<?php class EconomistBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const NAME = 'The Economist: Latest Updates'; const URI = 'https://www.economist.com'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Fetches the latest updates from the Economist.'; const MAINTAINER = 'thefranke'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; // 1h public function getIcon() { return 'https://www.economist.com/sites/default/files/econfinal_favicon.ico'; } public function collectData() { $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(self::URI . '/latest/') or returnServerError('Could not fetch latest updates form The Economist.'); foreach($html->find('div.teaser') as $element) { $a = $element->find('a.headline-link', 0); $href = $a->href; if (substr($href, 0, 4) != 'http') $href = self::URI . $a->href; $full = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($href); $article = $full->find('article', 0); $header = $article->find('span[itemprop="headline"]', 0); $headerimg = $article->find('div[itemprop="image"]', 0)->find('img', 0); $author = $article->find('p[itemprop="byline"]', 0); $time = $article->find('time', 0); $content = $article->find('div[itemprop="text"]', 0); $section = array( $article->find('strong[itemprop="articleSection"]', 0)->plaintext ); // Author if ($author) $author = substr($author->innertext, 3, strlen($author)); else $author = 'The Economist'; // Remove newsletter subscription box $newsletter = $content->find('div[class="newsletter-form__message"]', 0); if ($newsletter) $newsletter->outertext = ''; $newsletterForm = $content->find('form', 0); if ($newsletterForm) $newsletterForm->outertext = ''; // Remove next and previous article URLs at the bottom $nextprev = $content->find('div[class="blog-post__next-previous-wrapper"]', 0); if ($nextprev) $nextprev->outertext = ''; $item = array(); $item['title'] = $header->innertext; $item['uri'] = $href; $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($time->datetime); $item['author'] = $author; $item['categories'] = $section; $item['content'] = '<img style="max-width: 100%" src="' . $headerimg->src . '">' . $content->innertext; $this->items[] = $item; if (count($this->items) >= 10) break; } } }