<?php class NineGagBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const NAME = '9gag Bridge'; const URI = 'https://9gag.com/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns latest quotes from 9gag.'; const MAINTAINER = 'ZeNairolf'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; const PARAMETERS = array( 'Popular' => array( 'd' => array( 'name' => 'Section', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Hot' => 'hot', 'Trending' => 'trending', 'Fresh' => 'fresh', ), ), 'video' => array( 'name' => 'Filter Video', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'NotFiltred' => 'none', 'VideoFiltred' => 'without', 'VideoOnly' => 'only', ), ), 'p' => array( 'name' => 'Pages', 'type' => 'number', 'defaultValue' => 3, ), ), 'Sections' => array( 'g' => array( 'name' => 'Section', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Animals' => 'cute', 'Anime & Manga' => 'anime-manga', 'Ask 9GAG' => 'ask9gag', 'Awesome' => 'awesome', 'Basketball' => 'basketball', 'Car' => 'car', 'Classical Art Memes' => 'classicalartmemes', 'Comic' => 'comic', 'Cosplay' => 'cosplay', 'Countryballs' => 'country', 'DIY & Crafts' => 'imadedis', 'Drawing & Illustration' => 'drawing', 'Fan Art' => 'animefanart', 'Food & Drinks' => 'food', 'Football' => 'football', 'Fortnite' => 'fortnite', 'Funny' => 'funny', 'GIF' => 'gif', 'Gaming' => 'gaming', 'Girl' => 'girl', 'Girly Things' => 'girly', 'Guy' => 'guy', 'History' => 'history', 'Home Design' => 'home', 'Horror' => 'horror', 'K-Pop' => 'kpop', 'LEGO' => 'lego', 'League of Legends' => 'leagueoflegends', 'Movie & TV' => 'movie-tv', 'Music' => 'music', 'NFK - Not For Kids' => 'nsfw', 'Overwatch' => 'overwatch', 'PC Master Race' => 'pcmr', 'PUBG' => 'pubg', 'Pic Of The Day' => 'photography', 'Pokémon' => 'pokemon', 'Politics' => 'politics', 'Relationship' => 'relationship', 'Roast Me' => 'roastme', 'Satisfying' => 'satisfying', 'Savage' => 'savage', 'School' => 'school', 'Sci-Tech' => 'science', 'Sport' => 'sport', 'Star Wars' => 'starwars', 'Superhero' => 'superhero', 'Surreal Memes' => 'surrealmemes', 'Timely' => 'timely', 'Travel' => 'travel', 'Video' => 'video', 'WTF' => 'wtf', 'Wallpaper' => 'wallpaper', 'Warhammer' => 'warhammer', ), ), 't' => array( 'name' => 'Type', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Hot' => 'hot', 'Fresh' => 'fresh', ), ), 'p' => array( 'name' => 'Pages', 'type' => 'number', 'defaultValue' => 3, ), ), ); const MIN_NBR_PAGE = 1; const MAX_NBR_PAGE = 6; protected $p = null; public function collectData() { $url = sprintf( '%sv1/group-posts/group/%s/type/%s?', self::URI, $this->getGroup(), $this->getType() ); $cursor = 'c=10'; $posts = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getPages(); ++$i) { $content = getContents($url . $cursor); $json = json_decode($content, true); $posts = array_merge($posts, $json['data']['posts']); $cursor = $json['data']['nextCursor']; } foreach ($posts as $post) { $AvoidElement = false; switch ($this->getInput('video')) { case 'without': if ($post['type'] === 'Animated') { $AvoidElement = true; } break; case 'only': echo $post['type']; if ($post['type'] !== 'Animated') { $AvoidElement = true; } break; case 'none': default: break; } if (!$AvoidElement) { $item['uri'] = $post['url']; $item['title'] = $post['title']; $item['content'] = self::getContent($post); $item['categories'] = self::getCategories($post); $item['timestamp'] = self::getTimestamp($post); $this->items[] = $item; } } } public function getName() { if ($this->getInput('d')) { $name = sprintf('%s - %s', '9GAG', $this->getParameterKey('d')); } elseif ($this->getInput('g')) { $name = sprintf('%s - %s', '9GAG', $this->getParameterKey('g')); if ($this->getInput('t')) { $name = sprintf('%s [%s]', $name, $this->getParameterKey('t')); } } if (!empty($name)) { return $name; } return self::NAME; } public function getURI() { $uri = $this->getInput('g'); if ($uri === 'default') { $uri = $this->getInput('t'); } return self::URI . $uri; } protected function getGroup() { if ($this->getInput('d')) { return 'default'; } return $this->getInput('g'); } protected function getType() { if ($this->getInput('d')) { return $this->getInput('d'); } return $this->getInput('t'); } protected function getPages() { if ($this->p === null) { $value = (int) $this->getInput('p'); $value = ($value < self::MIN_NBR_PAGE) ? self::MIN_NBR_PAGE : $value; $value = ($value > self::MAX_NBR_PAGE) ? self::MAX_NBR_PAGE : $value; $this->p = $value; } return $this->p; } protected function getParameterKey($input = '') { $params = $this->getParameters(); $tab = 'Sections'; if ($input === 'd') { $tab = 'Popular'; } if (!isset($params[$tab][$input])) { return ''; } return array_search( $this->getInput($input), $params[$tab][$input]['values'] ); } protected static function getContent($post) { if ($post['type'] === 'Animated') { $content = self::getAnimated($post); } elseif ($post['type'] === 'Article') { $content = self::getArticle($post); } else { $content = self::getPhoto($post); } return $content; } protected static function getPhoto($post) { $image = $post['images']['image460']; $photo = '<picture>'; $photo .= sprintf( '<source srcset="%s" type="image/webp">', $image['webpUrl'] ); $photo .= sprintf( '<img src="%s" alt="%s" %s>', $image['url'], $post['title'], 'width="500"' ); $photo .= '</picture>'; return $photo; } protected static function getAnimated($post) { $poster = $post['images']['image460']['url']; $sources = $post['images']; $video = sprintf( '<video poster="%s" %s>', $poster, 'preload="auto" loop controls style="min-height: 300px" width="500"' ); $video .= sprintf( '<source src="%s" type="video/webm">', $sources['image460sv']['vp9Url'] ); $video .= sprintf( '<source src="%s" type="video/mp4">', $sources['image460sv']['h265Url'] ); $video .= sprintf( '<source src="%s" type="video/mp4">', $sources['image460svwm']['url'] ); $video .= '</video>'; return $video; } protected static function getArticle($post) { $blocks = $post['article']['blocks']; $medias = $post['article']['medias']; $contents = array(); foreach ($blocks as $block) { if ('Media' === $block['type']) { $mediaId = $block['mediaId']; $contents[] = self::getContent($medias[$mediaId]); } elseif ('RichText' === $block['type']) { $contents[] = self::getRichText($block['content']); } } $content = join('</div><div>', $contents); $content = sprintf( '<%1$s>%2$s</%1$s>', 'div', $content ); return $content; } protected static function getRichText($text = '') { $text = trim($text); if (preg_match('/^>\s(?<text>.*)/', $text, $matches)) { $text = sprintf( '<%1$s>%2$s</%1$s>', 'blockquote', $matches['text'] ); } else { $text = sprintf( '<%1$s>%2$s</%1$s>', 'p', $text ); } return $text; } protected static function getCategories($post) { $params = self::PARAMETERS; $sections = $params['Sections']['g']['values']; if(isset($post['sections'])) { $postSections = $post['sections']; } elseif (isset($post['postSection'])) { $postSections = array($post['postSection']); } else { $postSections = array(); } foreach ($postSections as $key => $section) { $postSections[$key] = array_search($section, $sections); } return $postSections; } protected static function getTimestamp($post) { $url = $post['images']['image460']['url']; $headers = get_headers($url, true); $date = $headers['Date']; $time = strtotime($date); return $time; } }