class JustETFBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
	const NAME = 'justETF Bridge';
	const URI = 'https://www.justetf.com';
	const DESCRIPTION = 'Currently only supports the news feed';
	const MAINTAINER = 'logmanoriginal';
	const PARAMETERS = array(
		'News' => array(
			'full' => array(
				'name' => 'Full Article',
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'title' => 'Enable to load full articles'
		'Profile' => array(
			'isin' => array(
				'name' => 'ISIN',
				'type' => 'text',
				'required' => true,
				'pattern' => '[a-zA-Z]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}',
				'title' => 'ISIN, consisting of 2-letter country code, 9-character identifier, check character'
			'strategy' => array(
				'name' => 'Include Strategy',
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'defaultValue' => 'checked'
			'description' => array(
				'name' => 'Include Description',
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'defaultValue' => 'checked'
		'global' => array(
			'lang' => array(
				'name' => 'Language',
				'type' => 'list',
				'values' => array(
					'Englisch' => 'en',
					'Deutsch'  => 'de',
					'Italiano' => 'it'
				'defaultValue' => 'Englisch'

	public function collectData() {
		$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($this->getURI())
			or returnServerError('Failed loading contents from ' . $this->getURI());

		defaultLinkTo($html, static::URI);

		switch($this->queriedContext) {
			case 'News':
			case 'Profile':

	public function getURI() {
		$uri = static::URI;

		if($this->getInput('lang')) {
			$uri .= '/' . $this->getInput('lang');

		switch($this->queriedContext) {
			case 'News':
				$uri .= '/news';
			case 'Profile':
				$uri .= '/etf-profile.html?' . http_build_query(array(
					'isin' => strtoupper($this->getInput('isin'))

		return $uri;

	public function getName() {
		$name = static::NAME;

		$name .= ($this->queriedContext) ? ' - ' . $this->queriedContext : '';

		switch($this->queriedContext) {
			case 'News': break;
			case 'Profile':
				if($this->getInput('isin')) {
					$name .= ' ISIN ' . strtoupper($this->getInput('isin'));

		if($this->getInput('lang')) {
			$name .= ' (' . strtoupper($this->getInput('lang')) . ')';

		return $name;

	#region Common

	 * Fixes dates depending on the choosen language:
	 * de : dd.mm.yy
	 * en : dd.mm.yy
	 * it : dd/mm/yy
	 * Basically strtotime doesn't convert dates correctly due to formats
	 * being hard to interpret. So we use the DateTime object, manually
	 * fixing dates and times (set to 00:00:00.000).
	 * We don't know the timezone, so just assume +00:00 (or whatever
	 * DateTime chooses)
	private function fixDate($date) {
		switch($this->getInput('lang')) {
			case 'en':
			case 'de':
				$df = date_create_from_format('d.m.y', $date);
			case 'it':
				$df = date_create_from_format('d/m/y', $date);

		date_time_set($df, 0, 0);

		// Debug::log(date_format($df, 'U'));

		return date_format($df, 'U');

	private function extractImages($article) {
		// Notice: We can have zero or more images (though it should mostly be 1)
		$elements = $article->find('img');

		$images = array();

		foreach($elements as $img) {
			// Skip the logo (mostly provided part of a hidden div)
			if(substr($img->src, strrpos($img->src, '/') + 1) === 'logo.png')

			$images[] = $img->src;

		return $images;


	#region News

	private function collectNews($html) {
		$articles = $html->find('div.newsTopArticle')
			or returnServerError('No articles found! Layout might have changed!');

		foreach($articles as $article) {

			$item = array();

			// Common data

			$item['uri'] = $this->extractNewsUri($article);
			$item['timestamp'] = $this->extractNewsDate($article);
			$item['title'] = $this->extractNewsTitle($article);

			if($this->getInput('full')) {

				$uri = $this->extractNewsUri($article);

				$html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($uri)
					or returnServerError('Failed loading full article from ' . $uri);

				$fullArticle = $html->find('div.article', 0)
					or returnServerError('No content found! Layout might have changed!');

				defaultLinkTo($fullArticle, static::URI);

				$item['author'] = $this->extractFullArticleAuthor($fullArticle);
				$item['content'] = $this->extractFullArticleContent($fullArticle);
				$item['enclosures'] = $this->extractImages($fullArticle);

			} else {

				$item['content'] = $this->extractNewsDescription($article);
				$item['enclosures'] = $this->extractImages($article);


			$this->items[] = $item;

	private function extractNewsUri($article) {
		$element = $article->find('a', 0)
			or returnServerError('Anchor not found!');

		return $element->href;

	private function extractNewsDate($article) {
		$element = $article->find('div.subheadline', 0)
			or returnServerError('Date not found!');

		// Debug::log($element->plaintext);

		$date = trim(explode('|', $element->plaintext)[0]);

		return $this->fixDate($date);

	private function extractNewsDescription($article) {
		$element = $article->find('span.newsText', 0)
			or returnServerError('Description not found!');

		$element->find('a', 0)->onclick = '';

		// Debug::log($element->innertext);

		return $element->innertext;

	private function extractNewsTitle($article) {
		$element = $article->find('h3', 0)
			or returnServerError('Title not found!');

		return $element->plaintext;

	private function extractFullArticleContent($article) {
		$element = $article->find('div.article_body', 0)
			or returnServerError('Article body not found!');

		// Remove teaser image
		$element->find('img.teaser-img', 0)->outertext = '';

		// Remove self advertisements
		foreach($element->find('.call-action') as $adv) {
			$adv->outertext = '';

		// Remove tips
		foreach($element->find('.panel-edu') as $tip) {
			$tip->outertext = '';

		// Remove inline scripts (used for i.e. interactive graphs) as they are
		// rendered as a long series of strings
		foreach($element->find('script') as $script) {
			$script->outertext = '[Content removed! Visit site to see full contents!]';

		return $element->innertext;

	private function extractFullArticleAuthor($article) {
		$element = $article->find('span[itemprop=name]', 0)
			or returnServerError('Author not found!');

		return $element->plaintext;


	#region Profile

	private function collectProfile($html) {
		$item = array();

		$item['uri'] = $this->getURI();
		$item['timestamp'] = $this->extractProfileDate($html);
		$item['title'] = $this->extractProfiletitle($html);
		$item['author'] = $this->extractProfileAuthor($html);
		$item['content'] = $this->extractProfileContent($html);

		$this->items[] = $item;

	private function extractProfileDate($html) {
		$element = $html->find('div.infobox div.vallabel', 0)
			or returnServerError('Date not found!');

		// Debug::log($element->plaintext);

		$date = trim(explode("\r\n", $element->plaintext)[1]);

		return $this->fixDate($date);

	private function extractProfileTitle($html) {
		$element = $html->find('span.h1', 0)
			or returnServerError('Title not found!');

		return $element->plaintext;

	private function extractProfileContent($html) {
		// There are a few thins we are interested:
		// - Investment Strategy
		// - Description
		// - Quote

		$strategy = $html->find('div.tab-container div.col-sm-6 p', 0)
			or returnServerError('Investment Strategy not found!');

		// Description requires a bit of cleanup due to lack of propper identification

		$description = $html->find('div.headline', 5)
			or returnServerError('Description container not found!');

		$description = $description->parent();

		foreach($description->find('div') as $div) {
			$div->outertext = '';

		$quote = $html->find('div.infobox div.val', 0)
			or returnServerError('Quote not found!');

		$quote_html = '<strong>Quote</strong><br><p>' . $quote . '</p>';
		$strategy_html = '';
		$description_html = '';

		if($this->getInput('strategy') === true) {
			$strategy_html = '<strong>Strategy</strong><br><p>' . $strategy . '</p><br>';

		if($this->getInput('description') === true) {
			$description_html = '<strong>Description</strong><br><p>' . $description . '</p><br>';

		return $strategy_html . $description_html . $quote_html;

	private function extractProfileAuthor($html) {
		// Use ISIN + WKN as author
		// Notice: "identfier" is not a typo [sic]!
		$element = $html->find('span.identfier', 0)
			or returnServerError('Author not found!');

		return $element->plaintext;
