<?php class NextInpactBridge extends FeedExpander { const MAINTAINER = 'qwertygc and ORelio'; const NAME = 'NextInpact Bridge'; const URI = 'https://www.nextinpact.com/'; const URI_HARDWARE = 'https://www.inpact-hardware.com/'; const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest articles.'; const PARAMETERS = array( array( 'feed' => array( 'name' => 'Feed', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'Nos actualités' => array( 'Toutes nos publications' => 'news', 'Toutes nos publications sauf #LeBrief' => 'nobrief', 'Toutes nos publications sauf INpact Hardware' => 'noih', 'Seulement les publications INpact Hardware' => 'hardware:news', 'Seulement les publications Next INpact' => 'nobrief-noih', 'Seulement les publications #LeBrief' => 'lebrief', ), 'Flux spécifiques' => array( 'Le blog' => 'blog', 'Les bons plans' => 'bonsplans', 'Publications INpact Hardware en accès libre' => 'hardware:acces-libre', 'Publications Next INpact en accès libre' => 'acces-libre', ), 'Flux thématiques' => array( 'Tech' => 'category:1', 'Logiciel' => 'category:2', 'Internet' => 'category:3', 'Mobilité' => 'category:4', 'Droit' => 'category:5', 'Économie' => 'category:6', 'Culture numérique' => 'category:7', 'Next INpact' => 'category:8', ) ) ), 'filter_premium' => array( 'name' => 'Premium', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'No filter' => '0', 'Hide Premium' => '1', 'Only Premium' => '2' ) ), 'filter_brief' => array( 'name' => 'Brief', 'type' => 'list', 'values' => array( 'No filter' => '0', 'Hide Brief' => '1', 'Only Brief' => '2' ) ) )); public function collectData(){ $feed = $this->getInput('feed'); $base_uri = self::URI; $args = ''; if (empty($feed)) { // Default to All articles $feed = 'news'; } if (strpos($feed, 'hardware:') === 0) { // Feed hosted on Hardware domain $base_uri = self::URI_HARDWARE; $feed = str_replace('hardware:', '', $feed); } if (strpos($feed, 'category:') === 0) { // Feed with specific category parameter $args = '?CategoryIds=' . str_replace('category:', '', $feed); $feed = 'params'; } $this->collectExpandableDatas($base_uri . 'rss/' . $feed . '.xml' . $args); } protected function parseItem($newsItem){ $item = parent::parseItem($newsItem); $item['content'] = $this->extractContent($item, $item['uri']); if (is_null($item['content'])) return null; //Filtered article return $item; } private function extractContent($item, $url){ $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($url); if (!is_object($html)) return 'Failed to request NextInpact: ' . $url; // Filter premium and brief articles? foreach(array( 'filter_premium' => 'p.red-msg', 'filter_brief' => 'div.brief-container' ) as $param_name => $selector) { $param_val = intval($this->getInput($param_name)); if ($param_val != 0) { $element_present = is_object($html->find($selector, 0)); $element_wanted = ($param_val == 2); if ($element_present != $element_wanted) { return null; //Filter article } } } $article_content = $html->find('div.article-content', 0); if (!is_object($article_content)) { $article_content = $html->find('div.content', 0); } if (is_object($article_content)) { // Subtitle $subtitle = $html->find('small.subtitle', 0); if(!is_object($subtitle)) { $subtitle = $html->find('small', 0); } if(!is_object($subtitle)) { $content_wrapper = $html->find('div.content-wrapper', 0); if (is_object($content_wrapper)) { $subtitle = $content_wrapper->find('h2.title', 0); } } if(is_object($subtitle) && (!isset($item['title']) || $subtitle->plaintext != $item['title'])) { $subtitle = '<p><em>' . trim($subtitle->plaintext) . '</em></p>'; } else { $subtitle = ''; } // Image $postimg = $html->find('div.article-image, div.image-container', 0); if(is_object($postimg)) { $postimg = $postimg->find('img', 0); if (!empty($postimg->src)) { $postimg = $postimg->src; } else { $postimg = $postimg->srcset; //"url 355w, url 1003w, url 748w" $postimg = explode(', ', $postimg); //split by ', ' to get each url separately $postimg = end($postimg); //Get last item: "url 748w" which is of largest size $postimg = explode(' ', $postimg); //split by ' ' to separate url from res $postimg = array_reverse($postimg); //reverse array content to have url last $postimg = end($postimg); //Get last item of array: "url" } $postimg = '<p><img src="' . $postimg . '" alt="-" /></p>'; } else { $postimg = ''; } // Paywall $paywall = $html->find('div.paywall-restriction', 0); if (is_object($paywall) && is_object($paywall->find('p.red-msg', 0))) { $paywall = '<p><em>' . $paywall->find('span.head-mention', 0)->innertext . '</em></p>'; } else { $paywall = ''; } // Content $article_content = $article_content->outertext; $article_content = str_replace('>Signaler une erreur</span>', '></span>', $article_content); // Result $text = $subtitle . $postimg . $article_content . $paywall; } else { $text = '<p><em>Failed to retrieve full article content</em></p>'; if (isset($item['content'])) { $text = $item['content'] . $text; } } return $text; } }