I made some changes to returne category and uploader feed. I also changed the URI to the magnet link to be able to use the feed in a torrent client. As discussed here (https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge/issues/412), I'd rather use the <torrent:magnetURI> item but it's not possible with RSS-Bridge ATM.
If I find time to work on it I'll try to add combination possibilities: search term in a certain category or for a specific uploader
Hope my changes will be appreciated!
Methods displayBridgeCard, sanitize, defaultImageSrcTo are now
functions in lib/html.php
getHelperButtinsFormat and getFormHeader are now anonymous functions
defined in displayBridgeCard
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
- returnError, returnServerError, returnClientError ,debugMessage are
moved to lib/error.php
- getContents, getSimpleHTMLDOM, getSimpleHTMLDOMCached are moved to
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
The data is no longer provided in HTML upon request,
but rather encoded as JSON in a SCRIPT section and
decoded via Javascript on the client side. The bridge
now decodes the data and returns valid feeds again.
The specific content filtering used in these bridges will need to
be reintegrated later as part of the bridge or as part of the
WordPressBridge if they are considered generic enough filters,
such as the already existing WordPressBridge <script> removal filter.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
This breaks compatibility with previous versions of VkBridge (which
seems broken anyway).
Bridges should never use full URIs as inputs since their validation will
always be more complicated, hence prone to security issues,
than rebuilding a clean URI from simple validated inputs.
This breaks compatibility with previous versions of NoveUpdatesBridge.
Bridges should never use full URIs as inputs since their validation will
always be more complicated, hence prone to security issues,
than rebuilding a clean URI from simple validated inputs.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>
This breaks compatibility with previous versions of FourChanBridge.
Bridges should never use full URIs as inputs as their validation will
always be more complicated, hence prone to security issues,
than rebuilding a clean URI from simple validated inputs.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <pierre.maziere@gmx.com>