<?php class GlassdoorBridge extends BridgeAbstract { // Contexts const CONTEXT_BLOG = 'Blogs'; const CONTEXT_REVIEW = 'Company Reviews'; const CONTEXT_GLOBAL = 'global'; // Global context parameters const PARAM_LIMIT = 'limit'; // Blog context parameters const PARAM_BLOG_TYPE = 'blog_type'; const PARAM_BLOG_FULL = 'full_article'; const BLOG_TYPE_HOME = 'Home'; const BLOG_TYPE_COMPANIES_HIRING = 'Companies Hiring'; const BLOG_TYPE_CAREER_ADVICE = 'Career Advice'; const BLOG_TYPE_INTERVIEWS = 'Interviews'; const BLOG_TYPE_GUIDE = 'Guides'; // Review context parameters const PARAM_REVIEW_COMPANY = 'company'; const MAINTAINER = 'logmanoriginal'; const NAME = 'Glassdoor Bridge'; const URI = 'https://www.glassdoor.com/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns feeds for blog posts and company reviews'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400; // 24 hours const PARAMETERS = array( self::CONTEXT_BLOG => array( self::PARAM_BLOG_TYPE => array( 'name' => 'Blog type', 'type' => 'list', 'title' => 'Select the blog you want to follow', 'values' => array( self::BLOG_TYPE_HOME => 'blog/', self::BLOG_TYPE_COMPANIES_HIRING => 'blog/companies-hiring/', self::BLOG_TYPE_CAREER_ADVICE => 'blog/career-advice/', self::BLOG_TYPE_INTERVIEWS => 'blog/interviews/', self::BLOG_TYPE_GUIDE => 'blog/guide/' ) ), self::PARAM_BLOG_FULL => array( 'name' => 'Full article', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Enable to return the full article for each post' ), ), self::CONTEXT_REVIEW => array( self::PARAM_REVIEW_COMPANY => array( 'name' => 'Company URL', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'Paste the company review page URL here!', 'exampleValue' => 'https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/GitHub-Reviews-E671945.htm' ) ), self::CONTEXT_GLOBAL => array( self::PARAM_LIMIT => array( 'name' => 'Limit', 'type' => 'number', 'defaultValue' => -1, 'title' => 'Specifies the maximum number of items to return (default: All)' ) ) ); private $host = self::URI; // They redirect without notice :/ private $title = ''; public function getURI() { switch($this->queriedContext) { case self::CONTEXT_BLOG: return self::URI . $this->getInput(self::PARAM_BLOG_TYPE); case self::CONTEXT_REVIEW: return $this->filterCompanyURI($this->getInput(self::PARAM_REVIEW_COMPANY)); } return parent::getURI(); } public function getName() { return $this->title ? $this->title . ' - ' . self::NAME : parent::getName(); } public function collectData() { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI()) or returnServerError('Failed loading contents!'); $this->host = $html->find('link[rel="canonical"]', 0)->href; $html = defaultLinkTo($html, $this->host); $this->title = $html->find('meta[property="og:title"]', 0)->content; $limit = $this->getInput(self::PARAM_LIMIT); switch($this->queriedContext) { case self::CONTEXT_BLOG: $this->collectBlogData($html, $limit); break; case self::CONTEXT_REVIEW: $this->collectReviewData($html, $limit); break; } } private function collectBlogData($html, $limit) { $posts = $html->find('section') or returnServerError('Unable to find blog posts!'); foreach($posts as $post) { $item = array(); $item['uri'] = $post->find('header a', 0)->href; $item['title'] = $post->find('header', 0)->plaintext; $item['content'] = $post->find('div[class="excerpt-content"]', 0)->plaintext; $item['enclosures'] = array( $this->getFullSizeImageURI($post->find('div[class*="post-thumb"]', 0)->{'data-original'}) ); // optionally load full articles if($this->getInput(self::PARAM_BLOG_FULL)) { $full_html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item['uri']) or returnServerError('Unable to load full article!'); $full_html = defaultLinkTo($full_html, $this->host); $item['author'] = $full_html->find('a[rel="author"]', 0); $item['content'] = $full_html->find('article', 0); $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($full_html->find('time.updated', 0)->datetime); $item['categories'] = $full_html->find('span[class="post_tag"]'); } $this->items[] = $item; if($limit > 0 && count($this->items) >= $limit) return; } } private function collectReviewData($html, $limit) { $reviews = $html->find('#EmployerReviews li[id^="empReview]') or returnServerError('Unable to find reviews!'); foreach($reviews as $review) { $item = array(); $item['uri'] = $review->find('a.reviewLink', 0)->href; $item['title'] = $review->find('[class="summary"]', 0)->plaintext; $item['author'] = $review->find('div.author span', 0)->plaintext; $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($review->find('time', 0)->datetime); $mainText = $review->find('p.mainText', 0)->plaintext; $description = $review->find('div.prosConsAdvice', 0)->innertext; $item['content'] = "<p>{$mainText}</p><p>{$description}</p>"; $this->items[] = $item; if($limit > 0 && count($this->items) >= $limit) return; } } private function getFullSizeImageURI($uri) { /* Images are scaled for display on the website. The scaling takes place * on the host, who provides images in different sizes. * * For example: * https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/app/uploads/sites/2/GettyImages-982402074-e1538092065712-390x193.jpg * * By removing the size information we receive the full sized image. * * For example: * https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/app/uploads/sites/2/GettyImages-982402074-e1538092065712.jpg */ $uri = filter_var($uri, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); return preg_replace('/(.*)(\-\d+x\d+)(\.jpg)/', '$1$3', $uri); } private function filterCompanyURI($uri) { /* Make sure the URI is a valid review page. Unfortunately there is no * simple way to determine if the URI is valid, because of automagic * redirection and strange naming conventions. */ if(!filter_var($uri, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED)) { returnClientError('The specified URL is invalid!'); } $uri = filter_var($uri, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); $path = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH); $parts = explode('/', $path); $allowed_strings = array( 'de-DE' => 'Bewertungen', 'en-AU' => 'Reviews', 'nl-BE' => 'Reviews', 'fr-BE' => 'Avis', 'en-CA' => 'Reviews', 'fr-CA' => 'Avis', 'fr-FR' => 'Avis', 'en-IN' => 'Reviews', 'en-IE' => 'Reviews', 'nl-NL' => 'Reviews', 'de-AT' => 'Bewertungen', 'de-CH' => 'Bewertungen', 'fr-CH' => 'Avis', 'en-GB' => 'Reviews', 'en' => 'Reviews' ); if(!in_array($parts[1], $allowed_strings)) { returnClientError('Please specify a URL pointing to the companies review page!'); } return $uri; } }