.$this->articles->escapeString($uri).'\', \''.$this->articles->escapeString($url).'\',
\''.(int)$date.'\', \''.$this->articles->escapeString($content).'\');');
$id = $this->articles->lastInsertRowId();
$title = self::removeHTML($title);
$content = self::removeHTML($content);
// Doesn't need update
if ($date == $exists['date'] && $content == $exists['content'] && $title == $exists['title'])
return false;
$id = $exists['id'];
if ($content != $exists['content'])
$content = $this->mirrorMediasForArticle($content, $url);
$this->articles->exec('UPDATE articles SET title=\''.$this->articles->escapeString($title).'\',
url=\''.$this->articles->escapeString($url).'\', content=\''.$this->articles->escapeString($content).'\',
date=\''.(int)$date.'\' WHERE id = \''.(int)$id.'\';');
$title = self::removeHTML($title);
$content = self::removeHTML($content);
return $id;
public function mustUpdate()
if (isset($_GET['update']))
return true;
$last_update = $this->articles->querySingle('SELECT date FROM update_log ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1;');
if (!empty($last_update) && (int) $last_update > (time() - $this->config->update_interval))
return false;
return true;
public function mustUpdateXsaf()
return file_exists('import.json');
protected function _getStreamContext()
return stream_context_create(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'GET',
'timeout' => $this->config->update_timeout,
'header' => "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0; Autoblogs; + Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0\r\n",
public function update()
if (!$this->mustUpdate())
return false;
try {
$body = file_get_contents($this->config->feed_url, false, $this->_getStreamContext());
catch (ErrorException $e)
$this->log_update(false, $e->getMessage() . "\n\n" . (!empty($http_response_header) ? implode("\n", $http_response_header) : ''));
throw new VroumVroum_Feed_Exception("Can't retrieve feed: ".$e->getMessage());
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($body);
if (!$xml)
$errors = VroumVroum_Feed_Exception::getXMLErrorsAsString(libxml_get_errors());
$this->log_update(false, implode("\n", $errors) . "\n\n" . $body);
throw new VroumVroum_Feed_Exception("Feed is invalid - XML error: ".implode(" - ", $errors));
$updated = 0;
$this->articles->exec('BEGIN TRANSACTION;');
if (isset($xml->entry)) // ATOM feed
foreach ($xml->entry as $item)
$date = isset($item->published) ? (string) $item->published : (string) $item->updated;
$guid = !empty($item->id) ? (string)$item->id : (string)$item->link['href'];
if( count($item->content->children()) > 0 ) $content = (string)$item->content->asXML();
else $content = (string)$item->content;
$id = $this->insertOrUpdateArticle($guid, (string)$item->title,
(string)$item->link['href'], strtotime($date), $content );
if ($id !== false)
elseif (isset($xml->item)) // RSS 1.0 /RDF
foreach ($xml->item as $item)
$guid = (string) $item->attributes('')->about ?: (string)$item->link;
$date = (string) $item->children('')->date;
$id = $this->insertOrUpdateArticle($guid, (string)$item->title, (string)$item->link,
strtotime($date), (string) $item->children(''));
if ($id !== false)
elseif (isset($xml->channel->item)) // RSS 2.0
foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item)
$content = (string) $item->children('');
$guid = !empty($item->guid) ? (string) $item->guid : (string) $item->link;
if (empty($content) && !empty($item->description))
$content = (string) $item->description;
$id = $this->insertOrUpdateArticle($guid, (string)$item->title, (string)$item->link,
strtotime((string) $item->pubDate), $content);
if ($id !== false)
throw new VroumVroum_Feed_Exception("Unknown feed type?!");
$this->log_update(true, $updated . " elements updated");
$this->articles->exec('END TRANSACTION;');
return $updated;
public function updateXsaf() {
if($this->mustUpdateXsaf()) {
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents('import.json'), true);
$count = count($json['files']);
file_put_contents('import.lock', $count); /* one-process locking */
$remoteurl = $json['url'];
if (!file_exists('media')) {
$time = time();
$maxtime = $time + 3; /* max exec time: 3 seconds */
while ($time <= $maxtime) {
$file = array_shift($json['files']); /* get first element while unstacking */
if(!empty($file)) {
$this->_copy($remoteurl.$file, "media/$file");
file_put_contents('import.json', json_encode($json));
else {
} /* first element empty: import finished */
$time = time();
public function listArticlesByPage($page = 1)
$nb = $this->config->articles_per_page;
$begin = ($page - 1) * $nb;
$res = $this->articles->query('SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT '.(int)$begin.','.(int)$nb.';');
$out = array();
while ($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))
$out[] = $row;
return $out;
public function listLastArticles()
return array_merge($this->listArticlesByPage(1), $this->listArticlesByPage(2));
public function countArticles()
return $this->articles->querySingle('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles;');
public function getArticleFromURI($uri)
return $this->articles->querySingle('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE uri = \''.$this->articles->escapeString($uri).'\';', true);
public function sql_countintegers($in)
return substr_count($in, ' ');
public function searchArticles($query)
$res = $this->articles->query('SELECT id, uri, title, content
FROM articles
WHERE content LIKE \'%'.$this->articles->escapeString($query).'%\'
OR title LIKE \'%'.$this->articles->escapeString($query).'%\'
LIMIT 0,100;');
$out = array();
while ($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))
$row['url'] = $this->getLocalURL($this->articles->querySingle('SELECT uri FROM articles WHERE id = \''.(int)$row['id'].'\';'));
$out[] = $row;
return $out;
public function mirrorMediasForArticle($content, $url)
if (!file_exists(MEDIA_DIR))
$schemes = array('http', 'https');
$extensions = explode(',', preg_quote('jpg,jpeg,png,apng,gif,svg,pdf,odt,ods,epub,webp,wav,mp3,ogg,aac,wma,flac,opus,mp4,webm', '!'));
$extensions = implode('|', $extensions);
$from = parse_url($url);
if( isset($from['path']) ) { // not exist if
$from['path'] = preg_replace('![^/]*$!', '', $from['path']);
$from['path'] = '';
preg_match_all('!(src|href)\s*=\s*[\'"]?([^"\'<>\s]+\.(?:'.$extensions.')[\'"])[\'"]?!i', $content, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($match as $m)
$url = parse_url(substr($m[2], 0, -1));
if (empty($url['scheme']))
$url['scheme'] = $from['scheme'];
if (empty($url['host']))
$url['host'] = $from['host'];
if (!in_array(strtolower($url['scheme']), $schemes))
if ($url['path'][0] != '/')
$url['path'] = $from['path'] . $url['path'];
$filename = basename($url['path']);
$url = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . $url['path'];
$filename = substr(sha1($url), -8) . '.' . substr(preg_replace('![^\w\d_.-]!', '', $filename), -64);
$copied = false;
if (!file_exists(MEDIA_DIR . '/' . $filename))
try {
$copied = $this->_copy($url, MEDIA_DIR . '/' . $filename);
catch (ErrorException $e)
// Ignore copy errors
$content = str_replace($m[0], $m[1] . '="'.'media/'.$filename.'" data-original-source="'.$url.'"', $content);
return $content;
public function getXsafCounter() {
if($this->mustUpdateXsaf()) {
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents('import.json'), true);
return count($json['files']);
/* copy() is buggy with http streams and safe_mode enabled (which is bad), so here's a workaround */
protected function _copy($from, $to)
$in = fopen($from, 'r', false, $this->_getStreamContext());
$out = fopen($to, 'w', false);
$size = stream_copy_to_stream($in, $out);
return $size;
$vvb = new VroumVroum_Blog;
$config = $vvb->config;
$site_type = escape($config->site_type);
if (isset($_GET['feed'])) // FEED
header('Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:thr="" xml:lang="fr-FR">
<title type="text">'.escape($config->site_title).'</title>
<subtitle type="text">'.escape(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($config->site_description), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')).'</subtitle>
<updated>'.date(DATE_ATOM, filemtime(ARTICLES_DB_FILE)).'</updated>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="'.str_replace('?feed./', '', LOCAL_URL).'" />
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="'.LOCAL_URL.'" />
<generator uri="" version="3">Projet Autoblog</generator>';
foreach($vvb->listLastArticles() as $art)
echo '
<title type="html"><![CDATA['.escape($art['title']).']]></title>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="'.str_replace('?feed', '?', LOCAL_URL).urlencode(str_replace('./?', '', $vvb->getLocalURL($art))).'" />
<id>'.str_replace('?feed', '?', LOCAL_URL).urlencode(str_replace('./?', '', $vvb->getLocalURL($art))).'</id>
<updated>'.date(DATE_ATOM, $art['date']).'</updated>
<content type="html">
<![CDATA[(<a href="'.escape($art['url']).'">source</a>)<br />'.escape_content($art['content']).']]>
echo '
if (isset($_GET['opml'])) // OPML
//header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-type: text/xml');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.escape($config->site_title).'.xml"');
$opmlfile = new SimpleXMLElement('<opml></opml>');
$opmlfile->addAttribute('version', '1.0');
$opmlhead = $opmlfile->addChild('head');
$opmlhead->addChild('title', escape($config->site_title));
$opmlhead->addChild('dateCreated', date('r', time()));
$opmlbody = $opmlfile->addChild('body');
$outline = $opmlbody->addChild('outline');
$outline->addAttribute('title', escape($config->site_title));
$outline->addAttribute('text', escape($config->site_type));
$outline->addAttribute('htmlUrl', escape($config->site_url));
$outline->addAttribute('xmlUrl', escape($config->feed_url));
echo $opmlfile->asXML();
if (isset($_GET['media'])) // MEDIA
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$url = str_replace('?media', 'media/', LOCAL_URL);
$files = scandir(MEDIA_DIR);
unset($files[0]); // .
unset($files[1]); // ..
echo json_encode(array("url"=> $url, "files" => $files));
if (isset($_GET['update']))
$search = !empty($_GET['q']) ? trim($_GET['q']) : '';
$article = null;
if (!$search && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !is_numeric($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))
$uri = rawurldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$article = $vvb->getArticleFromURI($uri);
if (!$article)
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', true, 404);
// common CSS
$css='* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
body { font-family:sans-serif; background-color: #efefef; padding: 1%; color: #333; }
img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
a { text-decoration: none; color: #000;font-weight:bold; }
body > header a { text-decoration: none; color: #000;font-weight:bold; }
body > header { text-align:center; padding: 30px 3%; max-width:70em;margin:0 auto; }
body > article > header { margin-bottom: 1em; }
body > article > header h2 a:hover { color:#403976; }
body > article h4 { font-weight: normal; font-size: small; color: #666; }
body > article .source a { color: #666; }
body > header > form { float:right; }
body > header > form input { }
body > nav { background-color:white;padding: 12px 10px 12px 10px;border:1px solid #aaa;max-width:70em;margin:1em auto;box-shadow:0px 5px 7px #aaa; }
body > nav strong { font-size: 1.2em; color: #333; }
body > nav a { color:#000; margin: 0 0.5em; }
body > nav a:hover { color:#333; }
body > footer a { color:#000; }
body > footer a:hover { color:#333; }
.content ul, .content ol { margin-left: 2em; }
.content h1, .content h2, .content h3, .content h4, .content h5, .content h6,
.content ul, .content ol, .content p, .content object, .content div, .content blockquote,
.content dl, .content pre { margin-bottom: 0.8em; }
.content pre, .content blockquote { background: #ddd; border: 1px solid #999; padding: 0.2em; max-width: 100%; overflow: auto; }
.content h1 { font-size: 1.5em; }
.content h2 { font-size: 1.4em;color:#000; }
.result h3 a { color: darkblue; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; }
#error { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; padding: 1%; background: #fff; border-bottom: 2px solid red; color: darkred; }
switch($site_type) {
case 'microblog':
case 'twitter':
$css .= "\n".' /* twitter/microblog style */
body > header h1 a { color: #333;font-size:40pt;text-shadow: #ccc 0px 5px 5px; }
body > article > header h2 { width: 10em;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;font-size: 0.7em;margin: 0; color:#333; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; }
body > article > header h2 a { color:#333; text-decoration:none; }
body > article { background-color:white;padding: 12px 10px 33px;border:1px solid #aaa;max-width:70em;margin:0 auto;box-shadow:0px 5px 7px #aaa; }
body > article .source { font-size: 0.8em; color: #666; }
body > footer { margin-top:1em;text-align:center; font-size: small; color:#333; clear: both; }
.content {font-size:0.9em;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;}';
case 'shaarli':
$css .= "\n".' /* shaarli style */
body > header h1 a { color: #333;font-size:40pt;text-shadow: #ccc 0px 5px 5px; }
body > article > header title h2 { margin: 0; color:#333; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; }
body > article > header h2 a { color:#000; text-decoration:none; }
body > article { background-color:white;padding: 12px 10px 33px;border:1px solid #aaa;max-width:70em;margin:1em auto;box-shadow:0px 5px 7px #aaa; }
body > article footer.source { margin-top:1em;font-size: 0.8em; color: #666; }
body > footer { text-align:center; font-size: small; color:#333; clear: both; }';
case 'generic':
case 'youtube':
$css .= "\n".' /* youtube style */
body > header h1 a { color: #333;font-size:40pt;text-shadow: #ccc 0px 5px 5px;text-transform:uppercase; }
body > article > header h2 { margin: 0; color:#333; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; }
body > article > header h2 a { color:#000; text-decoration:none; }
body > article footer.source { font-size: 0.8em; color: #666; }
body > article { background-color:white;padding: 12px 10px 33px;border:1px solid #aaa;max-width:70em;margin:1em auto;box-shadow:0px 5px 7px #aaa; }
body > footer { text-align:center; font-size: small; color:#333; clear: both; }';
echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr" dir="ltr">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="canonical" href="'.escape($config->site_url).'">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="'.__('ATOM Feed').'" href="?feed">
<style type="text/css" media="screen,projection">
if( $vvb->mustUpdateXsaf()) {
echo ' <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="1">';
echo '
<h1><a href="../../" style="font-size:0.8em;">PROJET AUTOBLOG'. (strlen(HEAD_TITLE) > 0 ? ' ~ '. HEAD_TITLE : '') .'</a></h1>
<hr />
<h1><a href="./">'.escape($config->site_title).'</a></h1>';
if (!empty($config->site_description))
echo '
<p><a href="../../">&lArr; retour index</a></p>';
echo '
<form method="get" action="'.escape(LOCAL_URL).'">
<input type="search" name="q" value="'.escape($search).'" />
<input type="submit" value="'.__('Search').'" />
if( $vvb->mustUpdateXsaf()) {
echo '
<div class="content" id="update">
'.__('Import running: '). $vvb->getXsafCounter() . __(' files remaining').'<br>
'.__('The page should refresh every second. If not, <a href="javascript:window.location.reload()">refresh manually</a>.').'
elseif ($vvb->mustUpdate())
echo '
<div class="content" id="update">
'.__('Updating database... Please wait.').'
if (!empty($search))
$results = $vvb->searchArticles($search);
$text = sprintf(__('<strong>%d</strong> results for <em>%s</em>'), count($results), escape($search));
echo '
<article id="results">
foreach ($results as $art)
echo '
<article class="result">
<h3><a href="./?'.escape($art['uri']).'">'.escape($art['title']).'</a></h3>
elseif (!is_null($article))
if (!$article)
echo '
<h2>'.__('Not Found').'</h2>
'.(!empty($uri) ? '<p><tt>'.escape($vvb->getLocalURL($uri)) . '</tt></p>' : '').'
'.__('Article not found.').'
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && is_numeric($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))
$page = (int) $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$page = 1;
$list = $vvb->listArticlesByPage($page);
foreach ($list as $article)
$max = $vvb->countArticles();
if ($max > $config->articles_per_page)
echo "\n".' <nav>'."\n";
if ($page > 1)
echo ' <a href="'.$vvb->getLocalURL($page - 1).'">&larr; '.__('Newer').'</a>'."\n";
$last = ceil($max / $config->articles_per_page);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $last; $i++)
echo ' <a href="'.$vvb->getLocalURL($i).'">'.($i == $page ? '<strong>'.$i.'</strong>' : $i).'</a>'."\n";
if ($page < $last)
echo ' <a href="'.$vvb->getLocalURL($page + 1).'">'.__('Older').' &rarr;</a>'."\n";
echo ' </nav>';
echo '
<p>Propulsé par <a href="">Projet Autoblog '.$vvbversion.'</a> - <a href="?feed">'.__('ATOM Feed').'</a></p>
<p>'.__('Download:').' <a href="./'.basename(CONFIG_FILE).'">'.__('configuration').'</a> (<a href="?opml">OPML</a>)
— <a href="./'.basename(ARTICLES_DB_FILE).'">'.__('articles').'</a></p>
<p><a href="./?media">'.__('Media export').' <sup> JSON</sup></a></p>
if( $vvb->mustUpdateXsaf() ) {
try {
catch (Exception $e)
// Silent, not critical
try {
$updated = $vvb->updateXsaf();
catch (VroumVroum_Feed_Exception $e)
echo '
<div id="error">
$updated = 0;
elseif ($vvb->mustUpdate())
try {
catch (Exception $e)
// Silent, not critical
try {
$updated = $vvb->update();
catch (VroumVroum_Feed_Exception $e)
echo '
<div id="error">
$updated = 0;
if ($updated > 0)
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById("update").innerHTML = "'.__('Update complete!').' <a href=\\"#reload\\" onclick=\\"window.location.reload();\\">'.__('Click here to reload this webpage.').'</a>";
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
echo '
function escape_content($str)
$str = preg_replace('!<\s*(style|script|link)!', '&lt;\\1', $str);
$str = str_replace('="media/', '="./media/', $str);
return $str;
function display_article($article)
global $vvb, $config;
echo '
<h2><a href="'.$vvb->getLocalURL($article).'">'.escape($article['title']).'</a></h2>
'.strftime(__('_date_format'), $article['date']).'
<div class="content">'.escape_content($article['content']).'</div>
<footer class="source"><p>'.__('Source:').' <a href="'.escape($article['url']).'">'.escape($article['url']).'</a></p></footer>