<?php class BastaBridge extends BridgeAbstract{ public function loadMetadatas() { $this->maintainer = "qwertygc"; $this->name = "Bastamag Bridge"; $this->uri = "http://www.bastamag.net/"; $this->description = "Returns the newest articles."; $this->update = "2016-08-02"; } public function collectData(array $param){ // Replaces all relative image URLs by absolute URLs. Relative URLs always start with 'local/'! function ReplaceImageUrl($content){ return preg_replace('/src=["\']{1}([^"\']+)/ims', 'src=\'http://www.bastamag.net/$1\'', $content); } $html = $this->file_get_html('http://www.bastamag.net/spip.php?page=backend') or $this->returnError('Could not request Bastamag.', 404); $limit = 0; foreach($html->find('item') as $element) { if($limit < 10) { $item = new \Item(); $item->title = $element->find('title', 0)->innertext; $item->uri = $element->find('guid', 0)->plaintext; $item->timestamp = strtotime($element->find('dc:date', 0)->plaintext); $item->content = ReplaceImageUrl($this->file_get_html($item->uri)->find('div.texte', 0)->innertext); $this->items[] = $item; $limit++; } } } public function getName(){ return 'Bastamag Bridge'; } public function getURI(){ return 'http://bastamag.net/'; } public function getCacheDuration(){ return 3600*2; // 2 hours } } ?>