<?php class ShanaprojectBridge extends BridgeAbstract { public function loadMetadatas() { $this->maintainer = 'logmanoriginal'; $this->name = $this->getName(); $this->uri = $this->getURI(); $this->description = 'Returns a list of anime from the current Season Anime List'; $this->update = '2016-08-04'; } // Returns an html object for the Season Anime List (latest season) function LoadSeasonAnimeList(){ // First we need to find the URI to the latest season from the 'seasons' page searching for 'Season Anime List' $html = $this->file_get_html($this->getURI() . '/seasons'); if(!$html) $this->returnError('Could not load \'seasons\' page!', 404); $season = $html->find('div.follows_menu/a', 1); if(!$season) $this->returnError('Could not find \'Season Anime List\'!', 404); $html = $this->file_get_html($this->getURI() . $season->href); if(!$html) $this->returnError('Could not load \'Season Anime List\' from \'' . $season->innertext . '\'!'); return $html; } // Extracts the anime title function ExtractAnimeTitle($anime){ $title = $anime->find('a', 0); if(!$title) $this->returnError('Could not find anime title!', 404); return trim($title->innertext); } // Extracts the anime URI function ExtractAnimeURI($anime){ $uri = $anime->find('a', 0); if(!$uri) $this->returnError('Could not find anime URI!', 404); return $this->getURI() . $uri->href; } // Extracts the anime release date (timestamp) function ExtractAnimeTimestamp($anime){ $timestamp = $anime->find('span.header_info_block', 1); if(!$timestamp) $this->returnError('Could not find anime timestamp!', 404); return strtotime($timestamp->innertext); } // Extracts the anime studio name (author) function ExtractAnimeAuthor($anime){ $author = $anime->find('span.header_info_block', 2); if(!$author) return; // Sometimes the studio is unknown, so leave empty return trim($author->innertext); } // Extracts the episode information (x of y released) function ExtractAnimeEpisodeInformation($anime){ $episode = $anime->find('div.header_info_episode', 0); if(!$episode) $this->returnError('Could not find anime episode information!', 404); return preg_replace('/\r|\n/', ' ', $episode->plaintext); } // Extracts the background image function ExtractAnimeBackgroundImage($anime){ // Getting the picture is a little bit tricky as it is part of the style. // Luckily the style is part of the parent div :) if(preg_match("/url\(\/\/([^\)]+)\)/i", $anime->parent->style, $matches)) return $matches[1]; $this->returnError('Could not extract background image!', 404); } // Builds an URI to search for a specific anime (subber is left empty) function BuildAnimeSearchURI($anime){ return $this->getURI() . '/search/?title=' . urlencode($this->ExtractAnimeTitle($anime)) . '&subber='; } // Builds the content string for a given anime function BuildAnimeContent($anime){ // We'll use a template string to place our contents return '<a href="' . $this->ExtractAnimeURI($anime) . '"> <img src="http://' . $this->ExtractAnimeBackgroundImage($anime) . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($this->ExtractAnimeTitle($anime)) . '" style="border: 1px solid black"> </a><br> <p>' . $this->ExtractAnimeEpisodeInformation($anime) . '</p><br> <p><a href="' . $this->BuildAnimeSearchURI($anime) . '">Search episodes</a></p>'; } public function collectData (array $param){ $html = $this->LoadSeasonAnimeList(); $animes = $html->find('div.header_display_box_info'); if(!$animes) $this->returnError('Could not find anime headers!', 404); foreach($animes as $anime){ $item = new \Item(); $item->title = $this->ExtractAnimeTitle($anime); $item->author = $this->ExtractAnimeAuthor($anime); $item->uri = $this->ExtractAnimeURI($anime); $item->timestamp = $this->ExtractAnimeTimestamp($anime); $item->content = $this->BuildAnimeContent($anime); $this->items[] = $item; } } public function getName(){ return 'Shanaproject Bridge'; } public function getURI(){ return 'http://www.shanaproject.com'; } public function getCacheDuration(){ return 3600; // 1 hour } }