This bridge returns feeds for any URI that is compatible with the
IPB implementation (currently 4.x). Older versions might work, but
there is no guarantee.
Only forum and topic URIs are supported!
The bridge automatically checks if natural feeds are available (by
adding '.xml' to the URI). If so the feed is returned. Otherwise
the bridge will attempt to identify the content type and build a
feed accordingly.
Valid URIs are forums and topics. For forums the first page is
returned, for topics the last one. Elements are ordered such that
the latest entry is returned first (oldest-to-newest)
The optional parameter '&limit=' specifies how many pages should
be loaded (default: 1). Topics are loaded in reverse order.
=> Does not work with forums!
Images are provided as enclosures and scaled to a max-size of
400x400 pixels by default (Except for natural feeds).
The content is filtered before being returned:
- Unnecessary tags are removed (iframes, etc...)
- Styles for blockquotes are restored (grey background)
Travis CI upgraded the linux build environment from Ubuntu Precise
to Ubuntu Trusty with Trusty becoming the default build environment
as of August 2017:
A bug in the configuration of the Ubuntu Trusty distro causes all
builds except nightly to fail. The PHP include_path is set to
instead of
which causes phpcs to fail because it cannot resolve import paths.
This commit adds a hotfix to .travis.yml that circumvents the
issue by overwriting the include_path during initialization. This
hotfix should be removed once a solution is found.
This bug is tracked via
Travis CI recently updated the default distribution from Ubuntu
Precise to Ubuntu Trusty, which causes all builds except nightly
to fail.
For unknown reasons phpcs is unable to locate "PHP/CodeSniffer/
autoload.php" causing it to fail with a fatal error
The root cause of the failure is unknown. We explicitly return to
the previous build system (Ubuntu Precise) for builds to work again.
See the migration guide for reference:
Notice: Ubuntu Precise is retired as of September 2017 and will be
decommissioned in the near future:
- If no there are no results, an explicit message is now returned
- Commas are now following the coding policy
- Lines are no longer more than 80 chars when possible
Added additional instructions for: 'username search' and 'category
search' next to instructions for 'keyword search'.
Changed variable name from underscore to camelCase.