class CuriousCatBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
	const NAME = 'Curious Cat Bridge';
	const URI = 'https://curiouscat.me';
	const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns list of newest questions and answers for a user profile';
	const MAINTAINER = 'VerifiedJoseph';
	const PARAMETERS = array(array(
		'username' => array(
			'name' => 'Username',
			'type' => 'text',
			'required' => true,
			'exampleValue' => 'koethekoethe',

	const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;

	public function collectData() {

		$url = self::URI . '/api/v2/profile?username=' . urlencode($this->getInput('username'));

		$apiJson = getContents($url)
			or returnServerError('Could not request: ' . $url);

		$apiData = json_decode($apiJson, true);

		foreach($apiData['posts'] as $post) {
			$item = array();

			$item['author'] = 'Anonymous';

			if ($post['senderData']['id'] !== false) {
				$item['author'] = $post['senderData']['username'];

			$item['uri'] = $this->getURI() . '/post/' . $post['id'];
			$item['title'] = $this->ellipsisTitle($post['comment']);

			$item['content'] = $this->processContent($post);
			$item['timestamp'] = $post['timestamp'];

			$this->items[] = $item;

	public function getURI() {

		if (!is_null($this->getInput('username'))) {
			return self::URI . '/' . $this->getInput('username');

		return parent::getURI();

	public function getName() {

		if (!is_null($this->getInput('username'))) {
			return $this->getInput('username') . ' - Curious Cat';

		return parent::getName();

	private function processContent($post) {

		$author = 'Anonymous';

		if ($post['senderData']['id'] !== false) {
			$authorUrl = self::URI . '/' . $post['senderData']['username'];

			$author = <<<EOD
<a href="{$authorUrl}">{$post['senderData']['username']}</a>

		$question = $this->formatUrls($post['comment']);
		$answer = $this->formatUrls($post['reply']);

		$content = <<<EOD
<p>{$author} asked:</p>
<p>{$post['addresseeData']['username']} answered:</p>

		return $content;

	private function ellipsisTitle($text) {
		$length = 150;

		if (strlen($text) > $length) {
			$text = explode('<br>', wordwrap($text, $length, '<br>'));
			return $text[0] . '...';

		return $text;

	private function formatUrls($content) {

		return preg_replace(
			'<a target="_blank" href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a> ',
