This function takes as a parameter an array called `$param`, that is automatically filled with values from the user, according to the values defined in the parameters array in `loadMetadatas`.
This function is the place where all the website scrapping and the RSS feed generation process must be implemented.
RSS elements collected by this function must be stored in the class variable `items[]`.
Every RSS element is an instance of the `Item` class.
## Items
The `Item` class is used to store parameter that are collected in the [`collectData`](#the-collectdata-function) function. Following properties are supported by rss-bridge :
$item->uri // URI to reach the subject ("http://...")
$item->thumbnailUri // URI for the thumbnail ("http://...")
$item->title // Title of the item
$item->name // Name of the item
$item->timestamp // Timestamp of the item in numeric format (use strtotime)
$item->author // Name of the author
$item->content // Content in HTML format
In order to create a new item you'll have to escape the **I** in **I**tem like this :
**Notice:** rss-bridge will by default return `$this->name` which is defined in the [`loadMetadatas`](#the-loadmetadatas-function) function, so you only have to implement this function if you require different behavior!
**Notice:** rss-bridge will by default return `$this->uri` which is defined in the [`loadMetadatas`](#the-loadmetadatas-function) function, so you only have to implement this function if you require different behavior!
This function aborts execution of the current bridge and returns the given error message with the provided error number :
$this->returnError('Your error message', 404)
Check the [list of error codes]( for applicable error numbers.
## The `file_get_html` function
This function is a wrapper around the simple_html_dom file_get_html function in order to provide context by design. It is considered good practice to use this function.
$html = $this->file_get_html('your URI');
# Guidelines
* scripts (eg. Javascript) must be stripped out. Make good use of `strip_tags()` and `preg_replace()`
* each bridge must present data within 8 seconds (adjust iterators accordingly)
* cache timeout must be fine-tuned so that each refresh can provide 1 or 2 new elements on busy periods
*`<audio>` and `<video>` must not autoplay. Seriously.
* do everything you can to extract valid timestamps. Translate formats, use API, exploit sitemap, whatever. Free the data!
* don't create duplicates. If the website runs on WordPress, use the generic WordPress bridge if possible.
* maintain efficient and well-commented code :wink: