array ( 'q' => array( 'name' => 'Mot(s) clé(s)', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true ), 'hide_expired' => array( 'name' => 'Masquer les éléments expirés', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'required' => 'true' ), 'hide_local' => array( 'name' => 'Masquer les deals locaux', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Masquer les deals en magasins physiques', 'required' => 'true' ), 'priceFrom' => array( 'name' => 'Prix minimum', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => 'Prix mnimum en euros', 'required' => 'false', 'defaultValue' => '' ), 'priceTo' => array( 'name' => 'Prix maximum', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => 'Prix maximum en euros', 'required' => 'false', 'defaultValue' => '' ), ), 'Deals par groupe' => array( 'groupe' => array( 'name' => 'Groupe', 'type' => 'list', 'required' => 'true', 'title' => 'Groupe dont il faut afficher les deals', 'values' => array( 'Accessoires & gadgets' => 'accessoires-gadgets', 'Alimentation & boissons' => 'alimentation-boissons', 'Animaux' => 'animaux', 'Applis & logiciels' => 'applis-logiciels', 'Consoles & jeux vidéo' => 'consoles-jeux-video', 'Culture & divertissement' => 'culture-divertissement', 'Gratuit' => 'gratuit', 'Image, son & vidéo' => 'image-son-video', 'Informatique' => 'informatique', 'Jeux & jouets' => 'jeux-jouets', 'Maison & jardin' => 'maison-jardin', 'Mode & accessoires' => 'mode-accessoires', 'Santé & cosmétiques' => 'hygiene-sante-cosmetiques', 'Services divers' => 'services-divers', 'Sports & plein air' => 'sports-plein-air', 'Téléphonie' => 'telephonie', 'Voyages & sorties' => 'voyages-sorties-restaurants' ) ), 'ordre' => array( 'name' => 'Trier par', 'type' => 'list', 'required' => 'true', 'title' => 'Ordre de tri des deals', 'values' => array( 'Du deal le plus Hot au moins Hot' => '', 'Du deal le plus récent au plus ancien' => '-nouveaux', 'Du deal le plus commentés au moins commentés' => '-commentes' ) ) ) ); const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; public function collectData(){ switch($this->queriedContext) { case 'Recherche par Mot(s) clé(s)': return $this->collectDataMotsCles(); break; case 'Deals par groupe': return $this->collectDataGroupe(); break; } } /** * Get the Deal data from the choosen groupe in the choose order */ public function collectDataGroupe() { $groupe = $this->getInput('groupe'); $ordre = $this->getInput('ordre'); $url = self::URI . '/groupe/' . $groupe . $ordre; $this->collectDeals($url); } /** * Get the Deal data from the choosen keywords and parameters */ public function collectDataMotsCles() { $q = $this->getInput('q'); $hide_expired = $this->getInput('hide_expired'); $hide_local = $this->getInput('hide_local'); $priceFrom = $this->getInput('priceFrom'); $priceTo = $this->getInput('priceFrom'); /* Even if the original website uses POST with the search page, GET works too */ $url = self::URI . '/search/advanced?q=' . urlencode($q) . '&hide_expired='. $hide_expired . '&hide_local='. $hide_local . '&priceFrom='. $priceFrom . '&priceTo='. $priceTo /* Some default parameters * search_fields : Search in Titres & Descriptions & Codes * sort_by : Sort the search by new deals * time_frame : Search will not be on a limited timeframe */ . '&search_fields[]=1&search_fields[]=2&search_fields[]=3&sort_by=new&time_frame=0'; $this->collectDeals($url); } /** * Get the Deal data using the given URL */ public function collectDeals($url){ $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url) or returnServerError('Could not request Dealabs.'); $list = $html->find('article'); // Deal Image Link CSS Selector $selectorImageLink = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'cept-thread-image-link', 'imgFrame', 'imgFrame--noBorder', 'box--all-i', 'thread-listImgCell', ) ); // Deal Link CSS Selector $selectorLink = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'cept-tt', 'thread-link', 'linkPlain', ) ); // Deal Hotness CSS Selector $selectorHot = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'flex', 'flex--align-c', 'flex--justify-space-between', 'space--b-2', ) ); // Deal Description CSS Selector $selectorDescription = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'cept-description-container', 'overflow--wrap-break', 'size--all-s', 'size--fromW3-m', ) ); // Deal Date CSS Selector $selectorDate = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'size--all-s', 'flex', 'flex--wrap', 'flex--justify-e', 'flex--grow-1', ) ); // If there is no results, we don't parse the content because it display some random deals $noresult = $html->find('h3[class=size--all-l size--fromW2-xl size--fromW3-xxl]', 0); if($noresult != null && $noresult->plaintext == 'Il n'y a rien à afficher pour le moment :(') { $this->items = array(); } else { foreach($list as $deal) { $item = array(); $item['uri'] = $deal->find('div[class=threadGrid-title]', 0)->find('a', 0)->href; $item['title'] = $deal->find('a[class*='. $selectorLink .']', 0 )->plaintext; $item['author'] = $deal->find('span.thread-username', 0)->plaintext; $item['content'] = '
' . $deal->find('a[class*='. $selectorLink .']', 0)->innertext . '' . $this->getPrix($deal) . $this->getReduction($deal) . $this->getExpedition($deal) . $this->getLivraison($deal) . $this->getOrigine($deal) . $deal->find('div[class='. $selectorDescription .']', 0)->innertext . ' | ' . $deal->find('div[class='. $selectorHot .']', 0)->children(0)->outertext . ' |