getURI()) or $this->returnError('Could not request '.$this->getURI(), 404); foreach($html->find('.content-holder') as $contentHolder) { // only use first list as second one only contains pages numbers $articles = $contentHolder->find('ul', 0); foreach($articles->find('li') as $element) { // if you ask about that method_exists, there seems to be a bug in simple html dom // see stackoverflow for more details : if(is_object($element)) { $item = new Item(); // various metadata $titleBlock = $element->find('.title-holder', 0); if(is_object($titleBlock)) { $titleData = $titleBlock->find('.article-title',0)->find('h2', 0)->find('a',0); $item->title = trim($titleData->innertext); $item->uri = GQ.$titleData->href; $item->name = "Maïa Mazaurette"; $elementText = $element->find('.text-container', 0); // don't forget to replace images server url with gq one foreach($elementText->find('img') as $image) { $image->src = GQ.$image->src; } $item->content = $elementText->innertext; $this->items[] = $item; } } } } } public function getName(){ return 'Sexactu'; } public function getURI(){ return GQ.'/sexactu'; } public function getCacheDuration(){ return 7200; // 2h hours } public function getDescription(){ return "Sexactu via rss-bridge"; } } // what did you do Seb ? WHAT DID YOU DO ???? // seems like bridge should not incldue php close ?>