<?php class MemcachedCache implements CacheInterface { private $scope; private $key; private $conn; private $expiration = 0; private $time = false; private $data = null; public function __construct() { if (!extension_loaded('memcached')) { returnServerError('"memcached" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"'); } $host = Configuration::getConfig(get_called_class(), 'host'); $port = Configuration::getConfig(get_called_class(), 'port'); if (empty($host) && empty($port)) { returnServerError('Configuration for ' . get_called_class() . ' missing. Please check your ' . FILE_CONFIG); } else if (empty($host)) { returnServerError('"host" param is not set for ' . get_called_class() . '. Please check your ' . FILE_CONFIG); } else if (empty($port)) { returnServerError('"port" param is not set for ' . get_called_class() . '. Please check your ' . FILE_CONFIG); } else if (!ctype_digit($port)) { returnServerError('"port" param is invalid for ' . get_called_class() . '. Please check your ' . FILE_CONFIG); } $port = intval($port); if ($port < 1 || $port > 65535) { returnServerError('"port" param is invalid for ' . get_called_class() . '. Please check your ' . FILE_CONFIG); } $conn = new Memcached(); $conn->addServer($host, $port) or returnServerError('Could not connect to memcached server'); $this->conn = $conn; } public function loadData(){ if ($this->data) return $this->data; $result = $this->conn->get($this->getCacheKey()); if ($result === false) { return null; } $this->time = $result['time']; $this->data = $result['data']; return $result['data']; } public function saveData($datas){ $time = time(); $object_to_save = array( 'data' => $datas, 'time' => $time, ); $result = $this->conn->set($this->getCacheKey(), $object_to_save, $this->expiration); if($result === false) { returnServerError('Cannot write the cache to memcached server'); } $this->time = $time; return $this; } public function getTime(){ if ($this->time === false) { $this->loadData(); } return $this->time; } public function purgeCache($duration){ // Note: does not purges cache right now // Just sets cache expiration and leave cache purging for memcached itself $this->expiration = $duration; } /** * Set scope * @return self */ public function setScope($scope){ $this->scope = $scope; return $this; } /** * Set key * @return self */ public function setKey($key){ if (!empty($key) && is_array($key)) { $key = array_map('strtolower', $key); } $key = json_encode($key); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \Exception('The given key is invalid!'); } $this->key = $key; return $this; } private function getCacheKey(){ if(is_null($this->key)) { returnServerError('Call "setKey" first!'); } return 'rss_bridge_cache_' . hash('md5', $this->scope . $this->key . 'A'); } }