<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult; use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError; require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/rssbridge.php'; /** * This class checks bridges for implementation details: * * - A bridge must not implement public functions other than the ones specified * by the bridge interfaces. Custom functions must be defined in private or * protected scope. * - getName() must return a valid string (non-empty) * - getURI() must return a valid URI * - A bridge must define constants for NAME, URI, DESCRIPTION and MAINTAINER, * CACHE_TIMEOUT and PARAMETERS are optional */ final class BridgeImplementationTest extends TestCase { private function CheckBridgePublicFunctions($bridgeName){ $parent_methods = array(); if(in_array('BridgeInterface', class_parents($bridgeName))) { $parent_methods = array_merge($parent_methods, get_class_methods('BridgeInterface')); } if(in_array('BridgeAbstract', class_parents($bridgeName))) { $parent_methods = array_merge($parent_methods, get_class_methods('BridgeAbstract')); } if(in_array('FeedExpander', class_parents($bridgeName))) { $parent_methods = array_merge($parent_methods, get_class_methods('FeedExpander')); } // Receive all non abstract methods $methods = array_diff(get_class_methods($bridgeName), $parent_methods); $method_names = implode(', ', $methods); $errmsg = $bridgeName . ' implements additional public method(s): ' . $method_names . '! Custom functions must be defined in private or protected scope!'; $this->assertEmpty($method_names, $errmsg); } private function CheckBridgeGetNameDefaultValue($bridgeName){ if(in_array('BridgeAbstract', class_parents($bridgeName))) { // Is bridge if(!$this->isFunctionMemberOf($bridgeName, 'getName')) return; $bridge = new $bridgeName(); $abstract = new BridgeAbstractTest(); $message = $bridgeName . ': \'getName\' must return a valid name!'; $this->assertNotEmpty(trim($bridge->getName()), $message); } } // Checks whether the getURI function returns empty or default values private function CheckBridgeGetURIDefaultValue($bridgeName){ if(in_array('BridgeAbstract', class_parents($bridgeName))) { // Is bridge if(!$this->isFunctionMemberOf($bridgeName, 'getURI')) return; $bridge = new $bridgeName(); $abstract = new BridgeAbstractTest(); $message = $bridgeName . ': \'getURI\' must return a valid URI!'; $this->assertNotEmpty(trim($bridge->getURI()), $message); } } private function CheckBridgePublicConstants($bridgeName){ // Assertion only works for BridgeAbstract! if(in_array('BridgeAbstract', class_parents($bridgeName))) { $ref = new ReflectionClass($bridgeName); $constants = $ref->getConstants(); $ref = new ReflectionClass('BridgeAbstract'); $parent_constants = $ref->getConstants(); foreach($parent_constants as $key => $value) { $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $constants, 'Constant ' . $key . ' missing in ' . $bridgeName); // Skip optional constants if($key !== 'PARAMETERS' && $key !== 'CACHE_TIMEOUT') { $this->assertNotEquals($value, $constants[$key], 'Constant ' . $key . ' missing in ' . $bridgeName); } } } } private function isFunctionMemberOf($bridgeName, $functionName){ $bridgeReflector = new ReflectionClass($bridgeName); $bridgeMethods = $bridgeReflector->GetMethods(); $bridgeHasMethod = false; foreach($bridgeMethods as $method) { if($method->name === $functionName && $method->class === $bridgeReflector->name) { return true; } } return false; } public function testBridgeImplementation($bridgeName){ require_once('bridges/' . $bridgeName . '.php'); $this->CheckBridgePublicFunctions($bridgeName); $this->CheckBridgePublicConstants($bridgeName); $this->CheckBridgeGetNameDefaultValue($bridgeName); $this->CheckBridgeGetURIDefaultValue($bridgeName); } public function count() { return count(Bridge::getBridgeNames()); } public function run(TestResult $result = null) { if ($result === null) { $result = new TestResult; } foreach (Bridge::getBridgeNames() as $bridge) { $bridge .= 'Bridge'; $result->startTest($this); PHP_Timer::start(); $stopTime = null; try { $this->testBridgeImplementation($bridge); } catch (AssertionFailedError $e) { $stopTime = PHP_Timer::stop(); $result->addFailure($this, $e, $stopTime); } catch (Exception $e) { $stopTime = PHP_Timer::stop(); $result->addError($this, $e, $stopTime); } if ($stopTime === null) { $stopTime = PHP_Timer::stop(); } $result->endTest($this, $stopTime); } return $result; } } class BridgeAbstractTest extends BridgeAbstract { public function collectData(){} }