
class VkBridge extends BridgeAbstract

	const MAINTAINER = 'em92';
	// const MAINTAINER = 'pmaziere';
	// const MAINTAINER = 'ahiles3005';
	const NAME = 'VK.com';
	const URI = 'https://vk.com/';
	const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5min
	const DESCRIPTION = 'Working with open pages';
	const PARAMETERS = array(
			'u' => array(
				'name' => 'Group or user name',
				'required' => true
			'hide_reposts' => array(
				'name' => 'Hide reposts',
				'type' => 'checkbox',

	protected $videos = array();
	protected $pageName;

	protected function getAccessToken()
		return 'e69b2db9f6cd4a97c0716893232587165c18be85bc1af1834560125c1d3c8ec281eb407a78cca0ae16776';

	public function getURI()
		if (!is_null($this->getInput('u'))) {
			return static::URI . urlencode($this->getInput('u'));

		return parent::getURI();

	public function getName()
		if ($this->pageName) {
			return $this->pageName;

		return parent::getName();

	public function collectData()
		$text_html = $this->getContents()
		or returnServerError('No results for group or user name "' . $this->getInput('u') . '".');

		$text_html = iconv('windows-1251', 'utf-8//ignore', $text_html);
		// makes album link generating work correctly
		$text_html = str_replace('"class="page_album_link">', '" class="page_album_link">', $text_html);
		$html = str_get_html($text_html);
		$pageName = $html->find('.page_name', 0);
		if (is_object($pageName)) {
			$pageName = $pageName->plaintext;
			$this->pageName = htmlspecialchars_decode($pageName);
		foreach ($html->find('div.replies') as $comment_block) {
			$comment_block->outertext = '';

		$pinned_post_item = null;
		$last_post_id = 0;

		foreach ($html->find('.post') as $post) {

			defaultLinkTo($post, self::URI);

			$post_videos = array();

			$is_pinned_post = false;
			if (strpos($post->getAttribute('class'), 'post_fixed') !== false) {
				$is_pinned_post = true;

			if (is_object($post->find('a.wall_post_more', 0))) {
				//delete link "show full" in content
				$post->find('a.wall_post_more', 0)->outertext = '';

			$content_suffix = '';

			// looking for external links
			$external_link_selectors = array(
				'div.page_media_link_title > a',
				'div.media_desc > a.lnk',

			foreach($external_link_selectors as $sel) {
				if (is_object($post->find($sel, 0))) {
					$a = $post->find($sel, 0);
					$innertext = $a->innertext;
					$parsed_url = parse_url($a->getAttribute('href'));
					if (strpos($parsed_url['path'], '/away.php') !== 0) continue;
					parse_str($parsed_url['query'], $parsed_query);
					$content_suffix .= "<br>External link: <a href='" . $parsed_query['to'] . "'>$innertext</a>";

			// remove external link from content
			$external_link_selectors_to_remove = array(
				'div.media_desc > a.lnk',

			foreach($external_link_selectors_to_remove as $sel) {
				if (is_object($post->find($sel, 0))) {
					$post->find($sel, 0)->outertext = '';

			// looking for article
			$article = $post->find('a.article_snippet', 0);
			if (is_object($article)) {
				if (strpos($article->getAttribute('class'), 'article_snippet_mini') !== false) {
					$article_title_selector = 'div.article_snippet_mini_title';
					$article_author_selector = 'div.article_snippet_mini_info > .mem_link,
						div.article_snippet_mini_info > .group_link';
					$article_thumb_selector = 'div.article_snippet_mini_thumb';
				} else {
					$article_title_selector = 'div.article_snippet__title';
					$article_author_selector = 'div.article_snippet__author';
					$article_thumb_selector = 'div.article_snippet__image';
				$article_title = $article->find($article_title_selector, 0)->innertext;
				$article_author = $article->find($article_author_selector, 0)->innertext;
				$article_link = $article->getAttribute('href');
				$article_img_element_style = $article->find($article_thumb_selector, 0)->getAttribute('style');
				preg_match('/background-image: url\((.*)\)/', $article_img_element_style, $matches);
				if (count($matches) > 0) {
					$content_suffix .= "<br><img src='" . $matches[1] . "'>";
				$content_suffix .= "<br>Article: <a href='$article_link'>$article_title ($article_author)</a>";
				$article->outertext = '';

			// get video on post
			$video = $post->find('div.post_video_desc', 0);
			$main_video_link = '';
			if (is_object($video)) {
				$video_title = $video->find('div.post_video_title', 0)->plaintext;
				$video_link = $video->find('a.lnk', 0)->getAttribute('href');
				$this->appendVideo($video_title, $video_link, $content_suffix, $post_videos);
				$video->outertext = '';
				$main_video_link = $video_link;

			// get all other videos
			foreach($post->find('a.page_post_thumb_video') as $a) {
				$video_title = htmlspecialchars_decode($a->getAttribute('aria-label'));
				$temp = explode(' ', $video_title, 2);
				if (count($temp) > 1) $video_title = $temp[1];
				$video_link = $a->getAttribute('href');
				if ($video_link != $main_video_link) $this->appendVideo($video_title, $video_link, $content_suffix, $post_videos);
				$a->outertext = '';

			// get all photos
			foreach($post->find('div.wall_text a.page_post_thumb_wrap') as $a) {
				$result = $this->getPhoto($a);
				if ($result == null) continue;
				$a->outertext = '';
				$content_suffix .= "<br>$result";

			// get albums
			foreach($post->find('.page_album_wrap') as $el) {
				$a = $el->find('.page_album_link', 0);
				$album_title = $a->find('.page_album_title_text', 0)->getAttribute('title');
				$album_link = $a->getAttribute('href');
				$el->outertext = '';
				$content_suffix .= "<br>Album: <a href='$album_link'>$album_title</a>";

			// get photo documents
			foreach($post->find('a.page_doc_photo_href') as $a) {
				$doc_link = $a->getAttribute('href');
				$doc_gif_label_element = $a->find('.page_gif_label', 0);
				$doc_title_element = $a->find('.doc_label', 0);

				if (is_object($doc_gif_label_element)) {
					$gif_preview_img = backgroundToImg($a->find('.page_doc_photo', 0));
					$content_suffix .= "<br>Gif: <a href='$doc_link'>$gif_preview_img</a>";

				} else if (is_object($doc_title_element)) {
					$doc_title = $doc_title_element->innertext;
					$content_suffix .= "<br>Doc: <a href='$doc_link'>$doc_title</a>";

				} else {


				$a->outertext = '';

			// get other documents
			foreach($post->find('div.page_doc_row') as $div) {
				$doc_title_element = $div->find('a.page_doc_title', 0);

				if (is_object($doc_title_element)) {
					$doc_title = $doc_title_element->innertext;
					$doc_link = $doc_title_element->getAttribute('href');
					$content_suffix .= "<br>Doc: <a href='$doc_link'>$doc_title</a>";

				} else {


				$div->outertext = '';

			// get polls
			foreach($post->find('div.page_media_poll_wrap') as $div) {
				$poll_title = $div->find('.page_media_poll_title', 0)->innertext;
				$content_suffix .= "<br>Poll: $poll_title";
				foreach($div->find('div.page_poll_text') as $poll_stat_title) {
					$content_suffix .= '<br>- ' . $poll_stat_title->innertext;
				$div->outertext = '';

			// get sign
			$post_author = $pageName;
			foreach($post->find('a.wall_signed_by') as $a) {
				$post_author = $a->innertext;
				$a->outertext = '';

			// fix links and get post hashtags
			$hashtags = array();
			foreach($post->find('a') as $a) {
				$href = $a->getAttribute('href');
				$innertext = $a->innertext;

				$hashtag_prefix = '/feed?section=search&q=%23';
				$hashtag = null;

				if ($href && substr($href, 0, strlen($hashtag_prefix)) === $hashtag_prefix) {
					$hashtag = urldecode(substr($href, strlen($hashtag_prefix)));
				} else if (substr($innertext, 0, 1) == '#') {
					$hashtag = $innertext;

				if ($hashtag) {
					$a->outertext = $innertext;
					$hashtags[] = $hashtag;

				$parsed_url = parse_url($href);

				if (array_key_exists('path', $parsed_url) === false) continue;

				if (strpos($parsed_url['path'], '/away.php') === 0) {
					parse_str($parsed_url['query'], $parsed_query);
					$a->setAttribute('href', iconv(

			if (is_object($post->find('div.copy_quote', 0))) {
				if ($this->getInput('hide_reposts') === true) {
				$copy_quote = $post->find('div.copy_quote', 0);
				if ($copy_post_header = $copy_quote->find('div.copy_post_header', 0)) {
					$copy_post_header->outertext = '';
				$copy_quote_content = $copy_quote->innertext;
				$copy_quote->outertext = "<br>Reposted: <br>$copy_quote_content";

			$item = array();
			$item['content'] = strip_tags(backgroundToImg($post->find('div.wall_text', 0)->innertext), '<a><br><img>');
			$item['content'] .= $content_suffix;
			$item['categories'] = $hashtags;

			// get post link
			$post_link = $post->find('a.post_link', 0)->getAttribute('href');
			preg_match('/wall-?\d+_(\d+)/', $post_link, $preg_match_result);
			$item['post_id'] = intval($preg_match_result[1]);
			$item['uri'] = $post_link;
			$item['timestamp'] = $this->getTime($post);
			$item['title'] = $this->getTitle($item['content']);
			$item['author'] = $post_author;
			$item['videos'] = $post_videos;
			if ($is_pinned_post) {
				// do not append it now
				$pinned_post_item = $item;
			} else {
				$last_post_id = $item['post_id'];
				$this->items[] = $item;


		if (!is_null($pinned_post_item)) {
			if (count($this->items) == 0) {
				$this->items[] = $pinned_post_item;
			} else if ($last_post_id < $pinned_post_item['post_id']) {
				$this->items[] = $pinned_post_item;
				usort($this->items, function ($item1, $item2) {
					return $item2['post_id'] - $item1['post_id'];


	private function getPhoto($a) {
		$onclick = $a->getAttribute('onclick');
		preg_match('/return showPhoto\(.+?({.*})/', $onclick, $preg_match_result);
		if (count($preg_match_result) == 0) return;

		$arg = htmlspecialchars_decode( str_replace('queue:1', '"queue":1', $preg_match_result[1]) );
		$data = json_decode($arg, true);
		if ($data == null) return;

		$thumb = $data['temp']['base'] . $data['temp']['x_'][0] . '.jpg';
		$original = '';
		foreach(array('y_', 'z_', 'w_') as $key) {
			if (!isset($data['temp'][$key])) continue;
			if (!isset($data['temp'][$key][0])) continue;
			if (substr($data['temp'][$key][0], 0, 4) == 'http') {
				$base = '';
			} else {
				$base = $data['temp']['base'];
			$original = $base . $data['temp'][$key][0] . '.jpg';

		if ($original) {
			return "<a href='$original'><img src='$thumb'></a>";
		} else {
			return "<img src='$thumb'>";

	private function getTitle($content)
		preg_match('/^["\w\ \p{L}\(\)\?#«»-]+/mu', htmlspecialchars_decode($content), $result);
		if (count($result) == 0) return 'untitled';
		return $result[0];

	private function getTime($post)
		if ($time = $post->find('span.rel_date', 0)->getAttribute('time')) {
			return $time;
		} else {
			$strdate = $post->find('span.rel_date', 0)->plaintext;

			$date = date_parse($strdate);
			if (!$date['year']) {
				if (strstr($strdate, 'today') !== false) {
					$strdate = date('d-m-Y') . ' ' . $strdate;
				} elseif (strstr($strdate, 'yesterday ') !== false) {
					$time = time() - 60 * 60 * 24;
					$strdate = date('d-m-Y', $time) . ' ' . $strdate;
				} elseif ($date['month'] && intval(date('m')) < $date['month']) {
					$strdate = $strdate . ' ' . (date('Y') - 1);
				} else {
					$strdate = $strdate . ' ' . date('Y');

				$date = date_parse($strdate);
			} elseif ($date['hour'] === false) {
				$date['hour'] = $date['minute'] = '00';
			return strtotime($date['day'] . '-' . $date['month'] . '-' . $date['year'] . ' ' .
				$date['hour'] . ':' . $date['minute']);


	private function getContents()
		ini_set('user-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0');

		$header = array('Accept-language: en', 'Cookie: remixlang=3');

		return getContents($this->getURI(), $header);

	protected function appendVideo($video_title, $video_link, &$content_suffix, array &$post_videos)
		if (!$video_title) $video_title = '(empty)';

		preg_match('/video([0-9-]+_[0-9]+)/', $video_link, $preg_match_result);

		if (count($preg_match_result) > 1) {
			$video_id = $preg_match_result[1];
			$this->videos[ $video_id ] = array(
				'url' => $video_link,
				'title' => $video_title,
			$post_videos[] = $video_id;
		} else {
			$content_suffix .= '<br>Video: <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($video_link) . '">' . $video_title . '</a>';

	protected function getCleanVideoLinks() {
		$result = $this->api('video.get', array(
			'videos' => implode(',', array_keys($this->videos)),
			'count' => 200

		if (isset($result['error'])) return;

		foreach($result['response']['items'] as $item) {
			$video_id = strval($item['owner_id']) . '_' . strval($item['id']);
			$this->videos[$video_id]['url'] = $item['player'];

		foreach($this->items as &$item) {
			foreach($item['videos'] as $video_id) {
				$video_link = $this->videos[$video_id]['url'];
				$video_title = $this->videos[$video_id]['title'];
				$item['content'] .= '<br>Video: <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($video_link) . '">' . $video_title . '</a>';

	protected function api($method, array $params)
		$params['v'] = '5.80';
		$params['access_token'] = $this->getAccessToken();
		return json_decode( getContents('https://api.vk.com/method/' . $method . '?' . http_build_query($params)), true );