<?php class NumeramaBridge extends FeedExpander { const MAINTAINER = 'mitsukarenai'; const NAME = 'Numerama'; const URI = 'http://www.numerama.com/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the 5 newest posts from Numerama (full text)'; public function collectData(){ $this->collectExpandableDatas(self::URI . 'feed/', 5); } protected function parseItem($newsItem){ $item = parent::parseItem($newsItem); $item['content'] = $this->ExtractContent($item['uri']); return $item; } private function ExtractContent($url){ $article_html = $this->getSimpleHTMLDOMCached('Could not request Numerama: '.$url); $contents = $article_html->find('section[class=related-article]', 0)->innertext = ''; // remove related articles block $contents = '<img alt="" style="max-width:300px;" src="'.$article_html->find('meta[property=og:image]', 0)->getAttribute('content').'">'; // add post picture return $contents . $article_html->find('article[class=post-content]', 0)->innertext; // extract the post } public function getCacheDuration() { return 1800; // 30min } }