<?php class DealabsBridge extends PepperBridgeAbstract { const NAME = 'Dealabs Bridge'; const URI = 'https://www.dealabs.com/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Affiche les Deals de Dealabs'; const MAINTAINER = 'sysadminstory'; const PARAMETERS = array( 'Recherche par Mot(s) clé(s)' => array ( 'q' => array( 'name' => 'Mot(s) clé(s)', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true ), 'hide_expired' => array( 'name' => 'Masquer les éléments expirés', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'required' => true ), 'hide_local' => array( 'name' => 'Masquer les deals locaux', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => 'Masquer les deals en magasins physiques', 'required' => true ), 'priceFrom' => array( 'name' => 'Prix minimum', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => 'Prix mnimum en euros', 'required' => false ), 'priceTo' => array( 'name' => 'Prix maximum', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => 'Prix maximum en euros', 'required' => false ), ), 'Deals par groupe' => array( 'group' => array( 'name' => 'Groupe', 'type' => 'list', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'Groupe dont il faut afficher les deals', 'values' => array( 'Abonnements internet' => 'abonnements-internet', 'Accessoires & gadgets' => 'accessoires-gadgets', 'Accessoires photo' => 'accessoires-photo', 'Accessoires vélo' => 'accessoires-velo', 'Acer' => 'acer', 'Adaptateurs' => 'adaptateurs', 'Adhérents Fnac' => 'adherents-fnac', 'adidas' => 'adidas', 'adidas Stan Smith' => 'adidas-stan-smith', 'adidas Superstar' => 'adidas-superstar', 'adidas ZX Flux' => 'adidas-zx-flux', 'Adoucissant' => 'adoucissant', 'Agendas' => 'agendas', 'Age of Empires' => 'age-of-empires', 'Alarmes' => 'alarmes', 'Alimentation & boissons' => 'alimentation-boissons', 'Alimentation PC' => 'alimentation-pc', 'Amazon Echo' => 'amazon-echo', 'Amazon Fire TV' => 'amazon-fire-tv', 'Amazon Kindle' => 'amazon-kindle', 'Amazon Prime' => 'amazon-prime', 'AMD Ryzen' => 'amd-ryzen', 'AMD Vega' => 'amd-vega', 'amiibo' => 'amiibo', 'Amplis' => 'amplis', 'Ampoules' => 'ampoules', 'Animaux' => 'animaux', 'Anker' => 'anker', 'Antivirus' => 'antivirus', 'Antivols' => 'antivols', 'Appareils de musculation' => 'appareils-de-musculation', 'Appareils photo' => 'appareils-photo', 'Apple AirPods' => 'apple-airpods', 'Apple' => 'apple', 'Apple iPad' => 'apple-ipad', 'Apple iPad Mini' => 'apple-ipad-mini', 'Apple iPad Pro' => 'apple-ipad-pro', 'Apple iPhone 6' => 'apple-iphone-6', 'Apple iPhone 7' => 'apple-iphone-7', 'Apple iPhone 8' => 'apple-iphone-8', 'Apple iPhone 8 Plus' => 'apple-iphone-8-plus', 'Apple iPhone' => 'apple-iphone', 'Apple iPhone SE' => 'apple-iphone-se', 'Apple iPhone X' => 'apple-iphone-x', 'Apple MacBook Air' => 'apple-macbook-air', 'Apple MacBook Pro' => 'apple-macbook-pro', 'Apple TV' => 'apple-tv', 'Apple Watch' => 'apple-watch', 'Applications Android' => 'applications-android', 'Applications' => 'applications', 'Applications iOS' => 'applications-ios', 'Applis & logiciels' => 'applis-logiciels', 'Arbres à chat' => 'arbres-a-chat', 'Asmodée' => 'asmodee', 'Aspirateurs' => 'aspirateurs', 'Aspirateurs Dyson' => 'aspirateurs-dyson', 'Aspirateurs robot' => 'aspirateurs-robot', 'Assassin's Creed' => 'assassin-s-creed', 'Assassin's Creed Origins' => 'assassin-s-creed-origins', 'Assurances' => 'assurances', 'Asus' => 'asus', 'ASUS Transformer' => 'asus-transformer', 'Asus ZenFone 2' => 'asus-zenfone-2', 'Asus ZenFone 3' => 'asus-zenfone-3', 'Asus ZenFone 4' => 'asus-zenfone-4', 'Asus ZenFone GO' => 'asus-zenfone-go', 'Aukey' => 'aukey', 'Auto' => 'auto', 'Auto-Moto' => 'auto-moto', 'Autoradios' => 'autoradios', 'Baby foot' => 'baby-foot', 'BabyLiss' => 'babyliss', 'Babyphones' => 'babyphones', 'Bagagerie' => 'bagagerie', 'Balançoires' => 'balancoires', 'Bandes dessinées' => 'bandes-dessinees', 'Banques' => 'banques', 'Barbecue' => 'barbecue', 'Barbie' => 'barbie', 'Barres de son' => 'barres-de-son', 'Batteries externes' => 'batteries-externes', 'Battlefield 1' => 'battlefield-1', 'Battlefield' => 'battlefield', 'Béaba' => 'beaba', 'Beats by Dre' => 'beats-by-dre', 'BenQ' => 'benq', 'Be quiet!' => 'be-quiet', 'Biberons' => 'biberons', 'Bières' => 'bieres', 'Bijoux' => 'bijoux', 'Billets d'avion' => 'billets-d-avion', 'BioShock' => 'bioshock', 'BioShock Infinite' => 'bioshock-infinite', 'Bitdefender' => 'bitdefender', 'Blackberry' => 'blackberry', 'Black & Decker' => 'black-decker', 'Blédina' => 'bledina', 'Blu-Ray' => 'blu-ray', 'Boissons' => 'boissons', 'Boîtes à outils' => 'boites-a-outils', 'Boîtiers PC' => 'boitiers-pc', 'Bonbons' => 'bonbons', 'Borderlands' => 'borderlands', 'Bosch' => 'bosch', 'Bose' => 'bose', 'Bose SoundLink' => 'bose-soundlink', 'Bottes' => 'bottes', 'Box beauté' => 'box-beaute', 'Bracelet fitness' => 'bracelet-fitness', 'Brandt' => 'brandt', 'Braun Silk Épil' => 'braun-silk-epil', 'Bricolage' => 'bricolage', 'Brosses à dents' => 'brosses-a-dents', 'Cable management' => 'cable-management', 'Câbles' => 'cables', 'Câbles HDMI' => 'cables-hdmi', 'Câbles USB' => 'cables-usb', 'Cadres' => 'cadres', 'Café' => 'cafe', 'Café en grain' => 'cafe-en-grain', 'Cafetières' => 'cafetieres', 'Cahiers' => 'cahiers', 'Call of Duty' => 'call-of-duty', 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' => 'call-of-duty-infinite-warfare', 'Calor' => 'calor', 'Caméras' => 'cameras', 'Caméras IP' => 'cameras-ip', 'Camping' => 'camping', 'Carburant' => 'carburant', 'Cartables' => 'cartables', 'Cartes graphiques' => 'cartes-graphiques', 'Cartes mères' => 'cartes-meres', 'Cartes postales' => 'cartes-postales', 'Casques audio' => 'casques-audio', 'Casques sans fil' => 'casques-sans-fil', 'Casquettes' => 'casquettes', 'Casseroles' => 'casseroles', 'CDAV' => 'cdav', 'Ceintures' => 'ceintures', 'Chaises' => 'chaises', 'Chaises hautes' => 'chaises-hautes', 'Chargeurs' => 'chargeurs', 'Chasse' => 'chasse', 'Chats' => 'chats', 'Chaussons' => 'chaussons', 'Chaussures adidas' => 'chaussures-adidas', 'Chaussures' => 'chaussures', 'Chaussures de football' => 'chaussures-de-football', 'Chaussures de randonnée' => 'chaussures-de-randonnee', 'Chaussures de running' => 'chaussures-de-running', 'Chaussures de ski' => 'chaussures-de-ski', 'Chaussures de ville' => 'chaussures-de-ville', 'Chaussures Nike' => 'chaussures-nike', 'Chelsea boots' => 'chelsea-boots', 'Chemises' => 'chemises', 'Chiens' => 'chiens', 'Chocolat' => 'chocolat', 'Chuck Taylor' => 'chuck-taylor', 'Cinéma' => 'cinema', 'Civilization' => 'civilization', 'Civilization VI' => 'civilization-vi', 'Clarks' => 'clarks', 'Claviers' => 'claviers', 'Claviers gamer' => 'claviers-gamer', 'Claviers mécaniques' => 'claviers-mecaniques', 'Clés USB' => 'cles-usb', 'Composteurs' => 'composteurs', 'Concerts' => 'concerts', 'Congélateurs' => 'congelateurs', 'Consoles' => 'consoles', 'Consoles & jeux vidéo' => 'consoles-jeux-video', 'Converse' => 'converse', 'Costumes' => 'costumes', 'Couches' => 'couches', 'Couettes' => 'couettes', 'Couteaux de cuisine' => 'couteaux-de-cuisine', 'Couverts' => 'couverts', 'Covoiturage' => 'covoiturage', 'Crédits' => 'credits', 'Croquettes pour chien' => 'croquettes-pour-chien', 'Cuisinières' => 'cuisinieres', 'Culture & divertissement' => 'culture-divertissement', 'Cyclisme' => 'cyclisme', 'DDR3' => 'ddr3', 'DDR4' => 'ddr4', 'Décoration' => 'decoration', 'Deezer' => 'deezer', 'Dell' => 'dell', 'Delsey' => 'delsey', 'Denon' => 'denon', 'Dentifrices' => 'dentifrices', 'Destiny 2' => 'destiny-2', 'Destiny' => 'destiny', 'Dishonored' => 'dishonored', 'Disneyland Paris' => 'disneyland-paris', 'Disques durs externes' => 'disques-durs-externes', 'Disques durs internes' => 'disques-durs', 'DJI' => 'dji', 'Dosettes Nespresso' => 'dosettes-nespresso', 'Dosettes Senseo' => 'dosettes-senseo', 'Dosettes Tassimo' => 'dosettes-tassimo', 'Draisiennes' => 'draisiennes', 'Drones' => 'drones', 'Durex' => 'durex', 'DVD' => 'dvd', 'Dyson' => 'dyson', 'Eastpak' => 'eastpak', 'ebooks' => 'ebooks', 'Écharpes & foulards' => 'echarpes-et-foulards', 'Écouteurs' => 'ecouteurs', 'Écouteurs intra-auriculaires' => 'ecouteurs-intra-auriculaires', 'Écouteurs sans fil' => 'ecouteurs-sans-fil', 'Écouteurs sport' => 'ecouteurs-sport', 'Écrans 21" et moins' => 'ecrans-21-pouces-et-moins', 'Écrans 24"' => 'ecrans-24-pouces', 'Écrans 27"' => 'ecrans-27-pouces', 'Écrans 29" et plus' => 'ecrans-29-pouces-et-plus', 'Écrans 4K / UHD' => 'ecrans-4k-uhd', 'Écrans Acer' => 'ecrans-acer', 'Écrans Asus' => 'ecrans-asus', 'Écrans BenQ' => 'ecrans-benq', 'Écrans Dell' => 'ecrans-dell', 'Écrans de projection' => 'ecrans-de-projection', 'Écrans' => 'ecrans', 'Écrans FreeSync' => 'ecrans-freesync', 'Écrans gamer' => 'ecrans-gamer', 'Écrans incurvés' => 'ecrans-incurves', 'Écrans Philips' => 'ecrans-philips', 'Écrans Samsung' => 'ecrans-samsung', 'Électricité (matériel)' => 'electricite', 'Electrolux' => 'electrolux', 'Électroménager' => 'electromenager', 'Embauchoirs' => 'embauchoirs', 'Enceintes Bluetooth' => 'enceintes-bluetooth', 'Enceintes' => 'enceintes', 'Engrais' => 'engrais', 'Entretien du jardin' => 'entretien-du-jardin', 'Épicerie' => 'epicerie', 'Épilateurs à lumière pulsée' => 'epilateurs-a-lumiere-pulsee', 'Épilateurs électriques' => 'epilateurs-electriques', 'Épilation' => 'epilation', 'Équipement auto' => 'equipement-auto', 'Équipement motard' => 'equipement-motard', 'Équipement sportif' => 'equipement-sportif', 'Érotisme' => 'erotisme', 'Escarpins' => 'escarpins', 'Événements sportifs' => 'evenements-sportifs', 'Expositions' => 'expositions', 'F1 2017' => 'f1-2017', 'Facom' => 'facom', 'Fallout 4' => 'fallout-4', 'Fallout' => 'fallout', 'Fards à paupières' => 'fards-a-paupieres', 'Fast-foods' => 'fast-foods', 'Fauteuils' => 'fauteuils', 'Fers à lisser / à friser' => 'fers-a-lisser-a-friser', 'Fers à souder' => 'fers-a-souder', 'Festivals' => 'festivals', 'Feutres' => 'feutres', 'FIFA 17' => 'fifa-17', 'FIFA 18' => 'fifa-18', 'FIFA 19' => 'fifa-19', 'FIFA' => 'fifa', 'Figurines' => 'figurines', 'Films' => 'films', 'Final Fantasy' => 'final-fantasy', 'Final Fantasy XII' => 'final-fantasy-xii', 'fitbit' => 'fitbit', 'Flash' => 'flash', 'Fluval' => 'fluval', 'Foires & salons' => 'foires-et-salons', 'Fonds de teint' => 'fonds-de-teint', 'Football' => 'football', 'Forfaits mobiles' => 'forfaits-mobiles', 'For Honor' => 'for-honor', 'Formule 1' => 'formule-1', 'Fortnite' => 'fortnite', 'Forza Horizon 3' => 'forza-horizon-3', 'Forza Motorsport 7' => 'forza-motorsport-7', 'Fossil' => 'fossil', 'Fournitures de bureau' => 'fournitures-de-bureau', 'Fournitures scolaires' => 'fournitures-scolaires', 'Fours à poser' => 'fours-a-poser', 'Fours encastrables' => 'fours-encastrables', 'Fours' => 'fours', 'Friandises pour chat' => 'friandises-pour-chat', 'Friandises pour chien' => 'friandises-pour-chien', 'Friskies' => 'friskies', 'Fruits & légumes' => 'fruits-et-legumes', 'FURminator' => 'furminator', 'Futuroscope' => 'futuroscope', 'Gamelles' => 'gamelles', 'Game of Thrones' => 'game-of-thrones', 'Gants' => 'gants', 'Gants moto' => 'gants-moto', 'Garmin' => 'garmin', 'Gâteaux & biscuits' => 'gateaux-et-biscuits', 'Gels douche' => 'gels-douche', 'Geox' => 'geox', 'Gigoteuses' => 'gigoteuses', 'Gillette' => 'gillette', 'Glaces' => 'glaces', 'God of War' => 'god-of-war', 'Google Chromecast' => 'google-chromecast', 'Google Home' => 'google-home', 'Google Pixel 2' => 'google-pixel-2', 'Google Pixel 2 XL' => 'google-pixel-2-xl', 'Google Pixel' => 'google-pixel', 'Google Pixel XL' => 'google-pixel-xl', 'GoPro Hero' => 'gopro-hero', 'Gran Turismo' => 'gran-turismo', 'Gratuit' => 'gratuit', 'Grille-pain' => 'grille-pain', 'GTA' => 'gta', 'GTA V' => 'gta-v', 'Guitares' => 'guitares', 'Gyropodes' => 'gyropodes', 'Haltères & poids' => 'halteres-et-poids', 'Hamacs' => 'hamacs', 'Hama' => 'hama', 'Hand spinners' => 'hand-spinners', 'Harnais pour chien' => 'harnais-pour-chien', 'Harry Potter' => 'harry-potter', 'Havaianas' => 'havaianas', 'HDD' => 'hdd', 'Hisense' => 'hisense', 'Home Cinéma' => 'home-cinema', 'Honor 6X' => 'honor-6x', 'Honor 8' => 'honor-8', 'Honor 8 Pro' => 'honor-8-pro', 'Honor 9' => 'honor-9', 'Horizon Zero Dawn' => 'horizon-zero-dawn', 'Hôtels' => 'hotels', 'Hoverboards' => 'hoverboards', 'HTC 10' => 'htc-10', 'HTC Desire' => 'htc-desire', 'HTC One M9' => 'htc-one-m9', 'HTC U11' => 'htc-u11', 'HTC U Play' => 'htc-u-play', 'HTC U Ultra' => 'htc-u-ultra', 'HTC Vive' => 'htc-vive', 'Huawei Mate 10' => 'huawei-mate-10', 'Huawei Mate 9' => 'huawei-mate-9', 'Huawei P10' => 'huawei-p10', 'Huawei P10 Lite' => 'huawei-p10-lite', 'Huawei P10 Plus' => 'huawei-p10-plus', 'Huawei P20' => 'huawei-p20', 'Huawei P20 Pro' => 'huawei-p20-pro', 'Huawei P8 Lite' => 'huawei-p8-lite', 'Huawei P9 Lite' => 'huawei-p9-lite', 'Hubs' => 'hubs', 'Huile moteur' => 'huile-moteur', 'Hygiène corporelle' => 'hygiene-corporelle', 'Hygiène de la maison' => 'hygiene-de-la-maison', 'Hygiène des bébés' => 'hygiene-des-bebes', 'Image, son & vidéo' => 'image-son-video', 'Impressions photo' => 'impressions-photo', 'Imprimantes 3D' => 'imprimantes-3d', 'Imprimantes Brother' => 'imprimantes-brother', 'Imprimantes Canon' => 'imprimantes-canon', 'Imprimantes Epson' => 'imprimantes-epson', 'Imprimantes HP' => 'imprimantes-hp', 'Imprimantes' => 'imprimantes', 'Imprimantes laser' => 'imprimantes-laser', 'Imprimantes multifonctions' => 'imprimantes-multifonctions', 'Informatique' => 'informatique', 'Instruments de musique' => 'instruments-de-musique', 'Intel i5' => 'intel-i5', 'Intel i7' => 'intel-i7', 'JBL Flip' => 'jbl-flip', 'JBL' => 'jbl', 'Jeans' => 'jeans', 'Jeux d'apprentissage' => 'jeux-d-apprentissage', 'Jeux d'extérieur' => 'jeux-d-exterieur', 'Jeux d'imitation' => 'jeux-d-imitation', 'Jeux de construction' => 'jeux-de-construction', 'Jeux de société' => 'jeux-de-societe', 'Jeux & jouets' => 'jeux-jouets', 'Jeux Nintendo Switch' => 'jeux-nintendo-switch', 'Jeux & paris' => 'jeux-et-paris', 'Jeux PC dématérialisés' => 'jeux-pc-dematerialises', 'Jeux PlayStation 4' => 'jeux-playstation-4', 'Jeux pour bébés' => 'jeux-pour-bebes', 'Jeux PS4 dématérialisés' => 'jeux-ps4-dematerialises', 'Jeux PS Plus' => 'jeux-ps-plus', 'Jeux vidéo' => 'jeux-video', 'Jeux Wii U' => 'jeux-wii-u', 'Jeux Xbox dématérialisés' => 'jeux-xbox-dematerialises', 'Jeux Xbox One' => 'jeux-xbox-one', 'Jeux Xbox with Gold' => 'jeux-xbox-with-gold', 'Journaux numériques' => 'journaux-numeriques', 'Journaux papier' => 'journaux-papier', 'Joy-Con' => 'manettes-nintendo-switch-joy-con', 'Jungle Speed' => 'jungle-speed', 'Kaspersky' => 'kaspersky', 'Kinder' => 'kinder', 'Kindle Paperwhite' => 'kindle-paperwhite', 'Kindle Voyage' => 'kindle-voyage', 'Kobo Aura 2' => 'kobo-aura-2', 'Kobo Aura H2o' => 'kobo-aura-h2o', 'Kobo' => 'kobo', 'L'annale du destin' => 'l-annale-du-destin', 'L'ombre de la guerre' => 'l-ombre-de-la-guerre', 'L'ombre du Mordor' => 'l-ombre-du-mordor', 'Lacoste' => 'lacoste', 'Lapeyre' => 'lapeyre', 'La Terre du Milieu' => 'la-terre-du-milieu', 'Lavage auto' => 'lavage-auto', 'Lave-linge frontal' => 'lave-linge-frontal', 'Lave-linge' => 'lave-linge', 'Lave-linge séchant' => 'lave-linge-sechant', 'Lave-linge top' => 'lave-linge-top', 'Lave-vaisselle' => 'lave-vaisselle', 'Le bâton de la vérité' => 'le-baton-de-la-verite', 'Lecteurs Blu-Ray' => 'lecteurs-blu-ray', 'Lecteurs CD' => 'lecteurs-cd', 'Lecteurs DVD' => 'lecteurs-dvd', 'Lego' => 'lego', 'Lego Star Wars' => 'lego-star-wars', 'Lenovo K6 Note' => 'lenovo-k6-note', 'Lenovo' => 'lenovo', 'Lenovo P8' => 'lenovo-p8', 'Lenovo Tab 3' => 'lenovo-tab-3', 'Lenovo Tab 4' => 'lenovo-tab-4', 'Lenovo Yoga' => 'lenovo-yoga', 'Lenovo Yoga Tab 3' => 'lenovo-yoga-tab-3', 'Lentilles de contact' => 'lentilles-de-contact', 'Le Seigneur des anneaux' => 'le-seigneur-des-anneaux', 'Les Sims' => 'les-sims', 'Lessive' => 'lessive', 'Levi's' => 'levi-s', 'LG G4' => 'lg-g4', 'LG G5' => 'lg-g5', 'LG G6' => 'lg-g6', 'LG' => 'lg', 'LG OLED TV' => 'lg-oled-tv', 'LG Q6' => 'lg-q6', 'LG Q8' => 'lg-q8', 'Life is Strange' => 'life-is-strange', 'Linge de maison' => 'linge-de-maison', 'Lingerie' => 'lingerie', 'Lingettes pour bébés' => 'lingettes-pour-bebes', 'Liseuses' => 'liseuses', 'Litière pour chat' => 'litiere-pour-chat', 'Lits' => 'lits', 'Lits pour bébé' => 'lits-pour-bebe', 'Livres audio' => 'livres-audio', 'Livres' => 'livres', 'Livres photo' => 'livres-photo', 'Location de voiture' => 'location-de-voiture', 'Logiciels de sécurité' => 'logiciels-de-securite', 'Logiciels Microsoft' => 'logiciels-microsoft', 'Logitech Harmony' => 'logitech-harmony', 'Logitech' => 'logitech', 'Loup-Garou' => 'loup-garou', 'Lubrifiants' => 'lubrifiants', 'Luminaires' => 'luminaires', 'Lunettes de natation' => 'lunettes-de-natation', 'Lunettes de soleil' => 'lunettes-de-soleil', 'MacBook' => 'macbook', 'Mac de bureau' => 'mac-de-bureau', 'Machines à café à dosettes' => 'machines-a-cafe-a-dosettes', 'Machines à café en grain' => 'machines-a-cafe-en-grain', 'Machines à pain' => 'machines-a-pain', 'Machines Dolce Gusto' => 'machines-dolce-gusto', 'Machines Nespresso' => 'machines-nespresso', 'Machines Senseo' => 'machines-senseo', 'Magasins d'usine' => 'magasins-usine', 'Magazines' => 'magazines', 'Maillots de bain' => 'maillots-de-bain', 'Maillots de football' => 'maillots-de-football', 'Maison & Jardin' => 'maison-et-jardin', 'Makita' => 'makita', 'Manettes Nintendo Switch Pro' => 'manettes-nintendo-switch-pro', 'Manettes PlayStation 4' => 'manettes-playstation-4', 'Manettes Xbox One Elite' => 'manettes-xbox-one-elite', 'Manettes Xbox One' => 'manettes-xbox-one', 'Manix' => 'manix', 'Manteaux' => 'manteaux', 'Maquillage' => 'maquillage', 'Mario Kart' => 'mario-kart', 'Marteaux & maillets' => 'marteaux-et-maillets', 'Mascara' => 'mascara', 'Masques de ski' => 'masques-de-ski', 'Mass Effect: Andromeda' => 'mass-effect-andromeda', 'Matchs de football' => 'matchs-de-football', 'Matelas gonflables' => 'matelas-gonflables', 'Matelas' => 'matelas', 'Matériaux de construction' => 'materiaux-de-construction', 'Matériel de ski' => 'materiel-de-ski', 'Medion' => 'medion', 'Meubles pour chat' => 'meubles-pour-chat', 'Micro-casques gaming' => 'micro-casques-gaming', 'Micro-ondes' => 'micro-ondes', 'Microphones' => 'microphones', 'Micro-SD' => 'micro-sd', 'Microsoft Office' => 'microsoft-office', 'Microsoft Surface' => 'microsoft-surface', 'Miele' => 'miele', 'Minecraft' => 'minecraft', 'Mixeurs' => 'mixeurs', 'M&M's' => 'metm-s', 'Mobilier' => 'mobilier', 'Mode & accessoires' => 'mode-accessoires', 'Mode enfants' => 'mode-enfants', 'Mode femme' => 'mode-femme', 'Mode homme' => 'mode-homme', 'Modélisme' => 'modelisme', 'Monopoly' => 'monopoly', 'Montage PC' => 'montage-pc', 'Montres' => 'montres', 'Moto C Plus' => 'moto-c-plus', 'Moto E4' => 'moto-e4', 'Moto G5' => 'moto-g5', 'Moto G5 Plus' => 'moto-g5-plus', 'Moto G5S' => 'moto-g5s', 'Moto G5S Plus' => 'moto-g5s-plus', 'Moto M' => 'moto-m', 'Moto' => 'moto', 'Moto Z2' => 'moto-z2', 'Moto Z2 Play' => 'moto-z2-play', 'Moulinex' => 'moulinex', 'Mousses à raser' => 'mousses-a-raser', 'MSI' => 'msi', 'Musées' => 'musees', 'Musique' => 'musique', 'NAS' => 'nas', 'Natation' => 'natation', 'Navigation' => 'navigation', 'NERF' => 'nerf', 'New Balance' => 'new-balance', 'Nike Air Force' => 'nike-air-force', 'Nike Air Max' => 'nike-air-max', 'Nike Free' => 'nike-free', 'Nike Huarache' => 'nike-huarache', 'Nike' => 'nike', 'Nintendo Classic Mini' => 'nintendo-classic-mini', 'Nintendo' => 'nintendo', 'Nintendo Switch' => 'nintendo-switch', 'Nivea' => 'nivea', 'Nokia 5' => 'nokia-5', 'Nokia 6' => 'nokia-6', 'Nokia 8' => 'nokia-8', 'Nourriture pour chat' => 'nourriture-pour-chat', 'Nourriture pour chien' => 'nourriture-pour-chien', 'Nutella' => 'nutella', 'Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060' => 'nvidia-geforce-gtx-1060', 'Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070' => 'nvidia-geforce-gtx-1070', 'Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080' => 'nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080', 'Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' => 'nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-ti', 'Nvidia' => 'nvidia', 'Nvidia Shield' => 'nvidia-shield', 'Objectifs' => 'objectifs', 'Oculus Rift' => 'oculus-rift', 'Oiseaux' => 'oiseaux', 'OnePlus 5' => 'oneplus-5', 'OnePlus 5T' => 'oneplus-5t', 'OnePlus 6' => 'oneplus-6', 'Onkyo' => 'onkyo', 'Ordinateurs de bureau' => 'ordinateurs-de-bureau', 'Oreillers' => 'oreillers', 'Outillage' => 'outillage', 'Outils de jardinage' => 'outils-de-jardinage', 'Overwatch' => 'overwatch', 'Packs clavier-souris' => 'packs-clavier-souris', 'Paiement en ligne' => 'paiement-en-ligne', 'Pampers' => 'pampers', 'Panasonic' => 'panasonic', 'Panier Plus' => 'panier-plus', 'Pantalons' => 'pantalons', 'Papeterie' => 'papeterie', 'Papier peint' => 'papier-peint', 'Papier toilette' => 'papier-toilette', 'Parapharmacie' => 'parapharmacie', 'Parc Astérix' => 'parc-asterix', 'Parfums femme' => 'parfums-femme', 'Parfums homme' => 'parfums-homme', 'Parfums' => 'parfums', 'Parkas' => 'parkas', 'Parrot' => 'parrot', 'Partitions' => 'partitions', 'PC de bureau complets' => 'pc-de-bureau-complets', 'PC gamer complets' => 'pc-gamer-complets', 'PC hybrides' => 'hybrides', 'PC portables' => 'pc-portables', 'Pêche' => 'peche', 'Peintures' => 'peintures', 'Peluches' => 'peluches', 'Perceuses' => 'perceuses', 'Périphériques PC' => 'peripheriques-pc', 'Pèse-personnes' => 'pese-personnes', 'PES' => 'pro-evolution-soccer', 'Petites voitures' => 'petites-voitures', 'Philips Hue' => 'philips-hue', 'Philips Lumea' => 'philips-lumea', 'Philips One Blade' => 'philips-one-blade', 'Philips' => 'philips', 'Philips Sonicare' => 'philips-sonicare', 'Photo' => 'photo', 'Pièces auto' => 'pieces-auto', 'Pièces moto' => 'pieces-moto', 'Pièces vélo' => 'pieces-velo', 'Piles' => 'piles', 'Piles rechargeables' => 'piles-rechargeables', 'Pinces' => 'pinces', 'Pizza' => 'pizza', 'Places de cinéma' => 'places-de-cinema', 'Plage' => 'plage', 'Plantes' => 'plantes', 'Plaques de cuisson' => 'plaques-de-cuisson', 'Platines vinyle' => 'platines-vinyle', 'Playmobil' => 'playmobil', 'PlayStation 4' => 'playstation-4', 'PlayStation 4 Pro' => 'playstation-4-pro', 'PlayStation 4 Slim' => 'playstation-4-slim', 'PlayStation' => 'playstation', 'PlayStation Plus' => 'playstation-plus', 'Playstation Store' => 'playstation-store', 'Plomberie' => 'plomberie', 'Pneus' => 'pneus', 'PocketBook' => 'pocketbook', 'Poêles' => 'poeles', 'Pokémon' => 'pokemon', 'Portables gamer' => 'portables-gamer', 'Porte-bébé' => 'porte-bebe', 'Portefeuilles' => 'portefeuilles', 'Posters' => 'posters', 'Potager' => 'potager', 'Poulaillers' => 'poulaillers', 'Poupées' => 'poupees', 'Poussettes' => 'poussettes', 'Premiers secours' => 'premiers-secours', 'Préservatifs' => 'preservatifs', 'Princesse Tam-Tam' => 'princesse-tam-tam', 'Processeurs' => 'processeurs', 'Protection de la maison' => 'protection-de-la-maison', 'Protections intimes' => 'protections-intimes', 'Puériculture' => 'puericulture', 'Pulls' => 'pulls', 'Puma' => 'puma', 'Purificateurs d'air' => 'purificateurs-d-air', 'Purina' => 'purina', 'Puzzles' => 'puzzles', 'Pyjamas pour bébés' => 'pyjamas-pour-bebes', 'Pyjamas' => 'pyjamas', 'Qobuz' => 'qobuz', 'RAM' => 'ram', 'Randonnée' => 'randonnee', 'Rasage' => 'rasage', 'Rasoirs électriques' => 'rasoirs-electriques', 'Rasoirs manuels' => 'rasoirs-manuels', 'Raspberry Pi' => 'raspberry-pi', 'Ray-Ban' => 'ray-ban', 'Razer' => 'razer', 'Réductions étudiants & jeunes' => 'reductions-etudiants-et-jeunes', 'Reebok' => 'reebok', 'Réfrigérateurs' => 'refrigerateurs', 'Réhausseurs' => 'rehausseurs', 'Remington' => 'remington', 'Répéteurs' => 'repeteurs', 'Réseau' => 'reseau', 'Resident Evil 7' => 'resident-evil-7', 'Resident Evil' => 'resident-evil', 'Restaurants' => 'restaurants', 'Richelieus' => 'richelieus', 'Risk' => 'risk', 'Rongeurs' => 'rongeurs', 'Rouges à lèvres' => 'rouges-a-levres', 'Routeurs' => 'routeurs', 'Royal Canin' => 'royal-canin', 'Running' => 'running', 'Sacs à dos' => 'sacs-a-dos', 'Sacs à langer' => 'sacs-a-langer', 'Sacs à main' => 'sacs-a-main', 'Samsonite' => 'samsonite', 'Samsung Galaxy A5' => 'samsung-galaxy-a5', 'Samsung Galaxy Note 8' => 'samsung-galaxy-note-8', 'Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge' => 'samsung-galaxy-s7-edge', 'Samsung Galaxy S7' => 'samsung-galaxy-s7', 'Samsung Galaxy S8' => 'samsung-galaxy-s8', 'Samsung Galaxy S8+' => 'samsung-galaxy-s8plus', 'Samsung Galaxy S9' => 'samsung-galaxy-s9', 'Samsung Galaxy Tab A' => 'samsung-galaxy-tab-a', 'Samsung Galaxy Tab S2' => 'samsung-galaxy-tab-s2', 'Samsung Galaxy Tab S3' => 'samsung-galaxy-tab-s3', 'Samsung Gear' => 'samsung-gear', 'Samsung Gear VR' => 'samsung-gear-vr', 'Samsung' => 'samsung', 'Sandales' => 'sandales', 'SanDisk' => 'sandisk', 'Santé & Cosmétiques' => 'sante-et-cosmetiques', 'Savons' => 'savons', 'Scanners' => 'scanners', 'Scies' => 'scies', 'Scooters' => 'scooters', 'Seagate' => 'seagate', 'Sécateurs' => 'secateurs', 'Sèche-cheveux' => 'seche-cheveux', 'Sèche-linge' => 'seche-linge', 'Séjours' => 'sejours', 'Sennheiser' => 'sennheiser', 'Séries TV' => 'series-tv', 'Services divers' => 'services-divers', 'Serviettes hygiéniques' => 'serviettes-hygieniques', 'Serviettes' => 'serviettes', 'Sextoys' => 'sextoys', 'Shorts de bain' => 'shorts-de-bain', 'Shorts' => 'shorts', 'Sièges auto' => 'sieges-auto', 'Siemens' => 'siemens', 'Skechers' => 'sketchers', 'Ski' => 'ski', 'Skyrim' => 'skyrim', 'Smartbox' => 'smartbox', 'Smart Home' => 'smart-home', 'Smartphones à moins de 100€' => 'smartphones-moins-de-100', 'Smartphones à moins de 200€' => 'smartphones-moins-de-200', 'Smartphones Android' => 'smartphones-android', 'Smartphones Huawei' => 'smartphones-huawei', 'Smartphones Nokia' => 'smartphones-nokia', 'Smartphones Samsung' => 'smartphones-samsung', 'Smartphones' => 'smartphones', 'Smartphones Xiaomi' => 'smartphones-xiaomi', 'Smart TV' => 'smart-tv', 'Smartwatch' => 'smartwatch', 'Sneakers' => 'sneakers', 'Soin des cheveux' => 'soin-des-cheveux', 'Sonos PLAYBAR' => 'sonos-playbar', 'Sonos' => 'sonos', 'Sony PlayStation VR' => 'sony-playstation-vr', 'Sony' => 'sony', 'Sony Xperia XA1' => 'sony-xperia-xa1', 'Sony Xperia X Compact' => 'sony-xperia-x-compact', 'Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact' => 'sony-xperia-xz1-compact', 'Sony Xperia XZ1' => 'sony-xperia-xz1', 'Sony Xperia XZ Premium' => 'sony-xperia-xz-premium', 'Sony Xperia Z3' => 'sony-xperia-z3', 'Sorties' => 'sorties', 'Souris gamer' => 'souris-gamer', 'Souris Logitech' => 'souris-logitech', 'Souris sans fil' => 'souris-sans-fil', 'Souris' => 'souris', 'South Park' => 'south-park', 'Spectacles comiques' => 'spectacles-comiques', 'Spectacles' => 'spectacles', 'Sports & plein air' => 'sports-plein-air', 'Spotify' => 'spotify', 'SSD' => 'ssd', 'Star Wars Battlefront' => 'star-wars-battlefront', 'Stickers muraux' => 'stickers-muraux', 'Stihl' => 'stihl', 'Stockage externe' => 'stockage', 'Streaming musical' => 'streaming-musical', 'Stylos' => 'stylos', 'Sucettes' => 'sucettes', 'Super Mario' => 'super-mario', 'Support GPS & smartphone' => 'support-gps-et-smartphone', 'Surface Pro 4' => 'surface-pro-4', 'Surgelés' => 'surgeles', 'Surveillance' => 'surveillance', 'Swatch' => 'swatch', 'Switch réseau' => 'switch-reseau', 'Systèmes d'exploitation' => 'systemes-d-exploitation', 'Systèmes multiroom' => 'systemes-multiroom', 'Tables à langer' => 'tables-a-langer', 'Tables de camping' => 'tables-de-camping', 'Tables de mixage' => 'tables-de-mixage', 'Tables' => 'tables', 'Tablettes graphiques Huion' => 'huion', 'Tablettes graphiques' => 'tablettes-graphiques', 'Tablettes graphiques Wacom' => 'wacom', 'Tablettes Lenovo' => 'tablettes-lenovo', 'Tablettes Samsung' => 'tablettes-samsung', 'Tablettes' => 'tablettes', 'Tablettes Xiaomi' => 'tablettes-xiaomi', 'Tampons' => 'tampons', 'Tapis' => 'tapis', 'Taxis' => 'taxis', 'Tefal' => 'tefal', 'Télécommandes' => 'telecommandes', 'Téléphones fixes' => 'telephones-fixes', 'Téléphonie' => 'telephonie', 'Téléviseurs' => 'televiseurs', 'Tentes' => 'tentes', 'Têtes de brosse à dents de rechange' => 'tetes-de-brosse-a-dents-de-rechange', 'Théâtre' => 'theatre', 'The Legend of Zelda' => 'the-legend-of-zelda', 'Thermomètres' => 'thermometres', 'Thermomix' => 'thermomix', 'Thés glacés' => 'thes-glaces', 'Thés' => 'thes', 'The Walking dead' => 'the-walking-dead', 'The Witcher 3' => 'the-witcher-3', 'The Witcher' => 'the-witcher', 'Time's Up!' => 'time-s-up', 'Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands' => 'tom-clancy-s-ghost-recon-wildlands', 'Tom Clancy's The Division' => 'tom-clancy-s-the-division', 'Tom Clancy's' => 'tom-clancy-s', 'TomTom' => 'tomtom', 'Tondeuses à gazon' => 'tondeuses-a-gazon', 'Tondeuses' => 'tondeuses', 'Toner' => 'toner', 'Torchons' => 'torchons', 'Toshiba' => 'toshiba', 'Total War' => 'total-war', 'Total War: Warhammer II' => 'total-war-warhammer-ii', 'Total War: Warhammer' => 'total-war-warhammer', 'Tournevis & visseuses' => 'tournevis-et-visseuses', 'TP-Link' => 'tp-link', 'Transats & cosys' => 'transats-et-cosys', 'Transports en commun' => 'transports-en-commun', 'Trixie' => 'trixie', 'Tronçonneuses' => 'tronconneuses', 'Trottinettes électriques' => 'trottinettes-electriques', 'Trottinettes' => 'trottinettes', 'T-shirts' => 't-shirts', 'TV 39'' et moins' => 'tv-39-pouces-et-moins', 'TV 40'' à 64''' => 'tv-40-pouces-a-64-pouces', 'TV 4K' => 'tv-4k', 'TV 65'' et plus' => 'tv-65-pouces-et-plus', 'TV Full HD' => 'tv-full-hd', 'TV incurvées' => 'tv-incurvees', 'TV LG' => 'tv-lg', 'TV OLED' => 'tv-oled', 'TV Panasonic' => 'tv-panasonic', 'TV Philips' => 'tv-philips', 'TV Samsung' => 'tv-samsung', 'TV Sony' => 'tv-sony', 'Ultraportables' => 'ultraportables', 'Uncharted 4' => 'uncharted-4', 'Uncharted: The Lost Legacy' => 'uncharted-the-lost-legacy', 'Uncharted' => 'uncharted', 'Ustensiles de cuisine' => 'ustensiles-de-cuisine', 'Ustensiles de cuisson' => 'ustensiles-de-cuisson', 'Vaisselle' => 'vaisselle', 'Valises cabine' => 'valises-cabine', 'Valises rigides' => 'valises-rigides', 'Valises' => 'valises', 'Variétés & revues' => 'varietes-et-revues', 'Vases' => 'vases', 'Veet' => 'veet', 'Vélos d'appartement' => 'velos-d-appartement', 'Vélos' => 'velos', 'Ventilateurs' => 'ventilateurs', 'Ventirad' => 'ventirad', 'Vernis à ongles' => 'vernis-a-ongles', 'Vestes' => 'vestes', 'Vêtements d'été' => 'vetements-d-ete', 'Vêtements d'hiver' => 'vetements-d-hiver', 'Vêtements de grossesse' => 'vetements-de-grossesse', 'Vêtements de ski' => 'vetements-de-ski', 'Vêtements de sport' => 'vetements-de-sport', 'Vêtements pour bébé' => 'vetements-pour-bebe', 'Vêtements techniques' => 'vetements-techniques', 'Vidéoprojecteurs 3D' => 'videoprojecteurs-3d', 'Vidéoprojecteurs Acer' => 'videoprojecteurs-acer', 'Vidéoprojecteurs BenQ' => 'videoprojecteurs-benq', 'Vidéoprojecteurs Epson' => 'videoprojecteurs-epson', 'Vidéoprojecteurs HD' => 'videoprojecteurs-hd', 'Vidéoprojecteurs LG' => 'videoprojecteurs-lg', 'Vidéoprojecteurs Optoma' => 'videoprojecteurs-optoma', 'Vidéoprojecteurs' => 'projecteurs', 'Vidéo' => 'video', 'Vins' => 'vins', 'Visites & patrimoine' => 'visites-et-patrimoine', 'VOD' => 'vod', 'Voitures télécommandées' => 'voitures-telecommandees', 'Voyages & sorties' => 'voyages-et-sorties', 'Voyages' => 'voyages', 'VPN' => 'vpn', 'VR' => 'vr', 'VTC' => 'vtc', 'VTT' => 'vtt', 'Wacom Cintiq' => 'cintiq', 'Watercooling' => 'watercooling', 'WD (Western Digital)' => 'western-digital', 'Wearables' => 'wearables', 'Whey' => 'whey', 'Whirlpool' => 'whirlpool', 'Whiskas' => 'whiskas', 'Wii U' => 'wii-u', 'Wiko' => 'wiko', 'Windows' => 'windows', 'WindScribe' => 'windscribe', 'Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus' => 'wolfenstein-ii-the-new-colossus', 'Wolfenstein' => 'wolfenstein', 'Wonderbox' => 'wonderbox', 'Xbox Live' => 'xbox-live', 'Xbox One S' => 'xbox-one-s', 'Xbox One' => 'xbox-one', 'Xbox One X' => 'xbox-one-x', 'Xbox' => 'xbox', 'Xiaomi Mi6' => 'xiaomi-mi6', 'Xiaomi Mi A1' => 'xiaomi-mi-a1', 'Xiaomi Mi Band' => 'xiaomi-mi-band', 'Xiaomi Mi Box' => 'xiaomi-mi-box', 'Xiaomi Mi Max' => 'xiaomi-mi-max', 'Xiaomi Mi Mix 2' => 'xiaomi-mi-mix-2', 'Xiaomi Mi Mix' => 'xiaomi-mi-mix', 'Xiaomi Mi Pad 3' => 'xiaomi-mi-pad-3', 'Xiaomi Redmi 4A' => 'xiaomi-redmi-4a', 'Xiaomi Redmi 4X' => 'xiaomi-redmi-4x', 'Xiaomi Redmi Note 4' => 'xiaomi-redmi-note-4', 'Xiaomi Smart Home' => 'xiaomi-smart-home', 'Xiaomi' => 'xiaomi', 'Yamaha' => 'yamaha', 'Zelda: Breath of the Wild' => 'zelda-breath-of-the-wild', 'Zoos' => 'zoos', ) ), 'order' => array( 'name' => 'Trier par', 'type' => 'list', 'required' => true, 'title' => 'Ordre de tri des deals', 'values' => array( 'Du deal le plus Hot au moins Hot' => '', 'Du deal le plus récent au plus ancien' => '-nouveaux', 'Du deal le plus commentés au moins commentés' => '-commentes' ) ) ) ); public $lang = array( 'bridge-uri' => SELF::URI, 'bridge-name' => SELF::NAME, 'context-keyword' => 'Recherche par Mot(s) clé(s)', 'context-group' => 'Deals par groupe', 'uri-group' => '/groupe/', 'request-error' => 'Could not request Dealabs', 'no-results' => 'Il n'y a rien à afficher pour le moment :(', 'relative-date-indicator' => array( 'il y a', ), 'price' => 'Prix', 'shipping' => 'Livraison', 'origin' => 'Origine', 'discount' => 'Réduction', 'title-keyword' => 'Recherche', 'title-group' => 'Groupe', 'local-months' => array( 'janvier', 'février', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', 'août', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'décembre' ), 'local-time-relative' => array( 'il y a ', 'min', 'h', 'jour', 'jours', 'mois', 'ans', 'et ' ), 'date-prefixes' => array( 'Actualisé ', ), 'relative-date-alt-prefixes' => array( 'Actualisé ', ), 'relative-date-ignore-suffix' => array( ), 'localdeal' => array( 'Local', 'Pays d\'expédition' ), ); } class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract { const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; public function collectData(){ switch($this->queriedContext) { case $this->i8n('context-keyword'): return $this->collectDataKeywords(); break; case $this->i8n('context-group'): return $this->collectDataGroup(); break; } } /** * Get the Deal data from the choosen group in the choosed order */ protected function collectDataGroup() { $group = $this->getInput('group'); $order = $this->getInput('order'); $url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri') . $this->i8n('uri-group') . $group . $order; $this->collectDeals($url); } /** * Get the Deal data from the choosen keywords and parameters */ protected function collectDataKeywords() { $q = $this->getInput('q'); $hide_expired = $this->getInput('hide_expired'); $hide_local = $this->getInput('hide_local'); $priceFrom = $this->getInput('priceFrom'); $priceTo = $this->getInput('priceFrom'); /* Even if the original website uses POST with the search page, GET works too */ $url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri') . '/search/advanced?q=' . urlencode($q) . '&hide_expired=' . $hide_expired . '&hide_local=' . $hide_local . '&priceFrom=' . $priceFrom . '&priceTo=' . $priceTo /* Some default parameters * search_fields : Search in Titres & Descriptions & Codes * sort_by : Sort the search by new deals * time_frame : Search will not be on a limited timeframe */ . '&search_fields[]=1&search_fields[]=2&search_fields[]=3&sort_by=new&time_frame=0'; $this->collectDeals($url); } /** * Get the Deal data using the given URL */ protected function collectDeals($url){ $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url) or returnServerError($this->i8n('request-error')); $list = $html->find('article[id]'); // Deal Image Link CSS Selector $selectorImageLink = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'cept-thread-image-link', 'imgFrame', 'imgFrame--noBorder', 'thread-listImgCell', ) ); // Deal Link CSS Selector $selectorLink = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'cept-tt', 'thread-link', 'linkPlain', ) ); // Deal Hotness CSS Selector $selectorHot = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'cept-vote-box', 'vote-box' ) ); // Deal Description CSS Selector $selectorDescription = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'cept-description-container', 'overflow--wrap-break' ) ); // Deal Date CSS Selector $selectorDate = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'size--all-s', 'flex', 'boxAlign-jc--all-fe' ) ); // If there is no results, we don't parse the content because it display some random deals $noresult = $html->find('h3[class=size--all-l size--fromW2-xl size--fromW3-xxl]', 0); if ($noresult != null && strpos($noresult->plaintext, $this->i8n('no-results')) !== false) { $this->items = array(); } else { foreach ($list as $deal) { $item = array(); $item['uri'] = $deal->find('div[class=threadGrid-title]', 0)->find('a', 0)->href; $item['title'] = $deal->find('a[class*=' . $selectorLink . ']', 0 )->plaintext; $item['author'] = $deal->find('span.thread-username', 0)->plaintext; $item['content'] = '<table><tr><td><a href="' . $deal->find( 'a[class*=' . $selectorImageLink . ']', 0)->href . '"><img src="' . $this->getImage($deal) . '"/></td><td><h2><a href="' . $deal->find('a[class*=' . $selectorLink . ']', 0)->href . '">' . $deal->find('a[class*=' . $selectorLink . ']', 0)->innertext . '</a></h2>' . $this->getPrice($deal) . $this->getDiscount($deal) . $this->getShipsFrom($deal) . $this->getShippingCost($deal) . $this->GetSource($deal) . $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorDescription . ']', 0)->innertext . '</td><td>' . $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorHot . ']', 0) ->find('span', 1)->outertext . '</td></table>'; $dealDateDiv = $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorDate . ']', 0) ->find('span[class=hide--toW3]'); $itemDate = end($dealDateDiv)->plaintext; // In case of a Local deal, there is no date, but we can use // this case for other reason (like date not in the last field) if ($this->contains($itemDate, $this->i8n('localdeal'))) { $item['timestamp'] = time(); } else if ($this->contains($itemDate, $this->i8n('relative-date-indicator'))) { $item['timestamp'] = $this->relativeDateToTimestamp($itemDate); } else { $item['timestamp'] = $this->parseDate($itemDate); } $this->items[] = $item; } } } /** * Check if the string $str contains any of the string of the array $arr * @return boolean true if the string matched anything otherwise false */ private function contains($str, array $arr) { foreach ($arr as $a) { if (stripos($str, $a) !== false) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the Price from a Deal if it exists * @return string String of the deal price */ private function getPrice($deal) { if ($deal->find( 'span[class*=thread-price]', 0) != null) { return '<div>' . $this->i8n('price') . ' : ' . $deal->find( 'span[class*=thread-price]', 0 )->plaintext . '</div>'; } else { return ''; } } /** * Get the Shipping costs from a Deal if it exists * @return string String of the deal shipping Cost */ private function getShippingCost($deal) { if ($deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0) != null) { if ($deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->children(0) != null) { return '<div>' . $this->i8n('shipping') . ' : ' . $deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->children(0)->innertext . '</div>'; } else { return '<div>' . $this->i8n('shipping') . ' : ' . $deal->find('span[class*=cept-shipping-price]', 0)->innertext . '</div>'; } } else { return ''; } } /** * Get the source of a Deal if it exists * @return string String of the deal source */ private function GetSource($deal) { if ($deal->find('a[class=text--color-greyShade]', 0) != null) { return '<div>' . $this->i8n('origin') . ' : ' . $deal->find('a[class=text--color-greyShade]', 0)->outertext . '</div>'; } else { return ''; } } /** * Get the original Price and discout from a Deal if it exists * @return string String of the deal original price and discount */ private function getDiscount($deal) { if ($deal->find('span[class*=mute--text text--lineThrough]', 0) != null) { $discountHtml = $deal->find('span[class=space--ml-1 size--all-l size--fromW3-xl]', 0); if ($discountHtml != null) { $discount = $discountHtml->plaintext; } else { $discount = ''; } return '<div>' . $this->i8n('discount') . ' : <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">' . $deal->find( 'span[class*=mute--text text--lineThrough]', 0 )->plaintext . '</span> ' . $discount . '</div>'; } else { return ''; } } /** * Get the Picture URL from a Deal if it exists * @return string String of the deal Picture URL */ private function getImage($deal) { $selectorLazy = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'thread-image', 'width--all-auto', 'height--all-auto', 'imgFrame-img', 'cept-thread-img', 'img--dummy', 'js-lazy-img' ) ); $selectorPlain = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'thread-image', 'width--all-auto', 'height--all-auto', 'imgFrame-img', 'cept-thread-img' ) ); if ($deal->find('img[class=' . $selectorLazy . ']', 0) != null) { return json_decode( html_entity_decode( $deal->find('img[class=' . $selectorLazy . ']', 0) ->getAttribute('data-lazy-img')))->{'src'}; } else { return $deal->find('img[class*=' . $selectorPlain . ']', 0 )->src; } } /** * Get the originating country from a Deal if it exists * @return string String of the deal originating country */ private function getShipsFrom($deal) { $selector = implode( ' ', /* Notice this is a space! */ array( 'meta-ribbon', 'overflow--wrap-off', 'space--l-3', 'text--color-greyShade' ) ); if ($deal->find('span[class=' . $selector . ']', 0) != null) { return '<div>' . $deal->find('span[class=' . $selector . ']', 0)->children(2)->plaintext . '</div>'; } else { return ''; } } /** * Transforms a local date into a timestamp * @return int timestamp of the input date */ private function parseDate($string) { $month_local = $this->i8n('local-months'); $month_en = array( 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ); // A date can be prfixed with some words, we remove theme $string = $this->removeDatePrefixes($string); // We translate the local months name in the english one $date_str = trim(str_replace($month_local, $month_en, $string)); // If the date does not contain any year, we add the current year if (!preg_match('/[0-9]{4}/', $string)) { $date_str .= ' ' . date('Y'); } // Add the Hour and minutes $date_str .= ' 00:00'; $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('j F Y H:i', $date_str); return $date->getTimestamp(); } /** * Remove the prefix of a date if it has one * @return the date without prefiux */ private function removeDatePrefixes($string) { $string = str_replace($this->i8n('date-prefixes'), array(), $string); return $string; } /** * Remove the suffix of a relative date if it has one * @return the relative date without suffixes */ private function removeRelativeDateSuffixes($string) { if (count($this->i8n('relative-date-ignore-suffix')) > 0) { $string = preg_replace($this->i8n('relative-date-ignore-suffix'), '', $string); } return $string; } /** * Transforms a relative local date into a timestamp * @return int timestamp of the input date */ private function relativeDateToTimestamp($str) { $date = new DateTime(); // In case of update date, replace it by the regular relative date first word $str = str_replace($this->i8n('relative-date-alt-prefixes'), $this->i8n('local-time-relative')[0], $str); $str = $this->removeRelativeDateSuffixes($str); $search = $this->i8n('local-time-relative'); $replace = array( '-', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year', '' ); $date->modify(str_replace($search, $replace, $str)); return $date->getTimestamp(); } /** * Returns the RSS Feed title according to the parameters * @return string the RSS feed Tiyle */ public function getName(){ switch($this->queriedContext) { case $this->i8n('context-keyword'): return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-keyword') . ' : ' . $this->getInput('q'); break; case $this->i8n('context-group'): $values = $this->getParameters()[$this->i8n('context-group')]['group']['values']; $group = array_search($this->getInput('group'), $values); return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-group') . ' : ' . $group; break; default: // Return default value return static::NAME; } } /** * This is some "localisation" function that returns the needed content using * the "$lang" class variable in the local class * @return various the local content needed */ protected function i8n($key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->lang)) { return $this->lang[$key]; } else { return null; } } }