class EZTVBridge extends BridgeAbstract {

	const MAINTAINER = "alexAubin";
	const NAME = 'EZTV';
	const URI = 'https://eztv.ch/';
	const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns list of *recent* torrents for a specific show
on EZTV. Get showID from URLs in https://eztv.ch/shows/showID/show-full-name.';

	const PARAMETERS = array( array(
		'i' => array(
			'name' => 'Show ids',
			'exampleValue' => 'showID1,showID2,…',
			'required' => true

	public function collectData(){

		// Make timestamp from relative released time in table
		function makeTimestamp($relativeReleaseTime){

			$relativeDays = 0;
			$relativeHours = 0;

			foreach(explode(" ", $relativeReleaseTime) as $relativeTimeElement) {
				if(substr($relativeTimeElement, -1) == "d") $relativeDays = substr($relativeTimeElement, 0, -1);
				if(substr($relativeTimeElement, -1) == "h") $relativeHours = substr($relativeTimeElement, 0, -1);
			return mktime(date('h') - $relativeHours, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - $relativeDays, date('Y'));

		// Loop on show ids
		$showList = explode(",", $this->getInput('i'));
		foreach($showList as $showID) {

			// Get show page
			$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . 'shows/' . rawurlencode($showID) . '/')
				or returnServerError('Could not request EZTV for id "' . $showID . '"');

			// Loop on each element that look like an episode entry...
			foreach($html->find('.forum_header_border') as $element) {

				// Filter entries that are not episode entries
				$ep = $element->find('td', 1);
				if(empty($ep)) continue;
				$epinfo = $ep->find('.epinfo', 0);
				$released = $element->find('td', 3);
				if(empty($epinfo)) continue;
				if(empty($released->plaintext)) continue;

				// Filter entries that are older than 1 week
				if($released->plaintext == '&gt;1 week') continue;

				// Fill item
				$item = array();
				$item['uri'] = self::URI . $epinfo->href;
				$item['id'] = $item['uri'];
				$item['timestamp'] = makeTimestamp($released->plaintext);
				$item['title'] = $epinfo->plaintext;
				$item['content'] = $epinfo->alt;
					$this->items[] = $item;