EOD; } private static function getBridges($showInactive, &$totalBridges, &$totalActiveBridges) { $body = ''; $totalActiveBridges = 0; $inactiveBridges = ''; $bridgeList = Bridge::getBridgeNames(); $formats = Format::searchInformation(); $totalBridges = count($bridgeList); foreach($bridgeList as $bridgeName) { if(Bridge::isWhitelisted($bridgeName)) { $body .= BridgeCard::displayBridgeCard($bridgeName, $formats); $totalActiveBridges++; } elseif($showInactive) { // inactive bridges $inactiveBridges .= BridgeCard::displayBridgeCard($bridgeName, $formats, false) . PHP_EOL; } } $body .= $inactiveBridges; return $body; } private static function getHeader() { $warning = ''; if(Debug::isEnabled()) { if(!Debug::isSecure()) { $warning .= <<Warning : Debug mode is active from any location, make sure only you can access RSS-Bridge. EOD; } else { $warning .= <<Warning : Debug mode is active from your IP address, your requests will bypass the cache. EOD; } } return <<


Reconnecting the Web

{$warning} EOD; } private static function getSearchbar() { $query = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'q'); return <<


EOD; } private static function getFooter($totalBridges, $totalActiveBridges, $showInactive) { $version = Configuration::getVersion(); $email = Configuration::getConfig('admin', 'email'); $admininfo = ''; if (!empty($email)) { $admininfo = << You may email the administrator of this RSS-Bridge instance at {$email} EOD; } $inactive = ''; if($totalActiveBridges !== $totalBridges) { if(!$showInactive) { $inactive = '
'; } else { $inactive = '
'; } } return << RSS-Bridge ~ Public Domain


{$totalActiveBridges}/{$totalBridges} active bridges.
{$inactive} {$admininfo} EOD; } static function create($showInactive = true) { $totalBridges = 0; $totalActiveBridges = 0; return '' . BridgeList::getHead() . '' . BridgeList::getHeader() . BridgeList::getSearchbar() . BridgeList::getBridges($showInactive, $totalBridges, $totalActiveBridges) . BridgeList::getFooter($totalBridges, $totalActiveBridges, $showInactive) . ''; } }