<?php class BandcampBridge extends BridgeAbstract { const MAINTAINER = 'sebsauvage'; const NAME = 'Bandcamp Tag'; const URI = 'https://bandcamp.com/'; const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 600; // 10min const DESCRIPTION = 'New bandcamp release by tag'; const PARAMETERS = array( array( 'tag' => array( 'name' => 'tag', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true ) )); const IMGURI = 'https://f4.bcbits.com/'; const IMGSIZE_300PX = 23; const IMGSIZE_700PX = 16; public function getIcon() { return 'https://s4.bcbits.com/img/bc_favicon.ico'; } public function collectData(){ $url = self::URI . 'api/hub/1/dig_deeper'; $data = $this->buildRequestJson(); $header = array( 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data) ); $opts = array( CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data ); $content = getContents($url, $header, $opts) or returnServerError('Could not complete request to: ' . $url); $json = json_decode($content); if ($json->ok !== true) { returnServerError('Invalid response'); } foreach ($json->items as $entry) { $url = $entry->tralbum_url; $artist = $entry->artist; $title = $entry->title; // e.g. record label is the releaser, but not the artist $releaser = $entry->band_name !== $entry->artist ? $entry->band_name : null; $full_title = $artist . ' - ' . $title; $full_artist = $artist; if (isset($releaser)) { $full_title .= ' (' . $releaser . ')'; $full_artist .= ' (' . $releaser . ')'; } $small_img = $this->getImageUrl($entry->art_id, self::IMGSIZE_300PX); $img = $this->getImageUrl($entry->art_id, self::IMGSIZE_700PX); $item = array( 'uri' => $url, 'author' => $full_artist, 'title' => $full_title ); $item['content'] = "<img src='$small_img' /><br/>$full_title"; $item['enclosures'] = array($img); $this->items[] = $item; } } private function buildRequestJson(){ $requestJson = array( 'tag' => $this->getInput('tag'), 'page' => 1, 'sort' => 'date' ); return json_encode($requestJson); } private function getImageUrl($id, $size){ return self::IMGURI . 'img/a' . $id . '_' . $size . '.jpg'; } public function getName(){ if(!is_null($this->getInput('tag'))) { return $this->getInput('tag') . ' - Bandcamp Tag'; } return parent::getName(); } }