Merge branch 'master' into kt_bridge
This commit is contained in:
157 changed files with 9739 additions and 2382 deletions
@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ DEBUG
@ -20,3 +20,17 @@
*.PDF diff=astextplain
*.PDF diff=astextplain
*.rtf diff=astextplain
*.rtf diff=astextplain
*.RTF diff=astextplain
*.RTF diff=astextplain
# Ignore files in git archive (i.e. GitHub release builds)
Dockerfile export-ignore
.travis.yml export-ignore
.github/ export-ignore
.gitattributes export-ignore
.gitignore export-ignore
.dockerignore export-ignore
scalingo.json export-ignore
phpunit.xml export-ignore
phpcs.xml export-ignore
phpcompatibility.xml export-ignore
tests/ export-ignore
cache/.gitkeep export-ignore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
### Pull request policy
* [Fix one issue per pull request](
* [Respect the coding style policy](
* [Properly name your commits](
* When fixing a bridge (located in the `bridges` directory), write `[BridgeName] Feature` <br>(i.e. `[YoutubeBridge] Fix typo in video titles`).
* When fixing other files, use `[FileName] Feature` <br>(i.e. `[index.php] Add multilingual support`).
* When fixing a general problem that applies to multiple files, write `category: feature` <br>(i.e. `bridges: Fix various typos`).
Note that all pull-requests must pass all tests before they can be merged.
### Coding style
* [Whitespace](
* [Add a new line at the end of a file](
* [Do not add a whitespace before a semicolon](
* [Do not add whitespace at start or end of a file or end of a line](
* [Indentation](
* [Use tabs for indentation](
* [Maximum line length](
* [The maximum line length should not exceed 80 characters](
* [Strings](
* [Whenever possible use single quoted strings](
* [Add spaces around the concatenation operator](
* [Use a single string instead of concatenating](
* [Constants](
* [Use UPPERCASE for constants](
* [Keywords](
* [Use lowercase for `true`, `false` and `null`](
* [Operators](
* [Operators must have a space around them](
* [Functions](
* [Parameters with default values must appear last in functions](
* [Calling functions](
* [Do not add spaces after opening or before closing bracket](
* [Structures](
* [Structures must always be formatted as multi-line blocks](
* [If-Statement](
* [Use `elseif` instead of `else if`](
* [Do not write empty statements](
* [Do not write unconditional if-statements](
* [Classes](
* [Use PascalCase for class names](
* [Do not use final statements inside final classes](
* [Do not override methods to call their parent](
* [abstract and final declarations MUST precede the visibility declaration](
* [static declaration MUST come after the visibility declaration](
* [Casting](
* [Do not add spaces when casting](
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
name: Bridge request template
about: Use this template for requesting a new bridge
# Bridge request
This is a bridge request. Start by adding a descriptive title (i.e. `Bridge request for GitHub`). Use the "Preview" button to see a preview of your request. Make sure your request is complete before submitting!
Notice: This comment is only visible to you while you work on your request. Please do not remove any of the lines in the template (you may add your own outside the "<!--" and "- ->" lines!)
## General information
Please describe what you expect from the bridge. Whenever possible provide sample links and screenshots (you can just paste them here) to express your expectations and help others understand your request. If possible, mark relevant areas in your screenshot. Use the following questions for reference:
- _Host URI for the bridge_ (i.e. ``):
- Which information would you like to see?
- How should the information be displayed/formatted?
- Which of the following parameters do you expect?
- [X] Title
- [X] URI (link to the original article)
- [ ] Author
- [ ] Timestamp
- [X] Content (the content of the article)
- [ ] Enclosures (pictures, videos, etc...)
- [ ] Categories (categories, tags, etc...)
## Options
<!--Select options from the list below. Add your own option if one is missing:-->
- [ ] Limit number of returned items
- _Default limit_: 5
- [ ] Load full articles
- _Cache articles_ (articles are stored in a local cache on first request): yes
- _Cache timeout_ (max = 24 hours): 24 hours
- [X] Balance requests (RSS-Bridge uses cached versions to reduce bandwith usage)
- _Timeout_ (default = 5 minutes, max = 24 hours): 5 minutes
<!--Be aware that some options might not be available for your specific request due to technical limitations!-->
## Additional notes
Keep in mind that opening a request does not guarantee the bridge being implemented! That depends entirely on the interest and time of others to make the bridge for you.
You can also implement your own bridge (with support of the community if needed). Find more information in the [RSS-Bridge Wiki]( developer section.
@ -1,28 +1,36 @@
dist: trusty
dist: trusty
sudo: false
language: php
language: php
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "hhvm" ]]; then
- composer global require dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer;
composer global require squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer;
- composer global require phpcompatibility/php-compatibility;
# Use PHPUnit 6 for unit tests (stable), requires PHP 7
pear channel-update;
pear install PHP_CodeSniffer;
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "7.0" ]]; then
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "7.0" ]]; then
composer global require phpunit/phpunit ^6;
composer global require phpunit/phpunit ^6;
# Use latest PHPUnit on nightly to detect breaking changes
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "nightly" ]]; then
composer global require phpunit/phpunit;
- phpenv rehash
- phpenv rehash
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "hhvm" ]]; then
# Run PHP_CodeSniffer on all versions
/home/travis/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs . --standard=phpcs.xml --warning-severity=0 --extensions=php -p;
- ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs . --standard=phpcs.xml --warning-severity=0 --extensions=php -p;
# Check PHP compatibility for the lowest supported version
phpcs . --standard=phpcs.xml --warning-severity=0 --extensions=php -p;
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "5.6" ]]; then
~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs . --standard=phpcompatibility.xml --extensions=php -p;
# Run unit tests (stable)
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "7.0" ]]; then
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "7.0" ]]; then
phpunit --configuration=phpunit.xml --include-path=lib/;
phpunit --configuration=phpunit.xml --include-path=lib/;
# Run unit tests (latest/nightly)
# Check PHP compatibility for all versions, starting at the lowest supported version in order to detect breaking changes
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "nightly" ]]; then
phpunit --configuration=phpunit.xml --include-path=lib/;
~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs . --standard=PHPCompatibility --extensions=php -p --runtime-set testVersion 5.6-;
fast_finish: true
fast_finish: true
@ -30,9 +38,7 @@ matrix:
- php: 5.6
- php: 5.6
- php: 7.0
- php: 7.0
- php: hhvm
- php: nightly
- php: nightly
- php: hhvm
- php: nightly
- php: nightly
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
rss-bridge Changelog
RSS-Bridge 2017-08-19
## General changes
* whitelist: Do case-insensitive whitelist matching
* [FeedExpander] Fix Serialization of 'SimpleXMLElement' is not allowed
* [FeedExpander] Remove whitespace from source content
* [index] Add GET parameter 'q' for search queries
- **Example**: You can now add `&q=Twitter` to load into the search field
* [index] Check permissions for cache folder and whitelist file
* [index] Show bridge options when loading with URL fragment
- **Example**: You can now add `#bridge-Twitter` to load the card with all
parameters visible
* [style] Center search cursor and hide placeholder
* [validation] Fix error on undefined optional numeric value
## Modified bridges
* [DanbooruBridge] Allow descendant classes to override tag collection
* [DribbbleBridge] Add dribble bridge listing last dribble popular shots (#558)
* [FacebookBridge] Fix & in URLs
* [GelbooruBridge] Fix bridge not getting tags correctly
* [GoComicsBridge] Fix for page structure changes (#568)
* [LeBonCoinBridge] Fix bridge is marked executable
* [LWNprevBridge] Fix everchanging url
* [YoutubeBridge] Fix error on certain keywords
* [YoutubeBridge] Fix issues loading playlists
## Removed bridges
* VineBridge
RSS-Bridge 2017-08-03
## Important changes
* RSS-Bridge now has [contribution guidelines](
* [phpcs rules](phpcs.xml) follow the [contribution guidelines](
## General changes
* Added a search bar to make searching for bridges easier
* Added user friendly error page for when a bridge fails
* Added caching of extraInfos (name, uri)
* Added an indicator to warn for bridges using HTTP instead of HTTPS
* Various bug fixes and improvements
## Modified bridges
* AllocineFRBridge] Update Faux Raccord link
* [DanbooruBridge] Fix broken URI
* [DuckDuckGoBridge] Disable DuckDuckGo redirects so that the links returned are correct.
* [FacebookBridge] Add option to hide posts with facebook videos
* [FacebookBridge] Add requester languages to HTTP header
* [FacebookBridge] Handle summary posts
* [FacebookBridge] Replace 'novideo' with 'media_type'
* [FilterBridge] Initial implementation of basic title permit and block
* [FlickrTagBridge] Fix and improve bridge by using the FlickrExploreBridge approach
* [GooglePlusPostBridge] Autofix user names
* [GooglePlusPostBridge] Fix bridge implementation
* [GooglePlusPostBridge] Fix content loading
* [InstagramBridge] Add option to filter for videos and pictures
* [LWNprevBridge] full rewrite
* [MangareaderBridge] Fix double forward slashes
* [NasaApodBridge] Use HTTPS instead of HTTP
* [PinterestBridge] Fix checkbox not working
* [PinterestBridge] Fix implementation after DOM changes
* [RTBFBridge] Update URI
* [SexactuBridge] Fix URI and timestamp
* [SexactuBridge] Use most modern version of bridge api and cached pages (#504)
* [ShanaprojectBridge] Don't throw error if timestamp is missing
* [TwitterBridge] Add option to hide retweets
* [TwitterBridge] Avoid empty content caused by new login policy
* [TwitterBridge] Fix double slashes in URI
* [TwitterBridge] Fix missing spaces
* [TwitterBridge] Fix title includes anchors in plaintext format
* [TwitterBridge] ignore promoted tweets
* [TwitterBridge] Optimize returned image sizes
* [TwitterBridge] Show quotes and pictures
* [WebfailBridge] Properly handle gifs (DOM changed)
* [YoutubeBridge] Improve readability of feed contents
* [YoutubeBridge] Improve URL handling in video descriptions
## New bridges
* AmazonBridge
* DiceBridge
* EtsyBridge
* FB2Bridge
* FilterBridge
* FlickrBridge
* GithubSearchBridge
* GoComicsBridge
* KATBridge
* KernelBugTrackerBridge
* MixCloudBridge
* MoinMoinBridge
* RainbowSixSiegeBridge
* SteamBridge
* TheTVDBBridge
* Torrent9Bridge
* UsbekEtRicaBridge
* WikiLeaksBridge
* WordPressPluginUpdateBridge
Alpha 0.2
## Important changes
* RSS-Bridge is now a community-managed project on [GitHub](
* RSS-Bridge now has a [Wiki](
* RSS-Bridge now supports [Travis-CI](
## General changes
* Added [CHANGELOG]( (this file)
* Added [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser]( to [vendor](vendor/simplehtmldom/)
* Added cache purging function (cache will be force-purged after 24 hours or as defined by bridge)
* Added new format [MrssFormat](formats/MrssFormat.php)
* Added parameter `author` - for display of the feed author name - to all formats
* Added new abstraction of the BridgeInterface:
- [FeedExpander](
* Added optional support for proxy usage on each individual bridge
* Added support for [custom bridge parameter]( (text, number, list, checkbox)
* Changed design of the welcome screen
* Changed design of HtmlFormat
* Changed behavior of debug mode:
- Enable debug mode by placing a file called "DEBUG" in the root folder
- Debug mode automatically disables cache file loading
* Changed implementation of bridges - see [Wiki](
- Changed comment-style metadata to constants
- Added support for multiple utilizations per bridge
- Changed the parameter loading algorithm to be loaded by RSS-Bridge core
* Improved checks for PHP version, configuration and extensions
* Many bug fixes
## Modified Bridges
* FlickrExploreBridge
* GoogleSearchBridge
* TwitterBridge
## New Bridges
* ABCTabsBridge
* AcrimedBridge
* AllocineFRBridge
* AnimeUltimeBridge
* Arte7Bridge
* AskfmBridge
* BandcampBridge
* BastaBridge
* BlaguesDeMerdeBridge
* BooruprojectBridge
* CADBridge
* CNETBridge
* CastorusBridge
* CollegeDeFranceBridge
* CommonDreamsBridge
* CopieDoubleBridge
* CourrierInternationalBridge
* CpasbienBridge
* CryptomeBridge
* DailymotionBridge
* DanbooruBridge
* DansTonChatBridge
* DauphineLibereBridge
* DemoBridge
* DeveloppezDotComBridge
* DilbertBridge
* DollbooruBridge
* DuckDuckGoBridge
* EZTVBridge
* EliteDangerousGalnetBridge
* ElsevierBridge
* EstCeQuonMetEnProdBridge
* FacebookBridge
* FierPandaBridge
* FlickrTagBridge
* FootitoBridge
* FourchanBridge
* FuturaSciencesBridge
* GBAtempBridge
* GelbooruBridge
* GiphyBridge
* GithubIssueBridge
* GizmodoBridge
* GooglePlusPostBridge
* HDWallpapersBridge
* HentaiHavenBridge
* IdenticaBridge
* InstagramBridge
* IsoHuntBridge
* JapanExpoBridge
* KonachanBridge
* KoreusBridge
* KununuBridge
* LWNprevBridge
* LeBonCoinBridge
* LegifranceJOBridge
* LeMondeInformatiqueBridge
* LesJoiesDuCodeBridge
* LichessBridge
* LinkedInCompanyBridge
* LolibooruBridge
* MangareaderBridge
* MilbooruBridge
* MoebooruBridge
* MondeDiploBridge
* MsnMondeBridge
* MspabooruBridge
* NasaApodBridge
* NeuviemeArtBridge
* NextInpactBridge
* NextgovBridge
* NiceMatinBridge
* NovelUpdatesBridge
* OpenClassroomsBridge
* ParuVenduImmoBridge
* PickyWallpapersBridge
* PinterestBridge
* PlanetLibreBridge
* RTBFBridge
* ReadComicsBridge
* Releases3DSBridge
* ReporterreBridge
* Rue89Bridge
* Rule34Bridge
* Rule34pahealBridge
* SafebooruBridge
* SakugabooruBridge
* ScmbBridge
* ScoopItBridge
* SensCritiqueBridge
* SexactuBridge
* ShanaprojectBridge
* Shimmie2Bridge
* SoundcloudBridge
* StripeAPIChangeLogBridge
* SuperbWallpapersBridge
* T411Bridge
* TagBoardBridge
* TbibBridge
* TheCodingLoveBridge
* TheHackerNewsBridge
* ThePirateBayBridge
* UnsplashBridge
* ViadeoCompanyBridge
* VineBridge
* VkBridge
* WallpaperStopBridge
* WebfailBridge
* WeLiveSecurityBridge
* WhydBridge
* WikipediaBridge
* WordPressBridge
* WorldOfTanksBridge
* XbooruBridge
* YandereBridge
* YoutubeBridge
* ZDNetBridge
Alpha 0.1
* First tagged version.
* Includes refactoring.
* Unstable.
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
### Pull request policy
Fix one issue per pull request.
Squash commits before opening a pull request.
Respect the coding style policy.
Name your PR like the following :
* When correcting a single bridge, use `[BridgeName] Feature`.
* When fixing a problem in a specific file, use `[FileName] Feature`.
* When fixing a general problem, use `category : feature`.
Note that all pull-requests should pass the unit tests before they can be merged.
### Coding style
Use `camelCase` for variables and methods.
Use `UPPERCASE` for constants.
Use `PascalCase` for class names. When creating a bridge, your class and PHP file should be named `MyImplementationBridge`.
Use tabs for indentation.
Add an empty line at the end of your file.
Use `''` to encapsulate strings, including in arrays.
Prefer lines shorter than 80 chars, no line longer than 120 chars.
PHP constants should be in lower case (`true, false, null`...)
* Add spaces between the logical operator and your expressions (not needed for the `!` operator).
* Use `||` and `&&` instead of `or` and `and`.
* Add space between your condition and the opening bracket/closing bracket.
* Don't put a space between `if` and your bracket.
* Use `elseif` instead of `else if`.
* Add new lines in your conditions if they are containing more than one line.
* Example :
if($a == true && $b) {
} else if(!$b) {
$a = !$a;
$b = $b >> $a;
} else {
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ rss-bridge
RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites which don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as stand alone application in CLI mode.
RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites which don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as stand alone application in CLI mode.
**Important**: RSS-Bridge is __not__ a feed reader or feed aggregator, but a tool to generate feeds that are consumed by feed readers and feed aggregators. Find a list of feed aggregators on [Wikipedia](
Supported sites/pages (examples)
Supported sites/pages (examples)
@ -108,88 +110,98 @@ Use this script to generate the list automatically (using the GitHub API):
* [16mhz](
* [16mhz](
* [Ahiles3005](
* [Ahiles3005](
* [Albirew](
* [Albirew](
* [AmauryCarrade](
* [AmauryCarrade](
* [ArthurHoaro](
* [AntoineTurmel](
* [Astalaseven](
* [ArthurHoaro](
* [Astyan-42](
* [Astalaseven](
* [Daiyousei](
* [Astyan-42](
* [Djuuu](
* [Daiyousei](
* [Draeli](
* [Djuuu](
* [EtienneM](
* [Draeli](
* [Frenzie](
* [EtienneM](
* [Ginko-Aloe](
* [Frenzie](
* [Glandos](
* [Ginko-Aloe](
* [GregThib](
* [Glandos](
* [Grummfy](
* [GregThib](
* [JackNUMBER](
* [Grummfy](
* [JeremyRand](
* [JackNUMBER](
* [Jocker666z](
* [JeremyRand](
* [LogMANOriginal](
* [Jocker666z](
* [MonsieurPoutounours](
* [LogMANOriginal](
* [ORelio](
* [MonsieurPoutounours](
* [PaulVayssiere](
* [Nono-m0le](
* [Piranhaplant](
* [ORelio](
* [Riduidel](
* [PaulVayssiere](
* [Strubbl](
* [Piranhaplant](
* [TheRadialActive](
* [Riduidel](
* [TwizzyDizzy](
* [Roliga](
* [WalterBarrett](
* [Strubbl](
* [ZeNairolf](
* [TheRadialActive](
* [adamchainz](
* [TwizzyDizzy](
* [aledeg](
* [WalterBarrett](
* [alexAubin](
* [ZeNairolf](
* [az5he6ch](
* [adamchainz](
* [b1nj](
* [aledeg](
* [benasse](
* [alexAubin](
* [captn3m0](
* [az5he6ch](
* [chemel](
* [b1nj](
* [ckiw](
* [benasse](
* [cnlpete](
* [captn3m0](
* [corenting](
* [chemel](
* [da2x](
* [ckiw](
* [eMerzh](
* [cnlpete](
* [em92](
* [corenting](
* [griffaurel](
* [couraudt](
* [hunhejj](
* [da2x](
* [j0k3r](
* [disk0x](
* [jdigilio](
* [eMerzh](
* [kranack](
* [em92](
* [kraoc](
* [fluffy-critter](
* [laBecasse](
* [fulmeek](
* [lagaisse](
* [griffaurel](
* [lalannev](
* [hunhejj](
* [ldidry](
* [j0k3r](
* [m0zes](
* [jdigilio](
* [matthewseal](
* [kranack](
* [mcbyte-it](
* [kraoc](
* [mdemoss](
* [laBecasse](
* [melangue](
* [lagaisse](
* [metaMMA](
* [lalannev](
* [mickael-bertrand](
* [ldidry](
* [mitsukarenai](
* [lorenzos](
* [mro](
* [m0zes](
* [mxmehl](
* [matthewseal](
* [nel50n](
* [mcbyte-it](
* [niawag](
* [mdemoss](
* [pellaeon](
* [melangue](
* [pit-fgfjiudghdf](
* [metaMMA](
* [pitchoule](
* [mickael-bertrand](
* [pmaziere](
* [mitsukarenai](
* [prysme01](
* [mr-flibble](
* [quentinus95](
* [mro](
* [qwertygc](
* [mxmehl](
* [regisenguehard](
* [nel50n](
* [rogerdc](
* [niawag](
* [sebsauvage](
* [pellaeon](
* [sublimz](
* [pit-fgfjiudghdf](
* [sysadminstory](
* [pitchoule](
* [tameroski](
* [pmaziere](
* [teromene](
* [prysme01](
* [triatic](
* [quentinus95](
* [wtuuju](
* [qwertygc](
* [regisenguehard](
* [rogerdc](
* [sebsauvage](
* [sublimz](
* [sysadminstory](
* [tameroski](
* [teromene](
* [triatic](
* [wtuuju](
* [yardenac](
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class ABCTabsBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = '';
$html = '';
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(static::URI.'tablatures/nouveautes.html')
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(static::URI . 'tablatures/nouveautes.html')
or returnClientError('No results for this query.');
or returnClientError('No results for this query.');
$table = $html->find('table#myTable', 0)->children(1);
$table = $html->find('table#myTable', 0)->children(1);
@ -21,5 +21,4 @@ class AcrimedBridge extends FeedExpander {
return $item;
return $item;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class AllocineFRBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getName(){
public function getName(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('category'))) {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('category'))) {
return self::NAME . ' : '
return self::NAME . ' : '
. array_search(
@ -83,5 +83,4 @@ class AllocineFRBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class AmazonBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getName(){
public function getName(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('tld')) && !is_null($this->getInput('q'))) {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('tld')) && !is_null($this->getInput('q'))) {
return 'Amazon.'.$this->getInput('tld').': '.$this->getInput('q');
return 'Amazon.' . $this->getInput('tld') . ': ' . $this->getInput('q');
return parent::getName();
return parent::getName();
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class AmazonBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
$uri = ''.$this->getInput('tld').'/';
$uri = '' . $this->getInput('tld') . '/';
$uri .= 's/?field-keywords='.urlencode($this->getInput('q')).'&sort='.$this->getInput('sort');
$uri .= 's/?field-keywords=' . urlencode($this->getInput('q')) . '&sort=' . $this->getInput('sort');
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($uri)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($uri)
or returnServerError('Could not request Amazon.');
or returnServerError('Could not request Amazon.');
@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ class AmazonBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
// Title
// Title
$title = $element->find('h2', 0);
$title = $element->find('h2', 0);
if (is_null($title)) {
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode($title->innertext, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode($title->innertext, ENT_QUOTES);
@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ class AmazonBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$price = $element->find('span.s-price', 0);
$price = $element->find('span.s-price', 0);
$price = ($price) ? $price->innertext : '';
$price = ($price) ? $price->innertext : '';
$item['content'] = '<img src="'.$image->getAttribute('src').'" /><br />'.$price;
$item['content'] = '<img src="' . $image->getAttribute('src') . '" /><br />' . $price;
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class AnidexBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
if (strpos($link->href, '/torrent/') === 0 && !in_array($link->href, $results))
if (strpos($link->href, '/torrent/') === 0 && !in_array($link->href, $results))
$results[] = $link->href;
$results[] = $link->href;
if (empty($results) && empty($this->getInput('q')))
if (empty($results) && empty($this->getInput('q')))
returnServerError('No results from Anidex: '.$search_url);
returnServerError('No results from Anidex: ' . $search_url);
//Process each item individually
//Process each item individually
foreach ($results as $element) {
foreach ($results as $element) {
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class AnidexBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
if ($torrent_id != 0 && ctype_digit($torrent_id)) {
if ($torrent_id != 0 && ctype_digit($torrent_id)) {
//Retrieve data for this torrent ID
//Retrieve data for this torrent ID
$item_uri = self::URI . 'torrent/'.$torrent_id;
$item_uri = self::URI . 'torrent/' . $torrent_id;
//Retrieve full description from torrent page
//Retrieve full description from torrent page
if ($item_html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item_uri)) {
if ($item_html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item_uri)) {
@ -137,5 +137,4 @@ class AnimeUltimeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return parent::getName();
return parent::getName();
@ -119,5 +119,4 @@ class Arte7Bridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
class AskfmBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
class AskfmBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'az5he6ch';
const MAINTAINER = 'az5he6ch, logmanoriginal';
const NAME = ' Answers';
const NAME = ' Answers';
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; //5 min
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; //5 min
@ -19,39 +19,39 @@ class AskfmBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
or returnServerError('Requested username can\'t be found.');
or returnServerError('Requested username can\'t be found.');
foreach($html->find('div.streamItem-answer') as $element) {
$html = defaultLinkTo($html, self::URI);
foreach($html->find('article.streamItem-answer') as $element) {
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $element->find('a.streamItemsAge', 0)->href;
$item['uri'] = $element->find('a.streamItem_meta', 0)->href;
$question = trim($element->find('h1.streamItemContent-question', 0)->innertext);
$question = trim($element->find('header.streamItem_header', 0)->innertext);
$item['title'] = trim(
$item['title'] = trim(
htmlspecialchars_decode($element->find('h1.streamItemContent-question', 0)->plaintext,
htmlspecialchars_decode($element->find('header.streamItem_header', 0)->plaintext,
$answer = trim($element->find('p.streamItemContent-answer', 0)->innertext);
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($element->find('time', 0)->datetime);
// Doesn't work, DOM parser doesn't seem to like data-hint, dunno why
$answer = trim($element->find('div.streamItem_content', 0)->innertext);
#$item['update'] = $element->find('a.streamitemsage',0)->data-hint;
// This probably should be cleaned up, especially for YouTube embeds
// This probably should be cleaned up, especially for YouTube embeds
$visual = $element->find('div.streamItemContent-visual', 0)->innertext;
if($visual = $element->find('div.streamItem_visual', 0)) {
//Fix tracking links, also doesn't work
$visual = $visual->innertext;
// Fix tracking links, also doesn't work
foreach($element->find('a') as $link) {
foreach($element->find('a') as $link) {
if(strpos($link->href, '') !== false) {
if(strpos($link->href, '') !== false) {
// Too slow
#$link->href = str_replace('#_=_', '', get_headers($link->href, 1)['Location']);
$link->href = $link->plaintext;
$link->href = $link->plaintext;
$content = '<p>' . $question . '</p><p>' . $answer . '</p><p>' . $visual . '</p>';
$item['content'] = '<p>' . $question
// Fix relative links without breaking // scheme used by YouTube stuff
. '</p><p>' . $answer
$content = preg_replace('#href="\/(?!\/)#', 'href="' . self::URI, $content);
. '</p><p>' . $visual . '</p>';
$item['content'] = $content;
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class AskfmBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getURI(){
public function getURI(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
return self::URI . urlencode($this->getInput('u')) . '/answers/more?page=0';
return self::URI . urlencode($this->getInput('u'));
return parent::getURI();
return parent::getURI();
@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ class AutoJMBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'assets/images/favicon.ico';
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . $this->getInput('url'))
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . $this->getInput('url'))
or returnServerError('Could not request AutoJM.');
or returnServerError('Could not request AutoJM.');
@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ class AutoJMBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = $url;
$item['uri'] = $url;
$item['title'] = $serie;
$item['title'] = $serie;
$item['content'] = '<p><img style="vertical-align:middle ; padding: 10px" src="' . $image . '" />'. $serie . '</p>';
$item['content'] = '<p><img style="vertical-align:middle ; padding: 10px" src="' . $image . '" />' . $serie . '</p>';
$item['content'] .= '<ul><li>Disponibilité : ' . $dispo . '</li>';
$item['content'] .= '<ul><li>Disponibilité : ' . $dispo . '</li>';
$item['content'] .= '<li>Carburant : ' . $carburant . '</li>';
$item['content'] .= '<li>Carburant : ' . $carburant . '</li>';
$item['content'] .= '<li>Transmission : ' . $transmission . '</li>';
$item['content'] .= '<li>Transmission : ' . $transmission . '</li>';
@ -59,4 +63,3 @@ class AutoJMBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
class BAEBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'couraudt';
const NAME = 'Bourse Aux Equipiers Bridge';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest sailing offers.';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'keyword' => array(
'name' => 'Filtrer par mots clés',
'title' => 'Entrez le mot clé à filtrer ici'
'type' => array(
'name' => 'Type de recherche',
'title' => 'Afficher seuleument un certain type d\'annonce',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'Toutes les annonces' => false,
'Les embarquements' => 'boat',
'Les skippers' => 'skipper',
'Les équipiers' => 'crew'
public function collectData() {
$url = $this->getURI();
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url) or returnClientError('No results for this query.');
$annonces = $html->find('main article');
foreach ($annonces as $annonce) {
$detail = $annonce->find('footer a', 0);
$htmlDetail = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached(parent::getURI() . $detail->href);
if (!$htmlDetail)
$item = array();
$item['title'] = $annonce->find('header h2', 0)->plaintext;
$item['uri'] = parent::getURI() . $detail->href;
$content = $htmlDetail->find('article p', 0)->innertext;
if (!empty($this->getInput('keyword'))) {
$keyword = $this->remove_accents(strtolower($this->getInput('keyword')));
$cleanTitle = $this->remove_accents(strtolower($item['title']));
if (strpos($cleanTitle, $keyword) === false) {
$cleanContent = $this->remove_accents(strtolower($content));
if (strpos($cleanContent, $keyword) === false) {
$content .= '<hr>';
$content .= $htmlDetail->find('section', 0)->innertext;
$content = str_replace('src="/', 'src="' . parent::getURI() . '/', $content);
$content = str_replace('href="/', 'href="' . parent::getURI() . '/', $content);
$item['content'] = $content;
$image = $htmlDetail->find('#zoom', 0);
if ($image) {
$item['enclosures'] = array(parent::getURI() . $image->getAttribute('src'));
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getURI() {
$uri = parent::getURI();
if (!empty($this->getInput('type'))) {
if ($this->getInput('type') == 'boat') {
$uri .= '/embarquements.html';
} elseif ($this->getInput('type') == 'skipper') {
$uri .= '/skippers.html';
} else {
$uri .= '/equipiers.html';
return $uri;
private function remove_accents($string) {
$chars = array(
// Decompositions for Latin-1 Supplement
'ª' => 'a', 'º' => 'o',
'À' => 'A', 'Á' => 'A',
'Â' => 'A', 'Ã' => 'A',
'Ä' => 'A', 'Å' => 'A',
'Æ' => 'AE', 'Ç' => 'C',
'È' => 'E', 'É' => 'E',
'Ê' => 'E', 'Ë' => 'E',
'Ì' => 'I', 'Í' => 'I',
'Î' => 'I', 'Ï' => 'I',
'Ð' => 'D', 'Ñ' => 'N',
'Ò' => 'O', 'Ó' => 'O',
'Ô' => 'O', 'Õ' => 'O',
'Ö' => 'O', 'Ù' => 'U',
'Ú' => 'U', 'Û' => 'U',
'Ü' => 'U', 'Ý' => 'Y',
'Þ' => 'TH', 'ß' => 's',
'à' => 'a', 'á' => 'a',
'â' => 'a', 'ã' => 'a',
'ä' => 'a', 'å' => 'a',
'æ' => 'ae', 'ç' => 'c',
'è' => 'e', 'é' => 'e',
'ê' => 'e', 'ë' => 'e',
'ì' => 'i', 'í' => 'i',
'î' => 'i', 'ï' => 'i',
'ð' => 'd', 'ñ' => 'n',
'ò' => 'o', 'ó' => 'o',
'ô' => 'o', 'õ' => 'o',
'ö' => 'o', 'ø' => 'o',
'ù' => 'u', 'ú' => 'u',
'û' => 'u', 'ü' => 'u',
'ý' => 'y', 'þ' => 'th',
'ÿ' => 'y', 'Ø' => 'O',
// Decompositions for Latin Extended-A
'Ā' => 'A', 'ā' => 'a',
'Ă' => 'A', 'ă' => 'a',
'Ą' => 'A', 'ą' => 'a',
'Ć' => 'C', 'ć' => 'c',
'Ĉ' => 'C', 'ĉ' => 'c',
'Ċ' => 'C', 'ċ' => 'c',
'Č' => 'C', 'č' => 'c',
'Ď' => 'D', 'ď' => 'd',
'Đ' => 'D', 'đ' => 'd',
'Ē' => 'E', 'ē' => 'e',
'Ĕ' => 'E', 'ĕ' => 'e',
'Ė' => 'E', 'ė' => 'e',
'Ę' => 'E', 'ę' => 'e',
'Ě' => 'E', 'ě' => 'e',
'Ĝ' => 'G', 'ĝ' => 'g',
'Ğ' => 'G', 'ğ' => 'g',
'Ġ' => 'G', 'ġ' => 'g',
'Ģ' => 'G', 'ģ' => 'g',
'Ĥ' => 'H', 'ĥ' => 'h',
'Ħ' => 'H', 'ħ' => 'h',
'Ĩ' => 'I', 'ĩ' => 'i',
'Ī' => 'I', 'ī' => 'i',
'Ĭ' => 'I', 'ĭ' => 'i',
'Į' => 'I', 'į' => 'i',
'İ' => 'I', 'ı' => 'i',
'IJ' => 'IJ', 'ij' => 'ij',
'Ĵ' => 'J', 'ĵ' => 'j',
'Ķ' => 'K', 'ķ' => 'k',
'ĸ' => 'k', 'Ĺ' => 'L',
'ĺ' => 'l', 'Ļ' => 'L',
'ļ' => 'l', 'Ľ' => 'L',
'ľ' => 'l', 'Ŀ' => 'L',
'ŀ' => 'l', 'Ł' => 'L',
'ł' => 'l', 'Ń' => 'N',
'ń' => 'n', 'Ņ' => 'N',
'ņ' => 'n', 'Ň' => 'N',
'ň' => 'n', 'ʼn' => 'n',
'Ŋ' => 'N', 'ŋ' => 'n',
'Ō' => 'O', 'ō' => 'o',
'Ŏ' => 'O', 'ŏ' => 'o',
'Ő' => 'O', 'ő' => 'o',
'Œ' => 'OE', 'œ' => 'oe',
'Ŕ' => 'R', 'ŕ' => 'r',
'Ŗ' => 'R', 'ŗ' => 'r',
'Ř' => 'R', 'ř' => 'r',
'Ś' => 'S', 'ś' => 's',
'Ŝ' => 'S', 'ŝ' => 's',
'Ş' => 'S', 'ş' => 's',
'Š' => 'S', 'š' => 's',
'Ţ' => 'T', 'ţ' => 't',
'Ť' => 'T', 'ť' => 't',
'Ŧ' => 'T', 'ŧ' => 't',
'Ũ' => 'U', 'ũ' => 'u',
'Ū' => 'U', 'ū' => 'u',
'Ŭ' => 'U', 'ŭ' => 'u',
'Ů' => 'U', 'ů' => 'u',
'Ű' => 'U', 'ű' => 'u',
'Ų' => 'U', 'ų' => 'u',
'Ŵ' => 'W', 'ŵ' => 'w',
'Ŷ' => 'Y', 'ŷ' => 'y',
'Ÿ' => 'Y', 'Ź' => 'Z',
'ź' => 'z', 'Ż' => 'Z',
'ż' => 'z', 'Ž' => 'Z',
'ž' => 'z', 'ſ' => 's',
// Decompositions for Latin Extended-B
'Ș' => 'S', 'ș' => 's',
'Ț' => 'T', 'ț' => 't',
// Euro Sign
'€' => 'E',
// GBP (Pound) Sign
'£' => '',
// Vowels with diacritic (Vietnamese)
// unmarked
'Ơ' => 'O', 'ơ' => 'o',
'Ư' => 'U', 'ư' => 'u',
// grave accent
'Ầ' => 'A', 'ầ' => 'a',
'Ằ' => 'A', 'ằ' => 'a',
'Ề' => 'E', 'ề' => 'e',
'Ồ' => 'O', 'ồ' => 'o',
'Ờ' => 'O', 'ờ' => 'o',
'Ừ' => 'U', 'ừ' => 'u',
'Ỳ' => 'Y', 'ỳ' => 'y',
// hook
'Ả' => 'A', 'ả' => 'a',
'Ẩ' => 'A', 'ẩ' => 'a',
'Ẳ' => 'A', 'ẳ' => 'a',
'Ẻ' => 'E', 'ẻ' => 'e',
'Ể' => 'E', 'ể' => 'e',
'Ỉ' => 'I', 'ỉ' => 'i',
'Ỏ' => 'O', 'ỏ' => 'o',
'Ổ' => 'O', 'ổ' => 'o',
'Ở' => 'O', 'ở' => 'o',
'Ủ' => 'U', 'ủ' => 'u',
'Ử' => 'U', 'ử' => 'u',
'Ỷ' => 'Y', 'ỷ' => 'y',
// tilde
'Ẫ' => 'A', 'ẫ' => 'a',
'Ẵ' => 'A', 'ẵ' => 'a',
'Ẽ' => 'E', 'ẽ' => 'e',
'Ễ' => 'E', 'ễ' => 'e',
'Ỗ' => 'O', 'ỗ' => 'o',
'Ỡ' => 'O', 'ỡ' => 'o',
'Ữ' => 'U', 'ữ' => 'u',
'Ỹ' => 'Y', 'ỹ' => 'y',
// acute accent
'Ấ' => 'A', 'ấ' => 'a',
'Ắ' => 'A', 'ắ' => 'a',
'Ế' => 'E', 'ế' => 'e',
'Ố' => 'O', 'ố' => 'o',
'Ớ' => 'O', 'ớ' => 'o',
'Ứ' => 'U', 'ứ' => 'u',
// dot below
'Ạ' => 'A', 'ạ' => 'a',
'Ậ' => 'A', 'ậ' => 'a',
'Ặ' => 'A', 'ặ' => 'a',
'Ẹ' => 'E', 'ẹ' => 'e',
'Ệ' => 'E', 'ệ' => 'e',
'Ị' => 'I', 'ị' => 'i',
'Ọ' => 'O', 'ọ' => 'o',
'Ộ' => 'O', 'ộ' => 'o',
'Ợ' => 'O', 'ợ' => 'o',
'Ụ' => 'U', 'ụ' => 'u',
'Ự' => 'U', 'ự' => 'u',
'Ỵ' => 'Y', 'ỵ' => 'y',
// Vowels with diacritic (Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin)
'ɑ' => 'a',
// macron
'Ǖ' => 'U', 'ǖ' => 'u',
// acute accent
'Ǘ' => 'U', 'ǘ' => 'u',
// caron
'Ǎ' => 'A', 'ǎ' => 'a',
'Ǐ' => 'I', 'ǐ' => 'i',
'Ǒ' => 'O', 'ǒ' => 'o',
'Ǔ' => 'U', 'ǔ' => 'u',
'Ǚ' => 'U', 'ǚ' => 'u',
// grave accent
'Ǜ' => 'U', 'ǜ' => 'u',
$string = strtr($string, $chars);
return $string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
class BakaUpdatesMangaReleasesBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const NAME = 'Baka Updates Manga Releases';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Get the latest series releases';
const MAINTAINER = 'fulmeek';
const PARAMETERS = array(array(
'series_id' => array(
'name' => 'Series ID',
'type' => 'number',
'required' => true,
'exampleValue' => '12345'
const LIMIT_ITEMS = 10;
private $feedName = '';
public function collectData() {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
or returnServerError('Series not found');
$objTitle = $html->find('td[class="text pad"]', 1);
if ($objTitle)
$this->feedName = $objTitle->plaintext;
$itemlist = $html->find('td#main_content table table table tr');
if (!$itemlist)
returnServerError('No releases');
$limit = self::LIMIT_ITEMS;
foreach($itemlist as $element) {
$cols = $element->find('td[class="text pad"]');
if (!$cols)
if ($limit <= 0)
$item = array();
$title = array();
$item['content'] = '';
$objDate = $cols[0];
if ($objDate)
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($objDate->plaintext);
$objTitle = $cols[1];
if ($objTitle) {
$title[] = html_entity_decode($objTitle->plaintext);
$item['content'] .= '<p>Series: ' . $objTitle->innertext . '</p>';
$objVolume = $cols[2];
if ($objVolume && !empty($objVolume->plaintext))
$title[] = 'Vol.' . $objVolume->plaintext;
$objChapter = $cols[3];
if ($objChapter && !empty($objChapter->plaintext))
$title[] = 'Chp.' . $objChapter->plaintext;
$objAuthor = $cols[4];
if ($objAuthor && !empty($objAuthor->plaintext)) {
$item['author'] = html_entity_decode($objAuthor->plaintext);
$item['content'] .= '<p>Groups: ' . $objAuthor->innertext . '</p>';
$item['title'] = implode(' ', $title);
$item['uri'] = $this->getURI() . '#' . hash('sha1', $item['title']);
$this->items[] = $item;
if(count($this->items) >= $limit) {
public function getURI(){
$series_id = $this->getInput('series_id');
if (!empty($series_id)) {
return self::URI . 'releases.html?search=' . $series_id . '&stype=series';
return self::URI;
public function getName(){
if(!empty($this->feedName)) {
return $this->feedName . ' - ' . self::NAME;
return parent::getName();
@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ class BandcampBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
or returnServerError('No results for this query.');
or returnServerError('No results for this query.');
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ class BlaguesDeMerdeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const DESCRIPTION = 'Blagues De Merde';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Blagues De Merde';
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'assets/img/favicon.ico';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
@ -39,5 +43,4 @@ class BlaguesDeMerdeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ class BloombergBridge extends BridgeAbstract
return parent::getName();
return parent::getName();
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData()
public function collectData()
switch($this->queriedContext) {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ class BundesbankBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'resource/crblob/1890/a7f48ee0ae35348748121770ba3ca009/mL/favicon-ico-data.ico';
public function getURI() {
public function getURI() {
switch($this->getInput(self::PARAM_LANG)) {
switch($this->getInput(self::PARAM_LANG)) {
case self::LANG_EN: return self::URI . 'en/publications/reports/studies';
case self::LANG_EN: return self::URI . 'en/publications/reports/studies';
@ -79,5 +83,4 @@ class BundesbankBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ class CNETBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
returnClientError('Invalid topic: ' . $topic);
returnClientError('Invalid topic: ' . $topic);
// Retrieve webpage
// Retrieve webpage
$pageUrl = self::URI . (empty($topic) ? 'news/' : $topic.'/');
$pageUrl = self::URI . (empty($topic) ? 'news/' : $topic . '/');
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($pageUrl)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($pageUrl)
or returnServerError('Could not request CNET: '.$pageUrl);
or returnServerError('Could not request CNET: ' . $pageUrl);
// Process articles
// Process articles
foreach($html->find('div.assetBody, div.riverPost') as $element) {
foreach($html->find('div.assetBody, div.riverPost') as $element) {
@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ class ChristianDailyReporterBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const DESCRIPTION = 'The Unofficial Christian Daily Reporter RSS';
const DESCRIPTION = 'The Unofficial Christian Daily Reporter RSS';
// const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400; // 1 day
// const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400; // 1 day
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'images/cdrfavicon.png';
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
$uri = '';
$uri = '';
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class CommonDreamsBridge extends FeedExpander {
const MAINTAINER = 'nyutag';
const MAINTAINER = 'nyutag';
const NAME = 'CommonDreams Bridge';
const NAME = 'CommonDreams Bridge';
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest articles.';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest articles.';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ class ContainerLinuxReleasesBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return json_decode($json, true);
return json_decode($json, true);
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
$data = $this->getReleaseFeed($this->getJsonUri());
$data = $this->getReleaseFeed($this->getJsonUri());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
class CrewbayBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'couraudt';
const NAME = 'Crewbay Bridge';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest sailing offers.';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'keyword' => array(
'name' => 'Filter by keyword',
'title' => 'Enter the keyword to filter here'
'type' => array(
'name' => 'Type of search',
'title' => 'Choose between finding a boat or a crew',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'Find a boat' => 'boats',
'Find a crew' => 'crew'
'status' => array(
'name' => 'Status on the boat',
'title' => 'Choose between recreational or professional classified ads',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'Recreational' => 'recreational',
'Professional' => 'professional'
'recreational_position' => array(
'name' => 'Recreational position wanted',
'title' => 'Filter by recreational position you wanted aboard',
'required' => false,
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'' => '',
'Amateur Crew' => 'Amateur Crew',
'Friendship' => 'Friendship',
'Competent Crew' => 'Competent Crew',
'Racing' => 'Racing',
'Voluntary work' => 'Voluntary work',
'Mile building' => 'Mile building'
'professional_position' => array(
'name' => 'Professional position wanted',
'title' => 'Filter by professional position you wanted aboard',
'required' => false,
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'' => '',
'1st Engineer' => '1st Engineer',
'1st Mate' => '1st Mate',
'Beautician' => 'Beautician',
'Bosun' => 'Bosun',
'Captain' => 'Captain',
'Chef' => 'Chef',
'Steward(ess)' => 'Steward(ess)',
'Deckhand' => 'Deckhand',
'Delivery Crew' => 'Delivery Crew',
'Dive Instructor' => 'Dive Instructor',
'Masseur' => 'Masseur',
'Medical Staff' => 'Medical Staff',
'Nanny' => 'Nanny',
'Navigator' => 'Navigator',
'Racing Crew' => 'Racing Crew',
'Teacher' => 'Teacher',
'Electrical Engineer' => 'Electrical Engineer',
'Fitter' => 'Fitter',
'2nd Engineer' => '2nd Engineer',
'3rd Engineer' => '3rd Engineer',
'Lead Deckhand' => 'Lead Deckhand',
'Security Officer' => 'Security Officer',
'O.O.W' => 'O.O.W',
'1st Officer' => '1st Officer',
'2nd Officer' => '2nd Officer',
'3rd Officer' => '3rd Officer',
'Captain/Engineer' => 'Captain/Engineer',
'Hairdresser' => 'Hairdresser',
'Fitness Trainer' => 'Fitness Trainer',
'Laundry' => 'Laundry',
'Solo Steward/ess' => 'Solo Steward/ess',
'Stew/Deck' => 'Stew/Deck',
'2nd Steward/ess' => '2nd Steward/ess',
'3rd Steward/ess' => '3rd Steward/ess',
'Chief Steward/ess' => 'Chief Steward/ess',
'Head Housekeeper' => 'Head Housekeeper',
'Purser' => 'Purser',
'Cook' => 'Cook',
'Cook/Stew' => 'Cook/Stew',
'2nd Chef' => '2nd Chef',
'Head Chef' => 'Head Chef',
'Administrator' => 'Administrator',
'P.A' => 'P.A',
'Villa staff' => 'Villa staff',
'Housekeeping/Stew' => 'Housekeeping/Stew',
'Stew/Beautician' => 'Stew/Beautician',
'Stew/Masseuse' => 'Stew/Masseuse',
'Manager' => 'Manager',
'Sailing instructor' => 'Sailing instructor'
public function collectData() {
$url = $this->getURI();
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url) or returnClientError('No results for this query.');
$annonces = $html->find('#SearchResults div.result');
$limit = 0;
foreach ($annonces as $annonce) {
$detail = $annonce->find('.btn--profile', 0);
$htmlDetail = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($detail->href);
if (!empty($this->getInput('recreational_position')) || !empty($this->getInput('professional_position'))) {
if ($this->getInput('type') == 'boats') {
if ($this->getInput('status') == 'professional') {
$positions = array($annonce->find('.title .position', 0)->plaintext);
} else {
$positions = array(str_replace('Wanted:', '', $annonce->find('.content li', 0)->plaintext));
} else {
$list = $htmlDetail->find('.viewer-details .viewer-list');
$positions = explode("\r\n", end($list)->find('span.value', 0)->plaintext);
$found = false;
$keyword = $this->getInput('status') == 'professional' ? 'professional_position' : 'recreational_position';
foreach ($positions as $position) {
if (strpos(trim($position), $this->getInput($keyword)) !== false) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$item = array();
if ($this->getInput('type') == 'boats') {
$titleSelector = '.title h2';
} else {
$titleSelector = '.layout__item h2';
$userName = $annonce->find('.result--description a', 0)->plaintext;
$annonceTitle = trim($annonce->find($titleSelector, 0)->plaintext);
if (empty($annonceTitle)) {
$item['title'] = $userName;
} else {
$item['title'] = $userName . ' - ' . $annonceTitle;
$item['uri'] = $detail->href;
$images = $annonce->find('.avatar img');
$item['enclosures'] = array(end($images)->getAttribute('src'));
$content = $htmlDetail->find('.viewer-intro--info', 0)->innertext;
$sections = $htmlDetail->find('.viewer-container .viewer-section');
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if ($section->find('.viewer-section-title', 0)) {
$class = str_replace('viewer-', '', explode(' ', $section->getAttribute('class'))[0]);
if (!in_array($class, array('apply', 'photos', 'reviews', 'contact', 'experience', 'qa'))) {
// Basic sections
$content .= $section->find('.viewer-section-title h3', 0)->outertext;
$content .= $section->find('.viewer-section-content', 0)->innertext;
} else {
// Info section
$content .= $section->find('.viewer-section-content h3', 0)->outertext;
$content .= $section->find('.viewer-section-content p', 0)->outertext;
if (!empty($this->getInput('keyword'))) {
$keyword = strtolower($this->getInput('keyword'));
if (strpos(strtolower($item['title']), $keyword) === false) {
if (strpos(strtolower($content), $keyword) === false) {
$item['content'] = $content;
$tags = $htmlDetail->find('li.viewer-tags--tag');
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if (!isset($item['categories'])) {
$item['categories'] = array();
$text = trim($tag->plaintext);
if (!in_array($text, $item['categories'])) {
$item['categories'][] = $text;
$this->items[] = $item;
$limit += 1;
if ($limit == 10) break;
public function getURI() {
$uri = parent::getURI();
if ($this->getInput('type') == 'boats') {
$uri .= '/boats';
} else {
$uri .= '/crew';
if ($this->getInput('status') == 'professional') {
$uri .= '/professional';
} else {
$uri .= '/recreational';
return $uri;
@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ class DailymotionBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $metadata;
return $metadata;
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = '';
$html = '';
$limit = 5;
$limit = 5;
@ -15,27 +15,25 @@ class DealabsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'hide_expired' => array(
'hide_expired' => array(
'name' => 'Masquer les éléments expirés',
'name' => 'Masquer les éléments expirés',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'required' => 'true'
'required' => true
'hide_local' => array(
'hide_local' => array(
'name' => 'Masquer les deals locaux',
'name' => 'Masquer les deals locaux',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'title' => 'Masquer les deals en magasins physiques',
'title' => 'Masquer les deals en magasins physiques',
'required' => 'true'
'required' => true
'priceFrom' => array(
'priceFrom' => array(
'name' => 'Prix minimum',
'name' => 'Prix minimum',
'type' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Prix mnimum en euros',
'title' => 'Prix mnimum en euros',
'required' => 'false',
'required' => false
'defaultValue' => ''
'priceTo' => array(
'priceTo' => array(
'name' => 'Prix maximum',
'name' => 'Prix maximum',
'type' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Prix maximum en euros',
'title' => 'Prix maximum en euros',
'required' => 'false',
'required' => false
'defaultValue' => ''
@ -43,7 +41,7 @@ class DealabsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'group' => array(
'group' => array(
'name' => 'Groupe',
'name' => 'Groupe',
'type' => 'list',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => 'true',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Groupe dont il faut afficher les deals',
'title' => 'Groupe dont il faut afficher les deals',
'values' => array(
'values' => array(
'Abonnements internet' => 'abonnements-internet',
'Abonnements internet' => 'abonnements-internet',
@ -959,7 +957,7 @@ class DealabsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'order' => array(
'order' => array(
'name' => 'Trier par',
'name' => 'Trier par',
'type' => 'list',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => 'true',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Ordre de tri des deals',
'title' => 'Ordre de tri des deals',
'values' => array(
'values' => array(
'Du deal le plus Hot au moins Hot' => '',
'Du deal le plus Hot au moins Hot' => '',
@ -1074,10 +1072,10 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri')
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri')
. '/search/advanced?q='
. '/search/advanced?q='
. urlencode($q)
. urlencode($q)
. '&hide_expired='. $hide_expired
. '&hide_expired=' . $hide_expired
. '&hide_local='. $hide_local
. '&hide_local=' . $hide_local
. '&priceFrom='. $priceFrom
. '&priceFrom=' . $priceFrom
. '&priceTo='. $priceTo
. '&priceTo=' . $priceTo
/* Some default parameters
/* Some default parameters
* search_fields : Search in Titres & Descriptions & Codes
* search_fields : Search in Titres & Descriptions & Codes
* sort_by : Sort the search by new deals
* sort_by : Sort the search by new deals
@ -1152,30 +1150,30 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
foreach ($list as $deal) {
foreach ($list as $deal) {
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = $deal->find('div[class=threadGrid-title]', 0)->find('a', 0)->href;
$item['uri'] = $deal->find('div[class=threadGrid-title]', 0)->find('a', 0)->href;
$item['title'] = $deal->find('a[class*='. $selectorLink .']', 0
$item['title'] = $deal->find('a[class*=' . $selectorLink . ']', 0
$item['author'] = $deal->find('span.thread-username', 0)->plaintext;
$item['author'] = $deal->find('span.thread-username', 0)->plaintext;
$item['content'] = '<table><tr><td><a href="'
$item['content'] = '<table><tr><td><a href="'
. $deal->find(
. $deal->find(
'a[class*='. $selectorImageLink .']', 0)->href
'a[class*=' . $selectorImageLink . ']', 0)->href
. '"><img src="'
. '"><img src="'
. $this->getImage($deal)
. $this->getImage($deal)
. '"/></td><td><h2><a href="'
. '"/></td><td><h2><a href="'
. $deal->find('a[class*='. $selectorLink .']', 0)->href
. $deal->find('a[class*=' . $selectorLink . ']', 0)->href
. '">'
. '">'
. $deal->find('a[class*='. $selectorLink .']', 0)->innertext
. $deal->find('a[class*=' . $selectorLink . ']', 0)->innertext
. '</a></h2>'
. '</a></h2>'
. $this->getPrice($deal)
. $this->getPrice($deal)
. $this->getDiscount($deal)
. $this->getDiscount($deal)
. $this->getShipsFrom($deal)
. $this->getShipsFrom($deal)
. $this->getShippingCost($deal)
. $this->getShippingCost($deal)
. $this->GetSource($deal)
. $this->GetSource($deal)
. $deal->find('div[class*='. $selectorDescription .']', 0)->innertext
. $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorDescription . ']', 0)->innertext
. '</td><td>'
. '</td><td>'
. $deal->find('div[class*='. $selectorHot .']', 0)
. $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorHot . ']', 0)
->find('span', 1)->outertext
->find('span', 1)->outertext
. '</td></table>';
. '</td></table>';
$dealDateDiv = $deal->find('div[class*='. $selectorDate .']', 0)
$dealDateDiv = $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorDate . ']', 0)
$itemDate = end($dealDateDiv)->plaintext;
$itemDate = end($dealDateDiv)->plaintext;
// In case of a Local deal, there is no date, but we can use
// In case of a Local deal, there is no date, but we can use
@ -1214,7 +1212,7 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
if ($deal->find(
if ($deal->find(
'span[class*=thread-price]', 0) != null) {
'span[class*=thread-price]', 0) != null) {
return '<div>'.$this->i8n('price') .' : '
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('price') . ' : '
. $deal->find(
. $deal->find(
'span[class*=thread-price]', 0
'span[class*=thread-price]', 0
@ -1224,7 +1222,6 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
* Get the Shipping costs from a Deal if it exists
* Get the Shipping costs from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal shipping Cost
* @return string String of the deal shipping Cost
@ -1233,11 +1230,11 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
if ($deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0) != null) {
if ($deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0) != null) {
if ($deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->children(0) != null) {
if ($deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->children(0) != null) {
return '<div>'. $this->i8n('shipping') .' : '
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('shipping') . ' : '
. $deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->children(0)->innertext
. $deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->children(0)->innertext
. '</div>';
. '</div>';
} else {
} else {
return '<div>'. $this->i8n('shipping') .' : '
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('shipping') . ' : '
. $deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->innertext
. $deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->innertext
. '</div>';
. '</div>';
@ -1253,7 +1250,7 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
private function GetSource($deal)
private function GetSource($deal)
if ($deal->find('a[class=text--color-greyShade]', 0) != null) {
if ($deal->find('a[class=text--color-greyShade]', 0) != null) {
return '<div>'. $this->i8n('origin') .' : '
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('origin') . ' : '
. $deal->find('a[class=text--color-greyShade]', 0)->outertext
. $deal->find('a[class=text--color-greyShade]', 0)->outertext
. '</div>';
. '</div>';
} else {
} else {
@ -1274,7 +1271,7 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
} else {
} else {
$discount = '';
$discount = '';
return '<div>'. $this->i8n('discount') .' : <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">'
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('discount') . ' : <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">'
. $deal->find(
. $deal->find(
'span[class*=mute--text text--lineThrough]', 0
'span[class*=mute--text text--lineThrough]', 0
@ -1315,13 +1312,13 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
if ($deal->find('img[class='. $selectorLazy .']', 0) != null) {
if ($deal->find('img[class=' . $selectorLazy . ']', 0) != null) {
return json_decode(
return json_decode(
$deal->find('img[class='. $selectorLazy .']', 0)
$deal->find('img[class=' . $selectorLazy . ']', 0)
} else {
} else {
return $deal->find('img[class*='. $selectorPlain .']', 0 )->src;
return $deal->find('img[class*=' . $selectorPlain . ']', 0 )->src;
@ -1340,9 +1337,9 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
if ($deal->find('span[class='. $selector .']', 0) != null) {
if ($deal->find('span[class=' . $selector . ']', 0) != null) {
return '<div>'
return '<div>'
. $deal->find('span[class='. $selector .']', 0)->children(2)->plaintext
. $deal->find('span[class=' . $selector . ']', 0)->children(2)->plaintext
. '</div>';
. '</div>';
} else {
} else {
return '';
return '';
@ -1445,20 +1442,18 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getName(){
public function getName(){
switch($this->queriedContext) {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - '. $this->i8n('title-keyword') .' : '. $this->getInput('q');
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-keyword') . ' : ' . $this->getInput('q');
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
$values = $this->getParameters()[$this->i8n('context-group')]['group']['values'];
$values = $this->getParameters()[$this->i8n('context-group')]['group']['values'];
$group = array_search($this->getInput('group'), $values);
$group = array_search($this->getInput('group'), $values);
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - '. $this->i8n('title-group'). ' : '. $group;
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-group') . ' : ' . $group;
default: // Return default value
default: // Return default value
return static::NAME;
return static::NAME;
* This is some "localisation" function that returns the needed content using
* This is some "localisation" function that returns the needed content using
* the "$lang" class variable in the local class
* the "$lang" class variable in the local class
@ -1472,5 +1467,4 @@ class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract {
return null;
return null;
@ -6,72 +6,75 @@ class DemonoidBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns results from search';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns results from search';
const PARAMETERS = array(array(
const PARAMETERS = array(
'q' => array(
'Keywords' => array(
'name' => 'keywords',
'q' => array(
'exampleValue' => 'keyword1 keyword2…',
'name' => 'keywords',
'required' => true,
'exampleValue' => 'keyword1 keyword2…',
'required' => true,
'category' => array(
'name' => 'Category',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'All' => 0,
'Movies' => 1,
'Music' => 2,
'TV' => 3,
'Games' => 4,
'Applications' => 5,
'Pictures' => 8,
'Anime' => 9,
'Comics' => 10,
'Books' => 11,
'Audiobooks' => 17
'category' => array(
'Category Only' => array(
'name' => 'Category',
'catOnly' => array(
'type' => 'list',
'name' => 'Category',
'values' => array(
'type' => 'list',
'All' => 0,
'values' => array(
'Movies' => 1,
'All' => 0,
'Music' => 2,
'Movies' => 1,
'TV' => 3,
'Music' => 2,
'Games' => 4,
'TV' => 3,
'Applications' => 5,
'Games' => 4,
'Pictures' => 8,
'Applications' => 5,
'Anime' => 9,
'Pictures' => 8,
'Comics' => 10,
'Anime' => 9,
'Books' => 11,
'Comics' => 10,
'Audiobooks' => 17
'Books' => 11,
'Audiobooks' => 17
), array(
'catOnly' => array(
'name' => 'Category',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'All' => 0,
'Movies' => 1,
'Music' => 2,
'TV' => 3,
'Games' => 4,
'Applications' => 5,
'Pictures' => 8,
'Anime' => 9,
'Comics' => 10,
'Books' => 11,
'Audiobooks' => 17
), array(
'userid' => array(
'name' => 'user id',
'exampleValue' => '00000',
'required' => true,
'type' => 'number'
'category' => array(
'User ID' => array(
'name' => 'Category',
'userid' => array(
'type' => 'list',
'name' => 'user id',
'values' => array(
'exampleValue' => '00000',
'All' => 0,
'required' => true,
'Movies' => 1,
'type' => 'number'
'Music' => 2,
'TV' => 3,
'category' => array(
'Games' => 4,
'name' => 'Category',
'Applications' => 5,
'type' => 'list',
'Pictures' => 8,
'values' => array(
'Anime' => 9,
'All' => 0,
'Comics' => 10,
'Movies' => 1,
'Books' => 11,
'Music' => 2,
'Audiobooks' => 17
'TV' => 3,
'Games' => 4,
'Applications' => 5,
'Pictures' => 8,
'Anime' => 9,
'Comics' => 10,
'Books' => 11,
'Audiobooks' => 17
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
class DerpibooruBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const NAME = 'Derpibooru Bridge';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns newest posts from a Derpibooru search';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5min
const MAINTAINER = 'Roliga';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'f' => array(
'name' => 'Filter',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'Everything' => 56027,
'18+ R34' => 37432,
'Legacy Default' => 37431,
'18+ Dark' => 37429,
'Maximum Spoilers' => 37430,
'Default' => 100073
'defaultValue' => 56027
'q' => array(
'name' => 'Query',
'required' => true
public function detectParameters($url){
$params = array();
// Search page e.g.
$regex = '/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?\/search.+q=([^\/&?\n]+)/';
if(preg_match($regex, $url, $matches) > 0) {
$params['q'] = urldecode($matches[3]);
return $params;
// Tag page, e.g.
$regex = '/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?\/tags\/([^\/&?\n]+)/';
if(preg_match($regex, $url, $matches) > 0) {
$params['q'] = str_replace('-colon-', ':', urldecode($matches[3]));
return $params;
return null;
public function getName(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('q'))) {
return 'Derpibooru search for: '
. $this->getInput('q');
} else {
return parent::getName();
public function getURI(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('f')) && !is_null($this->getInput('q'))) {
return self::URI
. 'search?filter_id='
. urlencode($this->getInput('f'))
. '&q='
. urlencode($this->getInput('q'));
} else {
return parent::getURI();
public function collectData(){
$queryJson = json_decode(getContents(
. 'search.json?filter_id='
. urlencode($this->getInput('f'))
. '&q='
. urlencode($this->getInput('q'))
)) or returnServerError('Failed to query Derpibooru');
foreach($queryJson->search as $post) {
$item = array();
$postUri = self::URI . $post->id;
$item['uri'] = $postUri;
$item['title'] = $post->id;
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($post->created_at);
$item['author'] = $post->uploader;
$item['enclosures'] = array('https:' . $post->image);
$item['categories'] = explode(', ', $post->tags);
$item['content'] = '<p><a href="' // image preview
. $postUri
. '"><img src="https:'
. $post->representations->medium
. '"></a></p><p>' // description
. $post->description
. '</p><p><b>Size:</b> ' // image size
. $post->width
. 'x'
. $post->height
. '<br><b>Source:</b> <a href="' // source link
. $post->source_url
. '">'
. $post->source_url
. '</a></p>';
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -236,5 +236,4 @@ class DesoutterBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
echo $list;
echo $list;
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ class DevToBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
'name' => 'Full article',
'name' => 'Full article',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'required' => false,
'required' => false,
'title' => 'Enable to receive the full article for each item',
'title' => 'Enable to receive the full article for each item'
'defaultValue' => false
@ -101,5 +100,4 @@ EOD;
return $html->find('[id="article-body"]', 0);
return $html->find('[id="article-body"]', 0);
@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ class DiceBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
$uri = '';
$uri = '';
$uri .= '?for_one=' . urlencode($this->getInput('for_one'));
$uri .= '?for_one=' . urlencode($this->getInput('for_one'));
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class DilbertBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'kranack';
const MAINTAINER = 'kranack';
const NAME = 'Dilbert Daily Strip';
const NAME = 'Dilbert Daily Strip';
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 21600; // 6h
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 21600; // 6h
const DESCRIPTION = 'The Unofficial Dilbert Daily Comic Strip';
const DESCRIPTION = 'The Unofficial Dilbert Daily Comic Strip';
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ class DilbertBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$img = $element->find('img', 0);
$img = $element->find('img', 0);
$link = $element->find('a', 0);
$link = $element->find('a', 0);
$comic = $img->src;
$comic = $img->src;
$title = $link->alt;
$title = $img->alt;
$url = $link->href;
$url = $link->href;
$date = substr($url, 25);
$date = substr(strrchr($url, '/'), 1);
if (empty($title))
if (empty($title))
$title = 'Dilbert Comic Strip on ' . $date;
$title = 'Dilbert Comic Strip on ' . $date;
$date = strtotime($date);
$date = strtotime($date);
@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ class DiscogsBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item['id'] = $release['id'];
$item['id'] = $release['id'];
$resId = array_key_exists('main_release', $release) ? $release['main_release'] : $release['id'];
$resId = array_key_exists('main_release', $release) ? $release['main_release'] : $release['id'];
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $this->getInput('artistid') . '/release/' . $resId;
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $this->getInput('artistid') . '/release/' . $resId;
$item['timestamp'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y', $release['year'])->getTimestamp();
if(isset($release['year'])) {
$item['timestamp'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y', $release['year'])->getTimestamp();
$item['content'] = $item['author'] . ' - ' . $item['title'];
$item['content'] = $item['author'] . ' - ' . $item['title'];
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -81,7 +85,7 @@ class DiscogsBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
. $this->getInput('username_folder')
. $this->getInput('username_folder')
. '/collection/folders/'
. '/collection/folders/'
. $this->getInput('folderid')
. $this->getInput('folderid')
. '/releases?sort=added&sort_order=desc')
or returnServerError('Unable to query discogs !');
or returnServerError('Unable to query discogs !');
$jsonData = json_decode($data, true)['releases'];
$jsonData = json_decode($data, true)['releases'];
@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ class DribbbleBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1800;
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1800;
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest popular shots from Dribbble.';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest popular shots from Dribbble.';
public function getIcon() {
return '
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . '/shots')
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . '/shots')
or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class ETTVBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
// No control on inputs, because all defaultValue are set
// No control on inputs, because all defaultValue are set
$query_str = 'torrents-search.php';
$query_str = 'torrents-search.php';
$query_str .= '?search=' . urlencode('+'.str_replace(' ', ' +', $this->getInput('query')));
$query_str .= '?search=' . urlencode('+' . str_replace(' ', ' +', $this->getInput('query')));
$query_str .= '&cat=' . $this->getInput('cat');
$query_str .= '&cat=' . $this->getInput('cat');
$query_str .= '&incldead=' . $this->getInput('status');
$query_str .= '&incldead=' . $this->getInput('status');
$query_str .= '&lang=' . $this->getInput('lang');
$query_str .= '&lang=' . $this->getInput('lang');
@ -6,20 +6,36 @@ class EliteDangerousGalnetBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the latest page of news from Galnet';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the latest page of news from Galnet';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'language' => array(
'name' => 'Language',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'English' => 'en',
'French' => 'fr',
'German' => 'de'
'defaultValue' => 'en'
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
$language = $this->getInput('language');
$url = '';
$url = $url . $language . '/galnet';
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url)
or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
foreach($html->find('div.article') as $element) {
foreach($html->find('div.article') as $element) {
$item = array();
$item = array();
$uri = $element->find('h3 a', 0)->href;
$uri = $element->find('h3 a', 0)->href;
$uri = self::URI . substr($uri, strlen('/galnet/'));
$uri = '' . $language . $uri;
$item['uri'] = $uri;
$item['uri'] = $uri;
$title = $element->find('h3 a', 0)->plaintext;
$item['title'] = $element->find('h3 a', 0)->plaintext;
$item['title'] = substr($title, 1); //remove the space between icon and title
$content = $element->find('p', -1)->innertext;
$content = $element->find('p', -1)->innertext;
$item['content'] = $content;
$item['content'] = $content;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class ElloBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
private function getAPIKey() {
private function getAPIKey() {
$cache = Cache::create('FileCache');
$cache = Cache::create('FileCache');
$key = $cache->loadData();
$key = $cache->loadData();
@ -143,5 +143,4 @@ class ElloBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return parent::getName();
return parent::getName();
@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ class ElsevierBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return '';
return '';
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$uri = self::URI . $this->getInput('j') . '/recent-articles/';
$uri = self::URI . $this->getInput('j') . '/recent-articles/';
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($uri)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($uri)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class EtsyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
'queryextension' => array(
'queryextension' => array(
'name' => 'Query extension',
'name' => 'Query extension',
'type' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'requied' => false,
'required' => false,
'title' => 'Insert additional query parts here
'title' => 'Insert additional query parts here
(anything after ?search=<your search query>)',
(anything after ?search=<your search query>)',
'exampleValue' => '&explicit=1&locationQuery=2921044'
'exampleValue' => '&explicit=1&locationQuery=2921044'
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ class EtsyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
'showimage' => array(
'showimage' => array(
'name' => 'Show image in content',
'name' => 'Show image in content',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'requrired' => false,
'required' => false,
'title' => 'Activate to show the image in the content',
'title' => 'Activate to show the image in the content',
'defaultValue' => false
'defaultValue' => 'checked'
@ -36,26 +36,27 @@ class EtsyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
or returnServerError('Failed to receive ' . $this->getURI());
or returnServerError('Failed to receive ' . $this->getURI());
$results = $html->find('div.block-grid-item');
$results = $html->find('li.block-grid-item');
foreach($results as $result) {
foreach($results as $result) {
// Skip banner cards (ads for categories)
// Skip banner cards (ads for categories)
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['title'] = $result->find('a', 0)->title;
$item['title'] = $result->find('a', 0)->title;
$item['uri'] = $result->find('a', 0)->href;
$item['uri'] = $result->find('a', 0)->href;
$item['author'] = $result->find('div.card-shop-name', 0)->plaintext;
$item['author'] = $result->find('p.text-gray-lighter', 0)->plaintext;
$item['content'] = '<p>'
$item['content'] = '<p>'
. $result->find('div.card-price', 0)->plaintext
. $result->find('span.currency-value', 0)->plaintext . ' '
. $result->find('span.currency-symbol', 0)->plaintext
. '</p><p>'
. '</p><p>'
. $result->find('div.card-title', 0)->plaintext
. $result->find('a', 0)->title
. '</p>';
. '</p>';
$image = $result->find('img.placeholder', 0)->src;
$image = $result->find('img.display-block', 0)->src;
if($this->getInput('showimage')) {
if($this->getInput('showimage')) {
$item['content'] .= '<img src="' . $image . '">';
$item['content'] .= '<img src="' . $image . '">';
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class ExtremeDownloadBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
'filter' => array(
'filter' => array(
'name' => 'Type de contenu',
'name' => 'Type de contenu',
'type' => 'list',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => 'true',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Type de contenu à suivre : Téléchargement, Streaming ou les deux',
'title' => 'Type de contenu à suivre : Téléchargement, Streaming ou les deux',
'values' => array(
'values' => array(
'Streaming et Téléchargement' => 'both',
'Streaming et Téléchargement' => 'both',
@ -100,5 +100,4 @@ class ExtremeDownloadBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $return;
return $return;
@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ class FB2Bridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
//Utility function for cleaning a Facebook link
//Utility function for cleaning a Facebook link
@ -65,14 +69,14 @@ class FB2Bridge extends BridgeAbstract {
if($this->getInput('u') !== null) {
if($this->getInput('u') !== null) {
$page = '' . $this->getInput('u');
$page = '' . $this->getInput('u');
$cookies = $this->getCookies($page);
$cookies = $this->getCookies($page);
$pageID = $this->getPageID($page, $cookies);
$pageInfo = $this->getPageInfos($page, $cookies);
if($pageID === null) {
if($pageInfo['userId'] === null) {
echo <<<EOD
echo <<<EOD
Unable to get the page id. You should consider getting the ID by hand, then importing it into FB2Bridge
Unable to get the page id. You should consider getting the ID by hand, then importing it into FB2Bridge
} elseif($pageID == -1) {
} elseif($pageInfo['userId'] == -1) {
echo <<<EOD
echo <<<EOD
This page is not accessible without being logged in.
This page is not accessible without being logged in.
@ -81,30 +85,31 @@ EOD;
//Build the string for the first request
//Build the string for the first request
$requestString = ''
$requestString = ''
. $pageID
. $pageInfo['userId']
. '&cursor={"card_id"%3A"videos"%2C"has_next_page"%3Atrue}&surface=mobile_page_home&unit_count=8';
. '&start_cursor=1&num_to_fetch=105&surface_type=timeline';
$fileContent = getContents($requestString);
$fileContent = getContents($requestString);
$articleIndex = 0;
$maxArticle = 3;
$html = $this->buildContent($fileContent);
$html = $this->buildContent($fileContent);
$author = $this->getInput('u');
$author = $pageInfo['username'];
foreach($html->find('article') as $content) {
foreach($html->find('article') as $content) {
$item = array();
$item = array();
//echo $content; die();
preg_match('/publish_time\\\":([0-9]+),/', $content->getAttribute('data-store', 0), $match);
preg_match('/publish_time\\\":([0-9]+),/', $content->getAttribute('data-store', 0), $match);
$timestamp = $match[1];
$timestamp = $match[1];
$timestamp = 0;
$timestamp = 0;
$item['uri'] = html_entity_decode(''
$item['uri'] = html_entity_decode(''
. $content->find("div[class='_52jc _5qc4 _24u0 _36xo']", 0)->find('a', 0)->getAttribute('href'), ENT_QUOTES);
. $content->find("div[class='_52jc _5qc4 _78cz _24u0 _36xo']", 0)->find('a', 0)->getAttribute('href'), ENT_QUOTES);
//Decode images
$imagecleaned = preg_replace_callback('/<i [^>]* style="[^"]*url\(\'(.*?)\'\).*?><\/i>/m', function ($matches) {
return "<img src='" . str_replace(['\\3a ', '\\3d ', '\\26 '], [':', '=', '&'], $matches[1]) . "' />";
}, $content);
$content = str_get_html($imagecleaned);
if($content->find('header', 0) !== null) {
if($content->find('header', 0) !== null) {
$content->find('header', 0)->innertext = '';
$content->find('header', 0)->innertext = '';
@ -120,7 +125,7 @@ EOD;
//Remove html nodes, keep only img, links, basic formatting
//Remove html nodes, keep only img, links, basic formatting
$content = strip_tags($content, '<a><img><i><u><br><p><h3><h4>');
$content = strip_tags($content, '<a><img><i><u><br><p><h3><h4><section>');
//Adapt link hrefs: convert relative links into absolute links and bypass external link redirection
//Adapt link hrefs: convert relative links into absolute links and bypass external link redirection
$content = preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', $unescape_fb_link, $content);
$content = preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', $unescape_fb_link, $content);
@ -133,7 +138,6 @@ EOD;
@ -146,6 +150,35 @@ EOD;
// "<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" back to ASCII emoticons eg ":)"
// "<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" back to ASCII emoticons eg ":)"
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<i><u>([^ <>]+) ([^<>]+)<\/u><\/i>/i', $unescape_fb_emote, $content);
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<i><u>([^ <>]+) ([^<>]+)<\/u><\/i>/i', $unescape_fb_emote, $content);
//Remove the "...Plus" tag
$content = preg_replace(
'/… (<span>|)<a href="https:\/\/www\.facebook\.com\/story\.php\?story_fbid=.*?<\/a>/m',
'', $content, 1);
//Remove tracking images
$content = preg_replace('/<img src=\'.*?safe_image\.php.*?\' \/>/m', '', $content);
//Remove the double section tags
$content = str_replace(['<section><section>', '</section></section>'], ['<section>', '</section>'], $content);
//Move the section tag link upper, if it is down
$content = str_get_html($content);
$sectionContent = $content->find('section', 0);
if($sectionContent != null) {
$sectionLink = $sectionContent->nextSibling();
if($sectionLink != null) {
$fullLink = '<a href="' . $sectionLink->getAttribute('href') . '">' . $sectionContent->innertext . '</a>';
$sectionContent->innertext = $fullLink;
//Move the href tag upper if it is inside the section
foreach($content->find('section > a') as $sectionToFix) {
$sectionLink = $sectionToFix->getAttribute('href');
$section = $sectionToFix->parent();
$section->outertext = '<a href="' . $sectionLink . '">' . $section . '</a>';
$item['content'] = html_entity_decode($content, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['content'] = html_entity_decode($content, ENT_QUOTES);
$title = $author;
$title = $author;
@ -162,43 +195,7 @@ EOD;
if($item['timestamp'] != 0)
if($item['timestamp'] != 0)
array_push($this->items, $item);
array_push($this->items, $item);
// Currently not used. Is used to get more than only 3 elements, as they appear on another page.
private function computeNextLink($string, $pageID){
$regex = implode(
preg_match($regex, $string, $result);
return implode(
//Builds the HTML from the encoded JS that Facebook provides.
//Builds the HTML from the encoded JS that Facebook provides.
@ -207,9 +204,13 @@ EOD;
// /div>","replaceifexists
// /div>","replaceifexists
$regex = '/\\"html\\":(\".+\/div>"),"replace/';
$regex = '/\\"html\\":(\".+\/div>"),"replace/';
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $result);
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $result);
return str_get_html(json_decode($result[1]));
$htmlContent = json_decode($result[1]);
$htmlContent = preg_replace('/(?<!style)="(.*?)"/', '=\'$1\'', $htmlContent);
$htmlContent = html_entity_decode($htmlContent, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return str_get_html($htmlContent);
//Builds the cookie from the page, as Facebook sometimes refuses to give
//Builds the cookie from the page, as Facebook sometimes refuses to give
//the page if no cookie is provided.
//the page if no cookie is provided.
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@ EOD;
return substr($cookies, 1);
return substr($cookies, 1);
//Get the page ID from the Facebook page.
//Get the page ID and username from the Facebook page.
private function getPageID($page, $cookies){
private function getPageInfos($page, $cookies){
$context = stream_context_create(array(
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'http' => array(
@ -254,19 +255,28 @@ EOD;
return -1;
return -1;
//Get the username
$usernameRegex = '/data-nt=\"FB:TEXT4\">(.*?)<\/div>/m';
preg_match($usernameRegex, $pageContent, $usernameMatches);
if(count($usernameMatches) > 0) {
$username = strip_tags($usernameMatches[1]);
} else {
$username = $this->getInput('u');
//Get the page ID if we don't have a captcha
//Get the page ID if we don't have a captcha
$regex = '/page_id=([0-9]*)&/';
$regex = '/page_id=([0-9]*)&/';
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $matches);
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $matches);
if(count($matches) > 0) {
if(count($matches) > 0) {
return $matches[1];
return array('userId' => $matches[1], 'username' => $username);
//Get the page ID if we do have a captcha
//Get the page ID if we do have a captcha
$regex = '/"pageID":"([0-9]*)"/';
$regex = '/"pageID":"([0-9]*)"/';
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $matches);
preg_match($regex, $pageContent, $matches);
return $matches[1];
return array('userId' => $matches[1], 'username' => $username);
@ -277,5 +287,4 @@ EOD;
public function getURI(){
public function getURI(){
return '';
return '';
@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ class FDroidBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'assets/favicon.ico?v=8j6PKzW9Mk';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$url = self::URI;
$url = self::URI;
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url)
@ -45,9 +49,9 @@ class FDroidBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item['icon'] = $element->find('img', 0)->src;
$item['icon'] = $element->find('img', 0)->src;
$item['summary'] = $element->find('span.package-summary', 0)->plaintext;
$item['summary'] = $element->find('span.package-summary', 0)->plaintext;
$item['content'] = '
$item['content'] = '
<a href="'.$item['uri'].'">
<a href="' . $item['uri'] . '">
<img alt="" style="max-height:128px" src="'.$item['icon'].'">
<img alt="" style="max-height:128px" src="' . $item['icon'] . '">
</a><br>' . $item['summary'];
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
private $authorName = '';
private $authorName = '';
private $groupName = '';
private $groupName = '';
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function getName(){
public function getName(){
switch($this->queriedContext) {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$user = $this->sanitizeUser($this->getInput('u'));
$user = $this->sanitizeUser($this->getInput('u'));
if(!strpos($user, '/')) {
if(!strpos($user, '/')) {
$uri .= '/pg/' . urlencode($user) . '/posts';
$uri .= urlencode($user) . '/posts';
} else {
} else {
$uri .= 'pages/' . $user;
$uri .= 'pages/' . $user;
@ -175,8 +179,7 @@ class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
// User provided a URL
// User provided a URL
$urlparts = parse_url($group);
$urlparts = parse_url($group);
@ -360,6 +363,26 @@ class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
}, $content);
}, $content);
* Remove Facebook's tracking code
private function remove_tracking_codes($content){
return preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', function($matches){
if(is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 1) {
$link = $matches[1];
if(strpos($link, '') !== false) {
if(strpos($link, '?') !== false) {
$link = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, '?'));
return ' href="' . $link . '"';
}, $content);
* Convert textual representation of emoticons back to ASCII emoticons.
* Convert textual representation of emoticons back to ASCII emoticons.
* i.e. "<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" => ":)"
* i.e. "<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" => ":)"
@ -422,8 +445,7 @@ class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
// Show captcha filling form to the viewer, proxying the captcha image
// Show captcha filling form to the viewer, proxying the captcha image
$img = base64_encode(getContents($captcha->find('img', 0)->src));
$img = base64_encode(getContents($captcha->find('img', 0)->src));
header('Content-Type: text/html', true, 500);
header('Content-Type: text/html');
$message = <<<EOD
$message = <<<EOD
<form method="post" action="?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}">
<form method="post" action="?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}">
@ -515,7 +537,7 @@ EOD;
if(isset($element)) {
if(isset($element)) {
$author = str_replace(' | Facebook', '', $html->find('title#pageTitle', 0)->innertext);
$author = str_replace(' - Posts | Facebook', '', $html->find('title#pageTitle', 0)->innertext);
$profilePic = $html->find('meta[property="og:image"]', 0)->content;
$profilePic = $html->find('meta[property="og:image"]', 0)->content;
@ -552,16 +574,30 @@ EOD;
if(count($post->find('abbr')) > 0) {
if(count($post->find('abbr')) > 0) {
//Retrieve post contents
$content = $post->find('.userContentWrapper', 0);
$content = preg_replace(
'/(?i)><div class=\"clearfix([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"userContent\"/i',
$content = preg_replace(
// This array specifies filters applied to all posts in order of appearance
'/(?i)><div class=\"_59tj([^>]+)>(.+?)<\/div><\/div><a/i',
$content_filters = array(
'._5mly', // Remove embedded videos (the preview image remains)
'._2ezg', // Remove "Views ..."
'.hidden_elem', // Remove hidden elements (they are hidden anyway)
foreach($content_filters as $filter) {
foreach($content->find($filter) as $subject) {
$subject->outertext = '';
// Change origin tag for embedded media from div to paragraph
foreach($content->find('._59tj') as $subject) {
$subject->outertext = '<p>' . $subject->innertext . '</p>';
// Change title tag for embedded media from anchor to paragraph
foreach($content->find('._3n1k a') as $anchor) {
$anchor->outertext = '<p>' . $anchor->innertext . '</p>';
$content = preg_replace(
$content = preg_replace(
'/(?i)><div class=\"_3dp([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"[^u]+userContent\"/i',
'/(?i)><div class=\"_3dp([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"[^u]+userContent\"/i',
@ -611,6 +647,8 @@ EOD;
// Restore links in the content before adding to the item
// Restore links in the content before adding to the item
$content = defaultLinkTo($content, self::URI);
$content = defaultLinkTo($content, self::URI);
$content = $this->remove_tracking_codes($content);
// Retrieve date of the post
// Retrieve date of the post
$date = $post->find('abbr')[0];
$date = $post->find('abbr')[0];
@ -620,14 +658,8 @@ EOD;
$date = 0;
$date = 0;
// Build title from username and content
// Build title from content
$title = $author;
$title = strip_tags($post->find('.userContent', 0)->innertext);
if(strlen($title) > 24)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 24), "\n")) . '...';
$title = $title . ' | ' . strip_tags($content);
if(strlen($title) > 64)
if(strlen($title) > 64)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 64), "\n")) . '...';
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 64), "\n")) . '...';
@ -638,10 +670,10 @@ EOD;
//Build and add final item
//Build and add final item
$item['uri'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($uri);
$item['uri'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($uri, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content);
$item['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['title'] = $title;
$item['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['author'] = $author;
$item['author'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($author, ENT_QUOTES);
$item['timestamp'] = $date;
$item['timestamp'] = $date;
if(strpos($item['content'], '<img') === false) {
if(strpos($item['content'], '<img') === false) {
@ -654,7 +686,6 @@ EOD;
#endregion (User)
#endregion (User)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class FeedExpanderExampleBridge extends FeedExpander {
const MAINTAINER = 'logmanoriginal';
const MAINTAINER = 'logmanoriginal';
const NAME = 'FeedExpander Example';
const NAME = 'FeedExpander Example';
const URI = '#';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Example bridge to test FeedExpander';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Example bridge to test FeedExpander';
const PARAMETERS = array(
const PARAMETERS = array(
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ class FierPandaBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 21600; // 6h
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 21600; // 6h
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns latest articles from Fier Panda.';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns latest articles from Fier Panda.';
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'wp-content/themes/fier-panda/img/favicon.png';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class FilterBridge extends FeedExpander {
} catch (HttpException $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
class FindACrewBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'couraudt';
const NAME = 'Find A Crew Bridge';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest sailing offers.';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'type' => array(
'name' => 'Type of search',
'title' => 'Choose between finding a boat or a crew',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'Find a boat' => 'boat',
'Find a crew' => 'crew'
'long' => array(
'name' => 'Longitude of the searched location',
'title' => 'Center the search at that longitude (e.g: -42.02)'
'lat' => array(
'name' => 'Latitude of the searched location',
'title' => 'Center the search at that latitude (e.g: 12.42)'
'distance' => array(
'name' => 'Limit boundary of search in KM',
'title' => 'Boundary of the search in kilometers when using longitude and latitude'
public function collectData() {
$url = $this->getURI();
if ($this->getInput('type') == 'boat') {
$data = array('SrhLstBtAction' => 'Create');
} else {
$data = array('SrhLstCwAction' => 'Create');
if ($this->getInput('long') && $this->getInput('lat')) {
$data['real_LocSrh_Lng'] = $this->getInput('long');
$data['real_LocSrh_Lat'] = $this->getInput('lat');
if ($this->getInput('distance')) {
$data['LocDis'] = (int)$this->getInput('distance') * 1000;
$header = array(
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
$opts = array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($data) . "\n"
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url, $header, $opts) or returnClientError('No results for this query.');
$annonces = $html->find('.css_SrhRst');
foreach ($annonces as $annonce) {
$item = array();
$img = parent::getURI() . $annonce->find('.css_LstPic img', 0)->getAttribute('src');
$item['title'] = $annonce->find('.css_LstCtrls span', 0)->plaintext;
$item['uri'] = parent::getURI() . $annonce->find('.css_PnlCtrls a', 0)->href;
$content = $annonce->find('.css_LstDtl div', 2)->innertext;
$item['content'] = "<img src='$img' /><br>$content";
$item['enclosures'] = array($img);
$item['categories'] = array($annonce->find('.css_AccLocCur', 0)->plaintext);
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getURI() {
$uri = parent::getURI();
// Those params must be in the URL
$uri .= '/en/' . $this->getInput('type') . '/search?srhtyp=srhrst&mdl=2';
return $uri;
@ -182,5 +182,4 @@ class FlickrBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $url;
return $url;
@ -37,5 +37,4 @@ class ForGifsBridge extends FeedExpander {
return $item;
return $item;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class FourchanBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
. '" src="'
. '" src="'
. $item['imageThumb']
. $item['imageThumb']
. '" /></a><br>'
. '" /></a><br>'
. $item['content'];
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class GBAtempBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
private function cleanupPostContent($content, $site_url){
private function cleanupPostContent($content, $site_url){
$content = str_replace(':arrow:', '➤', $content);
$content = str_replace(':arrow:', '➤', $content);
$content = str_replace('href="attachments/', 'href="'.$site_url.'attachments/', $content);
$content = str_replace('href="attachments/', 'href="' . $site_url . 'attachments/', $content);
$content = stripWithDelimiters($content, '<script', '</script>');
$content = stripWithDelimiters($content, '<script', '</script>');
return $content;
return $content;
@ -62,5 +62,4 @@ class GOGBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $content;
return $content;
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
class GQMagazineBridge extends BridgeAbstract
class GQMagazineBridge extends BridgeAbstract
const MAINTAINER = 'Riduidel';
const MAINTAINER = 'Riduidel';
const NAME = 'GQMagazine';
const NAME = 'GQMagazine';
@ -20,18 +19,18 @@ class GQMagazineBridge extends BridgeAbstract
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const DESCRIPTION = 'GQMagazine section extractor bridge. This bridge allows you get only a specific section.';
const DESCRIPTION = 'GQMagazine section extractor bridge. This bridge allows you get only a specific section.';
const DEFAULT_DOMAIN = '';
const PARAMETERS = array( array(
const PARAMETERS = array( array(
'domain' => array(
'domain' => array(
'name' => 'Domain to use',
'name' => 'Domain to use',
'required' => true,
'required' => true,
'values' => array(
'defaultValue' => self::DEFAULT_DOMAIN
'' => ''
'defaultValue' => ''
'page' => array(
'page' => array(
'name' => 'Initial page to load',
'name' => 'Initial page to load',
'required' => true
'required' => true,
'exampleValue' => 'sexe/news'
@ -42,7 +41,12 @@ class GQMagazineBridge extends BridgeAbstract
private function getDomain() {
private function getDomain() {
return $this->getInput('domain');
$domain = $this->getInput('domain');
if (empty($domain))
$domain = self::DEFAULT_DOMAIN;
if (strpos($domain, '://') === false)
$domain = 'https://' . $domain;
return $domain;
public function getURI()
public function getURI()
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class GitHubGistBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
or returnServerError('Could not request ' . $this->getURI());
or returnServerError('Could not request ' . $this->getURI());
$html = defaultLinkTo($html, static::URI);
$html = defaultLinkTo($html, $this->getURI());
$fileinfo = $html->find('[class="file-info"]', 0)
$fileinfo = $html->find('[class="file-info"]', 0)
or returnServerError('Could not find file info!');
or returnServerError('Could not find file info!');
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class GitHubGistBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
foreach($comments as $comment) {
foreach($comments as $comment) {
$uri = $comment->find('a[href^=#gistcomment]', 0)
$uri = $comment->find('a[href*=#gistcomment]', 0)
or returnServerError('Could not find comment anchor!');
or returnServerError('Could not find comment anchor!');
$title = $comment->find('div[class="unminimized-comment"] h3[class="timeline-comment-header-text"]', 0)
$title = $comment->find('div[class="unminimized-comment"] h3[class="timeline-comment-header-text"]', 0)
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class GitHubGistBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = $this->getURI() . $uri->href;
$item['uri'] = $uri->href;
$item['title'] = str_replace('commented', 'commented on', $title->plaintext);
$item['title'] = str_replace('commented', 'commented on', $title->plaintext);
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($datetime->datetime);
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($datetime->datetime);
$item['author'] = '<a href="' . $author->href . '">' . $author->plaintext . '</a>';
$item['author'] = '<a href="' . $author->href . '">' . $author->plaintext . '</a>';
@ -160,5 +160,4 @@ EOD;
return $content;
return $content;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
'i' => array(
'i' => array(
'name' => 'Issue number',
'name' => 'Issue number',
'type' => 'number',
'type' => 'number',
'required' => 'true'
'required' => true
@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$name = $this->getInput('u') . '/' . $this->getInput('p');
$name = $this->getInput('u') . '/' . $this->getInput('p');
switch($this->queriedContext) {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'Project Issues':
case 'Project Issues':
$prefix = static::NAME . 's for ';
if($this->getInput('c')) {
if($this->getInput('c')) {
$prefix = static::NAME . 's comments for ';
$prefix = static::NAME . 's comments for ';
} else {
$prefix = static::NAME . 's for ';
$name = $prefix . $name;
$name = $prefix . $name;
@ -53,8 +52,9 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getURI(){
public function getURI(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u')) && !is_null($this->getInput('p'))) {
if(null !== $this->getInput('u') && null !== $this->getInput('p')) {
$uri = static::URI . $this->getInput('u') . '/' . $this->getInput('p') . '/issues';
$uri = static::URI . $this->getInput('u') . '/'
. $this->getInput('p') . '/issues';
if($this->queriedContext === 'Issue comments') {
if($this->queriedContext === 'Issue comments') {
$uri .= '/' . $this->getInput('i');
$uri .= '/' . $this->getInput('i');
} elseif($this->getInput('c')) {
} elseif($this->getInput('c')) {
@ -66,54 +66,54 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return parent::getURI();
return parent::getURI();
protected function extractIssueComment($issueNbr, $title, $comment){
protected function extractIssueEvent($issueNbr, $title, $comment){
$class = $comment->getAttribute('class');
$classes = explode(' ', $class);
$event = false;
if(in_array('discussion-item', $classes)) {
$event = true;
$author = 'unknown';
if($comment->find('.author', 0)) {
$author = $comment->find('.author', 0)->plaintext;
$uri = static::URI . $this->getInput('u') . '/' . $this->getInput('p') . '/issues/' . $issueNbr;
$comment = $comment->firstChild();
$comment = $comment->firstChild();
if(!$event) {
$uri = static::URI . $this->getInput('u') . '/' . $this->getInput('p')
$comment = $comment->nextSibling();
. '/issues/' . $issueNbr . '#' . $comment->getAttribute('id');
if($event) {
$author = $comment->find('.author', 0)->plaintext;
$title .= ' / ' . substr($class, strpos($class, 'discussion-item-') + strlen('discussion-item-'));
if(!$comment->hasAttribute('id')) {
$title .= ' / ' . trim($comment->plaintext);
$items = array();
$timestamp = strtotime($comment->find('relative-time', 0)->getAttribute('datetime'));
$content = $title;
$content = $comment->innertext;
if (null !== $comment->nextSibling()) {
while($comment = $comment->nextSibling()) {
$content = $comment->nextSibling()->innertext;
$item = array();
if ($comment->nextSibling()->nodeName() === 'span') {
$item['author'] = $author;
$content = $comment->nextSibling()->nextSibling()->innertext;
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$item['timestamp'] = $timestamp;
$item['content'] = $content . '<p>' . $comment->children(1)->innertext . '</p>';
$item['uri'] = $uri . '#' . $comment->children(1)->getAttribute('id');
$items[] = $item;
return $items;
$content = $comment->parent()->innertext;
} else {
$title .= ' / ' . trim($comment->firstChild()->plaintext);
$content = '<pre>' . $comment->find('.comment-body', 0)->innertext . '</pre>';
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['author'] = $author;
$item['author'] = $author;
$item['uri'] = $uri . '#' . $comment->getAttribute('id');
$item['uri'] = $uri;
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($comment->find('relative-time', 0)->getAttribute('datetime'));
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime(
$comment->find('relative-time', 0)->getAttribute('datetime')
$item['content'] = $content;
return $item;
protected function extractIssueComment($issueNbr, $title, $comment){
$uri = static::URI . $this->getInput('u') . '/'
. $this->getInput('p') . '/issues/' . $issueNbr;
$author = $comment->find('.author', 0)->plaintext;
$title .= ' / ' . trim(
$comment->find('.comment .timeline-comment-header-text', 0)->plaintext
$content = $comment->find('.comment-body', 0)->innertext;
$item = array();
$item['author'] = $author;
$item['uri'] = $uri
. '#' . $comment->firstChild()->nextSibling()->getAttribute('id');
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime(
$comment->find('relative-time', 0)->getAttribute('datetime')
$item['content'] = $content;
$item['content'] = $content;
return $item;
return $item;
@ -121,17 +121,29 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
protected function extractIssueComments($issue){
protected function extractIssueComments($issue){
$items = array();
$items = array();
$title = $issue->find('.gh-header-title', 0)->plaintext;
$title = $issue->find('.gh-header-title', 0)->plaintext;
$issueNbr = trim(substr($issue->find('.gh-header-number', 0)->plaintext, 1));
$issueNbr = trim(
substr($issue->find('.gh-header-number', 0)->plaintext, 1)
$comments = $issue->find('.js-discussion', 0);
$comments = $issue->find('.js-discussion', 0);
foreach($comments->children() as $comment) {
foreach($comments->children() as $comment) {
if (!$comment->hasChildNodes()) {
$comment = $comment->firstChild();
$classes = explode(' ', $comment->getAttribute('class'));
$classes = explode(' ', $comment->getAttribute('class'));
if(in_array('discussion-item', $classes)
if (in_array('timeline-comment-wrapper', $classes)) {
|| in_array('timeline-comment-wrapper', $classes)) {
$item = $this->extractIssueComment($issueNbr, $title, $comment);
$item = $this->extractIssueComment($issueNbr, $title, $comment);
if(array_keys($item) !== range(0, count($item) - 1)) {
$items[] = $item;
$item = array($item);
while (in_array('discussion-item', $classes)) {
$item = $this->extractIssueEvent($issueNbr, $title, $comment);
$items[] = $item;
$comment = $comment->nextSibling();
if (null == $comment) {
$items = array_merge($items, $item);
$classes = explode(' ', $comment->getAttribute('class'));
return $items;
return $items;
@ -139,7 +151,9 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
or returnServerError('No results for Github Issue ' . $this->getURI());
or returnServerError(
'No results for Github Issue ' . $this->getURI()
switch($this->queriedContext) {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'Issue comments':
case 'Issue comments':
@ -148,31 +162,40 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
case 'Project Issues':
case 'Project Issues':
foreach($html->find('.js-active-navigation-container .js-navigation-item') as $issue) {
foreach($html->find('.js-active-navigation-container .js-navigation-item') as $issue) {
$info = $issue->find('.opened-by', 0);
$info = $issue->find('.opened-by', 0);
$issueNbr = substr(trim($info->plaintext), 1, strpos(trim($info->plaintext), ' '));
$issueNbr = substr(
trim($info->plaintext), 1, strpos(trim($info->plaintext), ' ')
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['content'] = '';
$item['content'] = '';
if($this->getInput('c')) {
if($this->getInput('c')) {
$uri = static::URI . $this->getInput('u') . '/' . $this->getInput('p') . '/issues/' . $issueNbr;
$uri = static::URI . $this->getInput('u')
. '/' . $this->getInput('p') . '/issues/' . $issueNbr;
$issue = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($uri, static::CACHE_TIMEOUT);
$issue = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($uri, static::CACHE_TIMEOUT);
if($issue) {
if($issue) {
$this->items = array_merge($this->items, $this->extractIssueComments($issue));
$this->items = array_merge(
$item['content'] = 'Can not extract comments from ' . $uri;
$item['content'] = 'Can not extract comments from ' . $uri;
$item['author'] = $info->find('a', 0)->plaintext;
$item['author'] = $info->find('a', 0)->plaintext;
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($info->find('relative-time', 0)->getAttribute('datetime'));
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime(
$info->find('relative-time', 0)->getAttribute('datetime')
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode(
$item['title'] = html_entity_decode(
$issue->find('.js-navigation-open', 0)->plaintext,
$issue->find('.js-navigation-open', 0)->plaintext,
$comments = $issue->find('.col-5', 0)->plaintext;
$comments = trim($issue->find('.col-5', 0)->plaintext);
$item['content'] .= "\n" . 'Comments: ' . ($comments ? $comments : '0');
$item['content'] .= "\n" . 'Comments: ' . ($comments ? $comments : '0');
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $issue->find('.js-navigation-open', 0)->getAttribute('href');
$item['uri'] = self::URI
. $issue->find('.js-navigation-open', 0)->getAttribute('href');
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -180,7 +203,11 @@ class GithubIssueBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
array_walk($this->items, function(&$item){
array_walk($this->items, function(&$item){
$item['content'] = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $item['content']);
$item['content'] = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $item['content']);
$item['content'] = str_replace('href="/', 'href="' . static::URI, $item['content']);
$item['content'] = str_replace(
'href="' . static::URI,
$item['content'] = str_replace(
$item['content'] = str_replace(
'href="' . substr($item['uri'], 0, strpos($item['uri'], '#') + 1),
'href="' . substr($item['uri'], 0, strpos($item['uri'], '#') + 1),
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class GlassdoorBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item['title'] = $post->find('header', 0)->plaintext;
$item['title'] = $post->find('header', 0)->plaintext;
$item['content'] = $post->find('div[class="excerpt-content"]', 0)->plaintext;
$item['content'] = $post->find('div[class="excerpt-content"]', 0)->plaintext;
$item['enclosures'] = array(
$item['enclosures'] = array(
$this->getFullSizeImageURI($post->find('div[class="post-thumb"]', 0)->{'data-original'})
$this->getFullSizeImageURI($post->find('div[class*="post-thumb"]', 0)->{'data-original'})
// optionally load full articles
// optionally load full articles
@ -186,8 +186,7 @@ class GlassdoorBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
* redirection and strange naming conventions.
* redirection and strange naming conventions.
returnClientError('The specified URL is invalid!');
returnClientError('The specified URL is invalid!');
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ class GooglePlusPostBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$username = $this->getInput('username');
$username = $this->getInput('username');
@ -201,5 +205,4 @@ class GooglePlusPostBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
return implode('', [$scheme, $user, $pass, $host, $port, $path, $query, $fragment]);
return implode('', [$scheme, $user, $pass, $host, $port, $path, $query, $fragment]);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class GoogleSearchBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI
. 'search?q='
. 'search?q='
. urlencode($this->getInput('q'))
. urlencode($this->getInput('q'))
. '&num=100&complete=0&tbs=qdr:y,sbd:1')
or returnServerError('No results for this query.');
or returnServerError('No results for this query.');
$emIsRes = $html->find('div[id=ires]', 0);
$emIsRes = $html->find('div[id=ires]', 0);
@ -17,27 +17,25 @@ class HotUKDealsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'hide_expired' => array(
'hide_expired' => array(
'name' => 'Hide expired deals',
'name' => 'Hide expired deals',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'required' => 'true'
'required' => true
'hide_local' => array(
'hide_local' => array(
'name' => 'Hide local deals',
'name' => 'Hide local deals',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'title' => 'Hide deals in physical store',
'title' => 'Hide deals in physical store',
'required' => 'true'
'required' => true
'priceFrom' => array(
'priceFrom' => array(
'name' => 'Minimal Price',
'name' => 'Minimal Price',
'type' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Minmal Price in Pounds',
'title' => 'Minmal Price in Pounds',
'required' => 'false',
'required' => false
'defaultValue' => ''
'priceTo' => array(
'priceTo' => array(
'name' => 'Maximum Price',
'name' => 'Maximum Price',
'type' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Maximum Price in Pounds',
'title' => 'Maximum Price in Pounds',
'required' => 'false',
'required' => false
'defaultValue' => ''
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ class HotUKDealsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'group' => array(
'group' => array(
'name' => 'Group',
'name' => 'Group',
'type' => 'list',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => 'true',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Group whose deals must be displayed',
'title' => 'Group whose deals must be displayed',
'values' => array(
'values' => array(
'2DS' => '2ds',
'2DS' => '2ds',
@ -1319,7 +1317,7 @@ class HotUKDealsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'order' => array(
'order' => array(
'name' => 'Order by',
'name' => 'Order by',
'type' => 'list',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => 'true',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Sort order of deals',
'title' => 'Sort order of deals',
'values' => array(
'values' => array(
'From the most to the least hot deal' => '-hot',
'From the most to the least hot deal' => '-hot',
@ -3,22 +3,28 @@ class InstagramBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'pauder';
const MAINTAINER = 'pauder';
const NAME = 'Instagram Bridge';
const NAME = 'Instagram Bridge';
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest images';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest images';
const PARAMETERS = array(
const PARAMETERS = array(
'Username' => array(
'u' => array(
'u' => array(
'name' => 'username',
'name' => 'username',
'required' => true
'required' => true
'Hashtag' => array(
'h' => array(
'h' => array(
'name' => 'hashtag',
'name' => 'hashtag',
'required' => true
'required' => true
'Location' => array(
'l' => array(
'name' => 'location',
'required' => true
'global' => array(
'global' => array(
'media_type' => array(
'media_type' => array(
'name' => 'Media type',
'name' => 'Media type',
@ -38,16 +44,18 @@ class InstagramBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('h')) && $this->getInput('media_type') == 'story') {
if(is_null($this->getInput('u')) && $this->getInput('media_type') == 'story') {
returnClientError('Stories are not supported for hashtags!');
returnClientError('Stories are not supported for hashtags nor locations!');
$data = $this->getInstagramJSON($this->getURI());
$data = $this->getInstagramJSON($this->getURI());
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
$userMedia = $data->entry_data->ProfilePage[0]->graphql->user->edge_owner_to_timeline_media->edges;
$userMedia = $data->entry_data->ProfilePage[0]->graphql->user->edge_owner_to_timeline_media->edges;
} else {
} elseif(!is_null($this->getInput('h'))) {
$userMedia = $data->entry_data->TagPage[0]->graphql->hashtag->edge_hashtag_to_media->edges;
$userMedia = $data->entry_data->TagPage[0]->graphql->hashtag->edge_hashtag_to_media->edges;
} elseif(!is_null($this->getInput('l'))) {
$userMedia = $data->entry_data->LocationsPage[0]->graphql->location->edge_location_to_media->edges;
foreach($userMedia as $media) {
foreach($userMedia as $media) {
@ -74,10 +82,20 @@ class InstagramBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = self::URI . 'p/' . $media->shortcode . '/';
$item['uri'] = self::URI . 'p/' . $media->shortcode . '/';
if (isset($media->owner->username)) {
$item['author'] = $media->owner->username;
if (isset($media->edge_media_to_caption->edges[0]->node->text)) {
if (isset($media->edge_media_to_caption->edges[0]->node->text)) {
$item['title'] = $media->edge_media_to_caption->edges[0]->node->text;
$textContent = $media->edge_media_to_caption->edges[0]->node->text;
} else {
} else {
$item['title'] = basename($media->display_url);
$textContent = basename($media->display_url);
$item['title'] = ($media->is_video ? '▶ ' : '') . trim($textContent);
$titleLinePos = strpos(wordwrap($item['title'], 120), "\n");
if ($titleLinePos != false) {
$item['title'] = substr($item['title'], 0, $titleLinePos) . '...';
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u')) && $media->__typename == 'GraphSidecar') {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u')) && $media->__typename == 'GraphSidecar') {
@ -85,7 +103,9 @@ class InstagramBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item['content'] = $data[0];
$item['content'] = $data[0];
$item['enclosures'] = $data[1];
$item['enclosures'] = $data[1];
} else {
} else {
$item['content'] = '<img src="' . htmlentities($media->display_url) . '" alt="'. $item['title'] . '" />';
$item['content'] = '<a href="' . htmlentities($item['uri']) . '" target="_blank">';
$item['content'] .= '<img src="' . htmlentities($media->display_url) . '" alt="' . $item['title'] . '" />';
$item['content'] .= '</a><br><br>' . nl2br(htmlentities($textContent));
$item['enclosures'] = array($media->display_url);
$item['enclosures'] = array($media->display_url);
@ -101,16 +121,21 @@ class InstagramBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$mediaInfo = $data->entry_data->PostPage[0]->graphql->shortcode_media;
$mediaInfo = $data->entry_data->PostPage[0]->graphql->shortcode_media;
//Process the first element, that isn't in the node graph
//Process the first element, that isn't in the node graph
$caption = $mediaInfo->edge_media_to_caption->edges[0]->node->text;
if (count($mediaInfo->edge_media_to_caption->edges) > 0) {
$caption = $mediaInfo->edge_media_to_caption->edges[0]->node->text;
} else {
$caption = '';
$enclosures = [$mediaInfo->display_url];
$enclosures = [$mediaInfo->display_url];
$content = '<img src="' . htmlentities($mediaInfo->display_url) . '" alt="'. $caption . '" />';
$content = '<img src="' . htmlentities($mediaInfo->display_url) . '" alt="' . $caption . '" />';
foreach($mediaInfo->edge_sidecar_to_children->edges as $media) {
foreach($mediaInfo->edge_sidecar_to_children->edges as $media) {
$display_url = $media->node->display_url;
$content .= '<img src="' . htmlentities($media->node->display_url) . '" alt="'. $caption . '" />';
if(!in_array($display_url, $enclosures)) { // add only if not added yet
$enclosures[] = $media->node->display_url;
$content .= '<img src="' . htmlentities($display_url) . '" alt="' . $caption . '" />';
$enclosures[] = $display_url;
return [$content, $enclosures];
return [$content, $enclosures];
@ -139,11 +164,12 @@ class InstagramBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getURI(){
public function getURI(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
return self::URI . urlencode($this->getInput('u'));
return self::URI . urlencode($this->getInput('u')) . '/';
} elseif(!is_null($this->getInput('h'))) {
} elseif(!is_null($this->getInput('h'))) {
return self::URI . 'explore/tags/' . urlencode($this->getInput('h'));
return self::URI . 'explore/tags/' . urlencode($this->getInput('h'));
} elseif(!is_null($this->getInput('l'))) {
return self::URI . 'explore/locations/' . urlencode($this->getInput('l'));
return parent::getURI();
return parent::getURI();
@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ class JapanExpoBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
function frenchPubDateToTimestamp($date_to_parse) {
function frenchPubDateToTimestamp($date_to_parse) {
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class JustETFBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
date_time_set($df, 0, 0);
date_time_set($df, 0, 0);
// debugMessage(date_format($df, 'U'));
// Debug::log(date_format($df, 'U'));
return date_format($df, 'U');
return date_format($df, 'U');
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class JustETFBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$element = $article->find('div.subheadline', 0)
$element = $article->find('div.subheadline', 0)
or returnServerError('Date not found!');
or returnServerError('Date not found!');
// debugMessage($element->plaintext);
// Debug::log($element->plaintext);
$date = trim(explode('|', $element->plaintext)[0]);
$date = trim(explode('|', $element->plaintext)[0]);
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class JustETFBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$element->find('a', 0)->onclick = '';
$element->find('a', 0)->onclick = '';
// debugMessage($element->innertext);
// Debug::log($element->innertext);
return $element->innertext;
return $element->innertext;
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class JustETFBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$element = $html->find('div.infobox div.vallabel', 0)
$element = $html->find('div.infobox div.vallabel', 0)
or returnServerError('Date not found!');
or returnServerError('Date not found!');
// debugMessage($element->plaintext);
// Debug::log($element->plaintext);
$date = trim(explode("\r\n", $element->plaintext)[1]);
$date = trim(explode("\r\n", $element->plaintext)[1]);
@ -348,6 +348,5 @@ class JustETFBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $element->plaintext;
return $element->plaintext;
@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ class KATBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
'name' => 'Only get results from Elite or Verified uploaders ?',
'name' => 'Only get results from Elite or Verified uploaders ?',
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
function parseDateTimestamp($element){
function parseDateTimestamp($element){
$guessedDate = strptime($element, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S');
$guessedDate = strptime($element, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S');
@ -48,6 +53,7 @@ class KATBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$guessedDate['tm_year'] + 1900);
$guessedDate['tm_year'] + 1900);
return $timestamp;
return $timestamp;
$catBool = $this->getInput('cat_check');
$catBool = $this->getInput('cat_check');
if($catBool) {
if($catBool) {
$catNum = $this->getInput('cat');
$catNum = $this->getInput('cat');
@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ class KernelBugTrackerBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
private $bugid = '';
private $bugid = '';
private $bugdesc = '';
private $bugdesc = '';
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . '/images/favicon.ico';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$limit = $this->getInput('limit');
$limit = $this->getInput('limit');
$sorting = $this->getInput('sorting');
$sorting = $this->getInput('sorting');
@ -146,5 +150,4 @@ class KernelBugTrackerBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $html;
return $html;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class LWNprevBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
private $editionTimeStamp;
private $editionTimeStamp;
function getURI(){
function getURI(){
return self::URI.'free/bigpage';
return self::URI . 'free/bigpage';
private function jumpToNextTag(&$node){
private function jumpToNextTag(&$node){
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class LWNprevBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
} else {
} else {
$content = $content.'</body></html>';
$content = $content . '</body></html>';
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ EOD;
$prefix = '';
$prefix = '';
if(!empty($cats[0])) {
if(!empty($cats[0])) {
$prefix .= '['.$cats[0].($cats[1] ? '/'.$cats[1] : '').'] ';
$prefix .= '[' . $cats[0] . ($cats[1] ? '/' . $cats[1] : '') . '] ';
return $prefix;
return $prefix;
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ EOD;
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = self::URI.'#'.count($items);
$item['uri'] = self::URI . '#' . count($items);
$item['timestamp'] = $this->editionTimeStamp;
$item['timestamp'] = $this->editionTimeStamp;
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ EOD;
$cat = $newsletters->previousSibling;
$cat = $newsletters->previousSibling;
$prefix = $this->getItemPrefix($cat, $cats);
$prefix = $this->getItemPrefix($cat, $cats);
$item['title'] = $prefix.' '.$newsletters->textContent;
$item['title'] = $prefix . ' ' . $newsletters->textContent;
$node = $newsletters;
$node = $newsletters;
$content = '';
$content = '';
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ EOD;
$cat = $cat->previousSibling;
$cat = $cat->previousSibling;
$prefix = $this->getItemPrefix($cat, $cats);
$prefix = $this->getItemPrefix($cat, $cats);
$item['title'] = $prefix.' '.$title->textContent;
$item['title'] = $prefix . ' ' . $title->textContent;
$items[] = array_merge($item, $this->getArticleContent($title));
$items[] = array_merge($item, $this->getArticleContent($title));
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ EOD;
$cat = $cat->previousSibling;
$cat = $cat->previousSibling;
$prefix = $this->getItemPrefix($cat, $cats);
$prefix = $this->getItemPrefix($cat, $cats);
$item['title'] = $prefix.' '.$title->textContent;
$item['title'] = $prefix . ' ' . $title->textContent;
$items[] = array_merge($item, $this->getArticleContent($title));
$items[] = array_merge($item, $this->getArticleContent($title));
@ -419,7 +419,6 @@ class LeBonCoinBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
private function buildRequestJson() {
private function buildRequestJson() {
$requestJson = new StdClass();
$requestJson = new StdClass();
@ -534,5 +533,4 @@ class LeBonCoinBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return json_encode($requestJson);
return json_encode($requestJson);
@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ class LegifranceJOBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $item;
return $item;
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
or $this->returnServer('Unable to download ' . self::URI);
or $this->returnServer('Unable to download ' . self::URI);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
class ModelKarteiBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const NAME = '';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Get the public comp card gallery';
const MAINTAINER = 'fulmeek';
const PARAMETERS = array(array(
'model_id' => array(
'name' => 'Model ID',
'exampleValue' => '123456'
const LIMIT_ITEMS = 10;
private $feedName = '';
public function collectData() {
$model_id = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $this->getInput('model_id'));
if (empty($model_id))
returnServerError('Invalid model ID');
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . 'sedcards/model/' . $model_id . '/')
or returnServerError('Model not found');
$objTitle = $html->find('.sTitle', 0);
if ($objTitle)
$this->feedName = $objTitle->plaintext;
$itemlist = $html->find('#photoList .photoPreview');
if (!$itemlist)
returnServerError('No gallery');
foreach($itemlist as $idx => $element) {
if ($idx >= self::LIMIT_ITEMS)
$item = array();
$title = $element->title;
$date = $element->{'data-date'};
$author = $this->feedName;
$text = '';
$objImage = $element->find('a.photoLink img', 0);
$objLink = $element->find('a.photoLink', 0);
if ($objLink) {
$page = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($objLink->href);
if (empty($title)) {
$objTitle = $page->find('.p-title', 0);
if ($objTitle)
$title = $objTitle->plaintext;
if (empty($date)) {
$objDate = $page->find('.cameraDetails .date', 0);
if ($objDate)
$date = strtotime($objDate->parent()->plaintext);
if (empty($author)) {
$objAuthor = $page->find('.p-publisher a', 0);
if ($objAuthor)
$author = $objAuthor->plaintext;
$objFullImage = $page->find('img#gofullscreen', 0);
if ($objFullImage)
$objImage = $objFullImage;
$objText = $page->find('.p-desc', 0);
if ($objText)
$text = $objText->plaintext;
$item['title'] = $title;
$item['timestamp'] = $date;
$item['author'] = $author;
if ($objImage)
$item['content'] = '<img src="' . $objImage->src . '"/>';
if ($objLink) {
$item['uri'] = $objLink->href;
if (!empty($item['content']))
$item['content'] = '<a href="' . $objLink->href . '" target="_blank">' . $item['content'] . '</a>';
} else {
$item['uri'] = 'urn:sha1:' . hash('sha1', $item['content']);
if (!empty($text))
$item['content'] = '<p>' . $text . '</p>' . $item['content'];
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getName(){
if(!empty($this->feedName)) {
return $this->feedName . ' - ' . self::NAME;
return parent::getName();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
class MozillaSecurityBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = '';
const NAME = 'Mozilla Security Advisories';
const URI = '';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const DESCRIPTION = 'Mozilla Security Advisories';
const WEBROOT = '';
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI)
or returnServerError('Could not request MSA.');
$html = defaultLinkTo($html, self::WEBROOT);
$item = array();
$articles = $html->find('div[itemprop="articleBody"] h2');
foreach ($articles as $element) {
$item['title'] = $element->innertext;
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($element->innertext);
$item['content'] = $element->next_sibling()->innertext;
$item['uri'] = self::URI;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -17,27 +17,25 @@ class MydealsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'hide_expired' => array(
'hide_expired' => array(
'name' => 'Abgelaufenes ausblenden',
'name' => 'Abgelaufenes ausblenden',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'required' => 'true'
'required' => true
'hide_local' => array(
'hide_local' => array(
'name' => 'Lokales ausblenden',
'name' => 'Lokales ausblenden',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'title' => 'Deals im physischen Geschäft ausblenden',
'title' => 'Deals im physischen Geschäft ausblenden',
'required' => 'true'
'required' => true
'priceFrom' => array(
'priceFrom' => array(
'name' => 'Minimaler Preis',
'name' => 'Minimaler Preis',
'type' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Minmaler Preis in Euros',
'title' => 'Minmaler Preis in Euros',
'required' => 'false',
'required' => false
'defaultValue' => ''
'priceTo' => array(
'priceTo' => array(
'name' => 'Maximaler Preis',
'name' => 'Maximaler Preis',
'type' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'maximaler Preis in Euro',
'title' => 'maximaler Preis in Euro',
'required' => 'false',
'required' => false
'defaultValue' => ''
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ class MydealsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'group' => array(
'group' => array(
'name' => 'Gruppen',
'name' => 'Gruppen',
'type' => 'list',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => 'true',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Gruppe, deren Deals angezeigt werden müssen',
'title' => 'Gruppe, deren Deals angezeigt werden müssen',
'values' => array(
'values' => array(
'Elektronik' => 'elektronik',
'Elektronik' => 'elektronik',
@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ class MydealsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract {
'order' => array(
'order' => array(
'name' => 'sortieren nach',
'name' => 'sortieren nach',
'type' => 'list',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => 'true',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Sortierung der deals',
'title' => 'Sortierung der deals',
'values' => array(
'values' => array(
'Vom heißesten zum kältesten Deal' => '',
'Vom heißesten zum kältesten Deal' => '',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
class N26Bridge extends BridgeAbstract
const MAINTAINER = 'quentinus95';
const NAME = 'N26 Blog';
const URI = '';
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1800;
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns recent blog posts from N26.';
public function getIcon()
return '';
public function collectData()
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . '/en-fr/blog-archive')
or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
foreach($html->find('') as $article) {
$item = [];
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $article->find('h2 a', 0)->href;
$item['title'] = $article->find('h2 a', 0)->plaintext;
$fullArticle = getSimpleHTMLDOM($item['uri'])
or returnServerError('Error while downloading the full article');
$dateElement = $fullArticle->find('span[class="fk fl de ch fm by"]', 0);
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($dateElement->plaintext);
$item['content'] = $fullArticle->find('main article', 0)->innertext;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class NineGagBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$cursor = 'c=10';
$cursor = 'c=10';
$posts = array();
$posts = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getPages(); ++$i) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getPages(); ++$i) {
$content = getContents($url.$cursor);
$content = getContents($url . $cursor);
$json = json_decode($content, true);
$json = json_decode($content, true);
$posts = array_merge($posts, $json['data']['posts']);
$posts = array_merge($posts, $json['data']['posts']);
$cursor = $json['data']['nextCursor'];
$cursor = $json['data']['nextCursor'];
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class NineGagBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$uri = $this->getInput('t');
$uri = $this->getInput('t');
return self::URI.$uri;
return self::URI . $uri;
protected function getGroup() {
protected function getGroup() {
@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ class NotAlwaysBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'favicon_nar.png';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
or returnServerError('Could not request NotAlways.');
or returnServerError('Could not request NotAlways.');
@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ class NyaaTorrentsBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'static/favicon.png';
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
// Build Search URL from user-provided parameters
// Build Search URL from user-provided parameters
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
class OnVaSortirBridge extends FeedExpander {
const MAINTAINER = 'AntoineTurmel';
const NAME = 'OnVaSortir';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest events from OnVaSortir (full text)';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'city' => array(
'name' => 'City',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => true,
'values' => array(
'Agen' => 'Agen',
'Ajaccio' => 'Ajaccio',
'Albi' => 'Albi',
'Amiens' => 'Amiens',
'Angers' => 'Angers',
'Angoulême' => 'Angouleme',
'Annecy' => 'annecy',
'Aurillac' => 'aurillac',
'Auxerre' => 'auxerre',
'Avignon' => 'avignon',
'Béziers' => 'Beziers',
'Bastia' => 'Bastia',
'Beauvais' => 'Beauvais',
'Belfort' => 'Belfort',
'Bergerac' => 'bergerac',
'Besançon' => 'Besancon',
'Biarritz' => 'Biarritz',
'Blois' => 'Blois',
'Bordeaux' => 'bordeaux',
'Bourg-en-Bresse' => 'bourg-en-bresse',
'Bourges' => 'Bourges',
'Brest' => 'Brest',
'Brive' => 'brive-la-gaillarde',
'Bruxelles' => 'bruxelles',
'Caen' => 'Caen',
'Calais' => 'Calais',
'Carcassonne' => 'Carcassonne',
'Châteauroux' => 'Chateauroux',
'Chalon-sur-saone' => 'chalon-sur-saone',
'Chambéry' => 'chambery',
'Chantilly' => 'chantilly',
'Charleroi' => 'charleroi',
'Charleville-Mézières' => 'Charleville-Mezieres',
'Chartres' => 'Chartres',
'Cherbourg' => 'Cherbourg',
'Cholet' => 'cholet',
'Clermont-Ferrand' => 'Clermont-Ferrand',
'Compiègne' => 'compiegne',
'Dieppe' => 'dieppe',
'Dijon' => 'Dijon',
'Dunkerque' => 'Dunkerque',
'Evreux' => 'evreux',
'Fréjus' => 'frejus',
'Gap' => 'gap',
'Genève' => 'geneve',
'Grenoble' => 'Grenoble',
'La Roche sur Yon' => 'La-Roche-sur-Yon',
'La Rochelle' => 'La-Rochelle',
'Lausanne' => 'lausanne',
'Laval' => 'Laval',
'Le Havre' => 'le-havre',
'Le Mans' => 'le-mans',
'Liège' => 'liege',
'Lille' => 'lille',
'Limoges' => 'Limoges',
'Lorient' => 'Lorient',
'Luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg',
'Lyon' => 'lyon',
'Marseille' => 'marseille',
'Metz' => 'Metz',
'Mons' => 'Mons',
'Mont de Marsan' => 'mont-de-marsan',
'Montauban' => 'Montauban',
'Montluçon' => 'montlucon',
'Montpellier' => 'montpellier',
'Mulhouse' => 'Mulhouse',
'Nîmes' => 'nimes',
'Namur' => 'Namur',
'Nancy' => 'Nancy',
'Nantes' => 'nantes',
'Nevers' => 'nevers',
'Nice' => 'nice',
'Niort' => 'niort',
'Orléans' => 'orleans',
'Périgueux' => 'perigueux',
'Paris' => 'paris',
'Pau' => 'Pau',
'Perpignan' => 'Perpignan',
'Poitiers' => 'Poitiers',
'Quimper' => 'Quimper',
'Reims' => 'Reims',
'Rennes' => 'Rennes',
'Roanne' => 'roanne',
'Rodez' => 'rodez',
'Rouen' => 'Rouen',
'Saint-Brieuc' => 'Saint-Brieuc',
'Saint-Etienne' => 'saint-etienne',
'Saint-Malo' => 'saint-malo',
'Saint-Nazaire' => 'saint-nazaire',
'Saint-Quentin' => 'saint-quentin',
'Saintes' => 'saintes',
'Strasbourg' => 'Strasbourg',
'Tarbes' => 'Tarbes',
'Toulon' => 'Toulon',
'Toulouse' => 'Toulouse',
'Tours' => 'Tours',
'Troyes' => 'troyes',
'Valence' => 'valence',
'Vannes' => 'vannes',
'Zurich' => 'zurich',
protected function parseItem($item){
$item = parent::parseItem($item);
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item['uri']);
$text = $html->find('div.corpsMax', 0)->innertext;
$item['content'] = utf8_encode($text);
return $item;
public function collectData(){
$this->collectExpandableDatas('https://' .
$this->getInput('city') . '');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
class OneFortuneADayBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const NAME = 'One Fortune a Day';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Get a fortune quote every single day.';
const MAINTAINER = 'fulmeek';
const PARAMETERS = array(array(
'time' => array(
'name' => 'Time in UTC',
'type' => 'list',
'values' => array(
'0:00' => 0,
'1:00' => 1,
'2:00' => 2,
'3:00' => 3,
'4:00' => 4,
'5:00' => 5,
'6:00' => 6,
'7:00' => 7,
'8:00' => 8,
'9:00' => 9,
'10:00' => 10,
'11:00' => 11,
'12:00' => 12,
'13:00' => 13,
'14:00' => 14,
'15:00' => 15,
'16:00' => 16,
'17:00' => 17,
'18:00' => 18,
'19:00' => 19,
'20:00' => 20,
'21:00' => 21,
'22:00' => 22,
'23:00' => 23,
'defaultValue' => 5
const LIMIT_ITEMS = 7;
const DAY_SECS = 86400;
public function collectData() {
$time = gmmktime((int)$this->getInput('time'), 0, 0);
if ($time > time())
$time -= self::DAY_SECS;
for ($i = self::LIMIT_ITEMS; $i > 0; --$i) {
$seed = date('Ymd', $time);
$quote = $this->getQuote($seed);
$item['title'] = strftime('%A, %x', $time);
$item['content'] = htmlentities($quote, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$item['timestamp'] = $time;
$item['uri'] = 'urn:sha1:' . hash('sha1', $seed);
$this->items[] = $item;
$time -= self::DAY_SECS;
private function getQuote($seed) {
$quotes = explode('//', <<<QUOTES
People are naturally attracted to you.
//You learn from your mistakes... You will learn a lot today.
//If you have something good in your life, don't let it go!
//What ever you're goal is in life, embrace it visualize it, and for it will be
//Your shoes will make you happy today.
//You cannot love life until you live the life you love.
//Be on the lookout for coming events; They cast their shadows beforehand.
//Land is always on the mind of a flying bird.
//The man or woman you desire feels the same about you.
//Meeting adversity well is the source of your strength.
//A dream you have will come true.
//Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.
//Never give up. You're not a failure if you don't give up.
//You will become great if you believe in yourself.
//There is no greater pleasure than seeing your loved ones prosper.
//You will marry your lover.
//A very attractive person has a message for you.
//You already know the answer to the questions lingering inside your head.
//It is now, and in this world, that we must live.
//You must try, or hate yourself for not trying.
//You can make your own happiness.
//The greatest risk is not taking one.
//The love of your life is stepping into your planet this summer.
//Love can last a lifetime, if you want it to.
//Adversity is the parent of virtue.
//Serious trouble will bypass you.
//A short stranger will soon enter your life with blessings to share.
//Now is the time to try something new.
//Wealth awaits you very soon.
//If you feel you are right, stand firmly by your convictions.
//If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
//Keep your eye out for someone special.
//You are very talented in many ways.
//A stranger, is a friend you have not spoken to yet.
//A new voyage will fill your life with untold memories.
//You will travel to many exotic places in your lifetime.
//Your ability for accomplishment will follow with success.
//Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.
//Its amazing how much good you can do if you dont care who gets the credit.
//Everyone agrees. You are the best.
//Jealousy doesn't open doors, it closes them!
//It's better to be alone sometimes.
//When fear hurts you, conquer it and defeat it!
//Let the deeds speak.
//You will be called in to fulfill a position of high honor and responsibility.
//The man on the top of the mountain did not fall there.
//You will conquer obstacles to achieve success.
//Joys are often the shadows, cast by sorrows.
//Fortune favors the brave.
//An upward movement initiated in time can counteract fate.
//A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
//Sometimes you just need to lay on the floor.
//Never give up. Always find a reason to keep trying.
//If you have something worth fighting for, then fight for it.
//Stop wishing. Start doing.
//Accept your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. Face
your future without fear.
//Stay true to those who would do the same for you.
//Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you
want to be tomorrow.
//Happiness is an activity.
//Help is always needed but not always appreciated. Stay true to your heart and
help those in need weather they appreciate it or not.
//Hone your competitive instincts.
//Finish your work on hand don't be greedy.
//For success today, look first to yourself.
//Your fortune is as sweet as a cookie.
//Integrity is the essence of everything successful.
//If you're happy, you're successful.
//You will always be surrounded by true friends
//Believing that you are beautiful will make you appear beautiful to others
around you.
//Happinees comes from a good life.
//Before trying to please others think of what makes you happy.
//When hungry, order more Chinese food.
//Your golden opportunity is coming shortly.
//For hate is never conquered by hate. Hate is conquered by love .
//You will make many changes before settling down happily.
//A man is born to live and not prepare to live.
//You cannot become rich except by enriching others.
//Don't pursue happiness - create it.
//You will be successful in love.
//All your fingers can't be of the same length.
//Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away.
//A lifetime of happiness is in store for you.
//It is very possible that you will achieve greatness in your lifetime.
//Be tactful; overlook your own opportunity.
//You are the controller of your destiny.
//Everything happens for a reson.
//How can you have a beutiful ending without making beautiful mistakes.
//You can open doors with your charm and patience.
//Welcome the change coming into your life.
//There will be a happy romance for you shortly.
//Your fondest dream will come true within this year.
//You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.
//Your emotional nature is strong and sensitive.
//A letter of great importance may reach you any day now.
//Good health will be yours for a long time.
//You will become better acquainted with a coworker.
//To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.
//Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
//Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.
//Conquer your fears or they will conquer you.
//You are a lover of words; One day you will write a book.
//In this life it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us
//Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow.
//Seek out the significance of your problem at this time. Try to understand.
//Never upset the driver of the car you're in; they're the master of your
destiny until you get home.
//He who slithers among the ground is not always a foe.
//You learn from your mistakes, you will learn a lot today.
//You only need look to your own reflection for inspiration. Because you are
//You are not judged by your efforts you put in; you are judged on your
//Rivers need springs.
//Good news from afar may bring you a welcome visitor.
//When all else seems to fail, smile for today and just love someone.
//Patience is a virtue, unless its against a brick wall.
//When you look down, all you see is dirt, so keep looking up.
//If you are afraid to shake the dice, you will never throw a six.
//Even if the person who appears most wrong, is also quite often right.
//A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
//Happiness is often a rebound from hard work.
//The world may be your oyster, but that doesn't mean you'll get it's pearl.
//Your life will be filled with magical moments.
//You're true love will show himself to you under the moonlight.
//Do not follow where the path may lead. Go where there is no path...and leave a
//Do not fear what you don't know
//The object of your desire comes closer.
//You have a flair for adding a fanciful dimension to any story.
//If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words
//The most useless energy is trying to change what and who God so carefully
//Do not be covered in sadness or be fooled in happiness they both must exist
//You will have unexpected great good luck.
//You will have a pleasant surprise
//All progress occurs because people dare to be different.
//Your ability for accomplishment will be followed by success.
//The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms.
//Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who
//We can't help everyone. But everyone can help someone.
//Every day is a new day. But tomorrow is never promised.
//Express yourself: Don't hold back!
//It is not necessary to show others you have change; the change will be obvious.
//You have a deep appreciation of the arts and music.
//If your desires are not extravagant, they will be rewarded.
//You try hard, never to fail. You don't, never to win.
//Never give up on someone that you don't go a day without thinking about.
//It never pays to kick a skunk.
//In case of fire, keep calm, pay bill and run.
//Next full moon brings an enchanting evening.
//Not all closed eye is sleeping nor open eye is seeing.
//Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.
//You will soon witness a miracle.
//The time is alway right to do what is right.
//Love is as necessary to human beings as food and shelter.
//You will make heads turn.
//You are extremely loved. Don't worry :)
//If you are never patient, you will never get anything done. If you believe you
can do it, you will be rewarded with success.
//You will soon embark on a business venture.
//You believe in the goodness of man kind.
//You will have a long and wealthy life.
//You will take a pleasant journey to a place far away.
//You are a person of culture.
//Keep it simple. The more you say, the less people remember.
//Life is like a dogsled team. If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never
//Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them.
//Nothing seems impossible to you.
//Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
//The only certainty is that nothing is certain.
//Success is the sum of my unique visions realized by the sweat of perseverance.
//When you expect your opponent to yield, you also should avoid hurting him.
//Human evolution: “wider freeway but narrower viewpoints.
//Intelligence is the door to freedom and alert attention is the mother of
//Back away from individuals who are impulsive.
//Enjoyed the meal? Buy one to go too.
//You believe in the goodness of mankind.
//A big fortune will descend upon you this year.
//Now these three remain, faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love.
//For success today look first to yourself.
//Determination is the wake-up call to the human will.
//There are no limitations to the mind except those we aknowledge.
//A merry heart does good like a medicine.
//Whenever possible, keep it simple.
//Your dearest wish will come true.
//Poverty is no disgrace.
//If you don’t do it excellently, don’t do it at all.
//You have an unusual equipment for success, use it properly.
//Emotion is energy in motion.
//You will soon be honored by someone you respect.
//Punctuality is the politeness of kings and the duty of gentle people
//Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
//Elegant surroundings will soon be yours.
//If you feel you are right, stand firmly by your convictions.
//Your smile brings happiness to everyone you meet.
//Instead of worrying and agonizing, move ahead constructively.
//Do you believe? Endurance and persistence will be rewarded.
//A new business venture is on the horizon.
//Never underestimate the power of the human touch.
//Hold on to the past but eventually, let the times go and keep the memories
into the present.
//Truth is an unpopular subject. Because it is unquestionably correct.
//The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.
//You are broad minded and socially active.
//Your dearest dream is coming true. God looks after you especially.
//You will recieve some high prize or award.
//Your present question marks are going to succeed.
//You have a fine capacity for the enjoyment of life.
//You will live long and enjoy life.
//An admirer is concealing his/her affection for you.
//A wish is what makes life happen when you dream of rose petals.
//Love can turn cottage into a golden palace.
//Lend your money and lose your freind.
//You will kiss your crush ohhh lalahh
//You will be rewarded for being a good listener in the next week.
//If you never give up on love, It will never give up on you.
//Unleash your life force.
//Your wish will come true.
//There is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead for you.
//No distance is too far, if two hearts are tied together.
//Land is always in the mind of the flying birds.
//Try? No! Do or do not, there is no try.
//Do not worry, you will have great peace.
//It's about time you asked that special someone on a date.
//You create your own stage ... the audience is waiting.
//It is never too late. Just as it is never too early.
//Discover the power within yourself.
//Good things take time.
//Stop thinking about the road not taken and pave over the one you did.
//Put your unhappiness aside. Life is beautiful, be happy.
//You can still love what you can not have in life.
//Make a wise choice everyday.
//Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.
//The man who waits till tomorrow, misses the opportunities of today.
//Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.
//If you never expect anything you can never be disappointed.
//People in your surroundings will be more cooperative than usual.
//True wisdom is found in happiness.
//Ones always regrets what could have done. Remember for next time.
//Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were once only
//Find a peaceful place where you can make plans for the future.
//All the water in the world can't sink a ship unless it gets inside.
//The earth is a school learn in it.
//In music, one must think with his heart and feel with his brain.
//If you speak honestly, everyone will listen.
//Ganerosity will repay itself sooner than you imagine.
//good things take time
//Do what is right, not what you should.
//To effect the quality of the day is no small achievement.
//Simplicity and clearity should be the theme in your dress.
//Virtuous find joy while Wrongdoers find grieve in their actions.
//Not all closed eye is sleeping, nor open eye is seeing.
//Bread today is better than cake tomorrow.
//In evrything there is a piece of truth.But a piece.
//A feeling is an idea with roots.
//Man is born to live and not prepare to live
//It's all right to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to fly in
//If you don t give something, you will not get anything
//The harder you try to not be like your parents, the more likely you will
become them
//Someday everything will all make perfect sense
//you will think for yourself when you stop letting others think for you
//Everything will be ok. Don't obsess. Time will prove you right, you must stay
where you are.
//Let's finish this up now, someone is waiting for you on that
//The finest men like the finest steels have been tempered in the hottest
//A dream you have will come true
//The worst of friends may become the best of enemies, but you will always find
yourself hanging on.
//I think, you ate your fortune while you were eating your cookie
//If u love someone keep fighting for them
//Do what you want, when you want, and you will be rewarded
//Let your fantasies unwind...
//The cooler you think you are the dumber you look
//Expect great things and great things will come
//The Wheel of Good Fortune is finally turning in your direction!
//Don't lead if you won't lead.
//You will always be successful in your professional career
//Share your hapiness with others today.
//It's up to you to clearify.
//Your future will be happy and productive.
//Seize every second of your life and savor it.
//Those who walk in other's tracks leave no footprints.
//Failure is the mother of all success.
//Difficulty at the beginning useually means ease at the end.
//Do not seek so much to find the answer as much as to understand the question
//Your way of doing what other people do their way is what makes you special.
//A beautiful, smart, and loving person will be coming into your life.
//Friendship is an ocean that you cannot see bottom.
//Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.
//Our duty,as men and women,is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not
//A pleasant expeience is ahead:don't pass it by.
//Our perception and attitude toward any situation will determine the outcome
//They say you are stubborn; you call it persistence.
//Two small jumps are sometimes better than one big leap.
//A new wardrobe brings great joy and change to your life.
//The cure for grief is motion.
//It's a good thing that life is not as serious as it seems to the waiter
//I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
//I have a dream....Time to go to bed.
//Ideas you believe are absurd ultimately lead to success!
//A human being is a deciding being.
//Today is an ideal time to water your parsonal garden.
//Some men dream of fortunes, others dream of cookies.
//Things are never quite the way they seem.
//the project on your mind will soon gain momentum
//Beauty is simply beauty. originality is magical.
//Your dream will come true when you least expect it.
//Let not your hand be stretched out to receive and shut when you should repay.
//Don't worry, half the people you know are below average.
//Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.
//You don't need talent to gain experience.
//A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
//Today you shed your last tear. Tomorrow fortune knocks at your door.
//Be patient! The Great Wall didn't got build in one day.
//Think you can. Think you can't. Either way, you'll be right.
//Wisdom is on her way to you.
//Digital circuits are made from analog parts.
//If you eat a box of fortune cookies, anything is possible.
//The best is yet to come.
//I'm with you.
//Be direct,usually one can accomplish more that way.
//A single kind work will keep one warm for years.
//Ask a friend to join you on your next voyage.
//In God we trust.
//Love is free. Lust will cost you everything you have.
//Stop searching forever, happiness is just next to you.
//You don't need the answers to all of life's questions. Just ask your father
what to do.
//Jealousy is a useless emotion.
//You are not a ghost.
//There is someone rather annoying in your life that you need to listen to.
//You will plant the smallest seed and it will become the greatest and most
mighty tree in the world.
//The dream you've been dreaming all your life isn't worth it. Find a new dream,
and once you're sure you've found it, fight for it.
//See if you can learn anything from the children.
//It's Never Too Late For Good Things To Happen!
//A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
//Aim high, time flies.
//One is not sleeping, does not mean they are awake.
//A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can't.
//Isn't there something else you should be working on right now?
//Your father still loves and is in always with you. Remember that.
//Before you can be reborn you must die.
//It better to be the hammer than the nail.
//You are admired by everyone for your talent and ability.
//Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
//You will soon discover a major truth about the one you love most.
//Your life will prosper only if you acknowledge your faults and work to reduce
//Pray to God, but row towards shore.
//You will soon witness a miracle.
//The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
//Help, I'm being held prisoner in a Chinese cookie factory.
//Alas! The onion you are eating is someone else’s water lily.
//You are a persoon with a good sense of justice, now it's time to act like it.
//You create enthusiasm around you.
//There are big changes ahead for you. They will be good ones!
//You will have many happy days soon.
//Out of confusion comes new patterns.
//If you love someone enough and they break your heart, you can't stop yourself
from still loving them again even after all that pain.
//Look right...Now look left...Now look forward (do this really fast) do you
feel any different? good you should feel dizzy.
//Live like you are on the bottom, even if you are on the top.
//You will soon emerge victorious from the maze you've been traveling in.
//Do not judge a book by it's color.
//Everything will come your way.
//There is a time to be practical now.
//Bend the rod while it is still hot.
//Darkness is only succesful when there is no light. Don't forget about light!
//Acting is not lying. It is findind someone hiding inside you and letting that
person run free.
//You will be forced to face fear, but if you do not run, fear will be afraid of
//You are thinking about doing something. Don't do it, it won't help anything.
//Your worst enemy has a crush on you!
//Love Conquers all.
//The phrase is follow your dreams. Not dream period.
//stop nagging to your partner and take it day by day.
//Do not think that me or my brothers have supreme control over what will happen
to you.
//Bad luck and misfortune will follow you all your days.
//Remember the fate of the early Worm.
//Begin your life anew with strength, grace and wonder.
//Be a good friend and a fair enemy.
//What goes around comes around.
//Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity.
//The best prophet of the future is the past
//Movies have pause buttons, friends do not
//Use the force.
//Trust your intuition.
//Encourage your peers.
//Let your imagination wander.
//Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
//Patience is key, a wait short or long will have its reward.
//Tell them before it's too late...
//A bird in the hand is worth three in the bush!!
//Be assertive when decisive action is needed.
//To determine whether someone is beautiful is not by looking at his/her
appearance, but his/her heart.
//Hope brings about a better future
//While you have this day, fill it with life. While you're in this moment, give
it your own special meaning and purpose and joy.
//Even though it will often be difficult and complicated, you know you have what
it takes to get it done.
//You can choose, right now and in every moment, to put your powerful and
effective abilities to purposeful use. There is always something you can do, no
matter what the situation may be, that will move your life forward.
//Cookie says, You crack me up
//You will prosper in the field of wacky inventions.
//Your tongue is your ambassador.
//The cure for grief is movement.
//Love Is At Your Hands Be Glad And Hold On To It.
//You are often asked if it is in yet.
//Life to you is a bold and dashing responsibility.
//Patience is a key to joy.
//A bargain is something you don't need at a price you can't resist.
//Today is going to be a disasterous day, be prepared!
//Stay to your inner-self, you will benefit in many ways.
//Rarely do great beauty and great virtue dwell together as they do in you.
//You are talented in many ways.
//You are the master of every situation.
//Your problem just got bigger. Think, what have you done.
//If your cookie still in one piece, buy lotto.
//Go with the flow will make your transition ever so much easier.
//Tomorrow Morning,Take a Left Turn As Soon As You Leave Home
//A metaphor could save your life.
//Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it
//There are lessons to be learned by listening to others.
//If you want the rainbow, you have to tolerate the rain.
//Volition, Strength, Languages, Freedom and Power rests in you.
//It takes more than a good memory to have good memories.
//You are what you are; understand yourself before you react
//Word to the wise: Don't play leapfrog with a unicorn.........
//Forgive your enemies, but never forget them.
//Everything will now come your way
//Don't worry about the stock market. Invest in family.
//Your fortune is as sweet as a cookie.
//It is much easier to look for the bad, than it is to find the good
//If a person who has caused you pain and suffering has brought you, reconsider
that person's value in your life
//You are worth loving, you are also worth the effort it takes to love you
//Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
//Get off to a new start - come out of your shell.
//Life is a dancefloor,you are the DJ!
//Cooperate with those who have both know how and integrith.
//Minor aches today are likely to pay off handsomely tomorrow.
//You are about to become $8.95 poorer. ($6.95 if you had the buffet)
//Your mouth may be moving, but nobody is listening.
//Focus in on the color yellow tomorrow for good luck!
//The problem with resisting temptation is that it may never come again.
//All your sorrows will vanish.
//About time I got out of that cookie.
//Love will lead the way.
//The ads revenge is massive success
//It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it.
//Soon, a visitor shall delight you.
//What breaks in a moment may take years to mend.
//Someone stole your fortune and replaced it with this one. Your luck sucks.
Have a good day!
//Take control of your life rather than letting things happen just like that!
//You will be rewarded for your patience and understanding.
//You will achieve all your desires and pleasures.
//Never miss a chance to keep your mouth shut.
//Nothing Shows A Man's Character More Than What He Laughs At.
//Never regret anything that made you smile.
//Love Takes Pratice.
//Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does.
//You've got what it takes, but it will take everything you've got!
//At this very moment you can change the rest of your life.
//Become who you are.
//All comes at the proper time to him who knows how to wait.
//The energy is within you. Money is Coming!
//The quotes that you do not understand, are not meant for you.
//You have an important new business development shaping up.
//if love someone a lot tell it before it's too late
//Birds are entangled by their feet and men by their tongues.
//Benefit by doing things that others give up on.
//Rest has a peaceful effect on your physical and emotional health.
//One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears--by listening to
//Plan your work and work your plan.
//Over self-confidence is equal to being blind.
//Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
//Love or money, or neither?
//Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos.
//Old friends make best friends.
//Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.
//Accept something that you cannot change, and you will feel better.
//Kiss is not a kiss without the heart.
//Enhance your karma by engaging in various charitable activities.
//You will have good luck and overcome many hardships.
//You never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems.
//Hope is like food. You will starve without it.
//An angry man opens his mouth and shuts up his eyes.
//Make the system work for you, not the other way around.
//You will be hungry soon, order takeout now.
//Be prepared for extra energy.
//An unexpected relationship will become permanent.
//The love of your life is sitting across from you.
//Better be the head of a chicken than the tail of an ox.
//To forgive others one more time is to create one more blessing for yourself.
//Enjoy yourself while you can.
//The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands.
//Excellence is the difference between what I do and what I am capable of.
//Do not let what you do not have prevent you from using what you do have.
//What ends on hope does not end at all.
//People enjoy having you around. Appreciate this.
//You are admired for your adventuous ways.
//It's never crowded along the extra mile
//You are blessed, today is the day to bless others.
//The Greatest War Sometimes Isn't On The Battlefield But Against Oneself.
//People in your background will be more co-operative than usual.
//A good way to stay healthy is to eat more Chinese food.
//Anyone who dares to be, can never be weak.
//Affirm it, visualize it, believe it, and it`will actualize itself.
//The measure of time to your next goal is the measure of your discipline.
//Help, I'm prisoner in a Chinese bakery!!!
//Take a minute and let it ride, then take a minute to let it breeze.
//We are here to love each other, serve each other and uplift each other.
//If everybody is a worm you should be a glow worm
//To affirm is to make firm.
//Remember this: duct tape can fix anything, so don't worry about messing things
//You broke my cookie!
//Failure is not defeat until you stop trying.
//The days that make us happy make us wise.
//Men do not fail... they give up trying.
//Time may fly by. But Memories don't.
//You will win success in whatever you adopt.
//You will outdistance all your competitors.
//You have a great capability to break cookies - use it wisely!
//Money will come to you when you are doing the right thing.
//When you get something for nothing, you just haven't been billed for it yet.
//You will discover your hidden talents.
//You'll advance for with your abilities.
//When you can't naturally feel upbeat it can sometimes help you to act as if
you did.
//You will overcome difficult times.
//Your problem just became your stepping stone. Catch the moment.
//I am a fortune. You just broke my little house. Where will i live now?
//The majority of the word can't is can.
//The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
//Be most affectionate today.
//Change your thoughts and you change the world.
//Sing and rejoice, fortune is smiling on you.
//All the preparation you've done will finally be paying off!
//A truly great person never puts away the simplicity of a child.
//Customer service is like taking a bath you have to keep doing it.
//The expanse of your intelligence is a void no universe could ever fill.
//Those grapes you cannot taste are always sour.
//An unexpected aquaintance will resurface.
//If you want the rainbow, then you have to tolerate the rain.
//You don't get harmony when everyone sings the same note.
//The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.
//The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
//The best things in life aren't things.
//Don't bother looking for fault. The reward for finding it is low.
//Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.
//Nothing is as good or bad as it appears.
//Never cut what you can untie.
//Meet your opponent half way. You need the exercise.
//Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
//We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails.
//We could learn a lot from crayons: Some of are sharp, some are pretty, some
have weird names, and all are different colors. But they all have to learn to
live in the same box.
//Use your instincts now.
//If you take a single step to your journey, you'll succeed; it's not best to
//In the eyes of lovers, everything is beautiful.
//Warning, do not eat your fortune.
//Demonstrate refinement in everything you do.
//Impossible standards just make life difficult.
//A different world cannot be build by indifferent people.
//Q. What is H2O? A. Caring, 2 parts Hug and 1 part Open-mind.
//All troubles you have can pass away very quickly.
//Integrity is the essense of everything successful.
//For true love? Send real roses preserved in 24kt gold!
//Sometimes the object of the journey is not the end, but the journey itself.
//Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment.
//The food here taste so good, even a cave man likes it.
//Perhaps you've been focusing too much on spending.
//Happiness isn't something you remember, it's something you experience.
//Oops... Wrong cookie.
//The dream is within you.
//Love is on its way.
//Be direct, usually one can accomplish more that way.
//Use your talents. That's what they are intended for.
//The troubles you have now will pass away quickly.
//See the light at the end of the tunnel.
//Your dream will come true when you least expect it.
//Don't 'face' reality, let it be the place from which you leap.
//Fortune smiles upon you today.
//Believing is doing.
//Your dynamic eyes have attracted a secret admirer.
//You know where you are going and how to get there.
//Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
//Your ability to pick a winner will bring you success.
//Humor usually works at the moment of awkwardness.
//A good time to finish up old tasks.
//Stop procrastinating - starting tomorrow
//Enthusiastic leadership gets you a promotion when you least expect it.
//You love Chinese food.
//You are far more influential than you think.
//Adjust finances, make budgets, to improve your standing.
//Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.
//An understanding heart warms all that are graced with it's presense.
//Your co-workers take pleasure in your great sense of creativity.
//You are one of the people who goes places in life.
//Others enjoy your company.
//When in doubt, let your instincts guide you.
//A cheerful message is on its way to you.
//A pleasant surprise is in store for you tonight.
//you cant go down the right path with out first discovering the path to go down
//To courageously shoulder the responsibility of one's mistake is character.
//The joyful energy of the day will have a positive affect on you.
//You have a strong desire for a home and your family interests come first.
//Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
//Be patient: in time, even an egg will walk.
//You are not a person who can be ignored.
//You always know the right times to be assertive or to simply wait.
//Reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body.
//Eat something you never tried before.
//Your life becomes more and more of an adventure!
//You need to live authentically, and you can't ignore that.
//Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.
//A well-aimed spear is worth three.
//To build a better world, start in your community.
//When you can't naturally feel upbeat, it can sometimes help to act a if you
//May you have great luck.
//A kind word will keep someone warm for years.
//Nothing in the world is accomplished without passion.
//Human invented language to satisfy the need to complain.
//Accept what comes to you each day.
//A small lucky package is on its way to you soon.
//In human endeavor, chance favors the prepared mind.
//Do not upset the penguin today.
//Don't cry.
//The best way to give credit is to give it away.
//Anything you do, do it well. The last thing you want is to be sorry for what
you didn't do.
//It takes more then good memory to have good memories.
//Grant yourself a wish this year only you can do it.
//love thy neighbour, just don't get caught
//You will be selected for a promotion because of your accomplishments.
//There are many new opportunities that are being presented to you.
//You will inherit a large sum of money.
//You will recieve a gift from someone that cares about you.
//You are not illiterate.
//Love because it is the only true adventure.
//You are contemplating some action which will bring credit upon you
//Keep true to the dreams of your youth.
//Treasure what you have.
//The greatest precept is continual awareness.
//A new friend helps you break out of an old routine.
//I have a dream.... Time to go to bed.
//Your skill will accomplish what the force of many cannot.
//You will soon be surrounded by good friends and laughter.
//The best is yet to come.
//It is better to be the hammer then the anvil.
//He who climbs a ladder must begin at the first step.
//Action speaks nothing, without the Motive.
//Give yourself some peace and quiet for at least a few hours.
//Live each day well and wisely
//Old dreams never die they just get filed away.
//You can fix it with a little extra energy and a positive attitude.
//Life is a verb
//A man without aim is like a clock without hands, as useless if it turns as if
it stands.
//Many folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
//It's kind of fun to do the impossible
//Wow! A secret message from you teeth!
//You should be able to make money and hold on to it.
//The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.
//Your succeess will astonish everyone.
//It is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today.
//Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
//You like Chinese food.
//Your hard work will get payoff today.
//Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday
//There are no shortcuts to any place worth going
//No matter what your past has been, you have a spotless future.
//Your secret desire to completely change your life will manifest.
//Soon you will be sitting on top of the world.
//You are never selfish with your advice or your help.
//A thrilling time is in store for you.
//It's tough to be fascinating.
//Soon life will become more interesting
//Luck sometimes visits a fool, but it never sits down with him.
//Keep your plans secret for now.
//Aren't you glad you just had a great meal?
//Traveling this year will bring your life into greater perspective.
//Only talent people get help from others.
//Constant grinding can turn an iron nod into a needle.
//You will be successful in your work
//you will spend old age in confort and material wealth
//When you're about to turn your heart into a stone remember: you do not walk
//I am a bad luck person since I was born
//You are vigorous in words and action.
//The one who snores will always fall asleep first.
//An alien of some sort will be appearing to you shortly!
//Rest is a good thing, but boredom is its brother.
//Do not be overly judgemental of your loved one's intentions or actions.
//Think of how you can assist on a problem, not who to blame.
//The life of every woman or man - the heart of it - is pure and holy joy.
//Take it easy
//Trust your intuition. The universe is guiding your life.
//Use your head, but live in your heart.
//Don't find fault, find a remedy
//It may be those who do most, dream most
//Your passions sweep you away.
//Listen to yourself more often
//Think of mother's exhortations more.
//The gambler is like the fisherman both have beginners luck.
//You are given the chance to take part in an exciting adventure.
//The simplest answer is to act.
//You will always be surrounded by true friends.
//Keep your feet on the ground even though friends flatter you.
//You are the man of righteousness and integrity.
//He who seeks will find.
//The smart thing to do is to begin trusting your intuitions.
//Your many hidden talents will become obvious to those around you.
//Pick a path with heart.
//The human spirit is stronger then anything that can happen to it.
//It takes more than good memory to have good memories.
//Face facts with dignity.
//Be calm when confronting an emergency crisis.
//Do you believe? Endurance and persistence will be rewarded.
//A new wardrobe brings great joy and change in your life.
//Everyone agrees you are the best.
//A new outlook brightens your image and brings new friends.
//Everything will now come your way.
//You will be called to fill a position of high honor and responsibility.
//The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.
//Good beginning is half done.
//Some pursue happiness; you create it.
//It's the worst of times, you need to summon your optimism.
//You are cautious in showing your true self to others.
//Your ability to accomplish tasks will follow with success.
//We all have extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.
//You will have a bright future.
//Compassion is a way of being.
//You will always have good luck in your personal affairs.
//The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more
//Did you remember to order your take out also?
//Perhaps you've been focusing too much on that one thing..
//Right now there's an energy pushing you in a new direction.
//Everybody feels lucky for having you as a friend.
//When the moment comes, take the top one.
//Sometimes travel to new places leads to great transformation.
//There is always a way - if you are committed.
//Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
//All the world may not love a lover but they will be watching him.
//Don't just spend time, invest it.
//Life always gets harder near the summit.
//Take the chance while you still have the choice.
//It is much easier to be cirtical than to be correct.
//Enjoy life! It is better to be happy than wise.
//To make the cart go, you must grease the wheels.
//You are contemplating some action which will bring credit upon you.
//Before you wonder Am I doing things right, ask Am I doing the right things?
//You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.
//You will always get what you want through your charm and personality.
//The big issues are work, career, or status right now.
//Your emotional currents are flowing powerfully now.
//Any decision you have to make tomorrow is a good decsion.
//Consume less. Share more. Enjoy life.
//The secret of staying young is good health and lying about your age.
//Spring has sprung. Life is blooming.
//Go ask your mom.
//The possibility of a career change is near.
//The important thing is to never stop questioning.
//Compassion will cure more then condemnation.
//Excuses are easy to manufacture, and hard to sell.
//Put your mind into planning today. Look into the future.
//Listen to life, and you will hear the voice of life crying, Be!
//Broke is only temporaryl poor is a state of mind.
//Here we go. Moo Shu Cereal for breakfast with duck sauce.
//Teamwork: the fuel that allows common people attain uncommon results.
//Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips.
//We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.
//You are offered the dream of a lifetime. Say yes!
//Working out the kinks today will make for a better tomorrow.
//You have a curious smile and a mysterious nature.
//Questions provide the key to unlocking our unlimited potential.
//You will enjoy razon-sharp spiritual vision today.
//The wise are aware of their treasure, while fools follow their vanity
//Well-arranged time is the surest sign of a well-arranged mind.
//Never bring unhappy feelings into your home.
//This is really a lovely day. Congratulations!
//Bad luck and ill misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity.
//A golden egg of opportunity falls into your lap this month.
//You are very grateful for the small pleasures of life.
//today you should be a passenger. Stay close to a driver for a day.
//For hate is never conquered by hate. Hate is conquered by love.
//Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this planet.
//Good clothes open many doors. Go shopping.
//The leader seeks to communicate his vision to his followers.
//Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.
//People who are late are often happier than those who have to wait for them
//Present your best ideas today to an eager and welcoming audience.
//Friends long absent are coming back to you.
//The time is right to make new friends.
//Life to you is a dashing and bold adventure
//You may be hungry soon: order a takeout now.
//Do not hesitate to look for help, an extra hand should always be welcomed.
//How can you have a beautiful ending without making beautiful mistakes?
//Humor is an affirmation of dignity
//He who climbs a ladder must begin at the first step
//What's vice today may be virtue tomorow.
//You have an unusually magnetic personality.
//You will travel to many places.
//Accept yourself
//Be a generous friend and a fair enemy
//Never quit!
//Old friends, old wines and old gold are best
//If your desires are not extravagant, they will be granted
//Every Friend Joys in your Success
//You should be able to undertake and complete anything
//You will enjoy good health, you will be surrounded by luxury
//You are a person of strong sense of duty
//Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become.
//You have a quiet and unobtrusive nature.
//Great thoughts come from the heart.
//You love peace
//Judge not according to the appearance.
//One who admires you greatly is hidden before your eyes.
//Traveling more often is important for your health and happiness.
//You will be sharing great news with all people you love
//You have a reputation for being straightforward and honest.
//You are always welcome in any gathering.
//You will be traveling and coming into a fortune.
//Open up your heart - it can always be closed again.
//Being happy is not always being perfect.
//Next time you have the opportunity, go on a rollercoaster.
//Try everything once, even the things you don't think you will like.
//Life is too short to hold grudges.
//Dream your dream and your dream will dream of you.
//Being alone and being lonely are two different things.
//Don't worry about things in the past, there is nothing you can do about them
now. Don't worry about things that are happening now, make the best of a bad
situation. Don't worry about things in the future, they may never happen.
//Tomorrow, take a moment to do something just for yourself.
//Someone close to you is waiting for you to call.
//A virtual fortune cookie will not satisfy your hunger like that of a home made
//Smile. Tomorrow is another day.
//You can never been certain of success, but you can be certain of failure if
you never try.
//It takes ten times as many muscles to frown as it does to smile.
//Shoot for the moon! If you miss you will still be amongst the stars.
//Keep your eyes open. You never know what you might see.
//Tell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change.
//Let your heart make your decisions - it does not get as confused as your head.
//Working hard will make you live a happy life.
//A pleasant surprise is waiting for you.
$i = round(fmod(hexdec(hash('crc32', $seed)), count($quotes)), 0);
return trim(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), ' ', $quotes[$i]));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
class OsmAndBlogBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const NAME = 'OsmAnd Blog';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Get the latest news from';
const MAINTAINER = 'fulmeek';
public function collectData() {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . 'blog')
or returnServerError('Could not load content');
foreach($html->find('div.article') as $element) {
$item = array();
$objTitle = $element->find('h1', 0);
if (!$objTitle)
$objTitle = $element->find('h2', 0);
if (!$objTitle)
$objTitle = $element->find('h3', 0);
if ($objTitle)
$item['title'] = $objTitle->plaintext;
$objDate = $element->find('meta[pubdate]', 0);
if ($objDate) {
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($objDate->pubdate);
} else {
$objDate = $element->find('.date', 0);
if ($objDate)
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($objDate->plaintext);
$this->cleanupContent($element, $objTitle, $objDate, $element->find('.date', 0));
$item['content'] = $element->innertext;
$objLink = $html->find('.articlelinklist a', 0);
if ($objLink) {
$item['uri'] = $this->filterURL($objLink->href);
} else {
$item['uri'] = 'urn:sha1:' . hash('sha1', $item['content']);
$this->items[] = $item;
private function filterURL($url) {
if (strpos($url, '://') === false)
return self::URI . ltrim($url, '/');
return $url;
private function cleanupContent($content, ...$removeItems) {
foreach ($removeItems as $obj) {
if ($obj) $obj->outertext = '';
foreach ($content->find('img') as $obj) {
$obj->src = $this->filterURL($obj->src);
foreach ($content->find('a') as $obj) {
$obj->href = $this->filterURL($obj->href);
$obj->target = '_blank';
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class PikabuBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$img->outertext = '<img src="'.$src.'">';
$img->outertext = '<img src="' . $src . '">';
$categories = array();
$categories = array();
@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ class PinterestBridge extends FeedExpander {
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
switch($this->queriedContext) {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'By username and board':
case 'By username and board':
@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ class PixivBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getContents(static::URI.'search.php?word=' . urlencode($this->getInput('tag')))
$html = getContents(static::URI . 'search.php?word=' . urlencode($this->getInput('tag')))
or returnClientError('Unable to query');
or returnClientError('Unable to query');
$regex = '/<input type="hidden"id="js-mount-point-search-result-list"data-items="([^"]*)/';
$regex = '/<input type="hidden"id="js-mount-point-search-result-list"data-items="([^"]*)/';
$timeRegex = '/img\/([0-9]{4})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\//';
$timeRegex = '/img\/([0-9]{4})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\//';
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ class PixivBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$url = str_replace('_master1200', '', $url);
$url = str_replace('_master1200', '', $url);
$url = str_replace('c/240x240/img-master/', 'img-original/', $url);
$url = str_replace('c/240x240/img-master/', 'img-original/', $url);
$path = CACHE_DIR . '/pixiv_img';
$path = PATH_CACHE . 'pixiv_img/';
mkdir($path, 0755, true);
mkdir($path, 0755, true);
@ -70,5 +69,4 @@ class PixivBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return 'cache/pixiv_img/' . $illustId . '.jpeg';
return 'cache/pixiv_img/' . $illustId . '.jpeg';
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class RTBFBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getName(){
public function getName(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('c'))) {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('c'))) {
return $this->getInput('c') .' - RTBF Bridge';
return $this->getInput('c') . ' - RTBF Bridge';
return parent::getName();
return parent::getName();
@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ class RadioMelodieBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const DESCRIPTION = 'Retourne les actualités publiées par Radio Melodie';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Retourne les actualités publiées par Radio Melodie';
const MAINTAINER = 'sysadminstory';
const MAINTAINER = 'sysadminstory';
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'img/favicon.png';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . 'actu')
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . 'actu')
or returnServerError('Could not request Radio Melodie.');
or returnServerError('Could not request Radio Melodie.');
@ -23,7 +27,7 @@ class RadioMelodieBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item['enclosures'] = array($pictureURL);
$item['enclosures'] = array($pictureURL);
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $element->parent()->href;
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $element->parent()->href;
$item['title'] = $element->find('h3', 0)->plaintext;
$item['title'] = $element->find('h3', 0)->plaintext;
$item['content'] = $element->find('p', 0)->plaintext . '<br/><img src="'.$pictureURL.'"/>';
$item['content'] = $element->find('p', 0)->plaintext . '<br/><img src="' . $pictureURL . '"/>';
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ class RainbowSixSiegeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7200; // 2h
const DESCRIPTION = 'Latest articles from the Rainbow Six Siege blog';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Latest articles from the Rainbow Six Siege blog';
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$dlUrl = '';
$dlUrl = '';
$dlUrl .= '8-32&pageIndex=0&pageSize=10&language=en-US&detailPageId=tcm%3A152-194572-64';
$dlUrl .= '8-32&pageIndex=0&pageSize=10&language=en-US&detailPageId=tcm%3A150-194572-64';
$dlUrl .= '&keywordList=175426&siteId=undefined&useSeoFriendlyUrl=true';
$dlUrl .= '&keywordList=233416%2C316144%2C233418%2C233417&siteId=undefined&useSeoFriendlyUrl=true';
$jsonString = getContents($dlUrl) or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
$jsonString = getContents($dlUrl) or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
$json = json_decode($jsonString, true);
$json = json_decode($jsonString, true);
@ -1,25 +1,48 @@
class Rue89Bridge extends FeedExpander {
class Rue89Bridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'pit-fgfjiudghdf';
const MAINTAINER = 'teromene';
const NAME = 'Rue89';
const NAME = 'Rue89';
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the 5 newest posts from Rue89 (full text)';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest posts from Rue89';
protected function parseItem($item){
public function collectData() {
$item = parent::parseItem($item);
$url = ''
$jsonArticles = getContents('')
. str_replace(' ', '', substr($item['uri'], -8))
or die('Unable to query Rue89 !');
. '/full';
$articles = json_decode($jsonArticles)->items;
foreach($articles as $article) {
$this->items[] = $this->getArticle($article);
$datas = json_decode(getContents($url), true);
$item['content'] = $datas['node']['body'];
private function getArticle($articleInfo) {
$articleJson = getContents($articleInfo->json_url) or die('Unable to get article !');
$article = json_decode($articleJson);
$item = array();
$item['title'] = $article->title;
$item['uri'] = $article->url;
if($article->content_premium !== null) {
$item['content'] = $article->content_premium;
} else {
$item['content'] = $article->content;
$item['timestamp'] = $article->date_publi;
$item['author'] = $article->author->show_name;
$item['enclosures'] = array();
foreach($article->images as $image) {
$item['enclosures'][] = $image->url;
$item['categories'] = array();
foreach($article->categories as $category) {
$item['categories'][] = $category->title;
return $item;
return $item;
public function collectData(){
@ -35,5 +35,4 @@ class Shimmie2Bridge extends DanbooruBridge {
return $item;
return $item;
@ -804,7 +804,6 @@ EOD;
* Checks if the reported skimfeed version is compatible
* Checks if the reported skimfeed version is compatible
@ -821,5 +820,4 @@ EOD;
return false;
return false;
@ -32,15 +32,16 @@ class SoundCloudBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
. self::CLIENT_ID
. self::CLIENT_ID
)) or returnServerError('No results for this user');
)) or returnServerError('No results for this user');
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$numTracks = min(count($tracks), 10);
for($i = 0; $i < $numTracks; $i++) {
$item = array();
$item = array();
$item['author'] = $tracks[$i]->user->username . ' - ' . $tracks[$i]->title;
$item['author'] = $tracks[$i]->user->username;
$item['title'] = $tracks[$i]->user->username . ' - ' . $tracks[$i]->title;
$item['title'] = $tracks[$i]->user->username . ' - ' . $tracks[$i]->title;
$item['content'] = '<audio src="'
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($tracks[$i]->created_at);
. $tracks[$i]->uri
$item['content'] = $tracks[$i]->description;
$item['enclosures'] = array($tracks[$i]->uri
. '/stream?client_id='
. '/stream?client_id='
. self::CLIENT_ID
. self::CLIENT_ID);
. '">';
$item['id'] = self::URI
$item['id'] = self::URI
. urlencode($this->getInput('u'))
. urlencode($this->getInput('u'))
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ class SoundCloudBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getName(){
public function getName(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
if(!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
return self::NAME . ' - ' . $this->getInput('u');
return self::NAME . ' - ' . $this->getInput('u');
@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ class SupInfoBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . '/favicon.png';
public function collectData() {
public function collectData() {
if(empty($this->getInput('tag'))) {
if(empty($this->getInput('tag'))) {
@ -53,5 +57,4 @@ class SupInfoBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
return $item;
return $item;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class SuperSmashBlogBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$video = $article['acf']['link_url'];
$video = $article['acf']['link_url'];
if (strlen($video) != 0) {
if (strlen($video) != 0) {
$video = str_get_html('<a href="' . $video .'">Youtube video</a>');
$video = str_get_html('<a href="' . $video . '">Youtube video</a>');
} else {
} else {
$video = '';
$video = '';
@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ class TagBoardBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return '';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$link = '' . $this->getInput('u');
$link = '' . $this->getInput('u');
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ class TebeoBridge extends FeedExpander {
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'images/header_logo.png';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$url = self::URI . '/le-replay/' . $this->getInput('cat');
$url = self::URI . '/le-replay/' . $this->getInput('cat');
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url)
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ class TebeoBridge extends FeedExpander {
$item['uri'] = $element->find('a', 0)->href;
$item['uri'] = $element->find('a', 0)->href;
$item['title'] = $element->find('h3', 0)->plaintext;
$item['title'] = $element->find('h3', 0)->plaintext;
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($element->find('p.moment-format-day', 0)->plaintext);
$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($element->find('p.moment-format-day', 0)->plaintext);
$item['content'] = '<a href="'.$item['uri'].'"><img alt="" src="'.$element->find('img', 0)->src.'"></a>';
$item['content'] = '<a href="' . $item['uri'] . '"><img alt="" src="' . $element->find('img', 0)->src . '"></a>';
$this->items[] = $item;
$this->items[] = $item;
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ class TheHackerNewsBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
if($limit < 5) {
if($limit < 5) {
$article_url = $element->find('a.story-link', 0)->href;
$article_url = $element->find('a.story-link', 0)->href;
$article_author = trim($element->find('i.fa-user', 0)->parent()->plaintext);
$article_author = trim($element->find('i.icon-user', 0)->parent()->plaintext);
$article_title = $element->find('h2.home-title', 0)->plaintext;
$article_title = $element->find('h2.home-title', 0)->plaintext;
//Date without time
//Date without time
$article_timestamp = strtotime(
$article_timestamp = strtotime(
$element->find('i.fa-calendar', 0)->parent()->outertext,
$element->find('i.icon-calendar', 0)->parent()->outertext,
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class ThePirateBayBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'mitsukarenai';
const MAINTAINER = 'mitsukarenai';
const NAME = 'The Pirate Bay';
const NAME = 'The Pirate Bay';
const URI = '';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns results for the keywords. You can put several
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns results for the keywords. You can put several
list of keywords by separating them with a semicolon (e.g. "one show;another
list of keywords by separating them with a semicolon (e.g. "one show;another
show"). Category based search needs the category number as input. User based
show"). Category based search needs the category number as input. User based
@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ class TheTVDBBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function getIcon() {
return self::URI . 'application/themes/thetvdb/images/logo.png';
public function collectData(){
public function collectData(){
$serie_id = $this->getInput('serie_id');
$serie_id = $this->getInput('serie_id');
$nbepisode = $this->getInput('nb_episode');
$nbepisode = $this->getInput('nb_episode');
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ class TheYeteeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$item['author'] = $author;
$item['author'] = $author;
$uri = $element->find('div[class=controls] a', 0)->href;
$uri = $element->find('div[class=controls] a', 0)->href;
$item['uri'] = static::URI.$uri;
$item['uri'] = static::URI . $uri;
$content = '<p>'.$element->find('section[class=product-listing-info] p', -1)->plaintext.'</p>';
$content = '<p>' . $element->find('section[class=product-listing-info] p', -1)->plaintext . '</p>';
$photos = $element->find('a[class=js-modaal-gallery] img');
$photos = $element->find('a[class=js-modaal-gallery] img');
foreach($photos as $photo) {
foreach($photos as $photo) {
$content = $content."<br /><img src='$photo->src' />";
$content = $content . "<br /><img src='$photo->src' />";
$item['enclosures'][] = $photo->src;
$item['enclosures'][] = $photo->src;
$item['content'] = $content;
$item['content'] = $content;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
class ThingiverseBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const NAME = 'Thingiverse Search';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns feeds for search results';
const MAINTAINER = 'AntoineTurmel';
const PARAMETERS = array(
'query' => array(
'name' => 'Search query',
'type' => 'text',
'required' => true,
'title' => 'Insert your search term here',
'exampleValue' => 'Enter your search term'
'sortby' => array(
'name' => 'Sort by',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => false,
'values' => array(
'Relevant' => 'relevant',
'Text' => 'text',
'Popular' => 'popular',
'# of Makes' => 'makes',
'Newest' => 'newest',
'defaultValue' => 'newest'
'category' => array(
'name' => 'Category',
'type' => 'list',
'required' => false,
'values' => array(
'Any' => '',
'3D Printing' => '73',
'Art' => '63',
'Fashion' => '64',
'Gadgets' => '65',
'Hobby' => '66',
'Household' => '67',
'Learning' => '69',
'Models' => '70',
'Tools' => '71',
'Toys & Games' => '72',
'2D Art' => '144',
'Art Tools' => '75',
'Coins & Badges' => '143',
'Interactive Art' => '78',
'Math Art' => '79',
'Scans & Replicas' => '145',
'Sculptures' => '80',
'Signs & Logos' => '76',
'Accessories' => '81',
'Bracelets' => '82',
'Costume' => '142',
'Earrings' => '139',
'Glasses' => '83',
'Jewelry' => '84',
'Keychains' => '130',
'Rings' => '85',
'Audio' => '141',
'Camera' => '86',
'Computer' => '87',
'Mobile Phone' => '88',
'Tablet' => '90',
'Video Games' => '91',
'Automotive' => '155',
'DIY' => '93',
'Electronics' => '92',
'Music' => '94',
'R/C Vehicles' => '95',
'Robotics' => '96',
'Sport & Outdoors' => '140',
'Bathroom' => '147',
'Containers' => '146',
'Decor' => '97',
'Household Supplies' => '99',
'Kitchen & Dining' => '100',
'Office' => '101',
'Organization' => '102',
'Outdoor & Garden' => '98',
'Pets' => '103',
'Replacement Parts' => '153',
'Biology' => '106',
'Engineering' => '104',
'Math' => '105',
'Physics & Astronomy' => '148',
'Animals' => '107',
'Buildings & Structures' => '108',
'Creatures' => '109',
'Food & Drink' => '110',
'Model Furniture' => '111',
'Model Robots' => '115',
'People' => '112',
'Props' => '114',
'Vehicles' => '116',
'Hand Tools' => '118',
'Machine Tools' => '117',
'Parts' => '119',
'Tool Holders & Boxes' => '120',
'Chess' => '151',
'Construction Toys' => '121',
'Dice' => '122',
'Games' => '123',
'Mechanical Toys' => '124',
'Playsets' => '113',
'Puzzles' => '125',
'Toy & Game Accessories' => '149',
'3D Printer Accessories' => '127',
'3D Printer Extruders' => '152',
'3D Printer Parts' => '128',
'3D Printers' => '126',
'3D Printing Tests' => '129',
'showimage' => array(
'name' => 'Show image in content',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'required' => false,
'title' => 'Activate to show the image in the content',
'defaultValue' => 'checked'
public function collectData(){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
or returnServerError('Failed to receive ' . $this->getURI());
$results = $html->find('div.thing-card');
foreach($results as $result) {
$item = array();
$item['title'] = $result->find('span.ellipsis', 0);
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $result->find('a', 1)->href;
$item['author'] = $result->find('span.item-creator', 0);
$item['content'] = '';
$image = $result->find('img.card-img', 0)->src;
if($this->getInput('showimage')) {
$item['content'] .= '<img src="' . $image . '">';
$item['enclosures'] = array($image);
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getURI(){
if(!is_null($this->getInput('query'))) {
$uri = self::URI . '/search?q=' . urlencode($this->getInput('query'));
$uri .= '&sort=' . $this->getInput('sortby');
$uri .= '&category_id=' . $this->getInput('category');
return $uri;
return parent::getURI();
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