
class N26Bridge extends BridgeAbstract
	const MAINTAINER = 'quentinus95';
	const NAME = 'N26 Blog';
	const URI = 'https://n26.com';
	const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1800;
	const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns recent blog posts from N26.';

	public function getIcon()
		return 'https://n26.com/favicon.ico';

	public function collectData()
		$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . '/en-fr/blog-archive')
			or returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');

		foreach($html->find('div.ga') as $article) {
			$item = [];

			$item['uri'] = self::URI . $article->find('h2 a', 0)->href;
			$item['title'] = $article->find('h2 a', 0)->plaintext;

			$fullArticle = getSimpleHTMLDOM($item['uri'])
				or returnServerError('Error while downloading the full article');

			$dateElement = $fullArticle->find('span[class="fk fl de ch fm by"]', 0);
			$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($dateElement->plaintext);
			$item['content'] = $fullArticle->find('main article', 0)->innertext;

			$this->items[] = $item;