Loading the page with an URL fragement (#bridge-*) should result in
the bridge showing all parameters by default. Unfortunately this is
not possible using PHP, which is why a new JavaScript function is
needed (select.js)
That way, when returning from a bridge ('back to rss-bridge') will
keep the selected bridge active (only works for HTML format).
Matching whitelisted bridges using a case-insensitive match makes
sense for following reasons:
- Wrong upper/lower case spelling in the whitelist is not easily
discovered. Example: Misspelling 'Youtube' as 'YouTube' will not
show the 'Youtube' bridge (while it is expected to show)
- Two bridges with the same name but different letter casing are
discouraged to prevent confusion and keep the project compatible
with Windows machines
* The cache folder requires write permissions at all times
* The whitelist file requires write permissions if it does not
exist (can be created manually)
- Do not add spaces after opening or before closing parenthesis
// Wrong
if( !is_null($var) ) {
// Right
if(!is_null($var)) {
- Add space after closing parenthesis
// Wrong
// Right
if(true) {
- Add body into new line
- Close body in new line
// Wrong
if(true) { ... }
// Right
if(true) {
Notice: Spaces after keywords are not detected:
// Wrong (not detected)
// -> space after 'if' and missing space after 'else'
if (true) {
} else{
// Right
if(true) {
} else {
Add additional information to error message:
- Name of the bridge
- Possible solutions
- Error description
- Error code
- Error message
* Output type changed from 'text' to 'html'
* Added styles for the error page
* Added a button to remotely open a GitHub issue
* add function getExtraInfos() to BridgeAbstract
* replace call to $bridge->getName() and $bridge->getURI() by $bridge->getExtraInfos()
replace call to $bridge->getName() and $bridge->getURI() by $bridge->getExtraInfos() defined by default in BridgeAbstract.
So we could pass additionals ExtraInfos from custom bridges to custom formats.
Previously the cache file name was only build upon bridge
parameters. If two bridges don't make use of any parameter
this would result into equal file names.
Previously BridgeAbstract needed to know which exact implementation
of CacheInterface was used (since we only got one right now its
not a problem). Initializing the cache in index.php instead allows
to change cache types more easily.
Methods displayBridgeCard, sanitize, defaultImageSrcTo are now
functions in lib/html.php
getHelperButtinsFormat and getFormHeader are now anonymous functions
defined in displayBridgeCard
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
- returnError, returnServerError, returnClientError ,debugMessage are
moved to lib/error.php
- getContents, getSimpleHTMLDOM, getSimpleHTMLDOMCached are moved to
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
getDatas -> getItems
setDatas -> setItems
Note: Bridge->setDatas actually sets data, where Bridge->getItems
only returns items (this is why Bridge->setDatas was not changed)
if a bridge needs to modify some of the data that were initialized
there, ::__construct() should be used instead.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
therefore, the provider decides if the service use a
proxy or not, and if users can have the possibility to
disable it on a bridge basis.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
Correction de la page d'accueuil pour qu'elle soit conforme aux standards du W3C.
Correction de la regex de listage des fichiers pour qu'elle ignore les sauvegardes.
Ajout d'un nettoyeur HTML, par défaut.
Ré-ajout et ré-utilisation de getName et getURI, qui permettent d'avoir des élements dynamiques.
Changement en public de certaines valeurs.
Changement du nom de certaines constantes, déja utilisés.
Signed-off-by: teromene <teromene@teromene.fr>
Correction de la page d'accueuil pour qu'elle soit conforme aux standards du W3C.
Correction de la regex de listage des fichiers pour qu'elle ignore les sauvegardes.
Ajout d'un nettoyeur HTML, par défaut.
Ré-ajout et ré-utilisation de getName et getURI, qui permettent d'avoir des élements dynamiques.
Changement en public de certaines valeurs.
Changement du nom de certaines constantes, déja utilisés.
Signed-off-by: teromene <teromene@teromene.fr>