<?php class ProjectMGameBridge extends BridgeAbstract{ public function loadMetadatas() { $this->maintainer = "corenting"; $this->name = "Project M Game Bridge"; $this->uri = "http://projectmgame.com/en/"; $this->description = "Returns the newest articles."; $this->update = "2014-08-27"; } public function collectData(array $param){ $html = ''; $html = file_get_html('http://projectmgame.com/en/') or $this->returnError('Error while downloading the Project M homepage', 404); foreach($html->find('article') as $article) { $item = new \Item(); $item->uri = 'http://projectmgame.com/en/'.$article->find('section div.info_block a',0)->href; $item->title = $article->find('h1 p',0)->innertext; $p_list = $article->find('section p'); $content = ''; foreach($p_list as $p) $content .= $p->innertext; $item->content = $content; // get publication date $str_date = $article->find('section div.info_block a',0)->innertext; $item->timestamp = strtotime($str_date); $this->items[] = $item; } } public function getName(){ return 'Project M Game Bridge'; } public function getURI(){ return 'http://projectmgame.com/en/'; } public function getCacheDuration(){ return 10800; //3 hours } }