returnError($message, 400); } protected function returnServerError($message){ $this->returnError($message, 500); } /** * Return items stored in the bridge * @return mixed */ public function getItems(){ return $this->items; } protected function validateTextValue($value, $pattern = null){ if(!is_null($pattern)){ $filteredValue = filter_var($value , FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP , array('options' => array( 'regexp' => '/^' . $pattern . '$/' )) ); } else { $filteredValue = filter_var($value); } if($filteredValue === false) return null; return $filteredValue; } protected function validateNumberValue($value){ $filteredValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if($filteredValue === false && !empty($value)) return null; return $filteredValue; } protected function validateCheckboxValue($value){ $filteredValue = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); if(is_null($filteredValue)) return null; return $filteredValue; } protected function validateListValue($value, $expectedValues){ $filteredValue = filter_var($value); if($filteredValue === false) return null; if(!in_array($filteredValue, $expectedValues)){ // Check sub-values? foreach($expectedValues as $subName => $subValue){ if(is_array($subValue) && in_array($filteredValue, $subValue)) return $filteredValue; } return null; } return $filteredValue; } protected function validateData(&$data){ if(!is_array($data)) return false; foreach($data as $name => $value){ $registered = false; foreach(static::PARAMETERS as $context => $set){ if(array_key_exists($name, $set)){ $registered = true; if(!isset($set[$name]['type'])){ $set[$name]['type'] = 'text'; } switch($set[$name]['type']){ case 'number': $data[$name] = $this->validateNumberValue($value); break; case 'checkbox': $data[$name] = $this->validateCheckboxValue($value); break; case 'list': $data[$name] = $this->validateListValue($value, $set[$name]['values']); break; default: case 'text': if(isset($set[$name]['pattern'])){ $data[$name] = $this->validateTextValue($value, $set[$name]['pattern']); } else { $data[$name] = $this->validateTextValue($value); } break; } if(is_null($data[$name])){ echo 'Parameter \'' . $name . '\' is invalid!' . PHP_EOL; return false; } } } if(!$registered) return false; } return true; } protected function setInputs(array $inputs, $queriedContext){ // Import and assign all inputs to their context foreach($inputs as $name => $value){ foreach(static::PARAMETERS as $context => $set){ if(array_key_exists($name, static::PARAMETERS[$context])){ $this->inputs[$context][$name]['value'] = $value; } } } // Apply default values to missing data $contexts = array($queriedContext); if(array_key_exists('global', static::PARAMETERS)){ $contexts[] = 'global'; } foreach($contexts as $context){ foreach(static::PARAMETERS[$context] as $name => $properties){ if(isset($this->inputs[$context][$name]['value'])){ continue; } $type = isset($properties['type']) ? $properties['type'] : 'text'; switch($type){ case 'checkbox': if(!isset($properties['defaultValue'])){ $this->inputs[$context][$name]['value'] = false; } else { $this->inputs[$context][$name]['value'] = $properties['defaultValue']; } break; case 'list': if(!isset($properties['defaultValue'])){ $firstItem = reset($properties['values']); if(is_array($firstItem)){ $firstItem = reset($firstItem); } $this->inputs[$context][$name]['value'] = $firstItem; } else { $this->inputs[$context][$name]['value'] = $properties['defaultValue']; } break; default: if(isset($properties['defaultValue'])){ $this->inputs[$context][$name]['value'] = $properties['defaultValue']; } break; } } } // Copy global parameter values to the guessed context if(array_key_exists('global', static::PARAMETERS)){ foreach(static::PARAMETERS['global'] as $name => $properties){ if(isset($inputs[$name])){ $value = $inputs[$name]; } elseif (isset($properties['value'])){ $value = $properties['value']; } else { continue; } $this->inputs[$queriedContext][$name]['value'] = $value; } } // Only keep guessed context parameters values if(isset($this->inputs[$queriedContext])){ $this->inputs = array($queriedContext => $this->inputs[$queriedContext]); } else { $this->inputs = array(); } } protected function getQueriedContext(array $inputs){ $queriedContexts = array(); foreach(static::PARAMETERS as $context => $set){ $queriedContexts[$context] = null; foreach($set as $id => $properties){ if(isset($inputs[$id]) && !empty($inputs[$id])){ $queriedContexts[$context] = true; } elseif(isset($properties['required']) && $properties['required'] === true){ $queriedContexts[$context] = false; break; } } } if(array_key_exists('global', static::PARAMETERS) && $queriedContexts['global'] === false){ return null; } unset($queriedContexts['global']); switch(array_sum($queriedContexts)){ case 0: foreach($queriedContexts as $context => $queried){ if (is_null($queried)){ return $context; } } return null; case 1: return array_search(true, $queriedContexts); default: return false; } } /** * Defined datas with parameters depending choose bridge * Note : you can define a cache with "setCache" * @param array array with expected bridge paramters */ public function setDatas(array $inputs){ if(!is_null($this->cache)){ $this->cache->prepare($inputs); $time = $this->cache->getTime(); if($time !== false && (time() - static::CACHE_TIMEOUT < $time)){ $this->items = $this->cache->loadData(); return; } } if(empty(static::PARAMETERS)){ if(!empty($inputs)){ $this->returnClientError('Invalid parameters value(s)'); } $this->collectData(); if(!is_null($this->cache)){ $this->cache->saveData($this->getItems()); } return; } if(!$this->validateData($inputs)){ $this->returnClientError('Invalid parameters value(s)'); } // Guess the paramter context from input data $this->queriedContext = $this->getQueriedContext($inputs); if(is_null($this->queriedContext)){ $this->returnClientError('Required parameter(s) missing'); } elseif($this->queriedContext === false){ $this->returnClientError('Mixed context parameters'); } $this->setInputs($inputs, $this->queriedContext); $this->collectData(); if(!is_null($this->cache)){ $this->cache->saveData($this->getItems()); } } function getInput($input){ if(!isset($this->inputs[$this->queriedContext][$input]['value'])){ return null; } return $this->inputs[$this->queriedContext][$input]['value']; } public function getName(){ return static::NAME; } public function getURI(){ return static::URI; } public function setCache(\CacheAbstract $cache){ $this->cache = $cache; } public function debugMessage($text){ if(!file_exists('DEBUG')) { return; } $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 3); $calling = $backtrace[2]; $message = $calling['file'] . ':' . $calling['line'] . ' class ' . get_class($this) . '->' . $calling['function'] . ' - ' . $text; error_log($message); } protected function getContents($url , $use_include_path = false , $context = null , $offset = 0 , $maxlen = null){ $contextOptions = array( 'http' => array( 'user_agent' => ini_get('user_agent') ) ); if(defined('PROXY_URL') && $this->useProxy){ $contextOptions['http']['proxy'] = PROXY_URL; $contextOptions['http']['request_fulluri'] = true; if(is_null($context)){ $context = stream_context_create($contextOptions); } else { $prevContext = $context; if(!stream_context_set_option($context, $contextOptions)){ $context = $prevContext; } } } if(is_null($maxlen)){ $content = @file_get_contents($url, $use_include_path, $context, $offset); } else { $content = @file_get_contents($url, $use_include_path, $context, $offset, $maxlen); } if($content === false) $this->debugMessage('Cant\'t download ' . $url); // handle compressed data foreach($http_response_header as $header){ if(stristr($header, 'content-encoding')){ switch(true){ case stristr($header, 'gzip'): $content = gzinflate(substr($content, 10, -8)); break; case stristr($header, 'compress'): //TODO case stristr($header, 'deflate'): //TODO case stristr($header, 'brotli'): //TODO $this->returnServerError($header . '=> Not implemented yet'); break; case stristr($header, 'identity'): break; default: $this->returnServerError($header . '=> Unknown compression'); } } } return $content; } protected function getSimpleHTMLDOM($url , $use_include_path = false , $context = null , $offset = 0 , $maxLen = null , $lowercase = true , $forceTagsClosed = true , $target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET , $stripRN = true , $defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT , $defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT){ $content = $this->getContents($url, $use_include_path, $context, $offset, $maxLen); return str_get_html($content , $lowercase , $forceTagsClosed , $target_charset , $stripRN , $defaultBRText , $defaultSpanText); } /** * Maintain locally cached versions of pages to avoid multiple downloads. * @param url url to cache * @param duration duration of the cache file in seconds (default: 24h/86400s) * @return content of the file as string */ public function getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($url , $duration = 86400 , $use_include_path = false , $context = null , $offset = 0 , $maxLen = null , $lowercase = true , $forceTagsClosed = true , $target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET , $stripRN = true , $defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT , $defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT){ $this->debugMessage('Caching url ' . $url . ', duration ' . $duration); $filepath = __DIR__ . '/../cache/pages/' . sha1($url) . '.cache'; $this->debugMessage('Cache file ' . $filepath); if(file_exists($filepath) && filectime($filepath) < time() - $duration){ unlink ($filepath); $this->debugMessage('Cached file deleted: ' . $filepath); } if(file_exists($filepath)){ $this->debugMessage('Loading cached file ' . $filepath); touch($filepath); $content = file_get_contents($filepath); } else { $this->debugMessage('Caching ' . $url . ' to ' . $filepath); $dir = substr($filepath, 0, strrpos($filepath, '/')); if(!is_dir($dir)){ $this->debugMessage('Creating directory ' . $dir); mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } $content = $this->getContents($url, $use_include_path, $context, $offset, $maxLen); if($content !== false){ file_put_contents($filepath, $content); } } return str_get_html($content , $lowercase , $forceTagsClosed , $target_charset , $stripRN , $defaultBRText , $defaultSpanText); } }