 * This file is part of RSS-Bridge, a PHP project capable of generating RSS and
 * Atom feeds for websites that don't have one.
 * For the full license information, please view the UNLICENSE file distributed
 * with this source code.
 * @package	Core
 * @license	http://unlicense.org/ UNLICENSE
 * @link	https://github.com/rss-bridge/rss-bridge

 * The format interface
 * @todo Add missing function to the interface
 * @todo Explain parameters and return values in more detail
 * @todo Return self more often (to allow call chaining)
interface FormatInterface {
	 * Generate a string representation of the current data
	 * @return string The string representation
	public function stringify();

	 * Display the current data to the user
	 * @return self The format object
	public function display();

	 * Set items
	 * @param array $bridges The items
	 * @return self The format object
	 * @todo Rename parameter `$bridges` to `$items`
	public function setItems(array $bridges);

	 * Return items
	 * @throws \LogicException if the items are not set
	 * @return array The items
	public function getItems();

	 * Set extra information
	 * @param array $infos Extra information
	 * @return self The format object
	public function setExtraInfos(array $infos);

	 * Return extra information
	 * @return array Extra information
	public function getExtraInfos();

	 * Set charset
	 * @param string $charset The charset
	 * @return self The format object
	public function setCharset($charset);

	 * Return current charset
	 * @return string The charset
	public function getCharset();