<?php class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const MAINTAINER = 'teromene'; const NAME = 'Facebook'; const URI = 'https://www.facebook.com/'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5min const DESCRIPTION = 'Input a page title or a profile log. For a profile log, please insert the parameter as follow : myExamplePage/132621766841117'; const PARAMETERS = array( array( 'u' => array( 'name' => 'Username', 'required' => true ), 'media_type' => array( 'name' => 'Media type', 'type' => 'list', 'required' => false, 'values' => array( 'All' => 'all', 'Video' => 'video', 'No Video' => 'novideo' ), 'defaultValue' => 'all' ) )); private $authorName = ''; public function collectData(){ //Extract a string using start and end delimiters function extractFromDelimiters($string, $start, $end){ if(strpos($string, $start) !== false) { $section_retrieved = substr($string, strpos($string, $start) + strlen($start)); $section_retrieved = substr($section_retrieved, 0, strpos($section_retrieved, $end)); return $section_retrieved; } return false; } //Utility function for cleaning a Facebook link $unescape_fb_link = function($matches){ if(is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 1) { $link = $matches[1]; if(strpos($link, '/') === 0) $link = self::URI . $link; if(strpos($link, 'facebook.com/l.php?u=') !== false) $link = urldecode(extractFromDelimiters($link, 'facebook.com/l.php?u=', '&')); return ' href="' . $link . '"'; } }; //Utility function for converting facebook emoticons $unescape_fb_emote = function($matches){ static $facebook_emoticons = array( 'smile' => ':)', 'frown' => ':(', 'tongue' => ':P', 'grin' => ':D', 'gasp' => ':O', 'wink' => ';)', 'pacman' => ':<', 'grumpy' => '>_<', 'unsure' => ':/', 'cry' => ':\'(', 'kiki' => '^_^', 'glasses' => '8-)', 'sunglasses' => 'B-)', 'heart' => '<3', 'devil' => ']:D', 'angel' => '0:)', 'squint' => '-_-', 'confused' => 'o_O', 'upset' => 'xD', 'colonthree' => ':3', 'like' => '👍'); $len = count($matches); if ($len > 1) for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) foreach ($facebook_emoticons as $name => $emote) if ($matches[$i] === $name) return $emote; return $matches[0]; }; $html = null; //Handle captcha response sent by the viewer if (isset($_POST['captcha_response'])) { if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['captcha_fields'], $_SESSION['captcha_action'])) { $captcha_action = $_SESSION['captcha_action']; $captcha_fields = $_SESSION['captcha_fields']; $captcha_fields['captcha_response'] = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", $_POST['captcha_response']); $header = array("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nReferer: $captcha_action\r\nCookie: noscript=1\r\n"); $opts = array( CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($captcha_fields) ); $html = getContents($captcha_action, $header, $opts); if($html === false) { returnServerError('Failed to submit captcha response back to Facebook'); } unset($_SESSION['captcha_fields']); $html = str_get_html($html); } unset($_SESSION['captcha_fields']); unset($_SESSION['captcha_action']); } //Retrieve page contents if(is_null($html)) { $header = array('Accept-Language: ' . getEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') . "\r\n"); // First character cannot be a forward slash if(strpos($this->getInput('u'), "/") === 0) { returnClientError('Remove leading slash "/" from the username!'); } if(!strpos($this->getInput('u'), "/")) { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . urlencode($this->getInput('u')) . '?_fb_noscript=1', $header) or returnServerError('No results for this query.'); } else { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . 'pages/' . $this->getInput('u') . '?_fb_noscript=1', $header) or returnServerError('No results for this query.'); } } //Handle captcha form? $captcha = $html->find('div.captcha_interstitial', 0); if (!is_null($captcha)) { //Save form for submitting after getting captcha response if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) session_start(); $captcha_fields = array(); foreach ($captcha->find('input, button') as $input) $captcha_fields[$input->name] = $input->value; $_SESSION['captcha_fields'] = $captcha_fields; $_SESSION['captcha_action'] = $captcha->find('form', 0)->action; //Show captcha filling form to the viewer, proxying the captcha image $img = base64_encode(getContents($captcha->find('img', 0)->src)); http_response_code(500); header('Content-Type: text/html'); $message = <<<EOD <form method="post" action="?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}"> <h2>Facebook captcha challenge</h2> <p>Unfortunately, rss-bridge cannot fetch the requested page.<br /> Facebook wants rss-bridge to resolve the following captcha:</p> <p><img src="data:image/png;base64,{$img}" /></p> <p><b>Response:</b> <input name="captcha_response" placeholder="please fill in" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit!" /></p> </form> EOD; die($message); } //No captcha? We can carry on retrieving page contents :) //First, we check wether the page is public or not $loginForm = $html->find('._585r', 0); if($loginForm != null) { returnServerError('You must be logged in to view this page. This is not supported by RSS-Bridge.'); } $element = $html ->find('#pagelet_timeline_main_column')[0] ->children(0) ->children(0) ->children(0) ->next_sibling() ->children(0); if(isset($element)) { $author = str_replace(' | Facebook', '', $html->find('title#pageTitle', 0)->innertext); $profilePic = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' . $this->getInput('u') . '/picture?width=200&height=200'; $this->authorName = $author; foreach($element->children() as $cell) { // Manage summary posts if(strpos($cell->class, '_3xaf') !== false) { $posts = $cell->children(); } else { $posts = array($cell); } foreach($posts as $post) { // Check media type switch($this->getInput('media_type')) { case 'all': break; case 'video': if(empty($post->find('[aria-label=Video]'))) continue 2; break; case 'novideo': if(!empty($post->find('[aria-label=Video]'))) continue 2; break; default: break; } $item = array(); if(count($post->find('abbr')) > 0) { //Retrieve post contents $content = preg_replace( '/(?i)><div class=\"clearfix([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"userContent\"/i', '', $post); $content = preg_replace( '/(?i)><div class=\"_59tj([^>]+)>(.+?)<\/div><\/div><a/i', '', $content); $content = preg_replace( '/(?i)><div class=\"_3dp([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"[^u]+userContent\"/i', '', $content); $content = preg_replace( '/(?i)><div class=\"_4l5([^>]+)>(.+?)<\/div>/i', '', $content); //Remove html nodes, keep only img, links, basic formatting $content = strip_tags($content, '<a><img><i><u><br><p>'); //Adapt link hrefs: convert relative links into absolute links and bypass external link redirection $content = preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', $unescape_fb_link, $content); //Clean useless html tag properties and fix link closing tags foreach (array( 'onmouseover', 'onclick', 'target', 'ajaxify', 'tabindex', 'class', 'style', 'data-[^=]*', 'aria-[^=]*', 'role', 'rel', 'id') as $property_name) $content = preg_replace('/ ' . $property_name . '=\"[^"]*\"/i', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('/<\/a [^>]+>/i', '</a>', $content); //Convert textual representation of emoticons eg //"<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" back to ASCII emoticons eg ":)" $content = preg_replace_callback( '/<i><u>([^ <>]+) ([^<>]+)<\/u><\/i>/i', $unescape_fb_emote, $content ); //Retrieve date of the post $date = $post->find("abbr")[0]; if(isset($date) && $date->hasAttribute('data-utime')) { $date = $date->getAttribute('data-utime'); } else { $date = 0; } //Build title from username and content $title = $author; if(strlen($title) > 24) $title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 24), "\n")) . '...'; $title = $title . ' | ' . strip_tags($content); if(strlen($title) > 64) $title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 64), "\n")) . '...'; $uri = self::URI . $post->find('abbr')[0]->parent()->getAttribute('href'); //Build and add final item $item['uri'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($uri); $item['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content); $item['title'] = $title; $item['author'] = $author; $item['timestamp'] = $date; $this->items[] = $item; } } } } } public function getName(){ if(!empty($this->authorName)) { return isset($this->extraInfos['name']) ? $this->extraInfos['name'] : $this->authorName . ' - Facebook Bridge'; } return parent::getName(); } }