<?php class FourchanBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const MAINTAINER = 'mitsukarenai'; const NAME = '4chan'; const URI = 'https://boards.4chan.org/'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5min const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns posts from the specified thread'; const PARAMETERS = array( array( 'c' => array( 'name' => 'Thread category', 'required' => true ), 't' => array( 'name' => 'Thread number', 'type' => 'number', 'required' => true ) )); public function getURI(){ if(!is_null($this->getInput('c')) && !is_null($this->getInput('t'))) { return static::URI . $this->getInput('c') . '/thread/' . $this->getInput('t'); } return parent::getURI(); } public function collectData(){ $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI()) or returnServerError("Could not request 4chan, thread not found"); foreach($html->find('div.postContainer') as $element) { $item = array(); $item['id'] = $element->find('.post', 0)->getAttribute('id'); $item['uri'] = $this->getURI() . '#' . $item['id']; $item['timestamp'] = $element->find('span.dateTime', 0)->getAttribute('data-utc'); $item['author'] = $element->find('span.name', 0)->plaintext; $file = $element->find('.file', 0); if(!empty($file)) { $item['image'] = $element->find('.file a', 0)->href; $item['imageThumb'] = $element->find('.file img', 0)->src; if(!isset($item['imageThumb']) and strpos($item['image'], '.swf') !== false) $item['imageThumb'] = 'http://i.imgur.com/eO0cxf9.jpg'; } if(!empty($element->find('span.subject', 0)->innertext)) { $item['subject'] = $element->find('span.subject', 0)->innertext; } $item['title'] = 'reply ' . $item['id'] . ' | ' . $item['author']; if(isset($item['subject'])) { $item['title'] = $item['subject'] . ' - ' . $item['title']; } $content = $element->find('.postMessage', 0)->innertext; $content = str_replace('href="#p', 'href="' . $this->getURI() . '#p', $content); $item['content'] = '<span id="' . $item['id'] . '">' . $content . '</span>'; if(isset($item['image'])) { $item['content'] = '<a href="' . $item['image'] . '"><img alt="' . $item['id'] . '" src="' . $item['imageThumb'] . '" /></a><br>' .$item['content']; } $this->items[] = $item; } $this->items = array_reverse($this->items); } }