<?php class TheTVDBBridge extends BridgeAbstract{ const MAINTAINER = "Astyan"; const NAME = "TheTVDB"; const URI = "http://thetvdb.com/"; const APIURI = "https://api.thetvdb.com/"; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 43200; // 12h const DESCRIPTION = "Returns latest episodes of a serie with theTVDB api. You can contribute to theTVDB."; const PARAMETERS = array(array( 'serie_id'=>array( 'type'=>'number', 'name'=>'ID', 'required'=>true, ), 'nb_episode'=>array( 'type'=>'number', 'name'=>'Number of episodes', 'defaultValue'=>10, 'required'=>true, ), ) ); const APIACCOUNT = "RSSBridge"; const APIKEY = "76DE1887EA401C9A"; const APIUSERKEY = "B52869AC6005330F"; private function getAPIURI(){ return self::APIURI; } private function getToken(){ //login and get token, don't use curlJob to do less adaptations $login_array = array("apikey" => self::APIKEY, "username" => self::APIACCOUNT, "userkey" => self::APIUSERKEY); $login_json = json_encode($login_array); $ch = curl_init($this->getAPIURI().'login'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $login_json); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json') ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $token_json = (array)json_decode($result); if(isset($token_json["Error"])){ throw new Exception($token_json["Error"]); die; } $token = $token_json['token']; return $token; } private function curlJob($token, $url){ $token_header = "Authorization: Bearer ".$token; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Accept: application/json', $token_header) ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $result_array = (array)json_decode($result); if(isset($result_array["Error"])){ throw new Exception($result_array["Error"]); die; } return $result_array; } private function getLatestSeasonNumber($token, $serie_id){ // get the last season $url = $this->getAPIURI().'series/'.$serie_id.'/episodes/summary'; $summary = $this->curlJob($token, $url); return max($summary['data']->airedSeasons); } private function getSerieName($token, $serie_id){ $url = $this->getAPIURI().'series/'.$serie_id; $serie = $this->curlJob($token, $url); return $serie['data']->seriesName; } private function getSeasonEpisodes($token, $serie_id, $season, $seriename ,&$episodelist, $nbepisodemin, $page=1){ $url = $this->getAPIURI().'series/'.$serie_id.'/episodes/query?airedSeason='.$season.'?page='.$page; $episodes = $this->curlJob($token, $url); // we don't check the number of page because we assume there is less than 100 episodes in every season $episodes = (array)$episodes['data']; $episodes = array_slice($episodes, -$nbepisodemin, $nbepisodemin); foreach($episodes as $episode){ $episodedata = array(); $episodedata['uri'] = $this->getURI().'?tab=episode&seriesid='.$serie_id.'&seasonid='.$episode->airedSeasonID.'&id='.$episode->id; // check if the absoluteNumber exist if(isset($episode->absoluteNumber)){ $episodedata['title'] = 'S'.$episode->airedSeason.'E'.$episode->airedEpisodeNumber.'('.$episode->absoluteNumber.') : '.$episode->episodeName; }else{ $episodedata['title'] = 'S'.$episode->airedSeason.'E'.$episode->airedEpisodeNumber.' : '.$episode->episodeName; } $episodedata['author'] = $seriename; $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $episode->firstAired.' 00:00:00'); $episodedata['timestamp'] = $date->getTimestamp(); $episodedata['content'] = $episode->overview; $episodelist[] = $episodedata; } } public function collectData(){ $serie_id = $this->getInput('serie_id'); $nbepisode = $this->getInput('nb_episode'); $episodelist = array(); $token = $this->getToken(); $maxseason = $this->getLatestSeasonNumber($token, $serie_id); $seriename = $this->getSerieName($token, $serie_id); $season = $maxseason; while(sizeof($episodelist) < $nbepisode and $season >= 1){ $nbepisodetmp = $nbepisode - sizeof($episodelist); $this->getSeasonEpisodes($token, $serie_id, $season, $seriename, $episodelist, $nbepisodetmp); $season = $season - 1; } // add the 10 last specials episodes try{ // catch to avoid error if empty $this->getSeasonEpisodes($token, $serie_id, 0, $seriename, $episodelist, $nbepisode); } catch (Exception $e) { } // sort and keep the 10 last episodes, works bad with the netflix serie (all episode lauch at once) usort($episodelist, function ($a, $b) { return $a['timestamp'] < $b['timestamp'];}); $this->items = array_slice($episodelist, 0, $nbepisode); } }